magi fluid horn on IN My wlll pndmml wllh luny Ann lylwal mlmL nul Ionrm mum and ummmn will wva Tho tumnl monlh Jnmlnr May Ill June ml Ink Juy ill be Illath pm Hum man lnr mmanreum ll ynu nlnlle Ihm LI Ihp mumlllly hi wxhltn mmlnu llmlnn any on at we numth Good mm unHlu In ml and mllllln ml nulvlllu harlly Iomul In hnuary In and Replemlm III Thll dot nnl mun ynu Ihuuld averlmnl In llllM In On lhe onlmy mm be lmpovlm In MUM ulrurn nu rnnd Hky mrulnlhm upvclnlly dule Irnl lwn werh nl um April mldMny uml only June Ln mm hrr Jnnnnm Im rll and all rm rlolw ullrw NHL lenl fur Jul Mummenl nurt bnunru exnnnxlou lomnnnw II ymxr blrlhdny your bomrnpe lmllum Ihnl you um achieve mm dral wllhln next 11 nmnHu ulmlay ynu have rnlurd an urellcm nvrmnnlh cyrle when Inlmclhl muler nu conrrnml ml III humr up lrrmh Mo prnpheIrd In rally iluly ml Srplomber lnll 0m If MIInIIn realmlt lufluda Ind use cod Judgment In Ill IlluIUonI ICUMI on up marrow mm In be re quh gcl hm ll lnlulllan tell you In In yaur llmr have pmlcnrc Tho pranr up pmnchnnd limingwill be vllnl Inclnr In the mm of cu year or llnnnrlnl dullnu TIIH lilllfllllAY Hy WEUAITA F0 TOMORROW hmlly who hi Iullcred men berenvcmcnl don Ml Ipnmlllo Mk hum em BUSle ETHICS Denr Ann Linden You lre ucnlly Jule In your column nl you welcome professional Idvlw Al funeral dircclor ld llke In lay that the young man whn med the lunml with or lfldl call was guilty at breach of businm ethlu THE STARS SAY mu NM lleren the Idler and hope It makes emybody eel better Ive heard mm lev era lunflll direclarl however and they donl eel no good Plum rend on Some dont know when they are well all would like you in prim lhll mm It may cheer hm Iolh upNot Bunny 11 you think Ihe hearse can vemllon piece you Ihould we Ole way mn neighbor uand Around and gawk IM character drive over here almost new avenng In hvcndnr Cadillac with whue dcwall ï¬lm and builtIn TV Dear Ann Lmden hly huS band and dldnt lhlnk much of your Answer to the Parents who complained nboul lhelr dauzh lerl boy Mend The young man worked or hls unclc who II morllclnn When he went calling on hls glrl he often rode over lo hearre and hen parked ln lron ol the girll home our daughter should be so lucky She lr dating Illady chnraclerl who appeared out of nowhere He hu plenty money to wand but no one reams lo know or sure he works or where My husband lhlnlu he ls bookler At the 1m mo Candidacy Won for am Bell Mn Duncan McCuaiz honorary HONORARY MEMBER POURS TEA ANN LANDERS rHis Flashy Car Draws Curious Stares INNER MM NAME HIRIHHNUTHN And ICP One at wqu mm new mm In Mr Mihlmllllrhnenfl mm 11ml Train Ilalvbery Inn yrmrngn flohhul lflda 11w Hymnhut will hum llwlr annual mlulnm win handrrullrd IMIIIrr millIN lnnanllnu Ilandlrull illllvl UMIIIM T1 fllmr anvmlrj NM in Nov Thu Ilmlr mamh wlll haw Irllclu nml flll Ivpr with lhlI man how am it wlil lucuu ll hu been In pmlwm yam Mm mm Jneu mullnl Mn Ilmlry Iluyrk lnmurlul ht mumbm on ho conmo on of paper mm pallunu ml Iho um llxm Mlluml In Iho Insemny leather pur 111 ml allaw up on the rnuru ahn by mnny of he nwniwu hmmtn nunt Inlcml wm unrelutl In lhll mum nm Mu Iluyrklllr Iyllkp mflhml was Inllnwnl rn tunllmcllon wllh her rinlml lmlrurllom Enrh mrmï¬ur In mmlnncn ll ha mrrlinl mu mwlnl mwr pluern Ind wnn llumn not Ia ulJuul And nmr Ihin mlmn lo lhrlr nun lrzlxn Win Hull wan mind to Mn Iluyrk fur Mr Inmnlmz Ind Inuilnnkl vlp mgnnmuun The Oclabcr mocllnl he nnnle Brand ha Cnnmllnn SMitly or Trcnlivn ltnthrr rrnfl was hcld on Odobcr 21 ll I0 lllghjlmlï¬ve perm um In hairl lal lar checkup ls uxual occupied Indor cxhaulltd One Man visll nflcr wotk would have been plenty for both of you Too bad dad 5115 illi stunt In typical of her am In posluon la live you DenMud in dont nud Io my whol can Hum So why dld you lel your wile Mk you law In CSCL Construct Purse Patterns Hu humam not nwrd out his vacation L1 very Rood guy maria lain sour poslllorï¬g live you incu not Kolaip because Im relnuve but Im nnl nylnz whol Plow print your lumen 30 The doctor put hcr lhrouah every test under the Inn but they cauldnt 11nd nnythlni wrong with her Nobody will Iurprxscd The waman con uam complainer Th touple cnuld have gonn Io Europe ï¬ve times on the money he has men on doclm and hospital bill In the last 20 ytars all What do you Ihlnk of woman who ln ï¬sh that her husband lake hll annunl vacation when she noes la lhe hospllal or chebkup In he can come and mu her Every prolession and trade ha code guIde the conduct of its membeu If that young man doe not know better than to go visiting Mslxlrl in hearse someone did an Exceed lngly poor job of training him Deu fllflnks for your Icucr agreen hearse should not be used joy wagon and Im happy you an the young man straight ququ vxsng played as vehicle tanven ltrLce or plegiuge mum of the Barrie when ubeeal Assoclauon pours for hostess Mm Pearson flmrflm was new In She lull Hu rhnrr In mul hhrond Ihllp Hwy Ievn living In minim and mummy Inr lwo hull mu um Im Like MI mu rr Mu Kongo upmwl runmn curt dlnl he mm muvlnl Around MI Ind ml hrr lnmlly Mulnl Iclmolg pwvlnm Am wunlrlru lulu Immu dmu nmrmnl uf MUMIMKM In thlldnn MIMI Imh mum Mme lunm ullmk but anh dial whnl lhvy In In other vuyl man than nlmu Mug bu mu lhrlr awn murm err In mum In 21 yrarn Mu fltnu umnlu at Mr nrw hum wilh mum 1va n1 plhlq lnuWInl um ho lamlly run mlw Imumc lwnnnmnl pnvl be rmmmmlly ml dawn mu MPIIIIJIH UL In Ihelr 21 yrm ol mmlln lher hnv IuveIIuI ultmlrely have called vMIely cl Inm homufl For lnkr In lmlhcr wlm IbrIr Imnlly lhr mule llml An nnnvlnwnl wllh lMIr Iaur rthfln Idrd In Ibo umflnul nlmm hare lrnllrr IN up Immu from In army man numb Inn rnnvrrlrrl dnuro hall prlmmr MunI rahln ml now Ind um ronvrnnnnnl hnuu Illry men an In Irlrmlly Imhyluhm mum and nnw Inn they me In In 14 Ihvlr an In Imm The couple have lhrd lhll ma or uvrrnl ycnrl hul nu noucnmm In the city hmlnu mund In llwlr pmcnl humu on Dnllnn sum in Soplcmhtr EÂ¥T NQIVH TRAVEL Her hmband who II the New Democrat Pmy rmlldalo lnr 51mm Norm In Ihn mnhcam In election describtd by his wile bclnl the lrunrlnul member er parlncnhlp Mn Genie uyl Ihc will ll be an oburvtr num than the pullclpllon the llmc Joan wu urvlng with ha Womenl Land Army Ind Wu worklnl on mm In various 1m 01 muumn Limp llnd TREy me at dunno In Famlum Ind wtre mnrrlcd year later By EILEEN mxoN Enxllsh born Joan Gengu met her hulband Ed whlln ha wn INIon Canadian Headquarter In Fnrnhum Sur rey Englnnd duran the war yem After Years Of Travelling Couple Call Barrie Home THE CANDIDATES WIFE Women lsu raring highheeled pointed ocd flamcanonlymatoeon me bnku pedal and little use when you have to apply pressm in hurry berxald mendaUon In hiEhheexcéwsnwog 33 her car struck the glrl Mrs Pruclu WM absolved by the jury of any blame in mg accident Sgt per lald Im no telling um what In wear but nc lei mg we wear an TORDMU 0P women who wear high heeled Muted102d does have less control whlla driving car than women who wear flat heeled thou palleemnn Id coma1 Jury Monday Sgt Cooper ol the depmmenl Insuried at he in qqu into the Sept death flvelyearold Reamer Barr dual of Mr and Jim 31115 Barr suburban Rex am Erwin 1mm 22 ma the Jmlsheï¬pd pm me night Ii the Continental Inn Enminu Photn Low OPINIOT 01 HIGH HEELS swindle hlrh In may wu II was 1704 1n harm AM Inn Med lo on lhl ru ljly at 5111231th the Inul 1hr Imw nun mum Im mu Mr nyl Mu Henna nmnykrd who MM Iklm IMr Inkml In Ibo mm mm hark In Ivar ulwn we lnmny lhvd lvr In lho uanu HHII mar mun Ihlth Mu Inno Iawin AM limb vlel country IIIMIMIIH Mn howl led he rm lhr ll plmlnanpluy rvl nmnleur drlm lulu umlencr lnr Hu In mm In Aml one IIqu um Vhllo nlnml In Enrvpe the am My lwcnnw onlhudmllr ramp and mnnmznl In many phnp In Eumpe on nhneIlvlnI nun umqu They were overnight guests of Mrs Nor bert Moran 01 MldhurstJnd later with Mr and Mrs Barker of lnnlsï¬L Mrs Woll enden formerly an active mem ber of the Barrie ArLClub 13 ml painting in Huntsville and Lake Wascau when she nflcctlonntely known Mus kokas Aunt Non AETEFNDON TEA Men the Candldale Tea be hglq an Wednesday moon pjm Lil ame unumuy van with Mrs Gibbons wete her two daughters Mm Bell Walton and Mn Pearl Boater flue cele brnu has 15 xmndehflï¬en 45 Km Hrmdchfldren and 35 greatgreatogrnlddfldxpn v1sn cm ms Nell Wollenden and her daughter Mrs Carl Campbell of Hg vhfled lriendljn mm BIRTHDAY Visits mm 25 relatives and lriends marked the low birth day celabraflon of Mn Phoabe Gibbons pmlemoflnniswood Private Hospim The ceiebrant mlvod congrahï¬almy cable gram 1mm Her Mnksly Queen Ellubeth and messnue from Prime MlnlalenLesler Pear lhe bnihdqy cake lece of red and width mums centmd llhe lea table Mien fwr mums perinrmnd memonon Meet the Cal Me reception Md last em in at the Conflnmtal Inn Bar HENRI 710m an mm linked by MI wh tapers mealt ware welcomed by nm Bell leeral Candidate for Sim coeNortm Mn JClver1 Mm Blues Mey H1110 Petr moulx and Jean Laueyin of Wnuga Beach Social hasten ol the recepllon wax Miss Mary Agnes Moore Tea hostmes eluded Mn Jack Salk Mn Hwy New MrsrM Pear mm Mrs Pat Hammowa Mrs Bob Hunter Mrs Win Mm Joe Tums MrsJolmG net Mn We Newton Mu Jeny CoaxMin Mrsj Ohm1e mrner Mrs All mum Mrs Joe Allan 5m mus Spurin Mm McGuire Mrp Rus sell 031mb Mrs AlkeMyuL Miss Margaret Kennedy Mrs Wiebe Miss MHMALDOIIxIld Mrs Don Campbell Mm Laura Cooper John Hart mvldcdm gun music throughwt the cyan mpéérnbx PEOPLE lfhmu Ellean Dim MRS ED FENCE mumn ZIML IIvr hlldmmil ml luv pollllrn llu Alum Imn nldml um mvmlhd II In always bml lnlmloJ In It pullw nwnury mlrm and um Ind lhnl II mm th own man and lhnl he mu upmmmliy Ilaml up In while ml mus Ml volt huh on Mull In pnly Ihlrh he bthevu un mum Ibo rmllenle ol Um mu Mm Mp nu when ll me rundlvlm that lhl mm mm In and Mar Wlm llu MOVIE In Mun Mu mm In 1le bar npnre Um In rlmlml um uer Mu mm be but been wlplul llmnrd mm autumn the lolevhnnn mmnm and hulhumln Mal mulkuu uhcn ll mum lo uwcch mnklnl 1y Multan on REFEREND SWAMPED RISBDROUGH England CF Rcv Hugh Jonas was swamped Vim spec tack alter recent upng In parish magazine He asked hi Bucklnghamshire pnrbhlbnv undertheir discarded spec laclzs to send Inmedical mil siunaries abroad He expected low dozen 3000 arrlvcd successful chre party WM held on Saturday evening at the Allandale Dunn Lodge Burton Averflhe card party was organized by maï¬a Bond Lodge Na 432er1 Charm K011 won aprlze or her lonehands Ladies prizes went to Mrs Napier ï¬rst Mrs cough Second Menl prizes fun awarded to harks Ken ï¬rst and Mel Marlin seend Re fmsrmenu were served lube conclnslon of lhecardvgame Mrand Mn Jack Colemari of Peel Street allended thalwed ding of the former cmuln Gu ard Hayes Murphy to Judith Arlene Dietrich 315 Mlchaell Cathedral Tomma 0n Sat urdayTho brides cousm Rev Joseph Dietrich CFB officiated Following the ceremony am epllon was held at the Four Sea sons Mate mum mm Audrey Cfmlm Mam 01 Mrs Willlnm WIHB of themh une Mlnnlsmj mndldate ulmodMadlll and M11 Madill wilLbo presgnt Nun yinmun Mr Madill Is the Comervaflve candldnlr or Mferinsimcoe Presldlnl at the ten male will he ï¬ts Alvin Webb Palm wlck Scwml ladies of Ihe Area will be serving ThoseJm termed tn moellnz their can dldalewlll be welcome wgpxgsz GuEsTs rWeckend luau lhe home of Mr and Mrs Bill Haré Clapperlan SL were Mr and Mrs Ted Cox Monte 35111 mmDAY Well krmm Banla widen Chanller of Donalditreet marked 11 5511 birthdlyuyu lexfdayhlm Sunday Mr Chantler was visited by member of family lncludlru Dr and Mn AllanChAnUer of Toronlh uni Mr and Mrs Ken Channel0 Barrie TQFOWWEDMNG NOVEMBER ms anuvMMIMIOMQILWWN nu cAMnuu nun room Irnwnl mun mswum mmtnum mow nudgnl 8mm Whm Icmmmv ll lmpovllnl Irylhubulnh IIng hvawn pound ulmlnud Mn MHInInomllnmdlhydmld uninn mup mu run num mulk pom ml bl mourn now Add cum wmv Ind almmu unlll Ihrclmod Spoon lulu In un bmd muv mu mlnllo wim nlcnw uqu ch Ihoul 25 minqu In AOOF VIII Nwambu lppll month whcn wum dunm liku ll mm on hand In hand wim logoth um cut blown Iualv mm In cup our human null and up chopan mm smlnll mm Inn I1 luvuo Inpk hllvu IMllow blklnq all 375 nun Iboul JO mlnulot Mill with Ihlck gaming or bnl ball Ilillwlmlcl cu LADO England CF Farmm In this Comhh village refused to slngthe hymn All In Surely Gathered In III an nual harvest thanksgiving 6er Ice because late harvest this year intend the vlur gavepermission to change the words to Some 15 Safely Gath ered In Mnklnl her plummen fmn vlnclnz piradoxlcn humanbe inn In the 1031 Claadlln author Mllv any LamAn Critics harve Budllmed njrare perception ulllle In 51m novell and short gunleap Born In Manltbba she now live In Finland wflh Im an lineer hulblnd and two ch drEn Mn Laurence nyl that llthollgh he 17MB believed all problems could be milled by game of good Rhyme pcamlnz more pessimistic as PumpklnScolch Porlnm Mma Inolhovdenmqultklo nudo lmm puckg but iauculchlnllampuddlnomlx Comblnl nun unnod pumpkin Wilh IA cups cold mllk and add dun 01 da mmon Ind clnvu Spunk wllh mu puddma mix Ind hm mlnuu wllh vourv hulu Paw Inlo All aimundumloppmwlm whlpm cmm Collnn AGoGn omhlnn lmnnl cnflu wim hnunllk noon nuwu par cup In Iloun wilh amulhlnq kc chom lm bmwnlu Ind pmvidu young madnu wllh manly pep In hum dine mu pultnncotch Applol 3WINS ACCLAIM For ha Maln Couna ll you hmnt nlld ll dnlry sour mm ï¬lm cauli Ilowel nlca IllL Evuk one luqohludlnlulmlllllowmll mu each In balling mm mm will Dvaln And It in $5 plnl dllry Inu mum Swan whh lelspoon no way nods xulx Indpep Kun mm mm law hul unlil mdy lo Ian0 Heavenly Ending Alla yqu non bla dinnu nnlm all wllh this lllmhlnu lulu dun Guplllull Cmm Slmply mull 15 1ng mmhmnllown In tho up double bollu along wuh cup at avnpolvull lulu Ll cool helm lnldlna In plnl whippod Paul Inla wiry Ihub huprinkln with oconmlnd chill Thua Ill hm II In Secamlnx 15m she mm nlaer ClPhoM fï¬ï¬gu QUANYIIIES llMITED N0 PHONE 200 or lAYAWAY PLEASE SPECIALS WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY lormu hm contrivedbl wide blades black tulle mihflï¬d 1mm Abrld hoods lined with umr lealhsr gills anDlpr My ex 1w oLlc evening ungoulu flullerJ in rainbow ï¬lmed with plumes Hubert d6 leenchy hop the old In mm Ira hen tum up in the Bllenchsl And Unxarn col lecuonl with flntcrawned oh lonuhmd hood and magnum New doe themm mink worn over In nulchmi lu plllbazu mlcwl 0m space or the minimy dellméu version leminlne handle déxllned for Julia travel domlnnm Influenu evgrxylherc mm In lred or exact copies ever 111 Iromtho ulranlull hindmr to Mur lUc And thpecllve an them There Ire Greek wu rIorI helmets Chinee pagoda an Aeccluigsllcql bgreuu 2pc SLEEiSERs ume an mu fllh French mmnery ludulonally evoku flight at lune but thll Ieann the mad but rrhave lwqmd allprevioy gecorda FABRIC GLOVES mus Mun amonly Incomplclim In mm MI wlnter old but Rarig manners Arléiflnapiredf ByVCelestial Tgave11nto SpaCe Striped colors IfBlue Green Gold Orange do prox size 18x28 eaI or its WED ESDAY MORNING SPECIAL FOR MaNEKsAwm ewe HAND TOWELS Mmy mcny Mm Ipnlnlly Mud lloml throughou lho olm JAXH WALKERS Infant PrgShvunk Flunnolom White and pastel shades Assorted style Sizes to 71 Rngulnr Valuu 29 WEDNESDAY MORNING SPECIAL In colon plnk Aqua And make 51er 13 Wool gnd Nylon Slrmh Band and clasllc legs Broken mes Substandard 01 50c line Thlckï¬lhlmy Turry Kmhm and Assorlmcnl 51 105 and colon Valuu On 50 OUTSTANDING VALUE Ludiol Nylon Fabric SOCKS 77c ur Ladlu BRIEFS The Diorrcollecudn mum he Iweeplnz wldé brimméd hlgl Immortlllud ln Franz Hallfjpalnllnu ofleull slurp contrast In St anntl zeo gum andnhstrm Idlpta on melonm cmwned helméta nuced In mum colored ple shgped weduq The aerial lherpé continue In hard topped heimgls uzunlly buckledundér the chin wllh leather limp Yvex se Lgunnl evalv hh modelwry eychll mphImposed bi use créwul the head Jaww Mala Vaur Appglntmunf Tcdny 66 MIDI harm on man BEAUTIFUL PORTRAIT um