Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Mar 1966, p. 1

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lnh mlon Plnm lor Arum Penn In leIn Tap Curling 10 Ccnlmnlnl Puk Cod 9600 Ann lelfllG My Now4 Clmllmllb l7 CommI5 Dulh NannyIa Dlllgl¢l$ Edlhrl Spam Tlmin Woman Wullu lnlmiu whn muuw Nu ll Mfr luv mi Id mil mwnl Huh hm mm Euly IM Hmlnl IAIN rrimbul 1man mull omlml MI In THE EXAMINER Today Afmod Pam An marry ul an Allan mm airwary In Tomm tady Wm In delmmm PM ql um Ila MM um um um Ibvlmt 11mm of vlolrm lull thhlnx on UN Indymm alarm mltmm ml nmlluqu nnnnwl hrlulln wnn Imml laundry FIHYMI GMT or Hullolnirwl mal Nth MIN all nlm lwn run ll mum will Mm lwu um ll flml mm milm lmm fin Iondim ll Ibo Duly Rad uvnllnnl mm Mill vu hm hm week florid4 Spar II Womantd WnllmS Ibo mm nmcmlmmu lo lhc nr poullun Ind acurmu ma In luluIncl IlWflthnll In by mporallnn Arl lmlnrlnl Mum Jnhn nrmin llll mild Ihll her WMJM my run In mulch omm ml in dmriliml rman mnlu1m mer load kl II man II lent Nlllrlxma va II it mnlly Mb wlan ml nul IM lhc rlll cnmmvmlly TORONTO CPI The On um nVllanl humlmrd hm tall lultmlnn Wrdnrh thy nlnwl ll llmlhmlnl mur III II nmmlpx Tougheningl Securities Laws Is Him Two 0ntario Bills The In nu nl Amtmlmnh mmp In many Mm but 01 fly pulvnvlquhnhkur g1 unalim nu nom flu olMMl Inul Inn pvth Irma Ira Hw namr oun dun he Inld Hm Illlllnhll Thu ahum mum occur my what mud change to provhln All or Munhywlds Illndaull uan nl mnwmll ml urml Iln lrulglnllun Nallonnl nplnlon pull today Ihnw mm ol pt ml In haborl ldvmlana nlnn In week lhn Conmvnllvn Dnlly Mail npnm Ilul uyl lhln could nut be law at having any mull mmlng nnd mid HIM 1M tmllnurd lead pre Ienll unorqu len lo Mm um lhn 1m rlrcnm The paper My lhln 1m murnduml lhrmmhnul Illluln on cltrlinn my Allurl Ilny muml Inulrlfir lnu than uninv flwany mh ulo Inlnvmallnrl In mmli um mm mm LONDON ulculml Prime lllnklu Wilson nppénrl In handing lnr Inndxllda mm In nrllllnl Mnrrh SI tinHm nplnlnn poll lrulny haw hla lenr parly mainlalninl mec utulnr nperunl lml om durd llulhl npnoalllan 00 urvullvu majur nnwndmcnt lo III In will provide or lha mm cation council of rude un Ion1 burguinlng nxenl In tho cmslrucllan Imhulry or Instnee unhns rrprcscnung turpemm hrlcklnyerx and electrician may be allowed ln céunril Predict Landslide Victory For Wilson COUNCIM MAY Mfr Tha repeal ol section 39 along wllh other wldcvranxinx chums In the act will my becan Inw until he hlll pass lhrough the house nnd 1x proclnlmcd lama Mum data in be namtd by the Huulcnamgovcmwin wum numb allicm film on duly he mhool la ensure the free move men ol hum bringing childrul Ipgnd from Ichool Wm Allomey General Arlhu Wish denlod muggy In UM lmsllluréflhal provincial lice offlccn huva been acting slrlkebreakzrs in Iho Chelmsq for diwule He laid however mu Ipoknsman for tha parlo men of labor said he dld not know what eflccl the new lezis Inlion wauld have on matrix at malntenanc aemflayms of the Chelmsford schoo board Them employees walked all the job alia the school board Invoked sectlnn B9 01 the act That In um gava rise to an ouuaw situation where the em playm and lo lchual board mm no do as they please n7 The bill move lha right of municipalities and xcllonl board to declare that the pm vlslon the Labor Relations Act do not apply lo them Sec tlon 89 at the act glvlnglllem lhl right la be repealed mnomo CF Municipal workers an In be guaranteed all of he protecllnns or the provinceslabor law undcr hill Introduced In the Iéglslalure WednEsdfly by Labor Minister Leslie Rownlm Bill Gives Protection To Municipal Workers Barrll Onmlo élnldl deridly Mufti 17 I966 Tin M1 Mme In brlnl lull mnm In umnmmu per can In Jlmmy All ml villlmnl Hornunl umnnl now the Frhmm ts van per uni In name In Mm uuy rrnr lupus avidly nu nlmr lnrri Unmuloymenl pruran filo NM n1 IN Hm ntrl In mryummmmlulm ll Mangef rdunmy wally Ili nu muplly um um um mumuy rm xul numlwr Imam 0rd In Fll nary 3m New an OTTAWA Yl Unmnploy mrnl Inml IlMIlly In 1111an Fclmnry mm 57000 In Jnnu nry lml mm 0er Hun In INmmy Um Damm Inn Ilumu suuwu ml the labor dmalmml uld Way In Jnnl myvrl lvln JII hi Lahof INN 711IMMJ57 Fmrlnypd 07M MM In Udbmdtvul Jobless Total Eases Slightly Ilrlmllu role In Europa emumul mnln election sun Vulnudny nlxhl whrn both Wllxnn nml Heath rhuhcd nm Im naming of ltlllxh ngrkul lurotha major hurdle la IN AIn wklnl tnlq lnlll Hm Com mnn Muriel lhrtMoha anmlly In Inc on nnlnx llnmu ol Common could Jump In nearly 200 mu In Nu rhnmlwr vhirlcsv Constable Brute MchIlum Bradford Onlnrin Imvinclnl Pm Hm Invesugnlm he mishap In 715 pm He Inld exicmim da nn ns Enslnincd In holh Abomlcin was prmdlng not on Highway 000 and pullvd out In mmth cur In an passing lune Ilakcra car was pronling mum on nghway 4m and they met head on mar the Imulovnrd Ahmsllin or on na Injuries Mr Baker was pronounced dead by Coroner Dr Mc Finland Cookslnwn 1m other vchlclo inwlmi tractor trail er was driven by End Aban miu 36 ol 2175 Avenue Road Town John may mm 5mm human Street died loilowlng headon collision last night on Highway mm mm the GI mnmsslan Innfsm Townihip VANCOUVER CFJTwn fur mu cadelendanu In bribery accusation command each other in difhrent court Wed Barrie Man Diés InICrash This may relieve situation which crops up lrarn time lo Lime when on union on the verge or sclllemcnlunlll it learns hat Maud union negotiate contract three LPN infidiy mum Stock Not Paydff Inquiry Is Told or all MM JANET ANMETRONG at Nel Aynwont mmmnwl all Mull gun IflvlHnrifll at nma 1le mm 01 151414 MW Thu judxa wnx dlscharztd nl preliminary The charge against the husinm ncullve will not pram In 196 the Judge former mayor of Sudbury was dlargtd with acuman Mock In Norlhun Onlnrlo Natural Gnu Co In procure the cly coun cilx approval at NONG inm thim there Mr Fanis lhnn president of the company wu charged with ollcrlnk It condiuon or Muslim HI mumy ima al the and or thd yVucouver ximn Ivain Rand farmer Supreme Court cl Canndl Jlll Nce who conduct Mini judicial Inquiry lnln Ihe Ontario Judges lam lo IIon mice In he llth of Ihe 17000 flock bandit he received vFinnncinr Ralph Fanin ol Vantouvcr said um 7500 mm stock received by Mr Jus tics Landrevilll the Onlulo Supreme erl now lighting for his iud 04 rep men nah my unuuuu nu aldihal here was no allempc to buy or Id Influence Both unions and employer groups have req uéxiedlhe changes to permil certification or muncils or trade unlomhlnbor deparlmcnt spokesman mm seems lo be getting Va hqlte deal In lulnegnllallnns um mm mn ml MFR mm In mull the mm My rum Mn Annamfl mugmmuuua hum iii WWW bu flu roubles Hwy cxprrl mud warmly um an Armstrong and Scull had opened the smmrnll hnlducs Owl John Madflnx NM nnd Hwy um just mtlng lher enjoying the sun and cut lml 1mm Im IJr rescue pllol who flew uvrr the Gemini III bobbed In one Pullic said the MM mm min m1 cnnl allot mcir harrowing cxpcdcnce The aumnanu were given preliminary one hour physical examlnIUOn soon altar board lng Ute Mason and were re poned In good condition Th3 trouble which San lthe waucralrlnto aspin happened when therem no vale or Inle mclry communicaliun between earth Ind lhu spacecrnll The calm mum be knwm Kranz mid until after review mm dnla mm mm cl ente stlon Flight Director Gene Kranz saJd It will be norm lime Mare tfllclah can say what cause Gmnlnl In buck In space liku frightened slalllon knocking the astronaut out 10 plum vmgxowx Nu re cnhy abruplLv terminalcd ml modded day flight ins 10 hm 42 mhguk Inm the blue mnrnlng upon Halh me mporlcd to have come sale flu CAPEXENNEDY an AP The Gemini astronaut rude destroyer toward Okinawa ta day while spaca nflldflls dug tnlo the mystery of the violent mishap that brought their nits sivn to hmrratsing end in the water of the western Pacific ille destroyer Menard Manon which ticked Neil mm mm and Di id Seatt out or the wnlerafler the first emer gency landing in US mantn space htstoxy wax schedutnd to put than ashore nt Nana at Report Astronauts Unharmed After Emergency Landing Nathan Than i3an mumu Unul know ml an mmv mm mm In Mme an ul liqranting Inmlw Mu KIML Jul lucqu um pm More cm woule mu tho No lhmym duos Myrna Ugh hi III cm lo we Thu mud mum nu nowwurel men lry mm mur IM 11an lulu Hui lw nw MM Midi Inhl Hwy rnul Ml mum Mar oil lap IraMn my mm vaku IM wlval me ulnmnun MI hf mixlnglxprrwd Ifflny nmnnlhlp Amulmnz mum vlnmn 1mm uqu hrn Um Ilmhln wan mmvlrlrd Bnl Ilx clallun Ma mm Ilml Mllslml HINUII nl Illa mu ml mm In Imulhm Amhlmdy um vallM ml livrir am Ihrn Irmkmu vlun lnrll talnl he nlnml Apmrdllpu um udan tank mu ml mu Amnle mmtnl pm EsT mmmaml HIM Armmnnz 11an lml linul hpnu Mm lry mnly nudging hr mnlnl um lull mmIMF Mkan mllnr 11mm lung Mum Apau Nn elm VI EMIIIITIIII hm lhry have In my will hnmzln Impurlnnl bearing an lhn lulnro nl lhn U3 wrua mm mm Tho Mmln man Ilovlllnfl up with another mel lo mlzhl have to be durum TM flmINu mme up only 1111 MI hour nllrr hwy nvhhml Uw hrll llnlulp Mlh nnnlhrr rllble Thu Mlmm was due In Nuha Okinawa about pm EST Ivy nlxhl Tho Iulrnnnuu will be Imam Cum Krnncdy Friday 104 Ml their Italy In mice Henry nlllnnlm Pruidonl Jnh perm ho was zrcally relieved III the mic mum r4 Um astronale and praised thrir Ikxll Ind firmgm Armumnx ML 5ch today Mr nbaard lho Amara Mnmn Inn dulmyer um ro Iricwl lhcm from nulcrn lncilic early today lo regain mhlrol llld candqu lulu reentry and Innding JDII ELIEVED Du ll Wm firy mioux And It look 1w war ho crew Wmunal new aulu and Space Admlnisur non Mum to let newspaper men hear ape nmrdjngs pl the mronnuls voim durlnl the ullicnl pcllod when Geminl wu our cl contml ms mile Abovolhn earth None cl us knaw uhnl hap ncd Dr Robert lIrulh limlor NASA Man Spnmrnfl Cenlrc told mm on lerenu curly lodAv mom Ihal lh hnuNrl JA nw new the Gemini pilot made emncy India when the Gemlnl Mn Lula nub tar mammz cmflWhM Axum fucker hm mm wuupiggwmm Copy 13 Pig Remaining mild but rain later Low tonight 30 degrees High tomorrow 48 degrees Forlull summaryJurnlo page five SVEE PAGE THREE Am Ca2 Stbfsé

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