Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1966, p. 4

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Heracmaitignswcapici Central Mario Cattle Breed In Association gathered nfler he Simona may moclingjn ZSOUTH SIMCOE FARM NEWS One hundred and lhlrlyslx arms the county have been chlmd lnlhls compctlllon and film Inlllal acoxlng was canlcl in Scplcmher of he past year Wllh spring coming up same of ma clonnlnz up and clearing my of scrap wlll be undcmay Grass kept trimmed and nllracllvo garden will also An Advisory rummillcu mrnl Inn was hrld lhln wrck In plnn Food Forum The Fnrmn Never Dull Mall will be hrld In Slrnud Cnmmunlly Hull SFROUD ENDForty breed ers mm chromaqu Simcoe County attended rlhe amual meeting the Central Ontario altlc Breeding Assoclallnn community canlre here ya legday The program blnluded xcporu from personnel on last year business discusslnn and guesl speaker Dave Huuck hurd sup exinlendent or farms Crop Improvement Projects Mr Hauckv well knan In Ho alcin can breeding circles nit ed Lhc example caw family developed rum daughter of ms of the COCBAI first Under chnlrmnnshlp nl Eric Gallnughcr the $0th Simcoc Soil and Crop Improvcmcm Direc or have dulled In nulline n1 projects which they hnpe con dutl lhh year Mnny of lhcm will be IImllar van years but Farmstead Improvement Competition The 501 Simcoe HI Club will be organlzinx at Coukslnwn lnsnnlc all In March 24 nrmlA am an Mnrch 29 firclun an March 30 and Nollnwnsnxn Dunlmon Hill on Apnl 14 South Simcoe 4H Clubs DISTRICT WEATHER The mid mnnuhu unlhrr Ml rnnllnuo 01hr but lvmmll Um Mrninu will mhl nwr mnmnv ll hull ht mlrr and uvrnul lmw The Examlnrr Iml nluhl In dram le lruv pcmhlro nm Cll JumpIn Clvmd all Aver 0w 5km WHInudnL Imkn Mn Lalu Elle Nmznu lmkr Unlnlla lahu II Alllmrhm Klllnlmx wurllun Iluy Wlnuluvr hm mvn Illmllinn annlv Nlulh my Sumyury My rlmmy Iml Ilma man In lrnuwrr lure Indl rnnl ll Mluml Aull Sip Mule WIIH lllvrr Clnully wllh Inh Imllrnl IIKM wow and Hum um ML rml Food Forum In Stroud rnmnl 11mpulnm Im mum hm mamau vaIuvr IL Thnnm mum is 1lmnum4 CMMIM ann Jam quva In HIUI thuhfl In Irmpmmu Hmh mumI mum nny ml nul mm In will Wm SENIOR MEMBER of the Springlike Today Cooler Tomorrow Clvmd all Aver WHInudnL Mn Lalu EXIF lmku Unlnlla lat anflmrhm Klllllmfl Iluy Wlnlllur hm wlllnfl Tmnnl Nullh bury My rlmmy buns This had produced an ex cellent and our very good daugmers and oflspring pm ducing high quality This Is happy combinalinn he said SET UP PROGRAM Mr Hnuck stressed ycu dont make perfecf mallngx but set up program make this hap en Each broader must make separnlo evaluation type production and careful xLudy at their own herd berm estab lishing program said Mr llouck ram 1m Vic Small Strand and Noun Jnlusmn odllla both county dirodors STAND ING lmm Mt Craig Mid be part as well as ch painlin and squaring up of building and fences Under chnkmanship Garden Todd ha commmee rcsponsible nr this campellllon has also discusscd other idea which will make our county mm allrnclive In Centennlnl Year he year In Internnlional Plow lng Mnichfnmcs tn he cnumy lnmd ycgtgrday SEMI mlcular ion one ing high ylcld barley cam wlllinn under rcgululiuns slmil Iha corn campclillnn and niso summer our coumy prOJKCU wn ucw nrnkcl have rccnlvcd In nrdrr in join bay girl mus be at least 12 years no bctme Jnnunry Isl and not have reached Ihcir 2m blrh day by December 315 1M Mar on April 27 Thurman Stroud and lnlnuwltk Vomcns Inau lulu Ire Jolnlly Iponsorinl he Forum whlrh open In all wm mm In lho nrm Mr muck tiled three exam plea of mm in breeding pro graxm caused by switching bails copying neighbor and getting the best value Im $5 11 each and everyone of would give caneructlva thought to busm of breeding cw we would have more pm film nldlmorelun cutloe cw busincs he said Viclur Small Sunud was reelected direclnr or Iurlher tubyear menu and Norm John ston 011 or nnother year BETTER gumgm Craiglleld oi Milton pres ldenl at me COCBA said breed were producing holler qual lly and gemm better types at mlmah undcr me program TM is one reason or the strong export market today he laid Dr Reeds general man ner of COCEA mm more were 1136 cow Insemlnmd last year thawing there was an ln muse In dairy breedhlg last year over my despite the Act it rzparmd we no lewer dalry cow In Ontario inst year president 0003A Dave nou émw wker 58¢ Dr Mr Small uld later mm were 2876 members ol the million in Simcoe County GUTlmIE 51am Henry Neumq was asfpolnuqby 0m Oro Appoints Depuiy Clerk Wnflflp ound VH1 Kev deputy dark lrensutcr nl Lh muting here March The council has been Inspcd n5 railwy cussing in he township clerk pmmlod copch ol Idlm ol he board of Irnnspar cummluionen wllh rupee each them The eeva and road rumrlnA londcnl wen nppnlnlrd In range or esdmam or clearing VIEW liner on two crnrslnu nnd Io await replltl mm lhe bonrd dud Iu presented from Omr on proposal Min rubdilelnn part unrlh Ml lot out caneaslm or pub llc properly and clerk Authorll cd In an cvmmunlry plun nlnl bunch tundillanl lp pravnl hnd now hm mmplcled nlislndvrlly The lownshlp has rmlvrd lrnm flu mumy council ml Imounll requlnd tram 0w lnr cwmy purpoer or III ycnr Caunly unml levy 1001 munly mm law tmmm Th1 II and of $3153 The Human mm Orlllll lnr lobenmre 11cm payable by 0m ym for Mill rnlluhlo pmenlni ll nnwunltd In 1er25 Mm rum lawnshlg of mm Ihmlnl Orn purunn cl publlc Ichool vlrhrnlum In In Imuuni ol mum éxikmm ma flEiEN mum Momma BAYlSpecIaD On Sunday Much was privileg ed In Mend mural with Queen 0n the last day 01 her Caribbean trip Queen Ellzm hem Hnd pa Dukeof Edinpurglg attended lhe morning samu 2i tho Parish Church of St game In Munuony My Maud who Ls holidaying hen with me Ind were far tunnleennuxh to receive invi tation Although we had orderad cub belore land we didnt hava on when WEI lime to leiv on Sunday morning Mr did wp aver hear why it didnt shnw up out to walk In high heel Ind glam nellher of ma oh About the flmerwe were filing Inx of taking oft lhe heels and vrnceedlng inhm feet kind Jnmuun family gave us 311m Slncc it was about 95 degrees in or out of Ihe shade you can Imagine how glad we were to me lim Just baton we entered the church the rain came down Kn buckeh denying the Arrival 01 he mynl parlyuand cmllng of the rest of us As they any In Jamalca soqu dryno worry Our neat were nenr the cen kg alsle by whflnh 01 party en tered Ind we couid have reach ed nu Ind lunched Her Ma Anderson Park Temlawm at RCA Simian Camp Bnrdcn luv become foster parents In Alexander Kmlaxopmflu Greek nudent living in Athens Th2 Deenus decided In ad Mexmder so their chm have worthwhfle project to whldn all owld umum As mull the Tecnluwn adaption Alexander able to film school and both he and Mar mother an able to make 11 at were not or um assistam Alexander would have my bleak Mum The Anderson Park Inner In be mnxratululed on weir decision be foster parcnls ellaw lecnvaxer win is Teentown AdOpts Greek Students imixrilégedl To Attend Church With The Queen May we suggest saveforlheLitllelhingsyoumightolhemiseneverbuy Account Queen Elizhbelh looked verybuutilul in limplu whilesleevelesa line dress with green hell to match her Imll green ha und Ills Royal Highness iookerl very tall and handsome In grey lweedlxh unit They were accompanied by several members 1110 rgyul party During Ihe Iervitl thc lesson was read in cleaneasy listen to voice by the Duke Edinburgh and the sermon was deliveged by lhu Lord Bishop nl Jamaica Thavm Rev Pu clval Gibson DD Among hush present were many Jamaican diznilnrlu Can adian Ifld Amerlpnn represent TIMAflNS CWTh North easkm Onlmv Chamber Yo Canimfirce nre mung meet ing with Prlmz Minister Pear um and Przmleernhn Roberts to dlswu he need nr comm on wulhermodalylnz eunp menl Seekingfirfljeeiinfloigofiirok Weather Mddiiiing Eqfiipment Narihcaslem Onlnrlo had greater lhan normnl ralnlall Inst year when ralnAmnldng equlpmenl wu belng operated by Ontario Hydrol Some lml larmerl blamed lhe mnclllnzs or part of the heavy mlnlalll ks fortunate than themselvea Amsuch as this contribute to the esteem that Ionian counties have or Canada and lo baker understandlm between nations 1h leenmwn opemm wflu an advisory cammmee parent and Teen axnmmze nude up Mike Martin chairman LcsA lay Walker vicadmlnmn and members Wayne Hallway Ann yoyle Colleen Mullin Susaq Kenncd Dwayne Brenna717in Rick urch Thair heiaquulers is in he mum and of we Sodnl Tcenlvwn meeting place or locum on both CAP and Army camps pin dependznu whnliva nu camp mod the latest records is kept on hand Datum with name hands mm Toronto are also featured at regular inlervals slim the regular pnflsiwncra or St James The Church 01 St James 15 Interesting one WM wood work uf naflve mahogany and muymemorials Mane lrlb utes to early members at the parish it In well warth tour which harp tn Luke heron long This was lha last Ippeprmca of me Queen in Jamaica lhe 11 by plane 911 Sunday night larglandom As the my Man flew over the island the royal yacht steamed out the harbor The excttément of the visit is over1h flawng are wiytcd and 15 decorations coming down Slowly llge Island is returning In manna At least one of the machines was thrown lnlo river chlncs work or we degree 10 whlth they In messlul Sn in mnsflng rainfall said 0mm president Anypcrson or pgency can no emplpy rain CASH JUST LIES HERE WMWA CHThousand 01 persons larger never bnlhered 0r did not live to claim $36835358 In accounts dmquILs dram and may ord era It 10 Canadian banks over the last nine yeaxaLhe Canada Gaulle reports Those unA claimed at the end his year will be handed over to um Bank of Canada mains equlpment Io 15mm STARTING AT Mn Door open win JACKPOT $30000 lEGION HALL 71 comm 5T WEDNESDAY MARCH CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE lEGlON BINGO THE BARRIE EXAMINER mummwn is Iborg Teachers College presen tallon ol Brigadopn In which her niece Miss Calherin Sagg lopb part She alsa visiled her daughter and sonlnlaw Mn and Mm Cunpbell Steele Laura Eloblcake Saturday evenlng Mn eMe Alklmn mended Mr and Haroxq Wank Egbert visited Thursdw wim Mr ml Mm Ardlle Wadess Mlss Damn Smllh REA who ia attending Univarsily Weslern Ontario London spent the weekendwith her parenu My andVMVn Harold 5me Ten chlldren were guesli Mlu Linda Hulll blflhday par ty Suturdy memoon cum mm mama m1 Mr lid Mrs 31 chldum PhelpsLJ By yms WANLESS évenlng Mtg 519 MMEmmmflvngjm Immee Beanmmmms 1M mamMomming Shirley Jones suuamm Honor Human Jamelwh hMeUOCOLOR DISTRICT NEW FLOS Lagaw wwaaamm yew meg ®FILMlst mum magnum 253 mm uuom ACIUAllV CIOCKED IN mam sunvm STARTS WEDNESDAY BIG ITS CAT BALLOU AND Sllll F00 PLUS SHOWN AT no Ind nngmnous OTTAWA CPlNlnu Mlnis Pepin told the Commons Mundly he will malw mu menl today on the negotiallom bemeen Mundc Energy of Can ada Ltd and General Eleclric Ud about establlshmenl of second heavy wsur plnnl In Cami GOGO DANCING on our mg wlIth AL MATHEWS TRIO nghily from NH pm QUEENfS HOTEL Bhuu 100 pm last Time Today nub

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