Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1966, p. 2

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Amvliraulu lmv Iv murmvl or plncln lwlurrn lhn nm In ml mu and mm In phyl Iqly up am Gnu ml whmlrrll up an hhls rwh work an Iv in Hull pm nun nrm Mung m1 In Julm IIIIIIIIMKI wnlhlwh lml it mme llalninx Th lrllrr mum II by 1M by anmlinn Anny Mnmn Milnnnl Innmu win In lh um mnlur ruwumty uu vulva mrlm lnlnmmlinn and pan In lrzhvnnl ul Iml Mm mu nu mlmc Mle lunflruu Saplnlu Mnrgnm 6mm lmnmkmllnfl Mllm HM Tum ndlul WvIIwul Anny urvn enlw Camp Ilnnlrn In Ioollnl fur wmnrn In Hu ILvnh Ancm ANNIM mm in yolk pan Hum nl Hm MINI the older Amt nanin mnnrnx met Mr mm mm raiunl tn On 00 Murray hymn The part lmn Imrlyl Mr WM upmnl my in mm mm and llrfialy lmhutrlnl Tho miA dmivl um was It many yan WAN Fll Axlnmhlm hmlc mm mo mlng mutt hmm ln 1m lelllm Upper Cmle Mm mniwdrirkm In rrrwmo WWW mvmlavn mm NM lllllfr Gmrrnl Hmk Ixm nnnrd om1w 1n rinmlfle Hi lrdflnm vidan Immil and Iwnic dmfll Qumran mm rmllml Amdal nnhm 11ml mat mmlnmt Mi mumy Quemdm In mum mum IIIHKK hTIHCHT Named in mumy cl Mme gemlm Sir In 14 pm Kn Seek Women To Work At Borden In Militia Filter Centre Electrical power costs might becomL lust anollmr lorm ol tnx Illon local or regional conn wLx wrrc aka Mr me llullm of munlcipal hydro cummlssion rs Dr ll llny prcslrlcnl the Onlmln Munlclpnl Elm lxlc Ansocialinn snld lhls wok HOW BARBIE STREETS NAMED ays Local Hydro Systems Should Fight Extinction Armd dclogmr OCCUPATIONS cmssns AT NORTH cthEGIifiE mum Ih urnm mncrm llml llv nwmmlfld flwllltl Mucu Um Ifllmr ula In rr mm Ml nl lam WI Ir uwl Imima Mylme In hut Inva Hle qumu 11 MN0c ankm Awwm hm mzuwu mamAw mth um um mmnu mm In fink Ihl llllrr Inllo II IMHINI til llvnllqunmu HIM Ing m9 Tnmv llnnlm ml an IIIII mm In nn hmul hwy Tnmlny um Tlullmlny evrnlnl wthug nxvHrnML nw mm mmml Ivy lhr Nwhm Immk Mandala Illh lwmlqnntlerl In Mllll Wrmr rl ha swam meck Mnlnl at IBM In Grant Mn Olen Furmmxukm lur Tnmnln Glfyhp and Mail 11m mmhl ml In m1v 1m Iho but Imk ll lmlnnr nuMislml in Canaan 1m Mn Mr llainn hank WM Nursrry Ilium In mm Mom by Your Imnu with 0M uhlrruf Truckers Condemn Right To Strike Dr May Kinnilon ubllc ummu Confininlom now lllnl wmo llmlir conducted for lhn government hnvn urged that local mmu aka nvrr mo dullu of hydro commluionm Emitr this Week Barrie clly caunrll mm in mime pro mus rcsolullon thm nuhllc util itlcs nmnisuom cominuo lo crate Named Winner Leacock Medal the annual mcctlng the OMEA and The Association Munlciml Elcclrical ULililics in Toronto lhal local hydro nysluns shnuld bn prcmml to fight Joycar bumn nknimt cxllnclinn nwrinlm film may nun every rommlllu mm uvmm mm omunnn mm cm hallIII IIIIII lln malls than oi nmrnlinn um rrrnxlnxly mum alnuuzh In uh mm wim nulnmnllnn Hvon he brighlexl Inarm munklpa govrrmlen mm llmrs came 1qu unslurk Al Ibo Mum In avian mm mum hym er art In wins IHMIC awnmutu oi the uullnm of name of HM llmclum we hnvu mad 1n lhv pull 11 MW Mc mnry In put xlhlribulllm rlr rulu undnrground nml lo make ramming lulfncu umrlum aflbmmllyungqlflo ho le trillclltdlhom who In ncadumic lvmy tower Wu ham to be our mm but critics the lnovllnhl thanw In municipnl rummI mrnlnl organization will nflrd lhe anmvcmcnlx we bring lor wnul Dr Hay MM council would be undrr pressum Iund would be mixed mom would be hidden subsidies and lllo customer unuhl lncvilnbly my more than he slmuld he lyalem wcm ndnpltd accordlnx lo Dr llny Even so he said It wnud be mistake In mlsl change llll In um um MI Ind and Nllrxlq Ia lam Ibran flu hMlnl Han rum m1 Hard lel Y1K mam Huge Illlflflll with In link1 culled llumm Vmunn kn on In you an hm lam nl luupe 1mm luuk Indudilll INN lmnomy mmim All In Ivy DOAC at Al 1de Irvin Mmlml Mann April Iulvlm Ia Oomnmml VII Ymll Ikulk of Inlvulnm lmvMml mm lulu ml Int lhII lice book lmhy Tn Ilth I20 law In Jlallou Hound Dub mu rm 711m Mot NAN ADDIIMV Travol Snrvlca Dunlap 725A Am In Vlmll FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKEYS CALL THIS coumm CAN SAVEYDU HUNDREDS or DOLLARS 0N YOUR THIPTO EUROPE 0K Johnson KQQAC lec ml ImI Ilmu All 1rlmd 1M mmy kl In In WM mmnimomi 1nd Hum wuh nw Quun Mn nun nl mm Nn IAIN Own luflm hula hm hm Gummdm Camp 1mm lime Odohor mm Mllr mnm In Muralm 0m Md VkUfill we Ihc lax lh IL 004 Elli Omn mandu Camp Mm hm hm pmmui Um rank Colonel ll wan nmnml today Cal Elliol Tonmln is lomwr Commmlinx Officer ILilnlkE Thu chnl Promoted To Rank 0i Col EVER municipal 01in lall in be urea madc lour the Occupaqu masz Barrio Norm Collegiate yu crdav ABOVE welders Dén ver Tyson mama leflMmd Gary Flu1t are watched by llmm Id to right Walter Faxbeg Reeve oi Vespra Tamship George MacKev Reeve ul Om Banio Alder man Gmy W115 and Wsk Mather in the boys shop AT LEI1 neg Ardler Ian and Car Bishop am in ishing of grease job The boys wad on leaduers cars and are qualified dn any work which does not Mquim licensed mechanic 1mm vnll by an open house Mm the school when Interest ed pemns will have an oppop unity to see the mark accom plished In mo occupation masses mm wm 7an IVI vim mmm lam nl mnomy Mmlml Yvull min 1M an firmudifii will be Imlo Wes mimic design Wading In Meow Irem Land reville who said the clubs Immvledge lighting effect has now been improved chsL dent of the club ch Martin is in charge of pmps Ml theclub members will parfidpmg in an carnival and lim GL5 and teenang alike will be dressud in vmien ar ray original memes emulsi eat mm the them of the revue Mi Domw will provide mu auxmum or file show Ms year over 2000 persons witness ed the spcdnclm More am hnp ed for thin year Skating CwlubCarnivdl HasIanjfittractions cow sn GII in on lhe Gold thighIo Adam GoId Sliph Gold Slvlpp hm ml mhml minlubh mm In enjoy wilh uny min419M In whom 00 M9 drink Nowt II um lo mike lo with was Adam Gold Stripe00 power ptko ADAMS GOLD STRIPE Stake your Claimon WASHINGTON CF flw US Federal Pavem Commis sinn annouka Wednesday np pmval plan lo expand power swappim militias be tween the Ontario IlydroElcc Lric Commission and 1m Midd gul ur Extend Power Swap Plans The ahnunl ml 1000000 ANNA FORDEN AND RICHARD STEPHENS CANADIAN RYE WIIISKY lmil Edison any Consunm Pawn whose first application last year was withdrawn whm part it was questiomd by the commimlon perhaps resizin tive La Mare power coordina 003 kilowatthours remains 1m channg bu the Iransmission rat will be Increasad will con struction thrd no between might Out and St Clair The Arguinan firms are De said hi also could not remem ber giving police stalemenl admittinglhe subbing In westend apaflmem he had skaed wiIh Mrs Eileen Serv ice or several years The trial continues enqucsficn DruRy nan mks if the governmeng will give midnaficn 1n cxlznding the federal asasrance now pro nded or voca a1 and mm efmalimml training or 1mm played those pmsanIyom played but Whose cducafidnal standards are 1w He suggests that such min ing would enable people In re3 malnin mnylamnnt as aulmna uon mcreases in Lndustry SAULT STE MARIE Onl CPIA man charged wilhcap ital dc instilled Wedncsday he could not runAmber More or after the fatal bin of Harlin Clarence 45 Inst Nov l4 mw WWW on the Cunmons order paper askingmmic Works Minister George Mclllraiuh if he will give camideratim 1me min and reassessment proceeding with cayseway Link Mainland Chxislian Island OHAWA Specian The gov ernmenL has been asked to give comidcralim to jhe cnnstmctlan 0L camcwaylmklng Christian wand with the mainland EasiSimwe MP Dr Rynmi ha placed questian onutheflqxnmons order mner Cdnnbt VBemelrfibvet Stabbing Events W3SvCa¥S¢Wav William CLAPPEETON ST 2nd Door Barber Shop Hamid Mm Illrl John Karen 57 am 9Wme Klways look Your Best Sno Ihe friendlies Ialk In lawn TRY MONDAY on IF YOU DONT TUESDAY LIKE WAITING MARRS Raymond Lukala also cguld not my an Dr Ry overnmeng will la cxlznding ance now pro ml and flier for unem pmsanIyom cduca dnal questian paper Mum evans slab Hurley

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