2E She was Ihe ï¬r cxcmtim secretary of me Canadlan 1w Illu¢a on Publlc MInlrs Cou chlrhing Contcrenco 955 1950 In I958 while on Irlp armxnd he vmld she nllnndcd lhc In crnallonnl Conference of Social Worker In Tokyo In 111mm Iha was the Member Secre tary oi lha Duke of Edlnbunzh Confmnce Truly pioneer In conllnulnl education In Me lgnn naw the rdlnnlar at the Qua Vndis Schoo Nur Ilng nTon1 The Qua Vadl School was her idea and with the wondcr lul luDPor lndlvhlunh and IMUNUOHI she was nble to untied In 1m Thls Ichool when wombn 1mm 40 to so your nu with high Ichool eduullon may become rtglllmd pmlcxslonal nursu umth cl mumlnn bcglnnlnx poslllons In Iha ï¬eld prolcs Ihmnl numlng native oi Toroulo Miss Mc Lean gradualed mm the Uni versity Taxam in Honor English Language and Literat ure For cw years anon lrnduallng she dabbled In var lous ficlds Including some see In vmk and was also presi dent lhq Canadian Federa tion of vaman Hub evcnt unIly ramming lo Tarnnln Un unity to lake MaskA Dn me In Social Vnrk smclallz fpx in Communin Organiza FIRST 1N FIELD Many of us we need or adult education courses we may bring forth Ideas and suppnsl dons but not too many or us follow Lhrough In way um mm McLean led Ms Catherine McLean was the guest speaker at the Nov ember mecllng of the Univer Iity Womens Club 11m pointed look nul In he mm 5dean In Iunwna Ihm Nu ml lumls alr un mumlrd Inn and Innr Ihlrhr hrnlu lnr Imh vlrm ml MIMI war Thur nn ndlan Walla mun um no 1km Iquul Mal with Sees The NeedFor Courses To Continue Adult Education Orin above wane am he mlesis who amended the Canal Blvwnics and Guldu CENTRAL GUIDES BROWNIE ANNUAL TEA ROUND TOE REVIVAL Some of the problems yet to be overcome Indude he sgrlct academic ndmlsalun require ment of the candidate having both chemistry and physics stand by the College Nut ses tome amlly situations can be determu In the candidate although it seem that wumm mlh husbands and chiIdnn have made the best ludenls and hat many women lack con dance and lake longer ad just as their role expeplnllons are lumcd upside down housewife secretary clc one can cllmlnalc an area whure she mm be Incomvctlnl but as nurse she is unnble tn ol tmlnmo Ihcro nreas she must be nrcurale and ccrlnln as life may well depcna upon her also 3110 is unable to pick her clluw workers patient In structors cm she would her Manda Miss hldmn stalled them Is dosvcrulc nerd or schools such as or mxmry leach mnscllon soclnl workcrl and lenchm and Illa wllh lime help and tncmrnzemenl the large gmun of mlddlrwd omen lhnl ls balm wnslml could be channelled lnlo useful ï¬elds ll only Unlï¬rlunllics could be rmvidrd Mu Mclxnn was lnlroduccd by Mlsl Prlxcllln Thommun Unlvmily collanuuo and Hum keg by Mu nod ldcr Thocouiab VPorllllcixi lure bcInK cunduclbd by It £5 school designed or adults two full years in length nine to five Monday to Friday will month or each summer There are aapmlmately 35 nudenla per class with an av erage age of 40 Students from other provinces and rounlrlcs are allemflng this course strum nagummgmms dnnMe lump mm In MI yellow lulhor and um Inn wllh lmreynld lhlllla In nynlrr Aml mm will uy Tnuullnnmmlo Wu murh rhin rann In Ilm lllll wlrlthl Ihnn liuwpun ImpoIlI CK Thom Tea Bazaar and Bake sale held at Trinity Paridl Hall on Saturday Rom the 1d are loc lmnnnl allalrn am also nov mml by line lnllucmm to look lnr harmmy ln dormsllc and mclnl mauvmgm nlm lnlm ullnz dcwlqmrnu where ro manm ls mmmcdl nu pc mu nlona we lamr llm mn cumm mmlh Jammy My late June Ind an July Do not Inlm Witnllr or October mnml loo ltrlmllly humHr lurk lot In muiltle dmngo ln ymr llama mvlrlmmml In July rlmms Hml In Jan uary4 July nnd qulumxr child lm llnl day will he mmm wllh mat ull lrllnnce an lnflrfly will mo In atallwly llmt waaLawu December olfltluin run nnd January Into April Odober and early Nmmxlmr 01 ml WOMEN omn AVE BlADDlR IRRIMIION Ann It mumcw vb¢ym Hm THE BIRTHDAY mermw i5 ywr blnhdny your horoscope lndlmlcs um currcnlly imu nm In line pe rlnd ln wh all to ndvanm Job In crests Incl wmhwhile manner la not only merit the nllmllnn sumlam but In lulng you lnmaml pmflls In hm whom ï¬nance nro mn mncd your wllook 15 more lensing Hum It may have hem or sumo Lime and you Ernsp all lha nmxmunllles avmlnblo between now and Im end nl lnrch yuu should make xlill lurllwr strides nlonx lhm line in lnlc July wlmur and late October ollmr good po lodi or wqu lnlucsu Lnln Very link can go wrong when F0 WMOMIOW Very lildo can go wrung when you have loyal hacker to aid yuu ln ovemmlnx personal olr stacks as 3w have nuw Mlllllr lain the contacts that have value intellectually well maturlnlly ln ynur turn have the proper compMsion or those who are Immlcd HOME M7 OFF LIST FICIJHML Enllaml CN Anxlnm lo nllml mm lmlr Illa Iha un rnunrll hm ml In nlgnn In hunk plum In lmwl mrllrulmly hu stall of York Unlversiiy in as suciaiion with the University Wurnens Club may now be paid for by nominai fee per lectured No Academic require ments beciures are open to all interested individuais The iiiih wiil be held ihis evening at pm in the sin room of Cen tral Collegiate iii 1th sion directed mip Einckmm and Dean McCormick Smyth will Eleni with the 1965 Canadian Eleciinn in Reimpecl Moe and cake were served by Mrs Duckwnrih Mrs John Wumilhs Jean Kelth Miss Jenn Lillie Miss Joan Morris and Mrs Ron Piie mm culury ml Vlllllm Hlnw Ilnurvrr Hm munnl no mm Hm ruunu wu Ml Inhl Aml nlmmu of un lnvlhd mml lumuzm Ilum rnmplnlnu 11m rnunrll nnw ha mva ml Ilnkr wuuhl lmr HIM mun nlrmvu purlmy nml ha alln In helm THE STARS SAY Misses Lisa Winw Heather Madman and Diane Cook shnwn with Gulde Linda Wall Examiner Plum By EmmflA taught flu the pnllce ofï¬cer Mend This altitude of ear allen can1 over Into adult hood and the cop is considered an enemy PleaseAnn explain to people how wrong Hill In We omceu need your help Thanh0 xisl CONSIDERATE NUDE Den Ann Landau Im so burned up can hardly see Plusa come my spelling be causa am too mud in spell righL do parent us the police In bageymen to frighten small vhflflepl the 26 Den Mn Youve explained hand hope hm hama BUGS Dear Ann Linden Am mos 14 year old and am scared to death nf bugs When spider just abaut crack up Even grasshopper WW5 me Into seat Caterpillars and things um crawl Ire enough to make me nearly faint Den anged When ynu were very young you were probany frightened by hug and you never gal oven belq Irgid It In normal to em7111a known ll you knew more about bug ypu wouidnt be milled Read up on bugshey are fascinating creatures Then go out and ï¬nd ladybug and put one on your hand From lady bug so on to ï¬remen lhen grasshopper You might be come In lnlemmi that you may dnclda In enlomolo Jen wedding gm lo he daughter of friend Thls nll emoon the bridel mnlhur asked hm La think of going through Illa scared ol Mlle things Nona my friends have his problLm so lmow Im noi normal Why am like mm Please help me All Bugged Up We nrg gmlclnl to all the onn cm tomcm who come lmck In our More each mmon We hnvu nfum wondmd If It in our whom they like or In it the npcclnl attention we in to give every um menl din in will MAAM Mml FM Ivhllh in Ullldrml Im llrhld Ind 5121mm My amt IuA dog UILMLAquaLmallg WALKWEL SIIOFS feel this 6m one heck cl lot nerve If gill arrived broken shouldnt HIE rmlver let the lim know it the brides place to take miller In her own hands and ï¬nd out how much he in cm Plane publish my letter and your reply and eduute certain Ignorant people ThanhMn Burnt Deu Mm Sony ley but cant lindenInna why your hair on llrl think the EM was considerate not nervy She spared you trouble by doing the job hexsell Bul ml wu only three more than the number that could be normally expand to die man my 400000 women bawaen the age of 15 Ind laid the re port Dr Dennis Calla medlcnl ab um 01 the Dunlap oammll uld The numberl ln valved are no very aw lhat It not pouible to lay whether Qllcsaudiflcrencu mean Any During the last year doclorl luv reported man than 500 cases xlde effect man woman taking the pull TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 723qu The Dunlap committee an drug safely say In an Interim report In the Lance and the British Medical Journnl LONDON APD Bdflah government medical committee his given caution trahead to bIrflwanlml bill The commltm do not eel jammed la objecting to he marketing of oral mumep ves Alter studying hundred report from locum on side mu almbuled to the pills the committee found that 10 woman man Ihe 400000 In Britain taking them died from blood clot in one year Doctors Give Cautious Qkay 58 Dunlop NRMFIT SKIPPIESX Long It pnnllc girdlu In lightnah uncovrrcd Lyn9 Dhmnnd Ilupul from 1an back panrln Im nwinging singing youlhful lincll Analhrr Ipccill mum II he nonInimlinu comfort of In 1illo bny leg Nylon trim watch and hidden gnrlm And llmou bl al Inldgue in two lutde Imbroldcnd Ilnwbcniu upended It the min Whlu 5MI Md TM anhioncd from chmgm Lycmalhe Spnndcx ï¬bre HIM now world nmouwlnrmflt bum and glnllrn hug your cumn with men aquccze Try Illem and Ice If you qlnntngrm Hm you mm 11 man comformlflo and ynur cloflncn nem lookcd helltr FORMFII BRA Lycrao powrrncl Mo and luck Iccï¬nnll wllh Airlon nndcrlmu luppnfl or Iubllo lift and junright upmlion Lucy cupn no lined will Ipun Dnuon or the nquhllc wflum you mk loly much 1an dip lo In low mm and allow Irmuul lo mleg nubrnrc mop luck While ABC all ma $6 Formï¬t DressShapers are the Foundations of Fashion Sulquacflon Guaranteed 0r Your Manny anumlml WALKERS