STROUD eynms nwronr NELSON large number irorn here at tended the Fisher and Peacodr innn sale lastflweelr and port exec ent ces were tained tor tarm stock Imple merits and feed EDUCATION WEEK Strand Sunnybrae school writ erve Education Week by ding opal bruise tor all in teresied personsand parents Mar to irom to 519 pm Then pend discussion by Camp Borden teadren will be held onthe unit anionsa stem or promotion through without grads Thus child can proceed turn one unit to the next at the rate that he can absorb eachunits work This system is being car ried out by some schools In Cum Borden lliiamh 17 Central Ontario Cat tie Breeding Association writ hold their annual meeting or Simeon County an Shroud hall at 11 am Luncheon will be ser ved David Haunt will bathe Mr and ltlrs Mel Martin visited the lettera brother Charles who has recently re hunted irom tour weekshoapitr nitration due to hart attack litre Addie Cobum Toronto is spending week with her sister Mrs lilel Martin Mr and Mrs Idoyd ormming visited hlr and Mrs John Farts Daytona Beach on their way hom irom three heeks holiday In ï¬ends Mr Ind litre Woe Vondr Willow rials nutl Mr minimTaylor Mercer Barrie were with Wonoh Mr and Mrs ilerb Black were in Tomnto Sunday visiting the lattes5 aunt Miss Annie Evans hour 51 LOUIS MRS FRAWLEY hlr and Mrs Gus UImrIand inmlly and hits Catharine An gerer Kitchener spur the week lend wih litre Donneeu Mr and Mrs George De Grain and iamils motored to Toronto International Airport to meet his mother who was retrrzning irom Holland and they took her byte her home at Dunnvilic nu and Mn Ed Sullivan 1am Credit spurt Sahrrrlay at their home tune Catholic Womens League are tanning cuchrn party in the all Friduy March ii ii wea ther is nailshxtory Sympathy oi the commrnrliy goes to lngranr Amos and tarnily in the death of his tether and to the irimds of Mrs itinnnlng Fitzgerald who passed rrway Thursday CHURCHILL By runs Mari Friday Feb in com munity gathering was in Midterm ltall in honor at two recently wedded curries Mr and MN henle tinny oi Shanty Day and Mr and hire ltiurrrny uccum mum evening was unloved ln dancing to the Term Cairne more irom Toronto Walter Cruig enli rd ll Spence called the gum honor in the phloem ï¬t As HEP MOINHR MD Dear Dr Motnrr My iuuh vnnrsrlrl rinugirtur tr nllcrgic to branga intro Imunurer rmttr mgrs rml pruitrilln read Wim that ii ilJ mllpox polio Iran other vnrrtnnllnnr nrn utvm rho wwlrl have inlnnt rrnclimr want her to have ring but notlli they harm honMilli One more ermine we in rhoming land Iringt madne tlnrrr when it has strong AllilfllM but the trrlrlnn in not nnnrty grrni In you Mme in nniln mtdllin rmt to he mrrpirryrti rnrurvnrlrrr Inrt ilrnt ban hem tlimmtirrunl you end not tour rnxllnn Influrnu rlmr Inr Ilu rariinn ts grown on iirtrk Ntlrryv no the an allergy tmunrr Impur tnnt mm tingle in ever Amid not In rimr nu Yntritlt iIrraerrr one no rennin utry ï¬lltali rut ml llm other rmlnrl drnulrl nnt he girrn In this ram With An nllrrtlr drill lm thin that lite ritntur ï¬lling tar rviun Irvmintka In thmurflrly are ml the nllrrgrrr Mum nnv Flint are nrlurlrrlrlrrml Itrnr itr hitinn My tinIgtp rm mi in ml in mutt rum ml Ilvrtr rival tlrni rm Irrtrzirl my llrcy hare irlillt rrrewi with tlrnr sugar tty tern or sun new they wlli nut tr rrlllr tlintwlm rrltrHM will the thug tliltl Im rrrrtirr ur their Irrllr lrii ymr rivlrthlrrt it nu IILtIi mm turn it In tm detrimental in th ruu my rrmrsrnlr rnturinl twistith v4 urcrrrrrrhi to math iilllllli iln Hrinruul 4i tin trnln mun tll rim twin time Irrlr In the hunt lwhn in qs an 11 Le hi 9IAR0UND sum and each temple was presented with set oi tableend chairs irom melthlhiltutst iriends bormtltul lurid brought happy event to close Etna Gammsoi Echarmuz Bikini tayner Sunday With Mr and Mrs Lynn Russell Sunday Feb to at 1130 Mr Runner having special ser vice In Mldhuret Urdtod Church The amnion ior his sermon is this Horu Iins Seven Days Sunday Feb 20 at odook in Mldhurnt Unitedtlhurch the Mens Club ls entertaining the Mens Glrrb oi Slsorxl Rev Finlay oi Barrie will be the speaker Every man in the con gregation ta cordially Invited to attend hildhurst Union Ceme Bound lost valued member in the euddm passing oi Reginald Mason oi heart attack Mr himurr had served ialtflully our the board as secretary tor number of years Sympathy oi this conmrunity Ia extended to MrsMeson and family ltonald hunts has been appointed by the trustees as secretary fruonnrou Dy MILE HOLT Gongannations to Ross and Lucille Dams oi Barrie on the birth at daughter Feb 22 Mr and hire Gary Wilson iormcr Thornton realdentsare now living at It Blake St having moved irom Dunlap St West United 21de Women held refreshment booths at Douglas Fishers and Peaoooka iarrn nudions Large crowds were In attendance with keen bidding making both events quite successful ior all con corned St Judes Church hosted World Day oi Prayer service this year with ladies present from Holly and Trinity United hurdles Mrs Leonard Warr spoke on Ye Are My Witmrs with several ladies irom the three cinrmhes assisting Mrs Joe Lennox returned borne Feb 23 alter spending week In Royal Victoria Hospital Black and George Henson are patients there it is thought the unknown por eon who called at some homes Feb 10 was none other than Thomas Brydges one oi the three Kingston Ial lbrcakers who encased the previous day Sym attn Ir extended to the liuntril families and relatives In the passing oi lira William Hunter in her 96th year Thornton Womens Institute members present when temp orary executive was set up tor the nnwlyiormed distrlrt in Simcoe County were Mrs ll meek Mrs Carr hirs Peter Olaskcy and Mrs WIle Smith This meeting was chaired by Mrs II Lane FWIO board number Goldwater and was held Feb 28 In the board room Dept oi Agriculture hur IIPTO Mr an dllrs lohn 0ltnllornn md the inttzra sister oi odrnwa have returned irom un enjoynhla mtn trip in Maximum DC hir Rush Is not Improving in health and has returned to hoes pltnl Ir nrul Mrs Duniop uml inmrly Tumrto visitui Irs Itmh recently Must Exercise Care In Giving Shots that the 3mm um timtlqtv lng um inr nwolt thingy it continued this mount pour ral ing hnNLr ml ultimnrn over weight which can lndml tend to diabetes lly nil manna eorrect this rou grrr hnlrit by mutually reducing the nnlmmt that Dr Mnlnm rend about It drug called Inmmrnlno in not butwrttm Inn you mtvu About iiiMM It is one at the trnnrrrutxer frnw It In Mm reportrtl raving Imm iilKl on trotedi ttng help Mt nnnncer it nhouirt be met only an whim oi your lindor who would Ire hint or niril Him It nny Du ltr Inlnrri What Nylltmin muiriinrmn mul ilrvw lung time it Inuit law it rurre irom nllrrgy ur rliotrlm it in an lnrpitfln rmyhuni lilnirtm nlmrvst any part If the luIyy nrul liltttIKiIl In In It turic trnriirril mm In Mqu In inï¬rm FrIrnI Irrtntlm twill ur lunrtlr II rmnlrrvur mum Other mi term in the Initial ringer the ride tour we thrust Inint ruins grnrrri urtu int iirl nliarit irtrrir in run til mm In tum In in 11 nm but rrm rmrr liming ervi nu rumn rm the rum irtwiy wr mus Ilitltltrn Moi young Ninth are the Inuit irnrmut lrium it Ir irrinliun il lrrmwl naturally II erllrlii tn lermi lu mtan Imttrr nr lrItrItl tow lvle nventiuv trrrviwetivui int rn Irrrrmlnln urrrtmrrs mu hergr the patient rurrtmletrle liri bu mining in ill with erylhmrn rrurttilmuw Will rtrrlrt It nllrrgv tnrtrr tuinn ritrrgr titrmlvir suin nr titlilllll rue tehnrrrl in use avrmq rm mm ma In samen MANY INTERESTS Ihs Canada Pension Plan was the rubieetvat hi Kcllr talk at February meeting oi Giiiord wt in Giliotd Hell hiclu bors also heard report oi the board meeting held by South Slmcoe WI district hirl Cannnm explained how this district would adjust to the loss of our Institutes to the new district to be formed In South Slmcoe area 75 delegates Invited to rep resent Wornenr Institutes at the Trustees and Ratepayers For um held recently in Barrie only iive accepted Mrs Neil reported reinring to talks on curriculum and enlarged school areas This institute In planning to send delegatetome Cen tral Ontario Rural Leadership Fonirrr in Aurora in March und delegate to WI oiilcera con icrence at Guelph University in May Five members agreedto remind iarmerl In this area oi the meeting in Alilaton Com munity Centre March 17 at 130 prnlhis meeting is teexplairr to iarmers their rerponslbilitler 011er under the new Workmenl Coma pensellon regulations as they at iect iarm employees hire Bell hire Cronon and Todd entertained with re lugs social period was en toyed neronrs hire It ltell was hostess Fclr 10 when Unlted church Women met with an attendance oi 14 members and visitors Miss Ed lth Code second vicepresident chaired the meeting In the eb eenca of president and vicepres ldcnt worship service was con ducted by Mrs Owen Bell Re ports were given by lira Todd and Mrs Ewing oi Presby terial In Orillie Scott Nelily Giltord reported on the Tao Alpha conierencc at Niagara Falls In December Aehapter irom iheatudy book on Brazil was given byer Kirby Sympathy oi the community in extended to hire Chute and Carol in the death oi loving husband and father number irom Giiinrd United Church attended the skating par ty in Slroud rink Feb la DQNALD DUCK JULIET JONES Lunchwas served Churehill United Church aite ting CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER You are Sendr neither aide werawe The bidding has Ell West North East South so war would you bid now witir each or the following rive hands girls no error axon Mum was om 41 was out 4mm seas gross 410942 new or rm What would you bid now with each oi the allowing live hands Three notnlmp Partner ls bound to have values cl one kind or another or his bid whether in the term oi high cards dis Iributlm or combination oi both Whatever th values lame must be reached Iirroe mtnmp appears to be the easiest game contract to make but North may have other ideas in which case he might to on to our hearts The import ant thing is that you cant ai lord to bid only two noinrmp or three clubs neither of which is towing 21wo hearts The best way at showing heart support Which we have is by bidding tun hearts The trap to amid is twospada bid which by no menus sug gests support or hearts Part ner did not open the bidding but merely overcallcd and new Iuit named try us thereiore would not ï¬ssure iurther bidding nnd might lead on the wrong con tract Partners overcell In the one level implim interut in partvooore not game Four hearts Regardless oi how weak partners meruaII Is you have to get game and the simplest way getting there is by bidding it good case can also be made for Inddirrg three dliamondaoltleéhto Indlcaée rim pom es am Is entiron acceptable Three diamonds iicrc also game Is indicated but uiietlh er the but game contract is in spades hearts nr ciube Is at tire moment uncertain The outbid in addition to showing control oi diamonds and good hand has the urihor advantage that it might induce North to bid secv ond suit it he has one In that case with better suit having been found the hand would become that much easier to play mine it North simply rcbrda hearts we my on togarne Past Here we have the makings ot misiit and the wis est thing to do is pass two spade bid might work well no caaiarreliy but there is too much danger in bidding it The misfit in hemLs Is al ready known and it we were to try two sperm and it turned out that partner was aim in that suit the opponerts might start doubling and we would then not have rule place to rest It pays to be cautious in misirt hands TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7241M DRILY CROSSWORD ACROSS thurdrr macrmm river It singly sovurey IZConIedenll prelldent 13 One or the Mum mammal Iulllx 15 Neighbor oi Vllih 1011an rnruure 171uu 10 Hut being until 21 reigns HUI co inrllnrd unhlp union into spun 2r Cinr GU Itnirrted IL Adiectlvai Irlltlx as lurrtrlu 300mm tool 37 DJIIA 13 Colin ll Girls nickname tink till Ioetin contraction ti Isoman DOWN Tl tr Clllnflvln for example Keelbilled cuckoo Aiilnnetiva Buggereta ll Venture Guldonlan note Daily Adel Old Eng 11 Mort punnu Dollar bill 15 Blend 19 Erou 20 One bomb term 21 Other Wise Stern 2i Type oi Int 15 Help 29 Weep 31 Small dnim 1Banlrlrrnent 33 Air 35 Nemelll nuny hum sa Dessert Ill Mountain pass Finnish THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley Itl DONT AUNT TILUE AND err Hm new ti mirr PlnrrY Gummm nu Luoomo Emlfllï¬‚ï¬ AND CRAWDOth FOOD UfIIlR IH RHH OF Ill Titus locust ALLS wmt xrwr r255 53mm THE GIANTS SECRET AGENT X9 GRANDMA nor uuuawv THANK vou PLEASEEAT souztuwn sxzsrs INEED SOME AIRCLEAH FRESH AIR AI mu WAR 11 PRIME MINGTE CKENZE KING 15 DETENMINED CONSCRIPTION WILL NOTOMIE MORE SPLIT THE NATION FLEBISCYE ASKNG CANADIANS TU DO Kl MEIGUOUB PRGMtSE THAT Nose an NEED OVERSEAS OONSCRIPTICN iconscnrpnosr IF NECESSARY BUT NOT NECESSARILV cowscmrmou YOUR TEACHER SENT HER LATEST mousan Eur IN rot2 HE ISSUES NATIONAL I5 NOCONSCRPTION nausea MAKE HIM UNPOPLLAR rwm THE ARMY WHLE VISITING THE MRSEAS THE PRIME MNISTERvIS 30050 CANADIAN SOLDIERS THEMASGUERADEB DWARF OVER FOR US NOW YOU PHIL Pom GRANDMAMLL IOU SHOWME now To FLV MY IVE ALREADY NELDED ENOUGH KIDS FOR ONE DAY BLONDIE BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS AND SKEETER no mo MEAN THAT 7mg DrNKV LITYLE noun or rm WHOLE euevctoncem IIWI DO V7311 DD ranIM ammo we New It wonwwou 3v vrwuwrs AT wombme CchcLuPEurA wave THCORVw EMCYLLOPI DA ww ccurrcrz UP rout may wmt Lor ml UnitEGG FAchE rowan HES AWAY VirHTHE Tran QUICK DAD WINGEY WANTS TO SAY HELLOI WHO t3 Elit TALKING To 50 LONG HOW MW MON to sinus more treat 10 SIN Intervention Mr Hill Itrtr MAN NT FNliHI AllrJtlA Atrial rruori it rmr AUDI MM on lilliCiU rm III twitiiiilhl srrusr toricl pt IlLL NARI 50UD IATH Til i5 LONG DISYANCI CAILJCIN rmtlllr rim iDiillCM rillti 1M tliiitï¬l up romp ttNtllr Fir up IitJ MIME ul nrnwwn auroral Pill ITDthL IllLL