Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1966, p. 9

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In my lhn mm parlnnl Inumlirnl In lrluhlng mluu In nlmnwhcre Wm Id Prslnlmzl lha nail Ibo hllul when said Our rulu callwml mnrhinvry lull only fllun In In lnr npprnnrlm ho rhurnrlrr of wrllmlrml ellrr can dianqush rmlnlrrlril hill ram xrnuinu one because he knnm me rhnr nclrrisflr In good bill lho nllrmlnn nur girl and ho ll llrnwn In uhnl good whom or II ha bank lilm nit um or unrlhy cnmlurl Hwy will Mahlouncpnmm lho dross 1mm Ihu gold and no how pmn In Ihrir nwn lluI Ihr rnrmy thny no In nmlhlmnl In ha lemrsl 01 plrlum or poem lhu mapmllan In nrk and he mahlruco and Many rdnrmrr srenllgfifnxnusrs uww Although Tnlsloy lay lhal it easier lo produce 10 volumu phllomphicnl wrillmz than put one Ninciple lnlo putlite ldx consider how lntulrnh in nur youth unso nl xho unnhuhlle TEACH EEFSE 0F VALUES to alien the quality of Lh day that is tho highest of is Instead of blind and uncritical acceptance supcdiclnl knaw ledge the student shouid ask himsell Why um here or In this importantI or like So crates in Lhe erzcu oi Athens What L1 good man What makes good stale Piaio remind us ihni iho un exarnincd life not worth liv ing and il this be so should not out nth give xtudenia name practica in dinihguishing between the imporinn and the unimpminnn we do not do his we may well ask the same questinn that Socrates 5de when ha said You will live but how SE There are several reasws why we should stress the good In our schools The Harvard Re port states lhal our of the aim or education should be to dis crimlnalu among values Aloys Fischer say that tho aim of educnlionl lxl mum of desire to find values and Thoreau remlmjls us llml true sense values largeydelerminM what we achieve In lire whether it be momy power andor dmmctcf and we have problems which can be snlvcd only by sense valueor directinn does it not suggest Dual we should give some heed to the excellent in our xchool Iyxtnms The difference between delin quenls and contributing mem hers of society is determined not by what they knew but by their attitudes to themselves and to others and by their sense of values or what they regard as lmportant For instance these who read this hriet achieved their present pesilion 1n lilo by measuring up to their conception of what worthwhile llte con slsted it Even those who rob haults are pursuing what they regard as lmporiantmlstahonl ly to he surebut none the less they are seeking or what they regard as valuable la them By MACKLEM Inlpector utSchooiI slmcoe If sense at vaiuu and pur pme is of supreme importance in determining the accomplish ment and happiness of onea ilie and it the youth in our schools are inviting tor the Security and stability lhat come human understanding and adi herenm to wmmiie standl nrds in cunduct dress and ac tion and i1 advertising media are iess than pertcct and it the problem of expanding leisure cries tor solution and it we should examine our educational system before the taxpayers dot to see it we are getting dollarlordoilar valueii these be true and they amtthen it is time to considcr valuesin ed ucation and life and how they may be lncuicaled 1n the youth of this cnuntry I4 1m mum mama mvnsnn mm Consider Values In Education INTEREST SAVINGS DEPOSITS an Dumn 5km Em Harrie ma 7200495 CHEQUING PRNILEGES values purpose 1an dirrrllnn mpch lm pnmncu In be life at he ynufll or lhls mlnlry It not lime lhnl nur Irhnoh which nunml so much llmr NI ncls Mhirh are soon nrgnllrn nlmuld Rim hm In Ina lnlly vnlunhln nuwru nl wl umlinn Lelu lllYp Ihyinu nwny mm II pvanI nhlrh ls bun In Ilrlxm nml Illllmh lo mlve VIIInu arc mpmlw lmmrl mm In Mr but If ME to hnw Hm brl nlnullnnnl To build boiler some of values the lunch should in spire ille you lo holler con duct which will develop char nrlur Mulch in lurn will improve future conduri This may be dons in three ways by hnbos or lhrcalr lbl by simltnls lhcmselvu choosing lhn right rourse and it by oxnmple nnd rnmlurl of lenthm prlnrimlr parents NC Cignrciln nml beer mnnliinclurm ill never lack 11 market became lhv children will rmnlnie lhclr smoking and drink ing pamnls anuLs nnd mornll can be dcvelopcd in lilo process pimple living harmoniously lo ulhcr Tlncmrr and pannu should discuss hair prnblems Mill Ulr rhilllrcn and lo them time in he Inn solving lhnm LUSlllM To encuurage young people la exnmlne lhe ends purposes and ochcllves ln lhclr own llvcs he school should be continually concerned wilh the reason at what it doing and willl lhe ends ll llylml lo serve Teach Us and students should re qucnlly wreslle will the problem dlsllngulslllng lhe good from lhe bad lhe lruc lrom ha lnlse the beautiful from lhc ugly lhe valuable lrom lhe worlhlcss The Ercalest concenlrnllon ol Inn run and lalse lhe lmporlanl und unlmporlanl l1 found in our dnlly newspaper uhlth can be uscd ln nur classroom la de velop some valuu One most profound statements ever uttered by any one in connection with moral education or the Inculcatlon values was made by the much misunderstood John Dewey who said ltwre can be no stable and balanced development at mind and character apart from the assumption at xesponsibil My Here clearcut dirw live lnr teachers who want to Inculcae valuesgive your pu opils respomiblltticstand see that they live up to them house In all lls deulls The nearer our schools resemble refined and cultured home the boner will be the brand of edu cation In other words children loam values in our schools the way lhey do in home when the amospllere is permeated wilh good will andrcspecl or others where there ls spirit of lrncdom and fun and where people cooperale or commonY worlhwhllo and ho kind of education we want in Ontario has tho atmosphere of well ordercd home what challenge laces the principal and stall of Ihcse largo lnclorylike clemen tary and secondary schools MACKLEM I45 woman 51 DEAN DE SURF 1U ME THE FUGITIVE MONIMYG AT IM Pomincs beauty wins lot of friends You cun tell that just by looking at it Bu should you wish to find out what Pontines new brand of performance can do for you you really have to drive lhe cnr Belorc you do let us tell you one thing Once youve pulled nwny from the curb in new lonlinc be prepared to smile Youre pointed toward excite cm values should be there no an assumption or by implication but as definite part affine curriculum In the Words of Schweitzer II is llmq hat we should wnke mm slumber an aceour responslbililles cans dian dailies expect to spend $301010 in cxpansinn and mod emfzalion this year NEW YORK CFJThlrty Ca nadian daily newspapers in vested $10051128 In plan ex panslon nnd modernizatinn in 1965 reports ha American Newspaper Pnhllshcrs Assucia gun lnfls annupl gu Canadian Papers Modemize Plants IfYou could go fora new brand of performance with this kind of beauty then you dont have far to go Its as near as your Pontiac dealers By Tim CANADIAN PRESS Electricity was discussed in two at nine Canadian legisla ture in sessilonvVednesday The New Brunswick legisla ture opens March 22 in Nnva Scoila Peter Nichol snn Liberal Dppnsiuen house leader calledan lire Conscrva Live government to ensure that all Nova Scotlanx pay the same amount in electrical pnwer wlwher it be iromthc gavern 35M mags MOTORS LTD Legislatures Disvéussi Electrical POWer 1m MED MIJLIUN dun NEWAli AT PM ment Acceleration is quick very quick FrceWuy cruising is smooth and quiel And on the roughest twisliest roads you eun find youll be surprised hut cur with so luxurious bigcur ride can be so agile Before we forget he pructicul side of Ponliuc lets re member llmt eueh one of its 54 hand some models is fullsized family cm Prcmficr Robert Stanfield said he governmch will carefully consider the robale tax rcvcnhe bm added Lhat the question may Mr Nicholson said private companies charge hlgher rates because hey have to pay In come lax He mm the federal governincnt agreed last July In rebate 95 per coma lncame ax paid by private companies merit power commission or pr valo companies Sn your owl lonliue dmlu Auflwrimd Fonllac Dollar In Emle Hamhlcy gtnera manager of he Onlarlo Hydro Electric Cammlsslnm told the Iogislaiurns standing committee on government tom missions that the giant power grid linking 22 Canadian and easlcm USi utilities is not as sophisticatcg as it shouldbu 0v afinr an Ontario rclny unexpectedly npencd ailecled $500001 per not he as simple asMr Nichol soy suggeskd PHONE 7264585 mmwwn mumms IMNNEL priced just right for the performance lovcr with budget to keep Sound like we consider Pontiac the perfect car for you We do Visit your Pontiac dealer today and discover why He is listed be low The Success Cm has done it again Pontiac 66 mum he Fulton Favmuu Inrmula or amending lhe Canadiancnnsumlinn dead duck Dpposiflon Leader Danie Johnsnn has crmclzcd the premier Alarmcr agree ment with lha formula whlch would have brought fire power tn amcnd the consulullunja Canada from Britain Sashtwewln Liberal Pre mier Russ Thatcher closed de bate an the record $168300000 Mn Hnmhlcy noting that power exchanges had saved 0n aria $12700000 between 1951 am 1916 sald grid utililla now are making dcfailed campuler studies or beuer wordlnaflm In olhon nglsluturea sons irom Norlhcm Ontario to Firride Imuic mum Span Coup budget by saying he was amazed at ihe mum 1h finsiuon In pinpainl anymall wenkncss in the budget Alhem Agriculture lllinls er llarry Strum said lie lions nut subscribe In the lheory that Canada has large ampunls of walcr available for expart lie outlined provincewide waler resources program in detall the minciplo which Is 10 divert water from northern Alberta la the watershort soulh The lone Conservallva mem ber supported the government In defeat lhe CCF manconfl dance motion on he budgpl 32 EXAMINER WANT An PHONE mun an 51 fig V44 MB in

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