llnou Nw nuuhm Ind Id Im vur Whit Im Mm luuurul ho hum humlrr pin wry num me man um mm Iml um In to him Iran mm luv lm lrsï¬ mm uml ul va will kiss mm We umme WM and WI lawful ml III Ier Am landï¬ll 0m hum lew lrumh nr nvupluwnlnl at annual nlpp Ilw fun new nr him In va nz In mammal My mum in Mull Mulder mmnk mm it be Inhl luv lmt win In nmnlnl lulth Mm mm Mm ml hnnl WI ulml In and NM Id in fluid LI Hamid up In Imam Ila mm um lam Ilmw lln noalwlum much ran lmv wmrwl but harm nlm Ht Mum mmy Hm mu Mm 1an an Jum wmwmdï¬u mull MT lmk rut he will lxmk data IM an ml lnk In rl mt EM IM lnlnx at Mm to mhling 11ln mrl In Milol mo Twm lhall Um My my gum mraum in muu mm of hu in and Md W0 nm mu It aim mry mm gm Inhp mm Um hear Ann hnflmx hma Mn ohm with Tum lot Hm yum In his rm um um mxcnnmlLorerhumi mm how Linn wan Ind 3m Wont mm um um N1 Tnm mmnwl Io aha rm no lar my lmuulay 5mm um hm M1 hmn lid and the HM nmy tnr nn Fashions Ihown or the young miss tho tee1m er the budxxal wnman and homunakm right through to the matron last nights Shamrock Fashion Show mm the point am Woman can be wellLumedvul even on Hm most modes budget More than 12 women wen present ha pnmdn of Spring and Summer lashlons sponsored by lh Barrie Buslnm and Pro lawlonal Womcnl Club in ald the dubp Centennial Pro 12¢ Fashlomnnd decarauom wen by Zellarl ol BanIo INUNG TIBEME The Emltm 5m roam was Ally dtcornkd In nprinx mama Rm arbour decorated vdlh hankinl baskeu And ar ufldal Howm h7de the use scum Decanling was com plemy In charge or member By EEEEN DIXON 12 doesnt have lo on tune or milady to be well drw and and that at or women uf an arm Wmmnmm umnwexunmswmm Inlmbulmlflutlor wimmnmmm mrinamdlmhm mmmhndmlook Spring Fashions March In To Brighten Easter Parade mnmmss Llndau MLMmmmweu ANN LANDERS Theres Horse In ThiSTriangle My le My quI In In mumH 01 my Mm and mud mint Ilwm nu Mn flow En rm Inm Mo lflmil Dvr In Ham hm yrI mm ll wand mr ohlrrn Int Ill limp not he IHKthbfll lrr Ml Hu mm up in ywr pmm 69 mm 45 and Im ny um amy run In all II an lun nhquII In 7014me ulaln mil Am ml kl lwm IHM lmlwmlma In In 1m 1M and lm Mil my unwl mer ml my matht min Irma ml Hoar Am Imam In lMcnrnM AM who In in la mu In In In Imlvh nm on our Imm unnn mm In My km and nm than mu um Ht mm In an man ml um In fun mi IMM md luv mlnah war 111 hr um mm mm 11 My funk11w Id ner OM Illnduhml and lit raw MIA mam um IMn mam Ind mhl and that lTllld look ll It mu poumh In your hair law had tn ll mum it Anll Ill on Hill Innlkk Why llonl Wm hlm up Ill may um nlmnl In hm 1n Imy you Hml Ilmnrr llaflolmamynlwhlnln lxflcmbk jntkau who ha Int mm in In mnh me mfr nn hall an MI be waln mum1 mitlnl luau hem Ilmm my you Mm In flowlrd 0v Bur MM my In an myfcgnvga ngkmp Inn 111 Hum 01 mm mum immd during lhe Ihow Ila mwrtalre Included col Ichun of Irish mu he um part bl tha how was ducted to Human lashlons or the tarragon the bride and flu homemaker Mines Wanda ormllon and Judy erlin 19d 011 I110 show wearing deepwenr In now Hon Md jump mks denjly Iuilvd Im thn mum plannan pyjama pnrly Pinnisz Miss Grace human member the and PW mande 1M munlul bark of Zena1 stall including the tags qeqluplgacea armal almaspheu and the relaxed mood fashion viewer helped tn make the show tremendous sucms Mn Dummy Gardiner ï¬n fashion mmwnmwr L9 in be commended Iar her Interesting commentary Ind fur ha mt Ulla she wordlnnud the mike NEWS swanwmn Ham ucormmrledu nm nun mlh ï¬ldnly Inn MInmlfla lklinmon tr ï¬lm Mt MM Mm hm nmulay Mn tn um and mlnm conun mu par All 0M hind for P7 rvpllvmnl Mdm In muan flan wflh mm min ml Lula uvl Du Mild mm made no of mm and pm nvmnl mph mm mm wMllnl 19 Ml Will rd TITVA 160 Omwml lo nun Granan lull um Ibo fabric 10 an gun urhd ha flhawlw MODHA MrJnluu WI luhlom wm MLu Jnnn Enriuh Mu Innlon Todd Mu Imck mm uu runm Mu 5m Wmhuml Mn Jul 0mm Mn Gnu Mmpluy Mb Ami Cavall Mn Am Slawt1 It Kid lloullild Mlu Uu mm mu Swim nvmlnll In 11th hump Mb MI Wnnda DrmHm Mln Mly MIMI MI 001an ta7 Mm MI Jam uprlnl SynMn cokr Md lull winnlnz mum and mund TM cam ham or spring II clenr unnlng mm misly nlu In Imam bright lo flNp Huh will In any cl hm Mvmn Young tmlm Inï¬lnl nnd In dull lmhkm LI all Uwu Gifted Children Model Fashions uulo wnl mumb ly pnuuhr lollond cloudy by Mk And wth which 11 nlwayl wisp And Imh looHng or Spoflmnr or young man In 13 maz looking Punt vu mm or 1M1an builbottam Ira mm lfkhu Illnigh nllma Cow Kl might mlur th hum ed look luvy Mm jean or bolK0Woslem Lllnu Inhlom or the nhorlcr flu nn micHM by Mn Mnum Pamka proud um wmmn who ï¬ve ltd rm Ind or under can It incl vury 0th in lnbflu Its me open meshy weaves pruvncaï¬vc 1ch an whcflm mndn cotton 11m UL rayon at blends Tho Kenna Induce 1n lcrm that nun Inrlngl Indy llka look 11 Men In My mum gauzy lexlum enmkkmd kn nnd buncles nubby lcnm and crocheted pallunl 09ml jinn WW bill was worn by Miss Hm CaldwclL Thin ul would be pulse addulonvw tbs young hrldel Rousseau And was reasonably priced In 99 5mm LOWDOWN Thu lawdownon dresses lou 5pm Just that lowered walslï¬nes low low flounctxs and pleats waistline have become hipllm evaklng 0nd memorial of he Flapper am But the splnl here too WI in tho nnllon the fluid unm ulclcd Man nrlngl but than shapes cm and rayon In gorgequl THE TRIO young misses above look ahead or signs spring Wearing their Euler Parade ï¬lmy are from Ian 07 rlght Miss Jane Earlsh mar Am lEms ORCHESTRA LIVERPOOL ï¬lzlnnd ornA mltlnn who ran for Mn In In 1951 Helsinkl lymph Gama hm been polnlul hme of Um Linmod Ihuharmnnlc Orchuln PM Calling barn In Inndon yum nan went to Cnnmln III ma wlm hln pinmu Ho wu Can Han mnrnlhrm chunpion In 11m And 1052 Mam nm Ginnifer Jan Drmlcl Mn Helen Sdmoll Mr Dnvld My Mn Symom Mn Many ml the nests glandlnz he mummk Fnshlan Show spomamd by the Busth and nolcssional Wonwna Club Barrio hat aran hdd lucky mm In the draw or prim Iollawimz the show Winners In duded Mrs Flam Walker MIL Shier FargelgMn Char les Day Lolly Tanllnk Mn Knlmnn Susan Peacock Mn immoralHrs Iona BRIDGE PARTY Munbcn Kampala map let humid Order mumm ul the Elmira were unmz lhe guest mending chum am nun mindw bndgn 0W held at this Legion 111 In OrHlZa this week Mmdin from Barrio were Mrs William Woumdcn Mn Nail MacDonald Mn Jack Duval Ind Mrs Kittmmr TELEVISION DEBUT Hour 5015 of square dancers mm Banics Beam idles 011b wi main vision am Sn unhy Wax The prong will shown over me Mu Fféiahlwnu Mn flot Flashes DRAW PRlZlIWINNEM ninnvnl unio alumnun nunyum =unuuuhm EreIFu lhonn mm PEOPLE AND PLACES PM Eflcenpixon or Audra Coubgn 1W mmi Irvine Mn Lea Bertram Mrs Kenneth Ann Donovnn Mn Dixon Mrs James Caaue Mn Dick Wenlworfll ML Debbie Swwnrl Mn ML lflcCawL Mrs Pearl Lent Mrs McCaw Mrs Pearl Long any Grlgnon Mrs on and Mn Hmcodx more 11 L155 Decade ind Misc Collben Harvey Fasilans or the young min and the Mme hlgkslyllng lot the career womai Choose From Our Large Selection Of Famous Brand Name Merchandise FUR AD 119 Imamy much It the Steam Fashion shaw to any mm and none were last awning Wearing cost more beautiful man the fur umes idea 11y suited attend lrom Wiggins mm by madeb anoe at weddings or lea are Wny To Buy Roovou Cuh mu mg mm Ihown Ihov one my nvrr loollnl Ml Mm Ix beuulul women wlu wncr Thornmn lnlnlnl ha an mm Include Mud lllnl bl Tamale And New York Ind thc mmll lnllowInl flu umer flwmlun In who mam Mom ma dzvhxm Suï¬ BUY NOW BEFORE APRIL lst lAYAWAY 76 DUNLOP 31 Ind uu our HURRY Now Mu me to buy um with of rlng Ind ma luylway CvodiO Budge Get Your Think cl successful model or poised beaulilul cam woman and you an liker thinking Waha Thornton trained girl W0 train more girls han all Mhm but in how train them that makes Lhe dflluence us mm on you ladduolmccem Ymllbeclimbingkinuoï¬mn llkgdmsandsofdhmhavewnd mmislowl Pmallwd Goursm Tor ProTm MAgm Young Mn and Matun Women And Child ren 1mm yearn WALTER THORNTON For lnlomullun zontld Ion Wnller nomlan Model Annoy Ind Chum School Repmnnhum Muleno Andemn Phono 1263210 Monday to Ffldly Inn to pm And mm to wn Clmu In held II the Howard Inrl Ptffl Elk mum Dnnlop Street EIIL Barrio MODELLING Before The Increase In The Sales Tax April 15 I966 Worth AND PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT COURSES NOW FORMING IN BARRIE AREA from lefl Mrs Grace Man Mrs Garden Todd am Haze Caldwull and Mrs Margaret Peacock 71M W4ߣ1€