oiEWImIM M1 TNnnlng cumn slml Mnnlmlx WI mo Wu and Slim VlnrmnM Ill Munbu imamm Nuwua erH mumu uvw 1w BW III mum Duo mm mm Ilia Mk de Ihnn mm mo in mm hunk 001M111 IUD yun NIH WM llrllld mm mm roll Us Rd Ill mm mr 37 AmmM AM rim mnfi mm vu mm mm and plymml min Sum Dnilyl Sunday and Buan Ildru mud ï¬ï¬wylï¬im mg buy by mum we wnhly lublhhm Allflrhlkl lb Comm Pm AM Wm pally Rump min 106 In Audil Dunn ï¬nalUM flank mm 10mm Onlnlin 150mb 3f $0 Barrie bx nor are 18 1026 His Worship George Davis Ivy new of Essa Township presided as wanien or County of Simon Frank Living ston paid all back iaxcs ouing Ionnor owners and purchased site at oh Queens lloiel from own council lie will build modern garage them 101 R00 nulomo hilts llnwkoslone mn lion Imry Trophy for championship of Om Hockey League beating Guthrie 52 on rounrlr Leonard OBrien slarreil in goal or vinnm lvan Keeley oi Banlo wax referee for iwu rnunh games as feelings were high liarno hiwanians had 115 lrlci farmer as dinner guests ai Welling ton lloicL John Yarrnll Toronto was speaker nnd urged growing more alfalfa Frank Livingolnn hean rx rnmiing of ruins of Queens llolui hnrn ml in ground in 1015 and canny up vllh boiilo French champagne in flood enn rlilinn Wiiil Mflil unhrnkon lm Lila lilclhee announced record hank vlrrnln iinn nl Barrie Public library Home inal year Harrie lixricnllurwl nrieiy mntlo plum or all lair maxi Page new Iiisiricl rvprrmnuiive inavin suggestion or rovaion of prim lisi anti incluxion oi Junior lannora in npodnl neclion lrinripal 1L Ginlwood am nmmml hnnm lial lrom exmnn at Her rio Colleuiale Nan in tire clam in rludnl Siolln Chile lark Perry lh iiil lilclman Mildred Walla llmvlaml lam monzl llmirr Calling Helen Ganell Donald Tamomn llnrohl lrymn lmnn hlrllonnhl llnnahi llllilngnlry Tmnlanm llaniy lievrrley ilrdriiii Neil MrKomlo yang AGO IN TOWN Immigration Minister Marchami dis played both courage and common sense in the Commons Inst week in opposing demands by several Liberal MP5 that Frenchlanguage representation on ied eral agencies be incorpoth into law Mr Marchand who received the plaudits of Conservatives and New Democrats rejected an amendment proposing that at least two of the 10 directors of pro Foscd Crown corporation should be Wenchspeaking Mr Mnrchand tormcr Quech union leader and onetime member of the bilingualism and biculturalism commis sion said he preferred to win greater ironchlanguage representation in icd eral departments and agencies through Marchand Shows Courage On Issue Of Language DOWN MEMORY LANE ï¬lly Marrir Exmninrr murmurs rut summer Wm blivhnm mm Im mm all lrr IM 21man up Fnilmll Do Irma In 1A 6311 Mullen Depuan hï¬phm In an WV on 6mm of Aumm hm nr 14mm Md Ah local ml pub IIlml uwoin The Canadian Imul mum mum lht ua lnr twubflullmï¬ 413191 tilpaw In In 44 my mum Inn to church league nyolfs Honï¬llcln hm nm Travis in goal Gib Webb and Ilnlcc Thompson on dcloncc Oliver nnwmn at ccnlro alx fool 5m Harold Dynwnl and Albert Hoffa on winxx my Msa any Amold and Im Wmenn ns subs Tim olhy Him In gun hrnlo Wllllmus and Funls Goodftllaw on defence chklnwn at central Jlm Ford and Amhrmo Ham lln on wings um leuChnrlos Lynch Roy wmm Colin Farmer McKolvoy and Alex kaburn an 1179 Inland rovomm nlflrrm discover lllidl whis koy mash mm hidden In manure pm near Angqu llcv Coran of olllor bl Unilrd rrh meekM call tn Knox thlrrlL Own Sound Alvin llnnmcr nml nlll mmmn chamred nir cran lo um Lake to jnln cuan gold mull Ilnronm Grin tr 1111mm bmkcn log whlln lobog aning At no mu mum Edgar beï¬mr Bowie Humble James Mather llownrd Guest William lllpkln Florence Overs George llclllillln Doug las Slrnngwnys James Robertson Ray hlalkln Vern Wall Collier St Unlted Bameas beat St Marys 62 In church hockey league final Winners had llar old art in goal Chester Carson and Ken McKenzie on delcnce Illll lrlbblc Ernle McKnight Arnold Meredith Ken Wells and Pete Sinclair as lorwnrds St Mn had Ed llnrns ln goal Gena Boy and Joe Condy on lletcncc Jack llloore llyrnc llnnloy 100 5150 Vlu Burns nml Ted Carpenter as forwards In town lmekIy lea ue llaellelon and llrnuli 1x ll Mr Marchands way is the prudent course Once made law regulation as proposed by the Liberal ltlla could put Crown coip9ration in strait Jacket as far as appointments are con ccrncd and could conceivably place language over ability in some instances Furthermore rule of this kind would tend to increase antagonism between French and Englishspeaking Canada in mmyumms wuuua One of the Liberals suggested that Mr liinrchnnd had not been in the Commons long enough to know lho situniinn This may be true but lack knowledge of mo situation to which the MP referred in no way has blunted the ministers abil ity to think logically in dealing nith an arca of delicacy in bilingual relations laden litical pressure rather than by legiy mnmnmmwywpuy Mm Mn ml um um lulu new man nl with 1M NWMI hurl um InIu mmln Mirna Mimi Ilr Jdm IL Mocha lld Ibo Mm flo hm imth an mam nlm Mind mid Wm WIM lam ImIIl IMI rat Mwl Ill 94 IN to In HI hm Mun Revolt By Riel Saved The CPR My non Mth Dy um am an mmwnam In man 1M Mud mm mun In wanna Mwlllm nu ma pram flu ï¬lr inII Nuath Mini Mn mum Mun dun 1M mm nrmmd In Du kfl urnIva ml flu th Wat lhml ul hm unlh Imam 1010 um mud in him Oman an In Ml bad Fran 5H Um Rn lay flu WI Ml mm 1qu WWW blah Mum In mm MM In may mm mu mid In Annam dle and lllml had My Ill Me Mr In MI that ha r4 um mu mum llmmvr Um hunk of MN Inland milk It And Hm Indiana flu ur pnm II Mm had um mum nu an Irrhm an wk um llllllflf mll hm hem nun Th Mille Mullen may ham and In Urn In Wm le Mkullm II In Mm hum Th Im ur hon MW on th mmnnm hr mm runny ml mm Damn The an my In mod ho mummumlfmvunlmdmmmmhmlh ll Ah hm WINn mehfl an My 11 In malt yrl Mu nth In mm 0mm Qu Inllnm mnuwnum Wmmhmd uh Amyr haunt youth yml km quid law Europe you milM um In flu lllul Fodor lulda WIrI not Such guide Fndors Field ingl Clarkn Nigeln and Mc Knyl cnver conxidcrnbi pan of the world win the prarliui information you nmi on Imu porinhon wanker claimA cur lama hold And mlnurnnln plum in mopping my mini walk or ride around chitl elc and hlnioricli Hid mink hmdmuh Some time whim ham illustra llunl Ind mm Hum hum mam exptcinlly ciliu NI nrln uuidu Ilihnum nnnller In the In our and uuiul Riv in pnnicuir IHenliun la liu ullure lilerniura Ind hil inry oi mil unity in Mnrlon bonh though they In oldur you can nlcrp youer in cmmlryl pm and KM ovi dmel oi Ill hislory lod CANADAS STORY you an plannan hip or uguely lhlnklnz About am you might consolldalu your Idem or plans by lrallnz through some of he uandard travel zuidu UIDEB Anolher nublect that ensgen our Humm thm springlike day how much yr would like to 56 on inunl lo ar nway plam Than an idea that pop lnn Ihe held at many people about now One of the my 111 which In marking thin event In by deeming week far overdue boob This Ls your chance la bring back um In hook you lumed up In spring clunanor just In return wma overdue hook you feel ambu nmd aboutwin nu quullcm naked nnd nuï¬ne to pay The ï¬rst concern In our mind It the librnry thin week in the comm celebrullnn ol Canadlnn Library Week lrorn March 26 wrong April Thil Ll Ill oc casion lo mention In am local library and Ill lerviul and to the use and plensuga be when ihe EW ernment use the machinery public administration or propa ganda It dawn any hope of balance You mixht lay it In like 1ch AT THE LIBRARY Free Week For Overdue Books Declared By Barrie Librery lllhlrhemod look Ind In allbeat lllnmry lmludlnl Hel alnkl Moxcaw luhhnl Ind Samnrkand In tum Han Kelrlumn WANNA GO HOME Kelcluam crnlnr Denniu Lhe Manna lm qulck eye punlonl pm and Inclln llm dnwlng or Ihou pin and Illulllam ln whlch HI quldrlmlr lrllll lI llktly at unlikely lo Iiwd Mli pretty wile Jo Mun In Ml Glrl many leepl lhl dlily lax Illurlnz loulm urhmu Iorllnl out Accommodnllon Ind ununmhllu mum m1 oclml ulu 3nd enarnlly pnlru llu uy Ilm Inltllluncn ml 11an urm Ina Amrrlun hunt choquu in Hull the mm II and lullvl he wine to mum Ind Ihn cod try the no leul cheese they min In the xlude Mount leulun lhe magic nl the Aexun Illllldl And he majeliry of the Arm palll You will enjoy It lhnmulh 1y nnre ynu have lmud ht madam nppeum 25 lmllhy plralrlphs Ind liberal lysprlnkkd Greek exnu man 1195110 Ind odflook it Lump which hoap bly um An InIormIl uvlmlion land no lourhl would miss PANOM cm by Lulia Finer combine the per sonal touch of good lrlvel book Ind he llclual Inform Ion guldz The VIIK com luru up Gmk ghnmler EXPLORATION If you mat mom Ichuxely tour you coud uh book an Iingle annuities Or even pour over he luxuriant picturebooks Pulout by Hurllmlnn or BILI recommending ï¬lm whirlwind lrlw chmckrlnd In the cmoon by Du Indy who TM Tuesday We must be in Germany But the radar will help you use the time Ivan lhlfl ldeeuvaly There apparenfly II 15er pub lic lnleml in question nwu policies And one cant see much charm ï¬lmavan lnlnl occasional 11m massivu press conferences He had navar More Iccarded private Interview In my West arn Ioumnllsl Wu told by our Foreign Minister Hm Paul erflll Wll obviously xurprlxed Ind milled Int 11 privflege lipodtï¬y Inpm brim likr ll lwn Ihnwm TIM lVMpInl pubhluho lnim In uh myllny Ind Illurr In rumhill lyu Iml lhl nury mIlmmgll brim Ilul flip lumnly In mm dimI ammmll llolh Ininlfly analle will mihn mm mm In lumlmm mmNnflvm of blankduh navywhim and ConnInigo Brims will be big this Spring Winged am In uhlw It not upamlu WALKERS only turn jnumallsl educaliunist gdvemmem nlï¬clal and per sonal adviser to prime mlnix lm unlll In 1957 he was appointed lo rcpresenlhls na tion ma UN 0n Dag Ham marskjolda dcnlh in 1961 he was the choice all the Unlled Nalinns to succeed him 899 Than languages aflra Eur mmvnnd English 50 an M1 tutu