um not me llm mt mwl Mm xmhlum 1h Imrnry WM nrigimny rum In 121 by Ihn VrlnmA lw 11ch um Um hasmwnl anion or 1er lnmlvun Mu Mm whila the up lml mamd hhmry Nam m1 nan Ilu WI untanan Im Jlumml wnshkmbly mm mm mu mum pup Mm It mull art th mm mm rmlmvflal mum in mm urwd maxi man out that mlmulnl flu dawn the WM mu mn UV yummy on him Hm urnkfl Ml pramMM prnlniem WI was mm IN un 1411 Mt mmwl when lmrn mm Imu Mrlunl nlmul Arnvrvmial mn Hm Vl lame rnrwnnl and mm to an the Mum In lune um um Irlwn up rnnrnn llm IMr Lbraqnprml but Im mm Luk hunk un rm ind 1411 not rt In plnml The MINm rnlmnm mn ed Im ham mu llm mm wol MU xvmhlmn mm nzrrrd Um Um mm mm give rymr Irma In the Alum Immlx llulllvlln ml hr lmmlmd who nl my and NM um ml In mm mmp lxlnrc Hm mm mm 1m mphnl Um hhmry MI mm lurk Iu Hm town mm 11m awnu Mcme pmch uhmim In luv mm man Hilmhlnl um Um WI will WM 1w MINImu hflwmn NH Mom grant mm the nunmam rununaw nml Ihe Mun an ma mMIUmL AHJSTON 1811 1hvlnn lnun mmml Im mum nlvd mmd mm film In he pmqu lhu 1M mama mnblem was mm In um up lulihliq Tum nu gnm mu Um umvnnul mu cue lval ml 1M uuaun or The first rule In undrrslnml the nature at marriage an mi vmtum in much curb puny Emma canihlcr mm nllmr The hum mm to brgan mm More than 50 Kiwanians and their wins hmnl lr Adam St Andrews Imsbzytrinn Chumh oxnlnln the mlu for happiness in marriage lmsml on ll book by Hugh anncr unlined Him Word In SCIISOII 51 ALLISTON WilI Proceed With Plans For Centennial Project THE IGIVAMS CLUB of Barrie held its axmual Ladiu Nigï¬l last night at Com munin House as more than 50 Kiwardans and their wivu hemd Rcvv 51 An Church 5022 ABOVE Ml Mrs Adams ml In luv hmn Nmuy Mrrrd Uml Hm lwn mflrm urï¬wflng 91166 lmmxu or we um hund Mum Dalhm MM mm Mn wan maer lu nukpup my Mk In Me In mmflotlm be pm kt MIL Slwmt uvhl mlmrll MI ll 19mm Ihe and In Ihn or mum athrr mm and mum uhnw Hm Vl Ith uuw lnr Nu hmvge in it he MM be haxw la mommi Ii buihlma library of wbhr lntrrm mvywny Mn 1mm razer um um pr um which minM In would MM In and lmld my fur In mum lcnnnce Mr 51mm MM Hm le Hm WI wm mugam In an in MM In mm Um mhLUMnI mom nr Um 19mm flm Ilwuclt Um arrmum umhl um um hem hum mm mam Mm the plank lam mm mmhl n9 ummlw In 41m an Han nl Name In mum nr lumlnn mrr Hw Ithmr In llm 1mm humH unn rrhmml uw 1m mum at Hm lulhlimx sopM mtml Uxmmht mm vmm lhh wry vnllulhh pnqu In heir hand In 1M cum nl Mum mlrmlnnrm mum Mmux Hm mm no pme lnr but nlall Mn Minn Slaw 1ll nmrnud Mlurr hr lmrd rxunn Ibo pmlhml nw Idler we 1w pm lmIJy Hlll lhn Xmlnd Mm ml lhn lmhluu wanlrd ymr low Md Eymr an xnrinn plum Mud kmtu IIIII An was Mr mm long 11 ulmlmi lllnl Hman Mm be pad mm Ilw own mu Ilvlhfl Emmet Um nolcd mm AWV my ms St Andrews Presbyterian Church speak on maningc ABOVE Ml tn gigM Ray and Adams and Mr and Mrs qua um mm llnml 11211 the EMMI Eim you Home mum was wmll 11¢de In 7th Um mayor and the M00 nmnx Ire Mailman In study In pm pm AIJJSIHN Imam Allizlnn mm LN mm Man pm onan run murnvMhlim ul mumm Smunlm mum All ï¬n Illhnl mnml lvan fur the bmvn Jqu Wnkmim nmmmw Mum ml Mu NH nucler In um mm In lrnlmu th me man Ml vemumvfor Almn cwcr uumnldhm Mr Walflm lald the Mn mmkrl Iurwl me In n1kmn6nw nlule ml nu rcnlnmlnl mulwil zlw Mm Um wanmy mm he mm Inn4 mm puma In ur llrr In Imam um immut Mum Mayur Imlhm 11M muncd mm lunvr lhhy dwin Im on NI unmiton nrhl LN Him 11 moUon mm lhey mum mom Mum Mnmy will In raml llununh dmnunm nur rrnlmnlnl erI mmlm Hm nvunirimluy put up one Mhr per tnplln wnnh 1m pmjm in my 101th Nluwrm Town Ivyst nquim mm park mg mm or nrry 1m qmrc Ice floor mm 11mm nnlrr tn ruml with the mjm will hm In my nnnll pYrCr MM in lho bark ht hlnury Thu nwcflng wna Imlml by iccprcsldcnl Jack Sltssnr in tho nlmnm president Tmy Duane PM Iargrnvn led the group In sing sum wllh plnno accom panlmcm by anm Ivrklns The runaindcr he evcnluz wnx spcnl p1 nu lldl Asks Coiincil For Authority To Market Town Debentures unuu dc to right Mrs Waller Perkins Mrs Midmcl Winder Mrs Ray Burgeas and Mrs Norman Symon 0W 11 was duhml In IM ml mqu will mnlvllnb II in pal mumy hum IM way mm ï¬rvrnml by HI Ilnmr Mu mm mm rmplomum lamina mxuu In In n4 YMI of NM 0mm Aslnd lur ilnnlml nwmml um um In wr umd un flmnu murmur lor Mud Mm Hrwmt nmwmhrvl mumH Iml modal an 1an Inz newlylmmd IMm lllnl mn pupmm In wqu lo mpml mm Hu mumm In prmhlo mare 1mm nl the autumn Aml Um mm mng army New with 1mm will hfllp rumhu vmdamm ml 1M1 motion bum penult Unl Ihn lirpnllmrm nxrlrul llufl In um Hm ball or Mum le rlmk uhlvh ml Mum mm In Mmh Irirnll Ami nInlhm lrnm llnm llhm Ilnrllnxum You Perry mm Drlllln No mrvhnl by hlI wife nml un mm 0an mm lum ml erudhu U1lunprnl wrrn 1x Ir muny um member Hy Iritlunr Unllul lnmh nml Imk mmnl Inlornl In II cmmmmlly alInlrn mu wk pm In hdznr Mum4 Jxmch rmclcry llev Haynes ollldnlul laIlbrnrm um Im rlduo Mcrldllh Alt110ml Jnrk Mclmn Vllsun mun Hon hmldsr nml VII ovkburn IIUNNHY mernl mvko wnx hem nl Yclhlck anrml lloxnu Inr John IL Mumy who dlul 11 hi home March in hls mu year Hurlnl with 191 Belem going In Queens he nxlcndrd mun schaod In Icar Ilitlmwnd H11 and Darrin He won an Onlurio adminsth on graduating nun grade Purpose the nwflrd In dimmer nml nnmnrngn 1mm mill9 lcnrhom 15th schnlnriy mulivnlinn and dinme In loruls an hallmark ol umup Infllfl WEIicrn Mamamm on many mlcndcrl King Edward lubhc School and Contra Col legiate He ha son or he Ilcr and Mrs NcMon Emit nmv min in lclcxbo mu is Mm mnlhtmnllm and mummy at Queen Unixrrsky ln Mnusm nnd Inland to aka graduate cuursn In plnlns cphx Hu hunDy nwvcd Pub minim 101 uumncr armu Barrie and WH Ham NewlbnSmilh was one of 96 Canadian students win the 00de Wllson anlonnl Fel lnwship we swear uradumo 5me follwshrpg are worm 312000 plus full luillon msLs paid any graduate school In Cam ur flu United states umwll nup crintendmt Rummy and the adminbtrntton stall new room and work mm The board voted Inst night to accept with regret the rcstzna ttcn at Thomas Mnxwe as head ot the mathematics depart ment at Central Collegian Mr Maxwell has been appatntnd stall inspector lar mathematics Ontario Department 01 Education Former Barrie Student Winner 01 FelloWship wanna cost $42000 It lndudéi animator Business Ad Burton Sup ministralor nHrJnnrnJ Bamu District Collegiate Board Channun Stoddan told trustees last night the board to flu cleaners mumu alrociunly on Lhc cost of as new mininraï¬cn ofï¬ce at Contra CoUpzlalm Robert Sarjcant said the pm He posed plan might be air for 00 stmelurc should be alwmd smaller boards but wouldnt be to distribm wk mom nvnnly pmpcr for one the size among trusftos Barrier The moluflon was tabled and He said member who ham 00mm of our up In been manor light commutes study the mnve Téken To Cleaners 0n Cost Of New Ofï¬ce Stoddart States cï¬at the connmt Robert Sarjcant said the our posed plan might be air or mullet boards but wouldnt be larger for one the size lbmsoggestcd fonmfla can or $50 month or can board membcr with $20 deduction for each meeting am The system is provided 401 In the Schost Administration Act mnlzcn said sumo 0rusccs migï¬l ecicve $600 or attending Only him mï¬ngs year under 1151 pumad Iqmmlm move Mdaiwjhe pay Barrie Dislricl Cdfleglalc mslbei went back or runner at last lg aficr one hamd OBITUHRY FOR TRUSTEES 1m limmavthnnznrrunsmv mm WW NEWS Tuither Study on PayIncrease Hey man In mm tlvlc Id mlnlnrnllon my Hananr Waller Flu No II rcsponnbla LUMBER 49 ESSA now 7mm AllANDAlE and ner voted Ihnl Mm numbers ml be animal The numbers have already been 13mm and In due llma lol or will be sent to all Maxed housevwncrs with lmlmolion to place he number on the men or lhuir MKL STAYNER Slam Smym Town Counci 11 nigh nmmv ed cxpcndilurm of mono or raw wmmcï¬an and malntm nncc municipal 5mm LOOK AT THIS SPECIAL BEAT THE TAXI wios wno cm HALL ALSAYS Approve Costs For Street Work The mm seaqywuskn wk of MI mrmbm nluhl weldan clan In hol pur sull but mad clean get any Three buy mm Apparent ly inspccung ductwork In crawl spun between um and newnd floor when lllel gave way and Una dropped lo let he errhue floor anvw at Mum Eight students lcfl Central during the month and 22 1d North Tom enrolment both mu is now 2762 carna that allandnnm dur ing Fchma Cent Ynungslnn on In unlnlhnr lzed Inur al Centrnl Colleglnle had to hell hls mm laxl night nflcr lhcy Iumbled through calling and llndefl lnlhl main Ill nu mama Hm Agreed La send dckxms tn Ihc Ontario Urban and Rural School Tnuices Asociaï¬on con emncc at Mimloo High Sdrool Mgrch 24 ABRUPT END T0 TOUR OF SCHOOL City Manager Gigg Key Man In Civic Administration Under the plan now in use the board chairman MINES $600 ho vimchalrman $360 standing mummies chairmen sumplus meeting up to $180 and nthermbmswvlus ï¬umeqhgmwflm hem Dr Amï¬m said stunned new ormula benme pH hashes lhcludlng the dizinnan Wald ream an equal honorarium work could collect up to 315 MlIL mm IAlll llafllfl II lnlnn 19 Mr ï¬lm 11 mdunlv HM Unlvmlly fhlugnu lemr NI Mnnuemenl nuru and II mu urllflml Ihvl mum llly MIMI Anahum lmmr lln control over purrhnm tmnl rnpllll uxwmlllurrl ovrr 000 mm Um mnnnzorl mull lmpurlnnl hmcllovu In In mlvlwr elmed my rrmuuum much And cmuMm nIl Ippllclllom Ind lln IuLhnrlly hlro AM Hm lubjcrt lo Ihu muvnl of counclL Thu clly mun mrr mm rmmril In tho mu nrallun nl the bud mm In Nlpouxlbh lnr ll adminth on Illcr ndupllnn Iuhkrl la cognclll dlmflun 1M posllion nu hlm lull control mrr all my empluym cont mzmhnx Hm dutlrn mu Ippolnhxl unxlnr ulntulrs nan ma WHICd by tullbclhu bumbling mummom or the ducan admlnlslrnuon ll my dcplrannu nud nr In termed and lnllawlnl up degslom lq council Judd dlfldlmmnurscg Izhual Ea tho wurluhop 0n hand In COUNTY COUNCIL County mundl will muol marrow at the munly ndm MIle building 0n Wanley MEET TONIGHT Barrla and 0mm moda llon fur the Mentally Retarded will hold matting lonlglll at oclock nl Klng George Sduoul nuke The film Journey Jab will shawnl Illu runi $me Ffum omaila Amodallon lor the Mcnlally Ile NM 099 Lhe 1m 01 Wm Club wlll hold 1L5 annual stamp exhlblllon April 15 Cenual Unllcd Church The public ls Invited to view club mmhors milccï¬omw ch will be din plnycd bclwcm 130 and pm PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD regular meeting Bar rie Public Selma Board will be held tonight at oclock at the board omen nn Vincent THE EQUIEM St Georges Unncd Uzde senior choir wlll lamenl The Requiem by Gabriel Flure nl Lhc pm service on March 27 at St Georges Unllcd Church at the comer Mon ï¬lm and Duplex Me Solo 515 lll be llurnclta Day and Ron Dcdmzlcn Lloyd Brink shaw arznnisl and choimwsw will tomwt It 5a bani mu will be held tonlght at the nuns nu Mandala at 845 CANADIAN CLUB Guy Daulresne dc L1 Chev aierie Belglmn ambassador to Canada wfll be guest speaker at he Canadian Club of Barrie meeting Maud 29 at 930 pm library He Mr Daufres ne native of Belgium lhe sun General Illa Enron Dau Iresne de la Chevaleric tanner mndernindfle olv ho Bel giun fom Guest speaker la nights mceflng of the Barrie Ys Mens Club was Nick Unit ANNUQLIMNQUET LOCAL AND GENERAL mm cum YS MENS CLUB HOLD MEETING IHIIISH BVIMHA AlIIWAV COMMAND Wllll All CANADA mnuumnmnmmumnnm lutbnluw slura Lmmmy Ikruman air1w ï¬am Mun rml rjfmira April mixm In Kartmum nppmml Hes the Ilium bamln cxcr onclcd In Euromnn ours ice the plum youv always drcumcd of Youve nmr sunset lunw incxpfllsivc Euwpcan ourcan he HOACs liumpcun Vacminm oflmnu our raking in the Mud on mpg Including Middle liaxl lmd lmn umm cmmlricl in Ilclnlh today Fill in II coupon now and send for mu Im ng full color guide or are your ml Axcm Kampalaummnnmmmmmmm TD HUI no Udlllm II IMrr UmNr Ner umllm mm MM lmumm mm an Am law Ilmw rm mm 3m NAM mmmun FABULOUS 33 EUHDPEAN TOURS Q34 rnamumv RV MEETING The board of djrcctors c1 flayal iviclorla Hospital will hold meeting at pm March 23 the baian ruldcnae liUCllllE PARTY cllthre party sponsored by he Cnnaimn anioaal lnsulule or the lllind will be held at he Orange flail Allandalo at pm March 30 Funds raised will go to ho 9ch chdallon ll IWCIUHCE M31033 CANADA IOONYO OIL BMW Am Ilbm RED CROSS MEETING Bmiu branch or the Canadian Red Cross Sway will hold meeting Apyi at pmal the 23 Cum Lime an Dmap St discus and answer quesllnns will be him Hurley uglllfool Mrs Betty Hardy and Mrs Elem Rankin The Pubiic is Invited to attend mm Barrie Abwc he tall with All Dlrk left vicepresigenl the club and llunlnn l7 mam um nmu FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL 0K Johnson 435 Noth Amarlcnn Llln Assurance Complnv 39 Dunlop st Mann 7254935 REG LAcHANCél CLU Travol Snrvico WINDUSTRIAL DEVHOPMENT BANK Why nof preserve what you have created by good Estate Planning Business and Pcrsunax Lilo Insur mu Annuin Plan Individual cmmfnnsiun Flam Tax 7UN BOAC IPDMHUN Wlll All CANADA all Wullfl Wm Innl Alnnumvnll Iiagging backache No TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 71324 nick Haan cents lnductcd member Mr Unit poke an recent trip to ms PROVINCT