Lml THY IXMIINM WANT MFR Him HUI mu TmmVu lrruv HI MIA on Mmh 11m lay mm In Ivmo 07ml lnr Hw lnmml Tannin Imam MIA Mumln mm will be Mlvl Al Tvmlr Muir mt Am IL IN I7 Ulan Um wlnwlivm Jrrm 6mm mm Han mm mup mm gm Mann RAWIM AVPA up ol mun MP Mm Mum nka lrpmrnlinulermwxy Ml Aim VIN Ilrlfl third Iuhllm ovhntrl llm Thy hau our mm pm Inlalltlu In hn mm mm um NI me Ill May MINI Al Fulani Analkau In an mrvnuh Dmmm lncludq aran drug uddch lrlmicm lutmul prostian nn nhuwnc And mmmlxl KM ulm VInun ml of wï¬lknk Im mm In Mr nmnl mlnwr play nnrmlnlnl lmnk wtAn he dxurrhl rrnlslmu IIHMINI by 5L mm pnrtdxlmm Thu lulhnfl urhmmal Hm In lulu gnmm and Hum prurntnl Mr imp mm 0pm walm uMor My kndvnhp IIIIM Irr llr Ian Hwy Thu pXIIy will lry Hilda 11mm lnwich Trmmm very mum wiman ul lilo on Ikid rond Set In On hnck room nmdnm coma hnum or unempluml mm ha any mu nvm Um muhlems at vnlunlnr lay rhnrdl mm In llirlcl mm with mph In lmmr The Wodnmdny night Anton 5mm 01 les Anglican Chunh mmwnd km nJuhl WM rank unnï¬nnnm rial wolflanl The pro look the form 01 an open dllcussioll lullwinu production Home mMcl play Ire mntd by ha Em Slmroc Donn ry 1mm Anxdknn Young MM WATSON En ï¬xh tenchnr In the occupa twn elm dmmcs plvh Social Problems Examined Afler Evening PerfOrmance mums ngm himsmde sale paglcnu bombsqua in sevdngrilasscs Al Reaare Min Wikna Ware and Mk meme 01 ms or CONDUCTED TOUR AT COLLEGIATE 711 DURATIOle IIIAWA llJJvlmvI Mini lrr lnmm uh Tuwlay It In of bin Innwlnlcn Umu le Iwrn vm rnmmunlulivm Mm Uï¬ mu lnnndiau mmmmuh WI pmme In mlinannu Inln mnlullnnavy va mm In Canada II nu VOW MIIMIIIZIH fl IM lnllM wile rad hm pm mu Immx xlvm Iwuul Mun III nl wumm lAI huh Ill TIM I0 rlvuul ml min Mu Amrnfl Mnynl 10m with grada nim dudan Paul Wan Nancy Wovhey 111a tour the ocwpallan mason at Bar rie th Micaela Included visit in sings madhu demonstration visit to tha new library and 016 Girls Shop uplqu mm mmth In llw Anmmmu Ivy lnmzhl llu 11w IManlral Ind NDP uwmlml snarl hy Hump mmrll Hm Amtp Iran Unher In undulnzhm IWI rnnIMwml Imklnt Ilwly Qutlm pmIllm the Us Menu MArlmrnl by lnln Nutly ll Inuit Almlnl In IIN ML Milk IMF km lhu tlimhr nl in mflm how 4an Ivy 1m Mrlmn nl nlll mu m3 Ilrlhvr wvhrr Mmr Illlw WWI Ivy 11mm um Ulnulunl llfmnhwr llwlul Mn Slml March Members an selling llckcll or the Alpha Phi Chapler who run holding Fashlon Show on Mth 30 The program What is Priondslrlpl wm gimn by Mrs llunh Doucellc Ballots or Girl of Ibis Year will be marked at he ï¬rst April meeting Points considered are alcndnncewilllngnm and co operation and loyaly to the chap lcr Thu Girl of lhe Year mutated with lrophy and an cnmvgd spoon letter mm the lnlcmallon 31 Oman was read in connec lian with Ihe comlmz Founders Dny celebration April 30 mark the 35th nnnlvcrsmy Beta Slgml Phil Momben wart reminded that elecllon the new cxccullve will take place ha last meal lnl In Munch Registration farms wen calved lhe Convenllon in Montreal in June XI Bela Pi Chapter Beta Sigma Phi Sororily me at the home at Mrs John Menen 1113 Bulletin mm the Barrie and District Association or ha Mgnmly Retarded was circula led Sorority To Elect Officers For 1966 Those taking pad in the taer Included Reeve of 0m George Manny Reeve of Vespra Wai vter mm Supednlendnnt of School Apgu gigKay Page Dept Examinerth Alderman Gerald Raina WW city council Staff ggg Algx IngekriqL name ï¬lmy them was Vserved ill be Mmdlor lb metling Inan flallérsby Henry When wallpaper can be sudssponged it is easy keep clean which makes it an almcdve longterm mama to any decor And its maintenance The majority 01 madem wall paper are Idler munmm an or plasï¬ccoawd 1111 is deï¬niu advantage to any ash lonvconsdmu and budmam scion humemakor The name Vhitty has served Bardé and sub mundlng territory for over 30 yams in Trusses Corrective Garments Back Braces and Elastic Stockings In standard sizes or In your exact mea suremean as prescribed by your Doclor 723$ 14 Dunlop 50 Polnll Walllngion Haul Block ColQr AndDeSign In New Coverings No Quality Small Medium Large hill Length Length Sale875 ludies Garment Department Nu Flex $1095 Elastic Stogkings Is today the day they give whisky away No Then youd better get your moneys worth Get Seagrams v0 and enjoy that great VO taste tgdjy the day SPRING SALE Qualified And Experlonml Finer To Serve You MR5 AMERT PAYNE Rog WHITTY Fhm AC Y7 Wray th And the Iwynmld building on Bonsccun Siren Ls well Its no at flu restaurant clientele or or the anthue bu crs 11s 10 bring women no od Montreal Mm might not other wise visit haule couture hausc 11s Ior their inIonnalion and cnlertahkmem The colloc UOn is no or sale And of wurse itlfo show my living quarters We have no door knobs en because so manylpcople want 10 see the Ils to bring another public is old agmtrealfl he salld dug Mon press mew her or r1211 now cloths de signed especially for he Moy dnyï¬hrough Friday public showings ye best known mega it llunuhlng gagij La haute couture nu in the grand won oi her Victorian residence in the heart rt the am lolï¬awed by allemmn lea MONTREAL CF Angr noon tea may be an dd English custom Wu FrmohOanndian dalgner Marie Paulo thnksfls one hat will add further d1 mcnslon to the renewed activu In old Montian nulslandlng Vlery sour will cost Mule in time 2mm and money Boaulilul new piper are 13Wan kilo tbs mm and well Designgrs Party At Fashion Show erw ogn pemgpshlbe warming ley wm home at boring peanuu bul ler anddrlbd lfllihflle three sorey building was met and renovated I1th designer three yuan ax unuullhll Pearl Cals Eye etc LEATHER GOODS WALLETS JEWEL IXOXES UTILITY CASES LADIES GENTS RINGS LUGGAGE SPECIAL 7th ANNIVERSARY 523 DUNLOP ST Doors From Roxy 1hoatro STAINLESS STEEL cquERY All panama greatly reduced from 695 to 5995 56 CLOCKS 10 T0 25 OFF SAVE 20 13an Diamond ro TAKEVADYANTAGE or our GREAT g4 lAST CHANCE 1651 Two SETS FOR PRICE OF ONE PLUS CENT SETS FROM $101 SPRING BEADS SALE leBOEUF TARNIBH PRIVINTINO HAGERTY and $2995 220 20 104 Iv Ila II ukul I1 Ik wlrll II Mala nlmumuuwum om wt duh1 BARR EXAMINER WAY MARCH 19M miner olflca wnrkm InCanm WOMENB PAY LAG Avmggnwéeklx uu mm camnunuy sum mu Mock wmu Orthld Baum 45m COMMUNITY SILVERPLATE OFF on mv AND mun communion Chm hm IL mu Ina Sauna Jul 3150 aONE CHINA 89 JAPANESE COFFEE MUG 39c nth nl $211 SH om nmds la 5119 ROYAL ALBERT BONE CHINA ChanIllly Pt Smlnq From 925 PIERCED mamas REDUCED mum mu mu mi glovlaun almond muqu wind from 310010 $50m Visit us lot you llu brochqu How Saint yaur Dllmnnd Mudll muoaoo 530030011 Dilmond sun countian cm by COLUMBIA dian Industry tr 256 In 1963 compared with or SAVE 20 7283343 JEWEllERS Mn CumM 20