Save tel Club House Smooth Creamy PEANUT BUTTER 47° Save 19 an Oil Pack Coloured Goodch IVIIIIIIiIIIIINE Lu Packs YOU Save l0cl cm Your1 Coupon UXYUUL 32 93° Save lIc Society Brand heel or ram IIIIUIIIISANDGMVY ran 89° am loci III an INSTANT NNLN rowan $109 Save tel Powdered CoIIee Creamer PLEASE 49° 001 sin BAKERY FEATURESI Ilet 49c Fresh Belted Supreme IlIllSIll mas 39c llrx Ski Wealnn or sunbeam 12 lo pkg CIIIIIAMIIN BIINS 35° HIGH LINER FROlEN FOODSI Save loci mun Unrr Haddock rrsn nuns 59° rLLLrzrs or can IMI lehyl 43c PEAS Ii CAIIIIUTS NAIL ron 55° SPII SPIIII lam 51c IACKI Bill JIM ll 85° llllillll WIIIIP as 37° TIIIIILTWEPJ CIIAPEIIIUIT JUICE if 47° lii JEAN SIIIIIMIS linsll IIIL Tlla MIX VM ltlt IIATITII IZII BURNS STEWS IlIiliF Oil CHICKEN 69° 1601 It Box In it to IiiLII on Pin CASH ovrn stooooo Ln PRIZES GET your ï¬ne EASY CASH CARD TODA BEST BUYI SAVE IOeI FLAVORFUL COFFE MAXWELL BEST BUYI SAVE l5c COOKED BEST BUYI SAVE Bel TREESWEET RE CONSTITUTED ORANGE JUICE BEST BUYI SAVE Bel ALL PURPOSE ROBIN HOOD Flour HouSE SPAGHETTIjLibbyts 50189 iLa and an 1502 TINS AilOZ TIN 39c 5LB BAG 51° BEST BUY SAVE 4d GET YOURMORE PLAYING WITH PLASTIC BOOKLET 6401 Sin JAVEX Liquid Bleach 45c BEST BUYI SAVE JICI OFF PACK WHITE OR COLOURED PUREX TISSUE BEST BUYI SAVE 6d NEW INSTANT LO BAG $1 60 T0 PKG RED WHITE TEA BAGS 59¢ FEATURING RED WHITES GIANT PO Specially Selected Value Checkd 49 FreshIFlenlc Style Shoulder PUIIII IIUASTS 5V to III RKARAMA SALE WEEK TWO IDEAL FOR ROASTING SPECIALLY SELEC TED LEAN TENDER PORK BUTT ROASTS 593 FOR FRYING WELLTRIMMED TENDER JUICY PORK BUTT CHOPS 69L IDEAI IOlt HUITING LEAN IIIEATY TENDER IOIIK SPARERIBS 75 MAPLE LEAP MILD CUIIHD WELL thllAKIll BACON 99 TV DERBY SPECIALS GREEN GIANT FANCY PEAS 2m3o Lli TIN BEEHIVE CORN Hill ECONOle DELICIOUS STUFFED SUNSHINE FRESH NUTRITIOUS No NEW GREEN Pork HIOCKS 39 AND BAKED Pork HEARTS 39c RODUCEI cabbageoi SUPERB FLAVOURFUL FANCY Ilniou Pears SUN FARLOUR HOT HOUSE NO CUCUMBEIIS CRISP CLEAN CURLY NO SPINACH GRADE 49° 25° i001 CELLO BAG 49° mitt Examiner WEDNESDAY mantra is naeLs Approximately 1000 people attended the Barrie Figure Skating Club carnival Mid In the Barrie arena last Saturday night Highlight oi the evening was the tree skating exhibition by Dr Charles Snelltnn one of Canadas representatives to the world tlzure skating diam pianshlps held recently hr Aus tria Shown here are low of the principals who helpedto make the carnival mess SKATING CARNIVAL TERMED SUCCESSFUL From left to right are Vern Martin president Dr Charla Smiling Bill Andemon car nival chairman and Fshcr director Barrie CoiN icglale Band Examiner Photo NEW DELIII APlTho tired tiptap at their hammcrs sounds through rock quarries ihclr quick eyes lit watchiully over herds oi cows lheir gay laugh ter blends with the roar ot coastal aurl Those are the children oI 1n dla and In their later In the story at this impoverished na tlansrcruei economic troubles and its hope oIa better tomorv rowr Nowhere Is the null bctwecn reality and dream as clearly portrayed as in younz Iaccs It is the ehildmn among In dlas 80000000 who show the pinch of malnourishmont Soma have scab covered lens and gummy eyes that betrayram pant disease But in their laughter lies the ope In the state aI Kcrala novaz COLUMN On Wes ll BOD NINTH IIIOILYWOOI AHLast Nov winbcr Princes Margaret was losml lamy movie Ihxilo hmdroonr This week It was him TllIIIp Neither oI thorn eaiti uni Not to the nalluaml lunchcrs anywn The princess rxcuso was ad case oi In with No explanation wns rqu tor the grim Maybe It was because he mi hut ukIivrmian Isidro at the Unltcnrity oi CalIIomIn at In Angelou and was tuned with anotiKr nmwaranm at rain Illnncr irlnco Ihiilp wasnt at In or words Ixrwovrr Iln rarrini nn rpriuhtly rwlvrrnnllun with lltmllntl lluMoIl at his irIt rmvl Glynis Johns at his HEN Mm nt in Mail table were thnnie Slam Illln Farrow linrlnrn inrhlns mmNy llInIonc an niic Wood Anne Francis null litntrnnle Ihrm Thats right Formica nll Mimi In an rspIalIthm 20th For nhlo mulled mnlr Isnt INST Ihnls about us nmh lnnlc nl rumor llllldl or Gvrat Iirlurln chm tun scum Shir ip1 Mariam loll at the her lllltm ildel In newly sovnnyoarold girl sILs under the blazing sun ohlpplng small rocks into smaller pieces Ilor ulure Ia lilo yards away where old women chip big rocks into small rocks lier little brothers Iulure is Iarther up the rock face where man drills all day shrouded In chok ing dust FOOD INADEQUATE child chips or eight hours like lhls and still doesnt earn enough to eat as humans should In the rock qunrriu the young Iacea dont smile The eyes donttwinidalhe run alowa to walk There Is no time or Iun and lames Hut Iarther north along the Arabian son coast not even the Iiith disease end hunger of backward Ilshlng village ean still the laughter Philip Has Lunch tern Set the luncheon contained It was hold on the wcstorntatmt set and the lrspplnrts wm Irmtlm style ml or 11 No totngrn II lunch oursmood voice on the imalspcnltcr 1m entertainment was an odd mellrrrr First came m7 at hampers nryl Smlltsh po Inrvttrs mm La Iinhrn iligh mml Call The rounding no pawnlIy lKInr that that was hot the thin for the Duke IIdlntmrm The Inn Ilcnch CallL mnmlrrl patrolt owl Inn on MlI4ImInn allrrmln rlIIo lawn the westrrn street but new hemlml all It Mme to ho Im rinky In the slaratorlricd mutt TIla prim was pmsmlï¬l with lVIndunlrr rifle by Van lIeI lln uh rrunla the wmrtalion on Irllnll of 51mm Ornch now mm min lux nsovlar Iida was Iollrrwn ivy square tinnms and tlrnvnntnrtinn by Ilutl IIMI slim hills IrIrmeIl Iha Intirnt rm In the erII Tim nrinro WIII his IhltliIl over his NHL if little hilt tiorlnl inrme The dInmr use may at IaIr hr Variety Orin intu hattonsl and nqu day Indias Children Show Malnourishment Pinch Little brown packages oi mo bile dynamite bare as the day they were born charge into the surf are howled over and rise laughlng to help lather land $12 net t7 litre the Iuture looks brighter It Is to ride out to sea alongside the mca In narrow roughhewn fishing boats learn to planet the storm and and outwit the devils oI the sea Children are everywhere In In dinon mathcra hip under ml crawling in the crude hu dooryard acamperloz down the village pathways INCREASE NOT KNOWN No one knows or sure how many ehlldrcn are born In India every year Best estimates are that the population increases gï¬ 11000000 annually In country doticient in II mosl every necessin oi tile how can 12000000 new mouths tilled every yeorl liew ca my doctors be trained care fortheml Ilow ear bewrmructedl Education Minister II Chagla announced In Parliamen recently that 50mm nan ganja children are in primary schools 37 4x line accompllshment ha sal except that many mlonn more never have secn the In aid at classroom and nave Despite allout ellorls to clothe and educate Iha India government Is falling behind th populallnn growlht There are more illiterate ovcr the ago to in india day than there were dead suo Thousands mnalr schoo have been rslablirhed In an tempt to give the increasl swarm oi rhlldrrn at least rudiments an lucnllon AQUAT UNDER TREES From the mountain Has mlr In the north to the iungi oI Kcraln Slate In the soul dilltlrcn III neon suuntll llIlIItf qu tree or in sum rnurtyard pnIInntIy llslenlnn ï¬g poorly paltl scimolmnstcrs who flInIlIIsIIanl romllla ol por bio hlnrlhonni Itvrn Ihls Ia beyond the rra oi the handrail thousang who lend nomndlc existence IMIII areas or In the slum Imllnl hues rltl hlnny at these children are to work at an rnrly anu Buthml alliumh or the In Artur tire iertr Is In more bed MP Mindanao VI