stkud Lou an tender n61 nec Scaled cmowclerly marked as such will be received by the undemigned until pm the am day of March 1966 or AL leralinn to the ofï¬ce the Township shed Plans and speciï¬callons may be received from the under signeq at the Township omce IZTENDERS mmsm TENDERS FOR ALTERATIONS TOOFFICE AT TOWNSHH SHED cnou Clch TOWNSHIP OF ipéhldiAdmln ChadDue 966065 calvcd Oct 30 1964 brede fwshen Lbchlo Dléldend Dérolhy 1992251 qalved Sept 1961 m1 Jgn 30 1966 Loch AchmcEMMam 1914906 calvedDec 12 1964 brgd Ian151l kiddo Dwnde Reg No 1919337 cabed March 191194ch Jan 15L 13m Hubblo Reflector SunIcy mmï¬ï¬calved on Mard 12 1964 lzredlflan 1966 mein in ru on BERT JIAW LOT 17 CON FLOS TWP on Highway 75 two miles suggh om Registered Grade Hol slain Cattle Stacker York shire Pigs High class Farm Machimry Hay skraw Seed Grain andFeed 1963 GMC V1 an truck and som household emu shuimmr mm At 12 oclock noon sharp 3W ISAUCTION SAIES AUCTION SALE mix in me you lptzflyhlï¬rin Wu Mellon Pm 7mm MIN 9n an Nl cue AUCTION SALE Friday evening Mnrcir25i at 130 pm Mï¬le SIMCOE COUNTY STOCK YARDS COOKSTOWN Compleic dispersal oi 00 head of registered and grade Hert ord cattle The lot consists of 40 coweand heiierr fresh and springing registered Hereford buils Wintercoii and Krishna gnr breeding 32 chain mixed slackers and Hereford steer rising year old in Termsoash No reserve as the owner in going into the pig bus him Anyone interested In good breeding cattle would be mil advised to attend lhis sale live sLock can be impeded at line stock yards any time on Friday Manager 1o HELPLWANIED nun manager COUGHLIN Audioneer TELEVISION PROGRAMS hey 14 recent lax uuraus One of the min point in dix pulé Is the Feb hint of Mrl Maraml Cooper Ur bridge president 1113 Nurse Association the Ontlrh Colmly health unit increases Laura Barr execullve secre tary tbé Registered Nursu Associadon of Ontario said Tuesday flue mium lully Jhppom lhe nurses TORONTO CPIThe pub lic hum m1 mtgsea Ind rez lslcred nurses employedjy the Ontario County hullh unkhlve mined The resignallom announced by leller to Dr Margaret Braund unit director neeflec live April Public Health Nurses Resign IWEJMRME EXAMINER wannsmw