Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1966, p. 3

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553 The overwhelming support President Johnson won in Congress in gainingjhe EPPPA of 122211 015 5th my flve billion dollars for reinforcements in Vlct Nam puts hispositionln clearer pre speotive Yet it has lacked the wide pub 11Cin its significance merits As The Evening Patriot notes we have for weekebeen given blow by blow re £01 on the criticism levelled at the Un ied States involvement Many have been th public champions of us withdrawal from the frustrating and seemingly end less struggle in Southeast Asia Others of course are plainly Communists or fellow travellers Somewhere in between arefiho small liberals and the university and high school students in their current cult of demonstmtlon for any worthwhile cause Because they had something fresh and different to sa many of those who would abandon the nth Vietnamese to Com munim slavery and write off all the Am erican lives expended in trying to stem Communlst aggression over there have obtained filemnps more publicity than they actu deserved considerable outbreak of nostalgia among motoring buffs will come wlth the announcement that the Studebaker is no more The closing of the Hamilton plant was not unexpected When the South Bend plant closes some three years ago and ratlons came north indications were afiewas not well with the automotive company Last year the production represented but tiny Eamon of me automobiles lumed out the mammoth industry 50mg 10000 0qu 00mmch to 210000 smd Studebakér $1950 profit was pomib through the other lines of busl mass in which the company is involved Johnson Given chking From American People The first Studebaker was an electric car built by the family from back in 1002 which had started in business mak Barrie Examiner March ll 1026 Pre sident Waller Duff announced Board of Trade would 51m membership drlve un der committee of Alonzo MacLellan Fred 0mm Albert Bryson Fred Douglas Fen per business is $2 Pollcc court jam mad as Chlcf Alex Stewart lald charges agalnsl five prominent Allandale busi nessmen of gamblan on the Lords Day Ra was made on restaurant at 1230 am Sunday John Boys was prosecub or Alox Couan and lmnk llammoml np 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Ulllur Iulnhmrly Ale Tovnnln Mllrml filml MannaI M17 lam Wm rumor Surf meym OLDER GENERATION Ollawn Journah The pnfllm hlgh commands the NDI Included In lhls case will not enjoy Hm comments of Inlflck valnn MP 14 he fonmrvnllvu Aludcnls He mid nll ho loaders Mr lcnmon nu Mr mm hakvr 70 and Mr Douglan belonged in mrrailnn In UV nflnmitv 11 ha mm far ulnllnn now boing umlrr Mr Nuw an the aim of xlintllmuhlh Cnnncrvnllvo tlw 11m Hon 100nm valan mm lime lad Inunl lw mn killmd and he Ild not ml In well out Ihal Ihny ho mmidrrcd by nhlrr Suhmlfilnn mm daily Iy cmflrr wrklr mm ymly Mum mph mm mm mm yearly Unlmln mm yrar Ix nmml mo Um lanvl um mm lenr browo mm ym M50 nix nmh 0mm Marlo Illm rar Maid Canada Brlllnh pawurn moo mm USA and fix cared for defendants Magistrate Comp an leiis after hearing lengthy evidence dismissed charges llarry Barron bar itone and Boyd Sylvester trumpet soloo ist oi Barrie were featured on musical program at Newmarket Short sketch en were printed on Board oi Education trustees Dr llrereion chairman lira Muriel 0rd Mrs ii iii lluxlable George Smith liinds ii Ste phem Dr William Richardson Albert Sarjcnnl William Walls and William Rusk Fire destroyed farm home oi llerman Osborn in Vcwra Np near Dalston liialcomson was elected rarperintendeui Collier St United Sunday School with mnistanis ii llealh Walker and Goodiel lnw Principal ll Girduood of liar rie Collegiate appeared heime llnard oi After 65 Years On Road lcmlkrélfl l1llnMlann 0in Noamm OTHER EDITORS VIEWS mammmn muusuy mparcd to 270000 1050 profit was other lines of busl mpany is involved or was an electric mily from back in ed in business mak erjohs weu become collectors item Business is radical pursuit with the demise of the tudebaker the stockholders will not sufinr And at he same time thelabor market in Canada is in state of buoy ancy such that the 600 employees of the Studebaker plant need not long lack oth DOWN MEMORY LANE Anllmlmi urnml Klan man Im ouqu WrlmchL Ottawa and la pumml wame In ash nmy Sunday Iml maulary HMIvXayI rmMrd 3hr Earrir Examiurr One might legitimately gain the 1m pmsiion that the populace of the US were on the brink of open revolt against the policies of an unpopulag government However the unequivocal verdictvof the Congress snaps everything back into downtoearth perspective Members of the Houseoi Representatives and the Senate have to keep close to public opin ion in their constituencies or abandon no of reelection So having taken the pu lie pulse probably more efficiently than any public opinion poll since their bread and butter depends upon it these professionals at gauging what the people really want stood up to be counted and gave the president of their country clear cu endorsement of the US Bole inViet Nam by voting the funds or hlm he lieep right on doing what he has been omg While the vote of Congress does not settle the question of the tightness or the futth of the US involvement it does clear demonstrate the vast major ity of the American people who send their refrcscntatives to Congress are behind ohnsons campaign ing wagons With scores of othersAha Hupmobiie Nash Hudson Packard and thn likeit held its own for many years Even when the trend to consolidation began to limit its growth it had sur prisinggsurge of popularity under the pre sidencyof Paul Hoffman who wont on to Work 353 world humanitarian with th United yahon organizationg Sror aftér 764 ryélars on film dad the Studebaker will duap ear from product hm lipes The lastjn ninth yearsrmay Education to complain badly over crowded conditions lie blamed many students for killing time in school and suggested ratepayers should not have to pay for their education Church conferences were much in evidence this week in Barrie Simcoe Presbytery of new United Chureh of Canada convened at Burton Ave Barrie Presbytery oi Pres byterian Chureh in Canada met at St Anllrews District Baptists met here to consider denominational mrk lhreo Ilanie boys were on finalist teams in Ontario liockcy AssociationBabe Bog ardls starred on left wing or Peterboro who beat London in senior finals ll linxter Clark was in nets for North Bay irap er who lost junior finals to King slen one goal floss mulmlisher was in nets for Grimshy Peach Kings who lost intermediate finals to New Hamburg ltiine1ing lost United larmers hockey aemlllnals lry one goal in overtime l0 Olimveken lnilians MI Valr retlr es from ice cream and conieclionery bus lnem will learn main floor on Dunlop 5L Soulh lo Dominion Stores vill reialn second and ilrinl lloors for catering to private banquets and club meetings 7min was given to lresltlenl Dr Lem great activity by lianio curlers this season ilrey have already competed In 134 matches 111munhs rnr 1me wm A4 Muvhono 7711 mm The tale hnne numNr In all usiku or muons lkrmlmml iuuhllon Depulmtnl le ephonn 1mm men nnd ancn In charge of the mun yyn buslno 1hr Anndlan Irm II urlmluly rulnw la Ih lnr npubllullon at mu Illmlchu In II rmlilvd la Hy Aumlalrrl Im nr eulul um anl he 5m lmwl lhyclm luhfllhru Atmlnllnn Nye nnxllan Ircu And lho Auxld Huva Clltulnllnnl Washington Im In his dmnlu Ihn dllm nre profound ly cnncvnml about lhvir vnlcr suprllrs In HIL next llccmln rhilpl they ll be equally umrcrnml about lhoir Mr Film It ialm longer nlflugotlcr 11an mg 51 um lulurc mics may nvrd air purlfimllnn nnd nxygrnnllon plnnh prr dnoly almlnnmm In lhovprmnl mrlm pnlllml Illlrnlluu Inll scwnun lhqxunl 3chva Irrhnpa llwrr will mm he he comm Io carry lrtsh Mr dmvn hum Hm nmnnlahu DANGER IN THE AIR TheJvlz 153 challenge but IheTpiospem do miibipthérjxlm There is teason of count 112 hAs no misgivings as YENrick future gnd hedqcs not helium anyons hould hm either me were term Ihixpre judlcv lhcn Rosa Slzphensls very prejudiced man The fuel that he was born in 1mm and has span H515 year herc wilhlhe exception 0L3 Ian slrctch In Ihe Air Force Ila mszn tn do will liahixlnot overythlnz by anyzmean Mr Slephens lsaéldnn Esp He and no slmply bacnixse he has Mcome um lnfllhpslree and flag hxicksand mam whlch maye up the cordmunityuBmm lifmuro mama group unbuflcb ings In his oplnlon zpeopla are friendly and Xlsbuslnus men are pragressive good place to make um and bring up lamily And in nu rounding are ideal is the asterlng of commerce and industry They gnthand In hand with progress or the hens as whole As chamber presldcnl he plans to promotebl philosophy Flrst he believes thatIke people of Barrie and dlslrict should know more about their cham ber Th organizallon he holds ls not simply businesgmens club One of Ms rhlcl uncllons Dufing his year in mice he hope to acquaint ha peopln with what In chamber Im in the 110 he ship drive in bring 100 or more xeprnsenlalim business and Industry Into the chamber lold Wilh xlrcnglh he dumber can be greater voice in community nflniu and In provincial and naumal mallet ton Indusmally he is convinced Linn the chamber can incarn age in development or indus tries alrnaciy eslabiished hem and it can dn more can use its influencu and prestige to bring more new industries in ihis connection he believes ihere should be cioser wnrking ar rangement between the chamber and ihe Industrial Commission both oi which work from tho slime oiiice but luncUun sonar aiciy He thinks that great flops have been when lo entice more tourist nndnonvcnflnm lhn city but more chn be done with proper mo Toursls bring law damn lo Bar rie whith affect everyone In lho connnunilyn One of tho chambcrl most Important pralccls urban rc devnlopmtnl Mudr has bun heard lately reclnmnllnn pm jecl ln Toronlu Ind Montreal and other large tcnlm nut llllla has been said about he need for redevelopment in male ler plncu llka BunIL Th1 clly hn conlcnds ls rlpo or project whlch will realm mm nrtns camclnlly mllmu of the dawn own area nnd climlnnlc lho dmy nunllng cammcrclnl crawl and marran ha citys Image Thu thumbcr will Imva rrporl lur lho tily councll lhl ycar lib barn In mm ha allrnrltd Ihn old Ltnlrnl pub Tho rm mwmo la rum MI rewarding Wk ynlhfl 1N4 Ma may in math mu yo upvvn Illm Mnlr Ho mm lnr lrwcr llnrllly yr AIL all all Iolcmn rmhy It IM IN all In Inhl null lhl nd Inlu lhc Mull of lhl My Joe nu BIBLE THOUGHT mums JACIUOI $29000 SHARE IHIG WEALTH Above NW5ka Clunm Eurv Mondly 800 pm Mmmlon 50¢ HIGH ST RCAF ASSOC wmn BINGO ch éirpicdiue site where the Past Ollice stands Shortly aitcr hlslgraduA atinn lrom Barrie District Col legiaie in 1939 he joined the Air form navigation utticcr llc evenlurilly held lhc rank Pilot otliccr and was named an air tmflic officer His service was confined to Canada largely in contral tower stationsr Alter his rclurn to Barrie Ironywar service he found him 51 acuu In communfly allnlrs flu became member of Ru Barrie Kiwanis Club nnd cvom lually scrvndvas presidcnl Ac tive in Collier Slrcct United Church ho has been member 12 Board Slcwnrds and lhe Scssinn Hchs alway been In chamber work and has served urnmany 01 ll cnmmit 10953de boarrl uf dircclars In 153 he mauled Muriel Mntcnllc Ccnral Collcglmc French Icncher and Ihus nund Inoxhcr reason or mum down 1m akin am he Jamil estates hy the government at Met Canada on Alnrph 12 woo provided nn nppommity In luring mm Ixle undersmmhnx berm French and ILxuglMspeakin Canadians lhe Im LILwhet the order in ma whm ltdan xvi Canada rum Irm but mum an dune about Um land nwmd by Hu Jmflxs unnl the Ilwm dinl in l0 was decided that melt lands would hr lerI Mr the cmmcn c4 1mm Canada and lhc lrmnc nwl or ldllcallaml nutm at About the me he now lmur Cumin 101mm oxnul 1n 17m chum mm the Irmkh rcmhxuvu Mann arming 2m ndn Hwy includnl prqu In rlrrulnlcd in lawn Canada nml dmmhed Mirrors 01 um nrw rrgLnc Um of Ibo 0399 an mum llntulhc lmgauagg all Um II mumam In lhyzlifi WM Um MAI Innmnzr hartier do whiner 11 Run 1hr In year 1775 Hmw Cnmdmm whu make mlhin but mell thml their alludvmenl 11w mercicn 11w Mm In ddrnd Um prawno You my umn nm win the Imlhlul luhlrm Nu Majmy Md rrpcl nckn on vlhiv in by pro Mm whim wry 11ml linzlkh II not you umrummy Mnglmo llml mm 5mm 1mm 1mm ml or more united mid Rilflngliihrlmaue 7ur llwrunlhr In Ml Hwklnxs wech ngmd mm ilhrr Pram or mm mm be CANADAS STORY rndwmkmu mehnm wan my pm at nmlmu Mum In rmqmm immh hr France Missed Opportunity For Better Relations 94 Dunlop SI lry II mo hlmlnd alvll In Ilmw bullnln PM DANEING QUEENS HOTEL GoGo Dancing on our stage THE Al MATHEWS TRIO Plul Dlnplny Starting Mon March Mth Nighfly From 900 oclock HELD OVER FOR THE 5TH WEEK UNTIL SATURDAY MARCH 12 THE DAWN TRIO R055 STEPHENS fly H0 BOWMAN NIGHTLY Iho in his native city Mr Stephen aé iiusineskman has met and kcpi in touch with thousands oi ICWCDmCil Ihemily invari ably he has immd lheicvine with mcwnuuns buLmn loam In love he communily he does The triéndly spirit oi Bar cilex has somelhing 10 do wilh My ac ties be high he cnmmunny nld have been major lacQor on People find lhcmselvc Involved in club work and social allnirs of various kinds and thats the wayriLAhould be Mr Scphcns says They become part of Bar rie like the people who luvu been here lnr yum In flashback to his school days he recalls his cxpcrlcnte as member he um Col cginln archcslrn under Fisher the director was wonderful ynar for It did more than anything else In insull in him he love good music In his hnpcs far the chamber he MIR snmolhing Ihnuld be done nhnul retail mm hours He says 010 hnurs shnuld be uni form marchnnl dccldc In close one day then everyone lhnuld rcmnln chased There should be an and lo lhe pram silunliun Mhlch Ix damaging to the mmhanls and confusing lo flu public 72nd Hurlcy as succeeds Dave DrydenY nowparlllme goal chexJor Chicago Black Hawks THE TOWNSHIP OF ESSA on recommendation of the Canine Control Officer requesis all residents Io immediate ly report any suspicious vehicles picking up dogs or any other animals wiihin the Town ship 32b nah WIHEMOStDeJKJWUILYDanGEmgIRIS In THe Worzld lwmoacmmmcmmm Chitin Mlunxrrwmm smmyJom sum 51mm Medium JamuBoolh LlomlJellriu WCUOCOLDR FRI SAT SUNDAY EVE5 MARCH 15 26 Arman Telephone Essa Polka Angus 4495670 Launel BOX OFFICE OPEN pm lhlv 00v um mm mm mm SHOWING MONDAY IUESDAY SAT ATINEE MARCH 26 AT pm FOUR PERFORMANCES ONLYI THAT DOWNTOWN GIRL rm LIHIWN AT in AMI HE FILM lst EVENINGS $500 mo $22 MAHNEE mo $300 ms 3115 RIIUDN AT ll Lhe National Hockey Hague Wm won the Dave Pjnkney Tron phyin lha xssIss eason Dry half was playing or Gan Hur nels when named mast valuabll player Thar veteran Guelph 1551 under edged Kingston Aces chk Cherry and flu cam Joe Hogan league xcvrlng leader in close ballntvhfld among 15 manazm cuachel and spnru writers and commit Ialorsln lhe live leaguacmea Hurley received Wm Cherry 33 Ind Hogan filmnhy Funn nmu 100 MO 100 um sundy 110 530 130 mm HELD OVER SAT SUN

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