Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1966, p. 2

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IAJ1II hlvll warmth AM Fl TEIlS Groy nml hlnlnx Fan5m ml Imhl ruining exorcism April Iml In prrpnrnllnn lor romllzll Irmlcrbhlp camprllllnn la lKlulll Avrilllnlcmml llordNL llvr xlnisr In hold lust uurlll ul lmrrlr mul wlll Involve 21 mm cnmmlnloml nlllcrrn and mm uwlrr hr rummnml lgl Wnynu Slvwnrl HUMAMI SOCIETY llnrrle uml Dislrlcl Humane Sucluly cxprclul to announce flllUIJr plans for mmlywrdc sociny and possiqu crlcllfln an nninul dulkbr its unmnl nmrunxz might Library 111 Ixziunim ym Em1 xxxIk or he wcnxlnn Ontario Humane gcnmnl munngrr Tom lunlus CONFERENCE Tho Toronto Dloccsun Council ul Anglican Young People will hold in annual diocesan mnlro that at lrlnlly Anglltan Church April 1547 Axmmxivmlely 300 delegates are exvcclcd to nucnd JAN IHERCE Mounpolilnn Opera loner Jun Pence will give rccllnl narrlc Dislrlcl enlr 11 And ilnrium Tlmrsdny night His ar llslry has born recognized no unly In Ms nnliro cmmlry hu all our he wnrld FTXMHNER WEDNEDM MARCH 32371566 Job produced by the Ontario Association or the Mentally Roardcd mm the file of retarded dnld mm may sdxpol the lave mu Mare U12 20 11mm and members flu Barrie and Dis kict Associafim for the Mental ly mumgmmdm general mngng las Igighlt at King My film qmiflgd Jqumey to CITY NEWS LOCAL AND GENERAL SEA CADETS HOLD FATHERSON BRNQUfiT and 13 mm Own um mmlm mum bare lnrm LEH IOIMUIII nl uw huldvi rcxliirhcn 055 unlc hrm we mmdlnn nm cm will mm regular moulth mmimt Apnl 11311 llu Lws oméei 03 DunlapS NH Board of drpluu n1 1an Vlclom llusvllnl vim hulkl lxmnl mmlllpu Mdrvh 1pm HTAMI ILlfl ILIrrio and Dislnvl Stamp Club wIIX hold annual mum mmuu Apr Cculrnl sx Barrio Figure llng Club will close lls 1955 scusun Sun day7 ivmr alcflnrlio Amm wilh lhu linnl Canndlan Flgurc Skallng Associnlion lcsln The lnlcmmllalrs mu sunior will Inkx pnrl ln llwsc losls which are lllL smoml amid limu My will be olfch 1hls cnr EUCIH cuchrc party pnnsnrid by he Ilarriu brunch ml llmj Can mllnn NallnnzflJuslilulp at he llllml will he lull Um Orange llall Allnnllul 61 March Ill Funds ralwdulllgn lo Um ll llflklr luul llmr pumir vilul vlow club lnrmlms voIA lcrliuml whirh will he limhwd boweln mo and rum mprdgram dimdor Mc nncmc Alterthé film 11 panel d15 cusivn was held featuring Mrs Shirley umm In charge of he pmsnhoal program Mrs Ron ILmlprdMipnl King George School or the RdardA ed and Mrs Eilem Hankin djrccwr of the Shellcrcd Work wen preside gckkm Mrs Rankin Pointed nu he luck ml Mm want mu Mr ml MM lflmn MK flaw Dmd Hml 7211 vrr ml 11m durll Inns 1km elsnlufic nr hmhln llmrafln per cm are npnllmouln 1m prr unl arr named In the lounnu MI per ml nrr MINI King George Sumo the slcp bumconjuer school and he 5113ch mlkshop ludcnu an pmmnd by pronmm uf LS and cmflsnd my 51an at mng and Am Immu Mm out Hm rmkivmlnmxam has gun he kawu invu iny llu rm nz mcmnrcmnnls uml 11pm fe arc prunnnly lrylnY 1mm nu lrnlncm It MN my take Ihcm whm if the mod nr Mrs Ilnnkln JnL Imimm IH AIM In rnmx Imnl ml lung malely the lie of five figldlrczi hmic teachings are rcpcfilion routine and mhxaliou UllSIIIH In prerrnlinn tor Kin Geaer School dludm 11 Ilw mus SL 01 Igln mch physical cdur um and mrk on lhmlablc b1 She said um 11 Is mm slim children out young in mm cry sdmol because it gives them WLr prcpmufim or flu next Gmrgq Sam Mrs Luzhuoot noted Lhat to have volunteer hovering over student continually is nut as pmfiLMc leaving the swch on his mm at times because it vimads from he thild doing mings on his own and accepting tannin mman of rumib KIrs naédy nutc mm lung George School which acmpu retardLfldmldrcq fuxi differences between the Ontnfin hospile and the schmls or Ihe retarded stating that person in an imitmion has no future wheres someone cnmllcd in school or flu remdad and who Iolkrws community mogmm hasa mugh pmbtcr uture my mnmNéuWAm Am DO YOU KNOW mu mlul by the Barrie Jnycm In mjuncuon with the Winter Elm ploymopPCampniun Cummillcm smnller trophy will be pro sonled the overall winner for keep in 11 passqssjon llardinl hmrk Ml ml Danny whom Thu nmv plnnL which will be local In llw unl run at llw mm on lllxzh El wlll hnvu fluur Alum at 000 lllflfllO Cnllinwnod mciml good In duslnul no lnr Hm min Um In Ihm munth ullh lhn nn noumwnvnl llml Hm Ilflrtlinll Yurpolx LhL or nrnnllord wlll Imam mm In 53500900 plan Ml comlruulmn lo 5an mce led on It Ii or Mn Lawrence smd lhc Judges are lmking or ideas in each of he hvniu Muldh suggest mssnble solution in unemploy mcnl Sumo lhc hch are wry oriulnnl and wry high onhr ho mm mrtainly II rm lhc youngsuI and the mml lyslrm that they ran 1mth assay at mud high qmmlyH to moral winner wm receive lmphy given In his school whldnfiill be minim or one ye oflmphyIijlng as the ng Issays on tom menacing élme Winter Unemploym Ill Camc51and 131mm Posible Solutions Jo Winter Unemploy uncut and Relation nemeon Education and GaInIu Em plaxmenl lmmnce man age of me NE said todayflxa¢ ever 250 names mm grade sov cn and eight pupils have been received and Ike final judging 111 lake place bluIsVSthday gt10 There will be lwa prim wardcd In he wlnncrs ln eaph category First 111w winner will rccclve and second plnw mules win he givm 10 An additional 525 will Ipc awarded to the best ocvndl cs Harding Carpets Will Build New Plant In Collingwood 11w pumrmu lmw undrmnv Inld will man an duuhln lhl flrmlmllnn awnHy ol Ilm llrnnunnl lmwl tumvnny lan nnmlnl laml lllumlnclurrr ll loll floor ranHun Mum wnkrnm rxpnnslnn Ivy llnnllnl man at ml Imam wm lunnunwl Ilmullnnwtuly lmlny with 11m OHIHKWOWI nnuvlumvllvlnl Iry mnldrnl Mull Harding 0w lmll mum nluiiui pcdcd Um subsequent twan Ilun ulll lain In math 5000 unro ch ullmn your new plan will hlrc cm 10wa in mm mm which ill be luinrrrl lmm lhe all wood llllrltl In the lust Ihru months the lawn ha ubmlnul lhn Cnnndlun Rndla kmdcmrr Ilanl whlrh iow nlmml mmplelm and bramll nl he Inodymr lluhber Cu or 1hr munmnclure mm 11m prlskknl 01 Ill MW mummy Inld that the Collin mod umelewrn nnlm rlol um camel mmulaclur In plant moan 1m In juln Io Hrnnllonl where Mummy 1m Inn baud Ilmr lu cuman In Hm His minimum vacmion rc qulremcnl gunranming No wok mid annual vacaunn after Ihrcc years continuum acrvicu Ml slum Km NDP bill lhll Mould guaran two week allnr me you In olhcr hmlncss Mr flmmlreu wamcd Lhnl lster Leslin Immune imm duoed nose 10 um grindsmne legislative pm Tuesday but pointed out that he lulure is for tom all mark and P191 In Immdumnz hls depart ments csumalm or the nut fiscal year Mr Rawnlrcc rc Jcclcd any suggcsdon In reduce the hours puson may wmk In wtek The report contained rccom mondalinn that the mince meet boards 1mm suxmnding tomships to discuss laws dc velopmcnts In Wench caching the pmvimlal lavaL Public mm aufliorllics awmships sumunding Barrie will be appmadnd by he city board to disuxss Mum Frcmh dam at the elementary level me WePabucSPhwl Dom Last nix heard 213 re port 01 committee am up mum ago to look into the pos sibiliw af teaching French In mgpubnc 50qu Labor Minister To Budgie The flnalldale nr murhzulng nll nmnlrifiaI lic enru LI March 114 mu ll nu puulwml Ivy III llaln all persons or rm In vinlnllon of ho lly law may be charged magma cmmm Min PUBLIC NOTICE In onv ll filllAUmMN filly Clogk mum lunakdtmn Mn he lmnunrnl Mnh Mhmr In urnnunnl mmm In Gurhib name And maximum 1mm IIm MI Inu born rmulalnl lnln 1200 Innuuauu and Inn lulu MIX ln In Inugmml mt phnw 1an IEIMNHI Hm fumlalflc Du Dulhwr Invn llunlrvl llvv nraulru And rh uni Mr lnlmrr Mlh lulllnn In yuItl Hm mm my Vrhlclu luwlvrd Mm duh rn hy Mnulrrn llumlrroll TI of HM anrle mul Imllv John lnlnm 4h 20¢ 11me 1M Tnlnl llama rxllmnlnl Al 1m No Injurlrn we MISLIMM fol lowing nn ncLMrnl nu Jnlm St Just Hal Anne ml 111 ygslrrdny permit our aclion or dam age against unions Ilg Glsbom NDPWCnl arm East said there should be cnntifiuiggf lhorpugh and pruclicll auryq mm pnwur nmfs lodclurmfin mduslrys muurcmcnls or workers l1onard Eraithwuilq 11 Elnblrokc said lhd mvincc is Interim dangerous period In laborvmunxlgcnwm relation um muld lead Monumic dih rumion Tho mlucllnn ol the tight lwur day and All mnxl mum wuk wok wuuld have longmu unhappy Hort upon the pruspcrity our pco pic Mr llnwnhrc mld In this prmnl period or nlmdy upturn In our man mny nny lemma dunlnu in hours or work 0311 ml only he unaccrpuvfle to am played mnms generally but it would rnmlilule drun llc him in the cmnomy Driver Charged After Accident Trunec David McClynwnt agreed He said Frenchinsme mm should begin hcrc El least arycar before iLls required At present Frcnm may be gaugh at the optional local Superintcflden rAnguS McKay said is usually hcspalmm that when such maflcrs bccmm unless mldcat sLnkbs lusen legislguon could pa gassed to Innuu nvmmumn conrnunnnmfiAInEAWA mmnmflflmmumlflfl Minnm zmlal Inmvmy IJfImun mr mm Mum rml rjmm Am uhirrt mrmmrII nrvnvml llml Nng lvmm mr nflcml In Imnmn 1mm Me Ihc pm yuuu alunyuhumm ul uh no guru lmw mlcum uwpcall hqu1 Ir IIUAC uwpun Vnullnm My olfm uu luun llllvm In Um whole of mu Imllullnl Ihe Mhhm lul ml Imn mum wunlnu in llflfllh IINIAY llll Ihe wuwn mm and mu my unr hm 711vago full mlm qut or nm Imtl Agcm nummuummmwwmunnamll InlflllJU my4um llrmrrw1 on How may 1m 71M 1mm Imum II ma An Am INTI1M1 mm 14 NMII Anna Ile Illm HQVIM wendx dram Mrs Cockburn said her Wm millcc also manned the pos gibflily or Saturday marnlng ur summer French courses but un acfion ha been taken on the mnllu The puth 51m meh dias fg muld be wasted il students In xcpent the same mugsc in high schoof However time table diIIiculllcs preclude spcc ial grade nine classes or those my elopcpgary French Mrs Cackbum said her com mittee learned tmm Secondnxy Semiflwerim can at 2111455 may that difficulties would nrisb tn the high schools it city students entered grade nino having already stndled French and rural students entered with no praying tnstmaian The pwticmlFtmdldas Chg snil should be deter The final lismunt mite or the purchase of lag licences in the Clly ol Harrie April 1000 To lake ndvnnlngc 01 UN lllSlUlllll you may tor wan your momy mall or call the Treasurers chc In he le fnll lllc dimmntml rnlcs unlll April are $300 for male nr slumd female and $000 or female ll SIIMUUHAN tny Clerk AllANDAlE lUMBER ESSA ROAD 7264466 ALSAYS BEAT THE TAX LOOK AT IHISSPEQAE NOTICE TO All DOG OWNERS ron naszrgvmlous AND TleEiS CALL II but man xTnvnl SunIto 0K Johnson Semlfilon Enlmrl flrg 3265Naw Willie um Lut an 1m $199 BOAC rAuumus unnmu IOUHS rnuMova Wm wlau Ymvl Aynprom Math Sqaarc Bay City Ford Limited wiskwswtowmunce that Mr KciUI Wood recent ly joined their sin salcsnan oi new and uscd cars and mks KLMI invim all his friends to me in and see him 3M 11mm rwooo MY CITY FORD rmvm

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