Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1966, p. 3

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Mnrvln lnflm ll Hm lxrnv km Marl Iq dmlrmnn PM Mr Vlhllm Athluury Maul Ulm mnmlru nu Tuuy Huh Winn 1mm nnltml lmm Trrununlh own lllmlw WNI Mllmlllry Vim hum TlmMnNn and DI Mb muM hlxnllmuw Ugh ImL In Iumhy mkl land Um ermny lmnl mlvman II Mm 51m Adlnln MM nunmru an Hm Ikiiza In Jquo flank omn llmwnu Mrlamlm mar erwll Mulnnr mil mm Man mwnnhm 1va rlmlmun Mm Inlimcn mummy om uuln Allan Avlkrwn 101an lml lfirnin Manly Mann Frmk mzlflm HM mu mum lmwlonl gmvlnre tl OMAN FIN HINDI rm in Navy 111mi lrldlmm mm ol finn nlulala mwa ml liuzmn finmh IkTuly new 2m Mm 1M dulnnnn ml Vlrndmlnnnn nslnllvcly III II mum mwung VnHly ummwn Mrmlru al HM mlvinrw bowl um Mir huiwrfiy ymr Mr lrltiham laid um mummy wrkod unit nutridcd lzizd WI adopted In principle that ii Um munici paiihu Mm 8316er pm lan Mum In fllb policy purmiu we mm mly lo mxwd with aohrmu Ihidl ll Carri in the budget In Whole mm nature In wmflmlly Mam Kanrrnl levy aim awnA flml ho Iqu vim is truly want Surny and pmiminary en gincmml studios have been omn pldcd mum live capital auburn Irma Mn srxmd gn died to qismbute initial burdth mudy Insulin mm end maior won at UM Rammed 53kt Tho nmimly has undergom rapid change of pace during the past year Mn Pridlum nu od Al phase of mm manualmm In his dashed have mind median and hem you10mm he said FIVE SCHEMES ism mafia said 33 flue munupamu ham largo Maxims creation 9mm dose In these municipalities hid would bene than MIL Mr Pddham cited the lime site at Edmvale Highway 23 beside the Natawaansa mm Also the calmwant area New 1mm and where mnstnmtiml vmrk nan this Man At present Bum has 10 put em 32 Wm and Barrie and bmistil mix were ask2d Wider their flipper for the drum Valley Omscrvafiln Authonly the annual naming In Barrie Wedmulay Uayd Mum mdodzd au Lnogity fimlqpan said 19M nu Board Elected For This Year xmnmu f4 uF ptlizlk BARBIE DISCUSSING THE program at Wednesdays meeting in tho County bgilding Eazjria Asks To Reconsider Conservation Plans 01le umikiu wmmifilw Juhn Ir hay Canton Inhlwll 0m cllnln nun on Wnlfl Unnme my mum Wm nmnlm urn valhr Putin1 Wan Ingram Arum Mulmw Inn 54mm ummmxI mum lmnu film Anwwfll nml Willml 1m munth mlkllnr 11mm In Wnlam mi and mmnryumaur ll Mch of mm ha mulvhwfim mm Some pmlinm nmso from this Manama he Med Wham only mall pardan municimwy um mvrvmrd Un lovy wan oflcn Insulflcienl lo umr mam This would lndl can the nmuly mahllsh but minimm lmy or car municlmmy tn me Much dull umln ho mid 131 Tmirr ArHlmml lnwmh hl Xmltu NMlnwu man 1mm McIntyre may ml hurl Mnnkman Cuttkmmn INN cm mum wufiin In lhn llirrg m7 Nwwnwhl ll hod Ibo menborn It would be unfair In hlmr amount Undu our present and mum plan of mm manage mm sum distinct increase will have to be umsiduod If we um yo mpgbe mnd the Financing the authorilya progran L151 ymr was based on per manila low from each muniq My mlfly 515 wntémha mu my the mm 1510 total Winn ner sonicd Ivy the permMm are wimm pm nufllorjl mnn rmmme Mr Pndham said lhat last yearl levy on each participat ing mmicxpamy 15 cents per pman was the lowest so by any dive amenity lilo pro vimz we that mail principal bendimng municipal ity is expand to pay greater pmtm the may share 1116 LOWEST LEVY mum With mare widesprwl pm See for recreation or education Mr Pridlmn mg the who Where mm are may iocalwd sadly flood phanncls 41 the weaning area he animal ll yunr HI lm IM mlvrd nluu Mun THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS nyy In nrllulfil Tn Tllr MM It pm CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 WMI day land may lmhnlmz mink and finals 11M mic mnl Aluwn nml mm mm my optimal ind 1le of Mom ml Mn 111m Hw milll WM lulu flu whmu Inviu radl lmmnh pn NM 51mm of Ilw ml 11 owmm mluml Hu prim lry um 1mm udy th ll In 11an mm It pmmd Wilt one LN gunman nm meant Moknltk lnz Militia am In ho mum lrshh WI Pnth ml mm way aim An upmair pnvflmn L1 Mm Mantwa TMTENIIAM IOND Arnuliflm IN Trllmham pond lry um lulhnrfly um not muddy LN 31m lr mil mrr nah IM mam um kxnml at Talmth village flm mu nJmLln at 20mm rand Im Mm crmk mulniml largo rmhllllnl Lun ro 1mm Ivy ma mum nflrr Ilurdrmn Luel 1km la Imnm lnnnwlllmlrm uulb No or I4 numilflmnhd nml and mm lny um villa lawnnh he misium three now was Ideally mined an ulhw roamfiunnl and educa uoml dcvclnnncnl This morn nkmulo mm along we wmt bunk Um Na Lawusnxn mm mm of mm way 211 in Ho Tmmhip Inn ho mo malvlhhml symbol nuflmtily minty 1n Om 11 43w Emu mm tha five newly cstatfishvd misery board mu heard at the annual meeting of the Nwmasaga Valley Comm vallm Authority in Barrie Wed MELm mid mmwjma in mmlo indme tho Hunk11 mud the New dwell and mom sqmu sites fully by maker nl amharifies Wilt Imtim chairman nl manglmmlm Inga boardI sto are In ndMlon ma nlrrqdy lainlflidm M91 lAl Five advisory bean Wm es tabligind 031m were or Wwahon arm fish and wildlife m5 Id had we public ma lkms and water wntml mo advisory board met n1 least once tn discus imestigale and make mmmaum fvflh muaradminimafiva imb Advisory Boards Give Reports For Last Year Yhia mound used Necess RATUMLM AND WHAT Al Ml III ll Mr Elton Ilrxtd trflnwlnl mlmnm mumu lmn land mnvu and In In MIUUM In IM wnlmeL pronAm fur vinulinn Muck MIMIIn fur Mldllo lull halulnul INF inmm II In Item It mum 111111qu Mr wa phnHm Munmiw nl lamb nIUuuzh unruly Kuhn 1mm luv 11 NM lmnl dwlnmm John mall MI IIIM GUI rm mu mm mr suma lo MVl mid mtth 11750 pthl Ivy anlvmlm ma Fmh and wddlilo dnirmnn Marvin Patton told tho mai Inx that they hm mumch uLxluLuUm he Mml Rmr lIrndwatm In Oaprcy Townsth or water pmdndlm and lzfc mamncmm mum request has boon mmh ARDA or harm mid Mn Pal lun an3 In MM 10 mm tnln dmcknmrm vmxmtd munm IN My midlife mmwm It 0150 awn puth rmuomilnmy or the pro lmim In lmpmiam um Arm Mlh extnmiw mm mm ml lmnflm mix is consultant geo grarhic tantra field opera tions between he 1210 square miles of tho Natmwasuga wattr shed and the the 01 land he said cs Adjala and Tolwnham The option cmm this month nnd still awaits decision mm mglmr numdpnhues Tho pom mm or nut fishing It Ideal Inr swim minx bunting nature hikes camping cumenauon and wa Im Mam MUM RICQUIZST he executive on their acid intexes he said Mr Pridham said it had been many wood by boil the magma Vqllcy awnmum thnnm and Mo Nouawasnga An lhorny to ambush he fluid ul on an equal cost mom be raked by me My WM 714 INNISIIL munmpab Uh Imam mm mm 115 um nn WWIIr Mm Nomi and hm bml optima me wat my rmrmir on new Omk In Fan Mwhlp 11m lmvlm Um pIWNd dam lmldo tho mm Iln mill Mlnlul IMInlul In an dam an Howling HIM And mill Miami NM 1h Inan vllnl In mm Um ml th ann Ira In nil the ml pchd 11mm Dowmy dnimm um wdtr umlml hmnl mid Alla numlxr of dmnzu mlmy mdlwny mum Will mqmnrd by any nllhmty Int the New In mannlr TH nwnillnz Wmul by Kw min dqmnmrm fiunnldnh mmlp payinu hall 04 ha nmhorkyn ma lawm Hm muddpahly prey was momnmcndcd nLvn Imdo fish or 1m mafiaI other minim ndv PUMJC HEIATIONH MEI McKIan human nl mu public relations lmnl old Ibo program mndudod during Hue year Md millcafiom and 0er Mmmlion given on he auguguy mtg WW Alhiuflimlnflnn aver and hawking pd mm mm ol benefits mm his proan were spread mm Wam dmd he said Peter Gfll En authnrilyl field oUIcer oullimd the budget la members He said they had been rulhks In hair calculi Hm but had In miss 512901 gun 71 mm mummi heir respective populaLIon No limes fix this year were avail able yesterday so motion we proposed to the levy far 1966 cents It wax luggexled if the bud get In short they should get 1m 1m depcu cmdd be hr In next year bud Imv at 1M Etaan wax dogma 1M Mmperature at 525 am wu Mdmm Synopsis 1n Southern Onta Mr Small recanmndcd mbsumtm budge humus or this popular Manon pro gram privahs and owners Vlull 3n mnda by field vqu mnda Held nm pajom Ir he wnlcrshegi mi wnlcrshed 0n mg the head wnltfl the mm ln mm the wfi Idumes lhrouflwul the watershed Work expected In be alm ed on these pmlccu this yea beside operating the authority Mlle uni POPULATION flips cnpfll leyyrtorreach The chairman nld this would make tight budget on year win so may puma under WHY 0M member calculnled Iha 1964 pomdnUcm in flu Jam shed with 10 cent per caplla levy would be 000 share Notlawuua Valley Conser vation Authorilya budget will be fight one this year Iol themembgs gecisional wmld hm no name nu project or flmuke of ans cent per caplm reelected nuthodly chairman uvyd Prid ham Mid Thu levy last year was 15 ml per gram the Imus 5e DuxinK period lurveyn pmllnfln get me vmather will con lmivg dunlg today gm Thoma meeting In Barri Wednesday to let the levy for 1966 It 20 cents per caplla DISTRICT WEATHER ConSérvétidn AuthbriiygisetsV Itséli Tight Budget for 66 The motivator 20 cent per Todny fluu Sunday Rain Or Snow Area Forecast Tlmmln Palmbnraup Inplm twaif London lmrhmrr Mount Form Munkokn 11 Mare Toronto Hamilton Nlngm Lake Ontario llnlibuflm Par ual clearing tonight Salutday variable cloudiness windy and colder Winds soulhwcn 10 be cnmlnz wcscrly no lo Satur day Norlh nay Sudbury Soulhcm Wth fllver Narlhcm Georgin Bay Algamn Cloudy with unt lmd lnowflurrlu tonight and Saturday Turning culder la nlghL Winds MsIcrIy lo 30 Salurdny TimngnmJ Norlhml While Jnmcs nay Occnslnual 111M snnw lanlth Vlndl norlhcrly 10 lo Saturday Windwr Windmm This year the Imhmly mus rain My of $01355 but then an ammo recde nl yams sag mm Gm Pamll Temprrnlum Lou lonllM llllhl Kllurdu This brings the anihariiys ad ministration md conservation service budget in $9610 There is 50 per cent grant from the mvindad gavenmnext said Mr Gil leaving the Mums share at $1305 CONSERVATION Thin year he aulhaflly plans to mend $1500 onthe Edenvale conservation area and $41000 on 1119 Tonean pond Both of these are subject in 50 per cent flank Totlenhnm project In subject to ipedal levy 01 $6009 against LIe henclilflng municipalities Adjnla Tecum sulh 10anth and Beelon said Mr Gill 0nflood tantra he aulhoflly expect spend mm on the Pretty Rlver It Colllngwood The Agrlcullum Rehabilita fion and Development Act grant payslor 75 per cent the $9200 on thg Mad River scheme The nee pm 100 per cent grants of 104000 or the New lnweJl remvoic sdmm and $105000 60 the W3 rev sewodr sdune On both of muevprolccfis 15 per can payabla by the auth mflymernuyearpahd lha lint three year hman temt The Mono township flood line survey L1 to be paid In on llrelyby Hm muqlcipamy leaves Ime raising312901 snnw posslBIy mixed with rear Ho will cnnllnue through fine day them mgiuzu will get in rain today and Inclmitten snaw on Saturday Iccompanlcd by wma drifting Laka St Clair Lake Erie Laka Huron Soulhem Georgian Bay Windsnr London Vnrin bIe cloudiness windy and colder tonight and Sammy few llth Inownurdel Sumday Winds southwest 20 becomlnl wcxtcrly to so Saturday capitath this car WPW Wm admlnl tr Amounts to $7195 which in chides personnel Wines travel expenses ulawnnces supplies mllanrd taxes The latal causalfallen ser vice budget $2415 which in cluded $1500 or the authoritys tree plaqung pyogram Fulurlnn Chlrlu SmlllngMom moo p1 Burl Anrml hm bor oi l9 Wovld Champlomhlp March l7 Tum Anna Fowlor and Rldmd Sb smrlng cl 200 local Ian slum Cuudlm Junior Pllr nu hamplonl 1966 Admission $100 and $125 iickeis Available From Members Arena Office The Barrie Figure Skating Club Presents DAY DREAMING The 14th Annual Ice Review 5134I1992rri90imictCollegiate sand COLLEGE GRAD mammals the inurest Han studenls ln the tducallonal as pect ol he Ontario Zoological Park and it Liv animal col lemon THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 1M WASAGA BEACH Staff Iflw Upper Canada Zoological Society is conducflng an edu cational whilst at Kimsdwol ts Ln the Georgian Bay Ede or the best sdcnce pmjcot has ed on an animal blthe 100 The contest will d0a April Complee details the con WWFI 10 Msvchool pmdpaifi The Magical Society pub lic mnpmm lnsfimion main tqknim 0ntaflnZoologIcal Park mreeprzm at 30 are nvqflable faith at Wéségi Beacli Contest Planned For Area Students 1119 pqrpose the contest is Tho Dale Carnegie Cour surfing In Barrio carly In March For lniormaIlon Mophono 726M PRAYER on SICK Fur minimal come Mormlllon PL 7295799 SELFCONFIDENCE HIWKY CHURCH 50 Anni St with lo do lllc lhlngl you would llko to do lo hold lho position you would llko lo 990 fako LUCKY WINNER SERVICE End Wednexdu um um HEALING LOBLAWS s100 WINNER MRS HELEN MORRIS 10 Maple Avenue Barkie Ont Mlnlskl Dgle Cufihiétourse Do you mad more TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS EVENING shows 700 and 900 Adm Entertainment nm MAT E53 ISTANBUL uv 31 WanePEifltfiafl is

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