Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Mar 1966, p. 3

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gv wnnfpubnsher Of The Prime Minister Rynard Concerned Is far too much expected of men in fiublie life and men who hold high 51 ons in business There are many ndi cations that this is indeed fact Any one who thinks about the many public appearances that are exgected of govern ment leaders cannot elp but realize how much strain is imposed on them Opposition Leader John Dieienbakcr recently drew attention to this matter which has been concerning closu observ of the Ottawa scene for some years Mr Dicicnbakcr was speaking not of Mr Pearson but oi tho oiiico of prime minstor notes the Ottawa Journal mum he can make this sinkmen with greater form now that he is not ihu one who is carrying the burden The Prime Minister he 51le nvcnvorkcd He has too many rcspon slbiliues and too many Joe jobs to do To lead mm In Parliament he said was an on job that called for great experience In now what is being one in the government do artmcnts and to be able to guide and cml them was sllll another massive job and yo delicate one Mr Dicfcnbakm madn clear that he ms not dlspamglng Mr Pearson or his work He was asldn that we adjust our practlccs so Ihat no prime minister would be anc 10 glvo lime and thought Barrlo llxamlncr March 10 lllfltl At Wont Ward School on Ilradfonl St tlro honor nlurlontrr worn llmlo anr Gordan Galllc Mary Mcltlloah Frank Qulrk llrrt Curttn lolal average attendance was 244 llnyal lcmplm of Tern crnnrq 73M fraternal vlstt to Sum of empor nncn al Shanty llay Owtng to cur rent hard tlrrren local hotel keeper and liquor ntnro rrnprletora wtlltrmod town mundl far mluutlon tn lcenco fem March 090nm rttlr Mummy weather tn llarrtnl callrrr lusrlilml of late as lt III and rrncnrtrrln as ntrl tn sumnm Smnu excitement cauml by lfrhn llcldn mna lrmsn nrnrrtngz at breakneck mm nlonn rnaln rztrtct mrnlng to halt ln our ay of Mom rrrcntly vnratcd lry lnwrll null 70 Midland box factory auatn tn rprral Wlun Mr Mcllllllan wan walklrn lunnn trmn llarrln to Ivy lm would fmrn lmt lnr ttmoly 70 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Suhzrliplml um My by mum mm mm Muir main lupin mr fly mm mm any mlmn Mom ML nx nmlhl H50 ilur II 11 MN Mr lhmull mm mm Huh mm my 11qu hurls Wu xw IIJW mz URL Mxl Im ocu urn mm lnhnluly Aw Tnvnnm no II urv tlmmah rm um um lmlrr May Expect Too Much OTTAWA REPORT flimru mummy Au 1mm no II er Mural HM Wm WM HHUY IH um nl he anarlmn my New vaxcl hp malfivfifixammr in In Publlnhed bycquliui Néfipaparu lelted Hayfield Stray Barrie VOnlarlo Amhan wand 1m null lml Ofllu lwvnlmvnl Oluu lnr pnymrnl mum In mh Imly Sunday ml Mmutmy Inuva emplnl HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA DOWN MEMORY LANE MoPheuoh MnhnglngEdltor 1mm 11 mm Ullu fliatrriv Exmninvr K3773 longtime observer of The Hill Lhis newspa or wholly agrees with Mr mfilgnmkP areumfi to the important things anddeslgnale authority to care for the less imporun Wags Of course it is one of the chalicn as on any man in position of power at he apportion his time jealously not only in quantity of working hours but in iho nature of the subjccis to which be de votes those working hours But tradi lions govern system such as ours and it is noi easy for prime minister to cast traditions aside Perhaps small commlttee could use fully have look at the problem made ur of such men as Mr LouLs St Laurent llr George Drew Mr Justlco Abbott Mr Graham Towers Mr llll Jl Coldwell Mr Norman Robertson Dr Mack tntosh and concclvably man or two of ndmlnlstrallvo experience 1mm London and Washln on The committee would have no nut ority and shouldnt have but It It came up with some sensible con clusions lt would make it easier for prime mlnlster to make the necessary changes and thus Improve the chances that man heading oonstllutlonal gov ernment designed In 1807 can keep on lop of Its main problems in 1007 There is no firm at the top and with out time man Is not at his best nunstnnce of Charles BanUng Illlls dnlo Mothmllsm added 100 conch roll rHHn ico races fizzled out or lack 01 funds Penmnxuhheno ban ned horse racing on streetL Board of Mutation ordcrcd rdnclpnls to make pm Vlslon or teaching muslc In Dania fichoolx Gns lam exploded causing fire In Clnrkson Hote Noah Gmse pm lrlnmr lmdlx bumed trying to put mu Inmcx Inrks Bmx mock mm any packul Grand Opera House for hm nlghls nt ntngo dramas and mmodlos Vlvinn Simmonl son of George simmom mllfowd novcro 19 Inju when blucn by dog nfler he jumped on 1110ng Hoblcy uroccry wagon Henry Cause of mkrrkvwn Inadn hlg Khltmenu of grain to lplmn Mung Vnrnlcn elected widen lahmvlck Ilawmon Joe mnrvllhs and John Hth applied or job of own fmmnn Jnhn 1er nntrm fur rcpalrlnu ml min ng Twin nmfioa Mrr rm 1IJHIIUNM lnr lcumlm Wnnl nunw nu Th lrhphun mmm call In mum or Hindu nluvrnl lunnaliun Ilwarhmnl when 7106111 luhlimu AuxManna the amdlnn PIN and IM mm mum at Ivtulnllvnm 11w anmlinn Fun urlmhfly cumin In the me In unuhurallm all mu Ilmlrhn In pawv th In nr 11w Auoclmd rru nr nunu and an Hm lonl mu rub lulml llwveln OTTAWA Pam mm General Mnnnge TORONTOIn the tantraw ct lhalebeVral benches rhem ls adlidJunlm ind ayfifllni 11 um Famuhar Oliver has been fillha Km for yam flm under 1h bmnm or he tinned Farmers Ontario but mainly Liberal vAnd duran man of lhls re marklblo racord mvlce Mr Ollver hu been In the front row ublne mlnlster Um non nome amadéwasmmuhedvy Imasion the USA on Si Pairidta Day 1366 Prim Minister Jnhn Macdmnld nailed on hhe mm In Canada while then were scales like we ride of Paul Revers in NEW Bmmick alum the border Maine During the night men on Mrseback mic from door to door In every village calling Méflle Hugefiuarfi The me was an Ir ary organization callbd the Fenlans It objective was In xberate Canada rum Britain and have it bound part 01 the USA It had loads money Appeals to Americans to help me dear old sod of Wand were very e1 ectlve was good dun um they did not have Bing Crosby may MLhun 1y be 1511 mrndlp stafimufioday The Ferdam also had 10L of haulehanicned trwm They wm shmell who had gone to the USA in fight in the American Cwll War Many 0va gathered in Portland mine which caused the rumor um may would attack New Bnmidi nn St Patricks Day Adugdly 34w Emu dId pp mg what ls now Canada until June when liky invaded the ngara Pcmxmla Thur wen 09m attack on Ontario Quebec and Manitoba There was even plan ta niobllile 5m army In Sag Framggcq 1nd invade British Coltmpia Dmy IcGM one tha thcrs Confederation nus owner Irish lowlullmary He warned the House Cmmmns that the Permian were planning In Invade and revealed that there were secret ads aionz both sides of the border He was mur dorcd sown allu by Fenian Woo shot him as he was emuin his boanflnz house in Ottawa Dr flynard II 115po phyflchn first and Conserv nlim mond In Ibo eyes Pafllmncnt Hul Through hls servlco to parllamenlarlnns he has mperly vmr unlvenal The Fémans were easLly repelled In awry case were badly lcd IL my had too many generals and calondsl Then Wren enough Hoops were willing to be ordinary ml mfitfi WES OTTAWAWe may soon have nnuonwlda plan menu In we to Cmadlamfngv miles lbelr nblllly In pay But law on tha mlule boolu any help lo wlhrer who um nciLhcr 1nd flow In car or him nor hospital hm to up comnwdnla him nu Moral and provincial nrrpuulng the pa tlenl can bdom he rtmmcnl horse 1n the view of Parlia ments mnsl emlnml docor 17 1111 yd he has per mm unlvenal PM INK may top relnlul lo medicine ho ll lmencd wlm 311211111 by HI from prime mlnIsIcr to partl Im And lhls how he was healed uhrn lm med like mo naming um Cumin Ll short of um noan and the llqliUe no or adequm ndcrrlnu In disaslrou hrnlmlrnm which rob us lhn lnlned Candlan wo med In Clnldl he laid tho Home cl Common am In year am 000 eulonnllyvlrnlned pm No Wsma ml mlmled In tho Unllcd sum ARTE OF TAX than 00 won born In Inndl Dr llynnrd In And lrIIrwd In Cnnndn an ullmnlcd rail 020000 mh 1M3 reprumll Alma 00 000000 In humnn mmmm Ila oxplnlnnl lo we um Cunt ndnn mrdlcul um xrndunled About 1000 hum 1m yur Hum nn lm mm too Im lo the Thu mun Ihlk our lmlnlnfl Irhnoll largely ll mmrod by the mm mldm wmkln or or lhn bmdll Ill lick In UK In Ibo mm cl do per mm uhm her Mum an emuler Armin QUEENS PARK CANADAS STORY hullofial mcdlml cnm mlulnn on nulml ran pulm nul Um an dimly nhnu plyrhlulrhln docer and nurm nnld nr luran mummmll um I11 mum at By non 01mm PATRICK NICHOLON iThOmpsons Pldudits Saved For Bat BOYS Fenians Threatened On St Patricks Day By Medicare BINGO THURSDAY er I7 I966 $500 JACKPOT inlmw THE UN mn lAIl MT AMI flOflllEN COMMUNer MIMI Ile Everybody lemm mm mung his party now as vegqran Hagen Recenuy Liberal Kinder An drew Thumpson spake In party noun mg time he talked wm pride of pgrly reforms Includ Ing his comment Just look atlha people who are helplng gt Queens Park ubernlltudems from Ryenun come In five day weck to help us with the radio servlte University Liberal are pm gum be Sun film MW Hum But he cmlalned lo me Cam ada has ncllhcr he lanthan nor the lcarnlng larllillcs has you about 50 per can the student ho applled lo cnlrr mallcal school were rejected or alllng lo measure up to lhu requlred cducallonal xlnndmlx nod our mndlcal schools onethird have been warned um lhoy will lose lhclr nccrcdl ann unless my merovo lhclr IlnndnrdJ sludcnlyup medical schavh be incrrcrfisEdbvaa or 500 ar nqd jour nvw mtdlc timing flu lcula shun no of hospllal bcds Dr ny nnrd Mnmnd the Mural and provincial gnv In Much lose the Cnnsuvnuva lovnrnmcnl doubled the mm In $1000 bed and lnr IL know that lluuro remnlm the same night yuan lnlur althmgh casl have game up over 10 per cent nnd uma has been the mpolillon um 11 per mnt um In In ho memumeJ Later he rormM lhl mnl $17m bu nnd 6d that Ihe Ontnrh uovcrnmenl pa $5300 In bod nut In build mm hnsplml ladny man up In $10000 bod lhll have In Immislhln hurdrn lhn munl clpal lovrrnmenu which mun 1th de us to 000 bed Dr ward was not kmcHn lha xovcmmrml plum H0 wu mardy MIMI out that 111 prlor and la lrlln more duo Inn nml bule more hnqdlnls Thm Ind not Mara would be ha llmo In htlp all Canndlam In Iflonl lha flcfllllu whlrh In dm an ly not nrnlluhle In my II mum ha Plan COSTS fiOMl Vw Hut mm nroiriii hm llddl BARRIE TEEN TOWN and AT THE EMBASSY 5M 1mm 19 THE PHUPEBS Featuring vidlnl some bl nurcaucux al In with parllnmentlry lulu nnts Young leernls coml Jnlo the omen halp with news paper cuppm lulu Ind re Aemlm Mornlhnn 100 other party people and lama who do nut belong the pmy Ira helping tn build up poflcy maxim7 Medicare Coundil NEON cmHem Min Islerr MAtLhuw Dymond An nomad 1n the lemma day mm of Mew member medial mice In uncle council This brings In Immedlnle re Iclim to my observar Gee whiz And you have to wpnder what Mr Oliver thinks 1th velenn II on the mm the old pros arnund here and in provincial palm In On axle And when Mr Thompson say proudlyu be essentially did that his learn has an excep Uona number of bat boys does ha perhaps not hunger for earl Ier day when polluuans wen the peapIe and dIdn have minke LEM surveysnorllnd out how they felt And does he recall when polJlIul puny lieI wen separate anddear cut and no tampede where everybody Me to get there first with lhe most flu remains one the mast cnmmanding guru In Ihe chamber In is one man who ts sure of an allentiva audience any timeheapgaks Mr Oliver ol cuurse is Iliii young as iha iiio oi poiiiicians goes Despite 40 year in the House he ig only 62 to why outfbuiyw him wonder If he has the desire Io cogflnue when he Ieeshe people nmund him and their cilnrla to build party he might be re minded of children with linkerloyor pcvpie irying Io build house whnse only ex Defiance has been with build irisv blacks This veteran has made grand contribulInn It per mp significant he ls not cum hnard 1mm than days lle probanyhgs may yam Bradlord Wcs Gwllllmbu Rcsldan sponsored by Bradford and West Gwlllmbury District Cen tonnlal Commitlco will be held at Communlt Ccn er Bradlord Wednesday March 30 pm or the purpose of discussing cnlcnnlal Project or the communlly Spulll Spdlknr nVonnlIl Pllnnlnu Bunch Governmon 0M CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM MARCH I9 1966 AT pm Tickets ayailabla downlqwn from Bankpf Montreal and Royal Bank and in Allandala from Mldway Variety and lucky Flowers or phona 7266551 Wln anuablo Door Pvlm Evuy Wnokl MR ALEX MAURICE DEPT OF TOURISM AND INFORMATION BRADFORD AND WEST GWIllIMBURY CENTENNIAL COMMITIEE General Megting of EVERYONE WELCOME And My 1an excaeqflnfly AndIlla one to not wh mum 91 mln ll um van lho and In obey Dymond Announces Medicare Council The elemenh reboinize whet even the elect have tailed Ha almighty Members are Campbell Kingston labor union dliclai Mu Johnston lormr school teacher and now Part Arthur Mmewiie William McCance headoi his awn engi necking lirm in Saxnil Rabbi David Mum oijorunlo Cecil Wight an Ottawa executive Dr Duggnn of St Davids and Dr Lockde of Cooksvifle The council will advise the minister on Ontarios new gov ernmenl sponsored madlm cm pm which Vcomel fully into died July COMBINE EFFORTS Warner Bros Pictures Inc and Columbia Broadcasflnx Sys tcm Inc snld Nesday In New York Hwy will Join In produclnx calme motion pictures BIBLE THOUGHT WEALTH ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE Ever Thunda 7800 pm $35000 SPECIALS JACKPOT SHARE THE 35 Collllr Slrnf RAFC OURV BUYER HAS con WILD The Buyer for he Hopurchlud Analh nr of of merchan dlm sight Human and ID rumd on la OH NO BARRIE SECOND HAND STORE DONT HANDLE IT THIS IS YOUR BIG CHANCE TO Just PulledK Another DANDY COAT Mflllhfl RUIN mum Mllbllm All NM MIN MN mum Hmlllfll mnng HIKAMIEIUJ Infill TIM IIATH ONE DAY ONLY MONDAY MARCH MM DUNLOI In CLOTHING New Used And We Still 50 $200 WWI SAVE

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