Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Mar 1966, p. 7

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11 El NEW YORK 0P Norm Americansporls fishermen had mile chase for mold last year but they brought in good quota of lacklevbustcrs and most mmadmm traditional hot p293 IIeld and 51mm magazine ousbodian oi lmshwalor rob ords releases msqu of 1965 angling competition in the Biprghissue mmun luau Lake and coastal rivers of Quebec and Labrador ruled the roost bmok mu and or the first me in snvcral yea Manimbas GodsLake was shut out Great Bear Lake in Ihe Northwsl Tenilmics was he plane to go or giant lake msu two brook trout ho in 10 pounds both from La nador Hanan of Oluwa brought in 10 poundor mm Amookak Lake to Rake hvnm in the flycasting dlvlsinn while John Hark of Mordstwm NJ 12d 111 open cnhgory with trophy of 10 pounds seven ounces taken on New spinner and our paund test line in KepimiLs River Both waters are in southwest Labrador about 70 miles cm of the Quebec Noth Shore and Labrador Railway line PRODUCED BROOKS Quebec Assmlca Lake In the Guibmlgamau area and me Bmadback River draining Into James Bay pmduucd two bmok trout over eight pounds and three aw scvcn Second and third in he fly division were Gordon of Inksulr Mich FRESH WATER LIST LETHBRIDGE Alla CF Wild turkeys may be plentiful game bird through soulhcrn A1 berta wllhin six years if an ex pelImam the Alberta land and crash dtparlment wnrks Alta Experiments Turkey Breeding Bloingists from the depart menia wildlife division iirsl planicri 17 birds knnwn as Mer rlnms Turkey and nuich in Coinradn Texas and Mexico in the Cyprus Hiiis arm on the eastern edge ni ihe province in 1961 Thby reproduced weli and 200 turkeys nvw are dispersed mrnugh in region ary your hInlnuIsls d9 clded In Lry moving the birds to anulhweslnm Aller Ia unread mur habilat further They srAnl lwn days caplurini nIne turkey in ma Cypress Hills using Irrd In nllrarl lhom In central am where hula not was SEI up noc nx nunrhtd In the net edge were fired throw lhe canopy quirkly over he ccdlng hirqs Impplm them The urk mm lhm placed ln xunny mks with hand huh and drlvcn haul 130 ers to the anminc Hills mm to miles norlhwcsl nl Inthhrldxe Hm lhry were Innle nnldvi mnwmnbilc lake inln lhu wildrrnm nnd r¢1rnsuL buy Inks he anlpinr Hill we should have hunting her by 197m nob Webb 1mm 4mm hmlqgixl TM bud Mo Nightly lhinnrr And more mcamllnrd than he bmndhmslul dormIlls lurkry Wildlllo nllirluh lay hey will bu pmleclcd in their new groundA unlll My Mum upm Eiuced ulllIrlmlly In Idlow hunt nx ATLANTA lAlITho game nl all in Mm hm or and mlmlnnnlx MlmlHlll Ami Hm Mt nIl hrnrhlllnl mm ml Huh lnnu hr nll llmr mntmr urn11 Mm rrlrhmlu In Mlh hmhdny lmlay him In unn 11 own Ind Imnlrur lournnmrnln In Ihn mm mm lhllnln in nu txhlornr alum lmhrlin lm mumn irnuvl 5va um mnlmlml Inwur nnw flux hn kmu up Mlh Ihr gum lml lmkin nrwnnl In MI Annual Ipprnmnm nl lho MINI IOHI Mymnl In AIIIIIIIA Aprll dr Illlll lplunl nilmcnl Mum llmm MI urHvllln Jones Praises Golfs Growth lmll It An um mm In play MW um run whrn plnvlnl he ml rm dny nlchL Th rmmu Imlur Uw rluln Am hum mrnu Mm lmm IM 73 gm nld hm vqu Ml lilel Nam Euri n1 mlh llv hrltkh Ammm lllr Al 51 Arum In flyhm Ina mmrh own at mlfiw lh lnilrvl 5MP Uprn Al INHIMMH 1an ll US Amalenr Muian Ivltkrl Huh Aanu ln Thin luv nmr iwn lion helm uvl mp bu multth ll Ila 11m in all In llw le II II mum ll mun njnynlxlc in Ihn mun plum Anvl he my Mm my WI um mm mm lnur wan In In mm lap at MI law In 1ka 11 now err Hun In Kit nllnl individually lwllvr llul mum vlu wmrruvl ullh lht lnm Ix Irrllrr Quebec Labrador Big For Brook Trout cith pounds three ounces and David Footer of hawislon Mm sevnn pounds to ounces both from tha Emadhacku Somma mmnlnslér Mash chgcked in with an 8V pounder and A1ch Bmminger Brookville Pa with one of seven munds ll amm both from he Broadback Assmioas siminngas seven pounds two ounces caught by George 111 niah of York Pa bun listing from muslde Quebec and Labra dor Wu hrookie weighing live pounds two Mmcfi caught by UL Best 01 Norway House in spud River northeast ofbakg Vgnuipeg The Keplmlu also pmduecd me logandIocled glamn 31 ouananlche beauty 10 pounds nine ounm caught by Moore of Montreal in the flycasfinx djvision Biggest in the open diwsion was an ounce Voyngo pmmdaand was oauxht by Robert Valcnerof Keno aml QM In northogn Quebecs Lake St John hldl always rates as duananlche strong hold uonjons 10 aux29130 salmon all Quebecal The Malamdia River In the Gaspe Peninsula produced dlqmunder or An lhony Blsgaod who came all lhe way 1mm Palm Desert Calif Next was 33poundcr tom the Molsle mm on me Gull of St Lawrences nurth shore in the Septlies area where lnhn Olin of Allan lll slmck it rich The Grand Cascapcdin in th Gaspe gave up manounder to Edward Hall at Neptune can NA Far lake mt Great Bear had no campskim It recuxdod our fish ranging from 26 pounds to Whopper of 57 pounds nine ounces Jerry Hont ol Enid 0113 brought the giant in on Len lhnmpson him and no 31th within striking distance of the recordI fiapoundor Ihal came min Lake Superior in 152 Eastern rainbow trout shuwed an encouraging relurn in healthy zruwth in Lake Huron sporadic producer in meant fears Wesley Muglln used i511 eggs to nail he huggestls ounds nine ounm at his nmc town 11 Owen Sound Bill Fordhnm Owen Sound went to the nearby Pallawolnml River Mr lSHpoumlm In western rainbows Linda Jaubsun ol Imihnlc BL mm prize in the open division with her lspounder from Koal mayLake cal4 upoundiw line Biggvsl in um dimiou also all In unman 29Ezpoumler caught by Maria Ilcdacr In the unrestricted line mtrgory in Idahos lotuxlxme favorite Lakn Feud Orcdle mes rhud staining army rainbow mm mm hum Briish Cnlumbln nmm son her which Ilmns into has at Lyunn In the 11er dishch ll weighed 29 pounds 10 ounces and was mughl by Henry Tsuwk nl Burnaby nn salmon rot In My mslin 1an Mnusscr ul Ilurlm xnmo Cam hrnughl name No lmm the Klwlnx niur Inh nwy the Skncna An nmhorn BC weighed Ill mum over 25 pounds mm nmupw Bum 0M Thinking for 66 The icest People Are Buy it now before the April Isl tux change Its like getting your first 2800 miles free Dont be caught in the waiting line See your Honda Dealer now SIMCOE sms SERVICE 41 Cullhr sum The Tm River the WWII was Tammie omhmlad to give up my most and him char gown 19mg it hassfiamd its peak umzh overé 1m biggest pounds 12 oungcu compared with up 27de maul set time in 1963 rmdedln flu open divist by Ndmd June ot Oak Park 111 who useda Men giantkfller Jack gornglius 1M lgflmgqapdigflvm Rlvm Inlet an the 80 maln land north Vancouver Ialnnd pmduoed ddnook salmon also mm king Ior tyee that outweighed anythhlz else onmlistbymnrethanzs pounds Mex Guevwo Brememn Wash mad the old standby herring bait In lure the winder in the unrestricted llne category 63an wmh an millomelet Silm or whoa ialmonfitle went to Gary Howell ol Mmond 0am with 20 poundar in the fly category iron the mainland 23 poundcr caught by Baby Tacoma Wash in 00 per River another Skeena tni utary was topsin the open di viskm Muskie king Lennard Hm man of Ogdenaburg NY racked up another list at tn phics rpm the wand land area of the St Lawrenw River He hadfmuonthc list ranging from SIMpound caught on skimpy fourpound lest line ta pair inst MW 33 pound AMEMUAN Gm SALMON It was not an wutmfing year nvrulun pike Bluest 10 poundcr in the unrestrloied line category was caught in un specified walars ln Quebecl Pomia Ownty by George Morris Luceme Qua 1110 big walleyes pair 17poundcrs came as usual mm Ule reservoirs ol Keniucky and Tennessee but there was one Mod Canadian listing Cole Laflhmmliv Nq won the lmxrpmmdiine prize wiih fish of i0 pounds three ounces mm unidentified water while fishing out locixe in LONDON AP Manches er City bought inside forward Colin Bells contract 101 25000 rum Bury Wednesday night only it cw hour below the trading dtadline Kn khe English Soccer League Plnym Iixned anr midnight Vcdnwlny can not play In gamu nllcclinx league Ilandinns Mnnchutcr Cily ls mend In the second di vision the teazue BUYS ILAYEIIH CONTRACT UNDEIIGDES SURGERY TORONTO CDMike Dull or Tnmnta lnlcrnmlonal momr cycle drivcr underwent exten sive lullrry Wednesday Tur onln Orthopedic Hosniul In nconslrucl Ms hm damaxcd mmly in spill on the Hun Penn racing circuH lnsl AIL hnspllnl spokesman nld Dull was In very good condmnn adding he nhnultl he on Ed in about we wrekl SCISSORED SPORT 72M THE BARRIEEXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 17 ms JACK NICKLAUS not Wumuy OPEN FRI TI BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE PORTABLE 16 Dlyllghi Bluu hum pkhm Iub 22 Ian iuncllon ompunom Yvon mounlld 0an Finland Ipnlur Wllgh only WA 111 Clhlnnl In Beige 136349 TV 4sl 5900 Nicklqus Breaks Course Record ORLANDOLFh AMEMII anypmluslonall will out In break hax 1061 when they do in the jigs round lhe $110000 Citrunv opénygalt lournn mane p1yed on thé this year no mire 9n The only victor no inlheflcld of 141 pros and one amateur Induding 47 of 115 up 50 money winnersll Billy Caspian Casper whnwon the SanDl ml Ilum the nine iouinamcnls WM every cash purch se Spend them like cash at Firestone STORES PAILS BB DUNLOP ST mi 1125 wInler out no pllyer has won CASH oBONUS 3f0r$fi 033 Jadk lain US troops lighting In Viol Nam and will no rejoin the am until the Master Augusll Ga next month Oiher wihnori looking or their secondtitle of the season are Arnold Palmer Los Angeles Open Dun Massengnlc Bingw Crogby Ken Venlufl Lucky In urnalinnal Dung Sanders Bob Hope Desert Clasic Dudley Wyxon J15 Phnenix Open Joe Campbcll nxcsnn Open Gay Brewer Jr Pensacola Open and Phil Rodgers Daral Open ORLANDO Fla AWJack Nicklaus shot sevenAunderpar 64 It Rla Pinar Coumry Club came Wednesdny to human course record and win the $5000 proam event learlinz Iolh $1 Cilrug Open Nicklaus who has played In only two regulauon tpurnamenll thx year hmka the record 65 set In 1962 by Francis an VinjpguK and Bert Weaver 1n Carlin Open HOOVER OR GENERAL ELECTRIC Floor Polisher Vtvettono HOUSE PAINT IIIII $3 33 60046 Tubfiype Blatkwalll 72665115 75044 Yubclcu uon Males 67045 Tubeleu 75044 MAE Your Choice Sin Typo MONDREAL CF Mnnlr real Junior Canadian whipped Hamluon Red Wings Wed nesday nightto win their 0n aria Hockey Asmlmlon Juninlj besMIseven quarterfinal se Ir Canadians Beat Hamilton HEADS FRENCH CHAMBER MONTREAL CF Yvon Saucier Imisevillc Que hm wounded Raymond Faberge ol Levis Quc as maiden or he Juninr Chamhex Commerce onFrcnd Canada it was an nunced Wednesday CORNED BEEF ROLLS cooRsH 23 Lb Average HIE Moumma N0 fiiiu Whilcwall Whimwafl Blackwall Blazkwélf 79 fiiiEHERs Wedge CuShion only Please the $1750 2075 1550 2075 Hm 1i 2550 1575 2995 Fm 1H mm DOWN Suond 1i 599 rIe with Hire wins and two tngglghl Rnlnls Norm Ferguson 13 51 Cale Dcscoleaux Serge Savard Jim Bannalyne ahd Lucien Grcnler scored the others nabs ncrs of lhe quarterfinal ser between Oshawa Generals St Calharincs Black acquns mair was Iho his gun for the Cpnadiens lhgqa anal Tod Ouixfint made 22 saves lhrouzhnut the game to register the shulnul Th aliens ahowegl no mcrcy or Hamllléh nelminde Gerry Gray as hey bombed him with 55 shot dud III game 599 599 599 599 599 BICYCLES 750 II TIM 2075 2550 1075 2550 1575 is 399 Faunh Yin 399 399 399 399 399 K3227 Wu MM uiflni

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