Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Mar 1966, p. 1

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um The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District l02nd Year No 54 Winnipeg D1967 Out In Wake Of Bliz WINNIPEG CPD mam moth cleanup operation was launched in Greater Vlnrdpcg oday in the wake of one at the violent blizzards in mem ory The storm which struck Without Manitoba Ind North western Ontario early Friday was expecch to abate by late today At dawn ail available snow clearing equipment had started work on major thoroughims About 400 buses were In ser vice early Friday but within hours 135 were reported stranded in huge moudniits At 11 am the Metropolitan Winnipeg Transit Commission ad Imposed flaw as the treets became Impassable By noon Friday Winnipeg looked like an Arctic ghost town FOOT SNOWDRIFTS Winds swirled danish the de serted streets at 70 miles an hour whipping up snowdriits as BtdrrieLacksSér zard high as it teat In timepieces Most businesses told employ ees to stay at home and all schools were closed Only handful ot corner mained opea An ency committee made up oi nnmicipai and pro vincial rament otiiciais was set up to cope with the tents of the storm The Winnipeg Childrens lios pitai ran out of oxygen but an emergency line had been hooked up with the Winnipeg General Hospital as tempor ary measure Lack oi fresh milk and bread caner most of the concern for hospital oiiicials aldrwgir at least one company had called in admrmbermh oi gimphrym to pmvl sup as Two elderly men died during thestorm both apparent vic tims of heart attacks Police were mostly occupied wiiir driving expectant mothers to hospital Challenge Dief In Security Case TORONTO CF Toronto newspapers say an East Ger man woman considered curity risk by RCMP Is the cen tre oi the mysterious illumin ger case referred to In Purllr mcnt Friday by Justice IIIInIr tcr Cardin éilr Cardin challenged 0pm iiion leader Dirtenbalrcr to put on the record his partici pation In the use when he was prime minister Itir Car in did not elaborate and Mr Dlelcnbslrcr prime minister Irorn 1951 to my did not re ply Wldespread rpcculntlon de veloped outside the Commons as to nhat care was being re icrrcd to The Star and The Telegram LATE say the woman involved is Olga Munslnger East German clerk in Communist embassy in 0t towa She was deported irom Canada and is reported to have died In East Germany oi leu Irerrda two or three years ago The Globe and Mail says she was believed by some to be Communist agent The Globe and Mail said Miss ltiunsinger Illegally enioyod liaison with Conservative mir lnct minister and rrtmtogruptu acquired by the RCMP in 1961 MM her and the minister In compromising situation The newspaper reports egrmd that Investigation do tcrmlntd that no recrct changed hands and security wzu not involved NEWS Tire Warning Shots Over Students JAKARTA tilmtorsilmionmun 1mm today limi sctrrnl waming shuts Into the air to pmrnt 3000 reaming students Irorn Invoding the attic toroim IltIantcr Subandrio US Blast Red Missile Base SMOON CPIUS Air Power plaurs blmdrd Sotictsilwlied surlatotrwrir mimile site it mllrn moi of itnnol Friday night and tumultml in mm thrm Communist ids about to mill tum the Nonh Vietnamese capital olr tum spokesmm said to day Iiirrcan Ministers Rap Rhodesia ADDIS AIIAIIA Ntioilid tAiiaTmuiyUtrre Atrium ImrIrn mluirtrn rum rrnoluthrus today hilarth It lthodmin nud South Airicn and Mound up lho main part it ume rnrirrrnco tunntsl try the walltnuln ll night mrmhcn PM PHONES VANCOUVER VITAWA IOUPrime tilin Irlrr Irarmt irlrtvml Vnu runrrr lrttay nlriit In uh ruini lflh Iimi heroine II and rIplnnIge mlvltlrr wintiter he in hurry nilh the way lillutit horn mm largo Vhtnr finerrrr until he tui mullinnd thitrr limit mm It Mr Ioarrms rul dmm in what awmrtly Will the lint mvurlu winnatlm lwtwrru nrwllnn HIM lulu Illrr and an them my Tho ulhnngn Inslril lit mlrurtN Minward the print only lrr aimvsuwni that irllrlrvl In unity willl Md Inln innnmn unnrdnlui hot he rim ind ind an Inn all viral liw mm return will he ih MM living Win up Ilcr In the Common Ivy Mr Imonus Niki rl Whether or nI any 11 farmers minim And himnu Irrwtltr um llten nay wllbmt raw Ilwe would he no tirltlng into the rat plunnrn nunm it the raw ilm icirrdanm rnii In firth err 57 ilrn nixrrliilidfll ruin iwt it ilii lllrvcllilmto and putIIIrrl rentruvrvry up IIu Itrnngn turd tiny lllul Mario in live humrlvm In the telephone romrrnailnn Mr lrarrnn unnth trlrzrnln rmi Into the lnuuumrr no is try timid Irnlr tNlti nlk hmllirl tolling an Inirnlrw tho tunl mum illli swim and saying tint Iivvlmr wanini rrrlow rnzn AHlltlliil IIJJIIIIAM Mr Irnlyn tlwl Mid Ml want In do Mr npm Is In rnntlrm that you liRnNi this loicrrmn and that you 1th Um mun rmu to In it You Idtutor dial The iltalnmro will umltrrun In the Barnum Mondrth Irvine in min Iii imls mu rllil emery stores dates and drug stores re vicedIndustriaincmdrmnzie rnasa zrrrtoyars at which paraiyaodaouthernhie In the store mature at pcgs trdnsitsyiom Winnipeg departh mo htrandadbylliembliuard rioiridayactmwwrbod aitotra and aorthwesicra Onta prinmcot wimis misting to 70 miles an hour caused mow drills whidr brought Wt Studebaker Corp Ends AutoMaking Business DETROIT AriStudebaker Corn uroic miudant iinish Friday to its 61year career In the automaklng business President ilycrs Burlin game said Whila rlrrccrciy regret the mrssity ot discou tinulng Sttklobaktr cars the Ir reversible losses being Incurred permit no other course ills ennwncemcnt continued what everyone In the auto busi ness had thought or some time that Studebaker war lighting losing battle In Its ri Iort to stay in is auto busiucu Sales uhlch hit high ot 26d 229 in i950 hurl none Itemiin downhill Only H502 Studebak rra um tinned out inst your When the moany ntovul the corporations automatting open ntlons to lizunilton Oui rum 50th find Ind in timber 1961i niitclnls raid at least 10 000 can windd have to be sold year to break even Tim iluinlilnn plant runrloyrd too hourly rnicd employers and zoo Ininrlrsi wnrkrrr The Inn uwlo Iovtrnl dras lic man In INN yours in ct torts to keep the auttmotire di vision allve Ali iailui Oddly cmgh the closing of Studebakers auto Iadiiilrs came at time when virtually all other operations at Studeba her was booming Thetinn had divorsiilcd in recent years and its output now includes home appiinnm elec trical rumim commercial refrigeration oil and tool addt tivcs lawn and gardm tractors Ire rtrrls and rciniamd plas uu Ior aerospace and military SE 61 Peace Demonstrators iirrested in Ottawa By RCMP UtTAlVA Cit lICMl ur rrritxl oi pom demuurtrntorr on Parliament illli Friday night but all were later leaned on hall They are to In pcnr In OliawI magistratrn mud Monday morning on cllnrxrr oi causing dlrturir rare The demonstrators mostly irorn universities In Ottawa Toronto Kingston and hlunt rrnl wrre prutcsiiult the war In VIM Nam ItCiIil couriuhlrr rndrd WASNTGIVENEIIIR DEIII Order Spencer Probe Ivrlorr llw iirnm Winn II ode jmmwl lhe motion would irlin 7an tnmr nimiuirlrniivn rl murr oi the Indira donati uwnl Mr Low Inqu It rlrnr this numuut wlrriwl IN rtlic censure rd Iurllro Minlstrr Cardinmilitia the my Ind alt irmnrwrr that he get mine Irtor in leave him with the our runi minioar stipend ol on rudiuury li lie nanl his imtlnr Mlcr rc mini rluirmrutr try uuvcm Ilinni mlnlzlrrr Iirat an Inquiry Inln iiprlwrrn rare would he held In THE EXIIMINER Today ilvrlo SInlor Junior Hockey TIImI LouP Nrwt Irom Slmree County Comt ondInIIP Two QuIIllouId In Eimvrie SIIhlr rigP Ann Landau6 City Newt2 CIIniIiIdll l3 Comicsll Duiir NeIirIHJ District5 EditorlIIJ rtl to 04 Weather5 Womrnuo planned ZIhour rlttin about Iaur hours niicr it started when iirrnonslrnlorr attempted to hloclr trniilr on the driveway In root at the inrilamcnt builds Inga The demonstration tputuarrd by the Student llnlun lur Peace Action started nulcuy about run whrn to students rnrrthrd up to the main door to the Centre Iilorir They had plnnnnl to rings the Iiiill in the re Iumln lutt inside the door lint thry Iound their path Idorhrd by lvur ilChil rou Itnllirn at the top oi the Itrpl so they rat on tho Ilrpl hud tiling torrlhrr Inr warmth and rlwltrr ruin the hind Iwcnt rain and JidtRtN lunpcrrlurr Truckers Union Rejects Otter TORONTO ttll erotlr tiuul In the Ontario Irurtrrr llrlhn Mir tlrovilnriwl Irriin Inillivtinl unlnu roioriion Trldny nl wind war called IIMI oi Irr iron the 51 lrurtlnl ram onnlrt Invnlmi itny inrrart thainnen oi the mgrdlnllug committee tor the to Ilrlhlng local the International iirnlhrrlml oi Trnmrtrrl Hod Mid Ihr rnm pnnlrr otter was Inadequate Ihmnlrlsnn manner oi llu Motor TIIMWII indmlrlli itelnllnnr Iluruu durrllmi uny rclrrlivnr the utter ir responsible Although he laid he had not been utilrinily ininrmevl oi the union scum tir Tnswt laid the mn onnlu IIIrt partner oiirr rd hula Inrmrs oi cents an hour was rrlrrlrd unrnlmourly by the union nerntlrlinl rum mill standstill lilauyi Lars and buses we hogtied down in deep amw OP Viroptnlol Report Poland Not Ready For Viet Nam Talks NEW DELHI tAiilndia is understood to have told Cnnnda that Poland the third member at the intcmationnl Control Commission ior Viet Nam not ready to join them In pence cltori high ranking source said Friday ludian Foreign Minister Swarnn Singh mot Thursday with Canadian High Commis sioner itoland ittlrhrncr to ex prnu the Indian yicw indla was rrportrsl to tool the ICC could attempt Viet Nam solution only It tho tirrce mom bcr countries agreed on rush move And the rating also war that ininnd would be under pressure irom the Soviet Union which would prevent any Polish move at this time External Minister Marlin told the House at Com mon in Ottawa this neck that some progress lrnd been made in ICC attempt to ilnd solu TIIIII slow wreck the Midi va Alrum MAC hm see no rwor tonight 20 degrees High Sort day 28 degrees For Iuii sumary tum to page two Third in Disorder in Month 18 Houis illiterlCPii Tragedy GUIEMBA Japan CPI British Overseas Airways Corp lctiiner crashed In flames to day in the tangled lorest at the loot oi iIIoinrt Full Japans sacred mountain killing all 124 persons aboard Eigth Iive Americans and one Canadian were among the victim The Canadian was identified as Theodore ynsevich 53 yearoid engineer from Toronto The crash rams only 13 hours atter martian Pacific Airlines Dot Ietllner was wrecked land ing at Tokyo international Air port with the loss oi oi lives it was the third major air disaster In the Tokyo area in month The Associated Press quoted reliable ndlitary sources as saying they understood Jap anese military plane had col lided with the BOAC Boeing et Japanese defence forces raid they had no report of colli on RECOVER ALL BOD other Japanese eliiclnls dio missed lids Idea alter discover Ing that no dher planes Well reported missing In the area about 70 miles south of Tokyo Rescue workers who reached the scene oi the crash eitcr run ning the gauntlet at Iorcsl blazestarted by the plane as It tore duough the mos binn Iag Ind disintegratingreported there were no survivors Thcy said they had recovered Iho bodies of all the passcn gers and the crew ot Ii Nine oi the crew members ll were British and the others Jap ii anese The Jetiiner on an around theworid flight irom San Fran cisco crashed i2 minutes liter taking oil Ironr Tokyos airport or iiong Kong and Motion Eyewitness wounds of the crash varied Some said the plane exploded in addair 0th crs said the airliner appeared to be making desperate at tempt to regain height near the 12390 toot snow capped mountain when it suddenly droppedtlil first like iati ing leaf Japanese meteorologist climbing the mountain nid One third of the starboard wing was ripped away and the main Iusclage was on fire Japanese roidlcr said he heard deriealng rear and ralw the lediner tailing in VI rp Another report by but coa ductur who said he saw people parachuting mm the Iotiiner set oil thtories that the let had collided with military or small private min Oivli Iiiram do not carry parachutcs Wreckage irorn the blaring let was spewed out over wide area some oi It falling on Go tcmba i1 miles away Investigation ls Launched Into CPii Ietliner Crash TOKYO CItAtl investiga tors today began piecing to gether the drain at events that might Canadian Pacific lot liner to sidintcring illitnllifl end at Tokyos intcmatimai Airport Friday night Sixtytour oi the 72 persons aboard the DC Ict were killed The mainline ict carrying It least 1i Canadians as well as American Erwponna and Arinna marred III wheels on apmarh lights and then hit retaining wall at the head at the runway ihponno maritime tardy my helicopter crashed In Tokyo tiny today while ru lnrrd In Irarrh nprratlom for ridimr and debris trorn imi months ilneing disaster whim killed to mom Ikgrubdowlkruitln lnpnnklilydmotitc We at the lily man crew were reported rcscrud by artncy Ntroi ships The crash oommd about live milcs across the boy from when nine boats and other Iwilcoptrrl were scarshing Ior wreckage Irom Friday nights DCa rrnstt KILL TIIIIHE OUTRIGIIT The crash killed or pcmon outright No dint In hospitals The eight survivors Inr uding three nlth Canadian ukirrmr Miami iniiifiN ranging lrom multiple Iracturu In bruised Intro ClA oiilclals Iaid the plane carriul pnsmrcrr nine rm members and one all duly rtivwnrdcrs Jnnaurre unllmrilirs laid Iuilocule Iumtixatioa oi the crash was undrr way in nit rm nirdnrdmm total lA Win via radio mm am

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