Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1966, p. 4

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swam IWMNHH mum um um umnyl mm Mr mm Thnmu Mum Hm ha Mmh 11 Al Hr pm We 1mm nl lh lhvn Ir ml 111er Slnll IM lnl rmiy Inuwlm mnvmllrl um mum MW I4IIN Ilunnl Jv rulnn Ipnl lvw Im uh lm nmllwr Mn mum In Ullllia why 21mm rnlmnnu ul IHIHmr MII erl HMI fiympnlhy II exlrnIrd to Mr Ind Mu KrHII McIAml mhl firmly and Mlu JAM Mclrml In lhnlh ll IIrlr bmmrr kumh 1mm Imrnfl Mldv Tlmrulny Thu unrul Imltl Salunlny lnuu Dmflillo Funrul mm MINA Mm KHIMUI lrlxml Mr ml Mu Avrhlu Mrlrml and mm In ml MM IM mm Arlh MI and MW KrUI It at limo My Mc In pnulnu Mr ml Mu linnzlal Irlmml Mvvl Knlh In um um mka umnt alrnlx Mr AM Mn Rth MN an am Allrwln mm 14 MI Ilmlr hrnnvlh llnl Iy IHH IL JOIINNTUN ML and Mn Dun Mrltfld and dmlghirrl lilnlnr and 31mm nHrmlM 1m wlnlm finlunlny In HUI Ilnpllll hunt III Ill Mn Mdmdl nrlrr Hm Atlmra lemrll Min um Kon mum my erHalnnl renlly Mm In Mr man WM shmwr Mmlmnr uy MISS MnUASTEn Wmenx Inslilnle held war luy show March in he nun hnII xith procrcds going In Mlislnn Ralnry Swimming Pm prided Several numbers rMre put on by home talent wilh musiral numbers from SEEMS Cubs and he childrcn lssa Na as well as hm hm by rmvrnvm Insfilule and Cmvkmmn lnslitum Prim inr lucky draws wm inn by lawn and omside mcrdmnu COLLECHONS nus was he hcmc for the Junk UCW motling held In lhe church basement Ladies are asked Io bring in uscd ny nn slacking cu he ml 0n Korea Whore widan unrmII hem and use UKI Ihrmd or wcmmn th making lninn Discarded Chmtma card and xlnm will he Icnllo he Shel ch nrkshnp narrit Mrs 12 Grahnm pmerl or the pmgrmn and umship pm Iod was ml by Mn IL Shaw Mn Willing and Mrs Graham Mrs Grnlmm nmxlml Mr nnd MIX Ml IA for mnnlha MM llmlmm ML murml In IIulor anIwnlly Hum 1m nflor having nrwn wck mm hnr wtnu Mn MA Mu John mm IOWE IL Amman Ilm Mk Fm Mn VHHMM Graham Mrs Grn Ivy Mn Davies lurkn rm dbcmslon RUGBY Am Inmilym Amuhl mum nih spnmlmz mm Hm has Ml Mu am Mu Wm llnzlnn sh flu nun Mm am nntl watlw Mm Avma um ml Imlrln Ml lw mllml Sahmay vinlu Mn hair Mwlvflwl mum AI nmmnu lvfiLlal ll Innpit II Irving 1th Nu suuuluy II vvhmmn Mth kIImuml slmml 1i llnll mv rm mun lumimm Inf lMm Awflnliv mmlmmty kn IVIUJZIII lRT MUUNHJAMI KL JAIMI IMHNI lumh mm unkind may Hnlmduy tuning 11w III malhrr om Murdny Mr AIHHMI llm Wm Il Ind III Mu Nrllu Inil Willnwlzr uhu ha Iwn vhlllnz My Mom and mully Mr and Mn Imm Ill xhlr nu um mm mm Al Iludimzlnn spend luv wrrkrnd with hlm Pm er Don Mnnkmnn 5w Mary Mm Marian Webb Tlrflt NI Mumme MIMIF My Mu MLn mm Mrs liflrl Hr umk room him And Mn lnnL mum mln 11 rhalmnn Gmrg lrmlnr mmmign mn mmrc urrlm oue Mu unnhunn Mm 12ml Hell Mlu Marx mm Mr News Mm IL New Mnnh rrnu lnvaI um All My Mimi lu xiu newrmuly when lha canmwr mlh Mm lrxnnrm llimllu In mu nrrr lhn werkrml nb The animal 1w cm liin lmd man In IL Hnwnnl lnslnllcd hr mman 0111mm or mm Pml Hrs E31 rl Hell RED CROSS MONTH ha gnu saucer slmircrand Miss Marilyn Glass as hosim or miscellaneous hauur with girl lrinnds mm mm and community in at londnnro Mr and Mrs Neviis ML and Mrs Nevin Mrs Wi liam Newls and Mrs Lin Fish er were in Sholbume Mardi to 1110an ILI uncral oi hcir broihlr in law Harman Drndon Sympathy is cutmind In Mr and Mrs inllcr Wriphi wimsc granddaughter Mrs Fred Haw wick Karrie he armor Marknu died at 1mm mg IPAmined ag STROUD Awgnnm Mumim MINI or MM Wimu 5mm 3mm agd saucer 500 Dan lwltl In St Paul Anliiran hmrh Tin mum and HM Imn mm by II llvlnl Sulhum lllxhnn r4 Tannin anytnw HIM nu 5Ule xMmmaunn letl In 51 le unfilJnhmm erllmul hHmI lm lum Mu John Krllnhr Irv flan rymmmm In pvwaralinn lnr IAlurnllnn wwk Wunirn WWI IAlvu vlrk hrlll IVn hmnp Tlmrldny mnlnm mum hm In mum lnmly Mk lllrlr thlldunl Molina nlMK xlxlflmmw In hmuni whlurll ml runhid MN mun Ill AM Illvl lumh Iml ulrul numn Ahmad may Hyman Tmuvlu qwnl ohm 1m hunw mum AN IIma nu ymr rnmmul Nmplrr And lliullvl lhll nlwly book Th nlnlnvlahln PW 212 In Hm Pull Lth mm by Mu rm IInlMlrltnrn April mrrlln wll bu II le Gmnn hnmr Mnrrll mrrl In Wu pmrrlrd by lAnlm vnmmmnn mrlrr 11w 17 llwmhru wan Mu Um Frnlhk pUWHHIIK Ilauu um mmlu lmprovr Hm llxhllnl In 1hr rhmrh Imrnwnl mm mam ula will In Md In Trln My PAIN all AMI 1m MM NM Thu mrnlnl ll Feh 5L PAIIII Illl Auxiliary joinrd hnrvlull In rnmrrwnmle tho WM Day Irnyrr IIUMMQGK MM mun Hull mm lnr Ihe Woman Inxlllule mminz ith In KtlIy flmlnfl Mrs McQunrrlc Ahoy wu the weaken nu MM centred around hr Fashion Show In be hrld Marrh put on hy Mu Pinkncy anrl lpnnmrrd by VJ Dlxlrlcl nnnual May In AlHIlnn Emia mam Ahnw Am 77 12 branch AgrirnHurnl Society 1x sponsoran bingo April In the Inwn hall ANT EV max an Mn Jfltk Walker And gnu Ray Niagara Falls Mr and Mn mm lhwaile Toronto and Mr and Mrs Woods lllncsimz were an guests of Mrs William nlkrr Ladlu branch AgrirnHural Murphy all guests during he weekend Mr and pager 5X Anderson 4th her lmh hirlhday March wilh pm Guest were auxin Cook muse Edncy Mary Wright Jennn Fildoy Barbara Mun Peggy and Dwayne Anderson Mm Ray llnckell Mr and Mrs OConnor and Mrs Mumh nll Tammn Mm McFédmn has re umzd humc having spent cm arch in Stevenson Mam orinl Magnum kndinl Too Alpha lion This is lion wrkinz wilh he Temperance Axsurialioll Mm McFadden ST PAULS Nukn organim Onlarm Md ham yawI Ilnnull WW tmn walled In Allmm mm Hwy my ulna Ilully hm Ian 1mm day Irmlul Ivy punl 51mm and um wilh ly MM mmmn mum Sunday uunln Nu hnrml had tum lern With Mr and Mn Kanmdh mily humlly ml Mr And Mn mum nmllny and Yunl nrnllu Tomln My lml Mu mm mm And lamin Mrmul III yummy Vlnllm II Mn Ind Mu Imm Clmpll lul iMl IN Mn and Mrl Jnmu mama hmnl Hum Hanan nurnor ammo Inmu rm lard Ind Connll fumull Srhnmlml Mu Inmu KlnL Mllnlm ruhhulul Mr lvlh humIn hrlml ol Mr IMIIMJI Mn 11mm Impnll mm rd mmNEl Vllllnn Sumy with Mr nml Mr my Smith wm Mrl ml Mu ohm anry Thorn Ion Hob Bllloll um All Mmy lelh 1hmnlo Mr And Mrl Vllllrld annoy AM Glad And FAIM Down dimmer loum Julian upuon Idlnwed Ihlch IVA nppwhmfly met lbr hm Ind mm In lhu tonlln Han elm err with nnmnenu mm which nw Iuglr Clml VISIT IUGAR ESTATE The nmleu lunar ulm ed by Slr Fruncll lrlcn Ioulal Ahaul Ivm milu II In ctnlm Human may on lrflvll mm mlda nppurum My fluip and and think no more Inllclnl to Iran Ennhnd On Manl mm lhe xhlp nuke tune out in plck uv Going bnrk ml of mu empty harm wu lowed by us mini lhe oarxmen whom hruk This exruulan hid awaken ed my curiosity nhoul min llul md urrnnzemenln In uhh IL mm mm ma nom Aler within this opcnllon ram the Male wn lhown the passenger nonunodallon on Iha Eden There mm or 11 two In room Ind very Inviting Ihue room looked wim prlvlle bum window lnmnd of porlholrs Ind cheery chlnlx tuman Ind upholslmd chlln mu be nppearmu In Monay the raw auxnrh transported by truck In heavy burlap ban ench conhlnlnz no pmmdl In the dock There il ll Ulnslerrbd lo the barge Ind rowed to In Ihlp Ench barge urnIn ten big min mue wander the rower have muscles llke aulsiud Irapelruil From burn the bag Are lined to he deck by hunt hnok lb bags npcnui Ind ha looscwnr poured Ilnlo the hold mum Capt Dickenm mavedtto be most helptul Wa chattad for sometime He told rim that bir ship Edm made regular trip tram tile Royai dochrtarhrcarflrbefi carry ing out general cargo and re turning with raw auzar to be processed at the Tate and Lynn Factory in London Tha Eden is 7791 gross tonnage and would carrying amortonaol sugar on the return voyage The xugar is loaded at Bermuda Nassau Sanla Dnmingn Black River SavannahLaMar and Mont Bay The EdaI clrriu 19 ot iicera and ratings pin titre cadzut Capt Dickenaon was quite familiar with the Canadian West cunt having aerved on CPR rhipa in the Pacific durinl the wart ny rm mn no mu Menu mm Mar rwmlnule ride we came nlongslde lhe big akin Ind received permlsion to come aboard pleuanl laced un ned young Scotfilelpcd me on deck then conducted me to the Caplalnl quarlen Dlle mu wnlara ol the Bay llwu lovely trip The lea wu llke In Ind the run shin ing brightly Bzhlnd Myer the docks when the longshonmen were loading burlap bags of sugar lnLo large rnlher lal barges ArwndIus the men hills xlopd llke two rentaldln mm dotted Wilh whllb build lugs All lb Eden Arid helllnd her IheCaxrlbbeah up 11 as the eye could ue EGBERT IVY ram which lha ma tonllrml provedJo be chaltod for old the that made regular we xhlp up empty MM could my MANI FAN ALI There mum in Howdy llilb Cam in an IN new IMI Mr ml Mn Jim Ml Human Mr ml MI Im Amnm ml Inmtlv Furry Round Mn and Mn if nol Hr Puller Mm Mn Mum and Mm Rum ml PM mliL film and lmwtl Icml Nlml fill hn hm Mm nmnhtnham Mm mo in Gm mm nlll Mr and Mrs ernhlmmlg mun My MAM mmu film than DMIII Md Millnnl PVAMIL mmnm HM ul In Hh hm MGA VAan ml Mr and John gamma Mu le fluid ml um mun Ruuhy In Parry $0an Allll Mr Amid Armth with Mr Md Mr hrilh ml lildulmk my ml MI Murnnl hmne mm llmlc hnpim lmrml pnlunvmin Mu NONI Krrr Ind um um vlllllu lrimll In lhil wok Mu le fluid ml mnhflgnl Run In In hwy ha hmne mm llmlc lugm pnfunvmin Mr AM Im Melkmmll hm hullhl IN llmn EH1 New and plln in lunld hmua Innlho mm mu ml Mr ha nnmlparmll Mn and n7 Mur Imr Mull hh mm 15 In mmw Prim Rev Mr Heullm Ihmfd um nl My any in mm And old Hum Hm Indim the Dhruuim lollwwrd thlramlullmu In Judy And Ind Jlmr Vnum who crlthrnled lhoir ll hmhday Mmth um Interllltml kw Ichnol inde it pally Hobby 1mm Inlanl mu Mr and Mn mte lunch wnluwn Imnl mm or In ml In 1h cyh rlul vu mm mm when he laxl 0mm r4 nim an Hirndrd Ivy Ac XAIHFICATIONX Juice is next Icreened to move floating Impurities It In lhen weighed automatically in lnnk More helm lrcnlad wilh lime water to more rtmaln in hnpuriliu and In ymenl urflwr dulructlon sucrose The mlxlurl ll Mll llcllcd hoihnu point by pumpan ll lhrouuh the Ihne horizontal mum under preuure Mm Nib lu julce passes to the lam ulllmx tank or clmflier IMF Ike clear Mn is dram nll 1mm lb up and the mud will to IM mum FILTRATION TM mudn rmmlmg rlnrflirr WW oanveyzd lo the Inmate Mme il buran as Inc Supply mm or the various Entities and pompa In the ac my nun ml per cent of the 5pm um now called hymn um um 01 which gonslsll three groo ved rollers lhal rxm heavy pmsum H01 wnlcr Mld weak mice are lddtd lhmugh may non abych ghc mil in mux an aim he mil in dp mm lhe jum mm the on AL ml mum to he lost by deleriorallun MILLING the faclnry flu cane is lam Ind shredded by revolvhuz in and cmsher in pm Duration or removing the lulu The ink is next extracted by passan tha crulhed cane through our set mills ench mu wn mum mud Imam lo Th£ianpmxlmaleSeriod6l grawlh of Lhe can is In 15 mnnlhs Harvesting ls done by hind with lnrge shun knives or machelu The workmen cut of the stalk chm to the ground hen remov 1h lop section and leaves which used call 109d or fertilizer Aremaindcr 1h stalk ls lnzded large wagons which Ire drawn to he lncloryby trucks or tractors Thrra can be no dday in gelling the rub ly out cane the aviary be came failure to grind ll ln less than two days Ilter mktlng mum mm The can usually planted with culflngs from the malmje Imk whinh mum and pro duct number new min In many as 12 successive crops or raloonnrmay be obtained mm singlz planting provided conditions are lavnrahle rm supplied who showed me how xugar cane becama raw lugar Ind molasses The sugar cane Is member 01 the grass lamily It has bamboolike xlzlk grow height of ram eith la 11 Ice and contains 11 Inls per can Iucrose MRS HELEN GILLIES mm nuxar liquid utter rcworklnl ix called malauu and is sent to disxillery be fn manufature 01mm The massecuife is hen ccntrl 12d In separate the crystals lmrn use Iyrup by battery or cenlrllugals spinning at 1100 revalullnns per minult The crystal In high grade raw sugar and the syrup Ix boiled in the vuuum panl to Main one or two mm sgqhes of um wjx But that great v0 taste Is in class by itself Its smooth and light yet brilliant In tone mlxture ol syrup and canal pmduced now called massecuite dunmd Into mstalliurflmrizvnlal unlu be low Ihe vacuum pansequipped with coding cans Hm afidilimr ll sums deparils on the crys lal already armed and crys ltlizauon 13 completed SEPARATION wmcn unhel concentrate 1h sylup mml aym mmalion which Vlurxhyer cc ram the claw ilxers passes to the amnion ufieré the thin iuice boiled Imdgr vacuum and munequated loa thick dark brawn viscour syrup containingabwl 40 per cent water CRYSTALLIZAHON Imm The Emllning cake is sent to the fields to be used as manure OONCEFTKATION um were $207 more Wui than lhaprevxous Ylah 331 be ox Black Mm has sewed 11 years as unrularereaswrer render this upon receipt for 1965 4230254 expenditure at 34071 Euohm held in mm hold St Pa euchre with lunch and special prizes for the wearin 115 km Could ml lulu mm why Smumn V0 lhl la lmllna mum WhMy In IM mud paralarl but The Canadian lndian was che topic me promam al Gumrle UCW Mar II Mn Masanl Ciflzenshlp Ind Social Action cnnvener Mn Mason had an Interesting aud lenve an she 101d lhe life he Canndlm Indian parlio ularly hose living on lhn Rama Reserve near Orillil Mzmlon wns made he painlinus Arthur shilling Ram which had been on View ll Bani Publlc library Tn Indian lured rowing ethnic nee in Cnnndn Some Ionic mMIhmA mu mam new no as been In St Pelcrshunz Flatid since last Normber lint GZInge 851mm Mrs Alice Mayes and Mrs Munro Fallowlnx delicious lunch musical hour was mjoyed Mm lélLLmualandpwhc hay en in iUhealth since last sum mer It Last week for Cali 1mm HerbiNew ho Problems 01 Canadas Indian Topic Ht Guthrie UQW Meeting Ma when KeX emur and Doraine McCartney briefed the leaders on 0H cmrsu that will hbgin 111th spring The zalherv ing was laken lo Baxter Lah nraxories to ice Mlmiciam mak ing dmzs and plasma Ind do learn ollhcir uses nunam Cookwas one of the Hi leaders of Soth Simone wlw pended Alllslon Tné Gab 49 cm will hold lheir meelipg flu hcme of Mrs Roy Bridges Yonge St March 21 at 030 pm Roll call will be you were Irish what wauld you like ycur name to be Medium otficerstor 1966 wm be conducted Royals Coqkwas one of the micnl aptitude and handicrafts Mn Mann described helr ayr em 01 government and the part their rhurch plan In tho was of In people llama Mrs Mel Jnmlcson condudrd warship on the lhcme Th Value of the Human Personal lly Mrs Jamicson developed he though How do we regard people Mrs Campbell an nounced lhe Easter lhunknflnr lnx meellng lupptr mrcb Ink Apr 530 pm Mrs George Slradran rmnlly re lurntd rum two months vhillnx Mr son Lloyd and his lamilyy In Brazil will be fire xpuker And Mr Mtnrrin Mrs Jncfd Murray and Harry Amos and weir mother with Mr and Mrs Dnuglas Readman Toronto Mr and Mrs Mel MarUn and Mn Add Coburn Toronln will lrlendl in Collingwood uh and Mrs Harold Barrie and Mn Charles Pauliex sask spent 11 Wm Mr and Mrs Garfie Mr and Mrs Stew nd Jeidv mm mm Lav Hll Boyd were bum 3km Lo Barrie hospital last week with suspecled hem Imuhle Mrs Bertha Johnsum is still in Bar ri hospital vgsnuus slipped in her home iasi week and received compound rac lure ola wrist Jack thslnr while participating in the ski no races last week at Pene lang Winkr Camlvai was ihmwn from his vehicle and received splintered and broken collarbone Mr Grimiey shrew kggper on me um Sask spent fiursdny endings Gfdield Gor

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