Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Oct 1965, p. 26

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5M Ilhuyll mu lMh um Pmmll lDum Vlllvy Dun tCrun Mm THUIISDM UCIOIIHII MOIKNI la mu xlidy Imuq Huh um MI In Him ITodl IIIXMII flnlnumm Undu 49 mm yum Mu mlu mmm In um mm mm um um Ivmuunum ll um Inw mm mm mm WM mm mum and Mrs Mal Jumiewn and Jr and Mrs Gouge Camp bell met wilh Barrio lrlends la 1ka Ind ll letndl Lulnnnl llamnl nl mm Jnn Bum slam Lianne Mum club 11 Ram Hunt iLloyd TOIqu lSr bquInl um cum 9le ILIIIY And In null mm Knmm IJMhmm Mr Mo IYlnmwr Mum iluivnuvx In Hum Congr re an derson who will be no yum old Oct 20 On Sunday Oct 11 his son and dalxghmlnlaw Mr and Mrs Keilh Sanderson 110 are on the home arm held open house or Mr Sandor non Some 230 ucllwlsherx call cd during me aimnoon Among other gift was leather wallet mnlzinipx $80 Item the Sander son Inmlly Lust balmdny evening Mr and Mrs Alex Malhle and am il AILand Mrs Annelu Mr and MI mm and Mn Hagar rs Walker mo spmwm 1T Mr and Ira Mel Jnmleson en tertained at bullet lunchcon Sunday for about 20 relative in honor of Ray Hawkins Parry Sound and ma Maruam MncKny Rog of Crccmnre who has been swan115m the pediatric ward of Royal Vicioria Hospital in Barrie The young couple will be married In Cm more Oct 21 Guests were pro cnl from Creature Lake St George Grillia Sparrow Lake and Banrim Mrs Enkm is vlslbing Mr And MrsulpeBrown In Tqroniu Mr and Ma Bruce Robinson and several olhet couple spent Thanksgiving weekend camplng In the mmmlains Stowe Ver mgpt USA ma Thulnn Ilum AM In ImI Mmlt mu mm llnnl ml W1 vim3 hm Ir v1 Ilun nunv ml lm ryIM umn1 hum mm lllmm Ripleyfseeif BELIEVE IT NOT lBKFFALO lIMIUHB if qum By MRS CMIPBEIL th l4vnN1 Lury TELEVISION PROGRAMS SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS GUTHRIE 1er31 22A3AS£ WEDNESDAY OWOIIER 10 EVENING HHHLNIIH 10 ll EVENING Tumw Wulhn hum 5pm lllmm Imw rmu tluh LuvL wmm hitIII 70 NAl Lu nllunmmn rm mm mm Munm INMI mm qu Mum TIM Lw Mumu Wm umm1 PalII Plumb lva ln llll our Mm LN Wuum Emu um hum wmmr spam illumlerllrlnllty 5H Dka mm Honeymoon IClmn Runmutt ILW Irommmlun awuuumn mum tAnny or Mmm lMv Ind Mrl IMO Iwade LAm mud IAm nu llmh uh ILM Llnll My Illun zlwm rm Lnoon Amulu mm Lrnvunla TM 730 111 vmlnm 41 hi Emu amm lPollflul Tulmu lOily curhmy Im rmm nm In lllnh Hap rnum tmmly mnhunu uu mm In Nnc NJ mm 11 nunth mm mum HUIqu Lllhl Duo lAlrI ma punmm 1M Illfllll Ilulxl MORNING AN MT NOON tBUFFALO ITOEDNTO Su ay sxlors wnlh Mu Hod gson Sn were Mn and Mn Thom Hodan and Susan of Banfie Mr and Mm Fred Wra and Mn and Mm Moore 01 lard BAY also Mn and Mn George Coultcr and sons Tor There was min gmhcring at he heme of Mr nnd Mrs Harvey Ondes recently to bid lo 163 Carolyn 70min 116 has gem onnmc in llm Mr and Mrs Robert Kendrick are home alter spending lwn wcfksfl Man Luke er and family of Alexandria Seannd who have taken up idence 73 Wellington 51 Bar rle To welcome the newmm ers to Canada Mr And Mrs Walker were presentmd with so of TV tables and carrier and Mrs Walker St was given handsome pin wimdark aurara boreth stones MacDonald mine In he Mpg has rclumed from The beautiful flown in St Johns church Sunday morning mm In memory 01 Mrs Geor gia Bidwell and mm given by he lnmfly who attended the service Mréffluwcs North Bay is iflng Mr and Mn Ernest Ells more and oLher xelatlvcs unwise Mr apd Mgs Sam wa Sc Jam 13 and mm at Camp Borden spent he week end with John Mason CRAIGHUBST MRS CASION IJM Nu Drmtm 110 1mm Ill Ilm IIu IIumvu Mm mm Imluuumhlu lnmlt mmum Dltsllvll Hm Vnn 1m 31m my 411 mo mu nmm or that 4mle Hummlry Imm 1mm 14m nounl now Ilmln Iuu um Into lnun Mum my lNln hum IVMLI lnn llnlln Mm VNH Ill Entry 1010 Hpmll Hul In 00 iirrv Nm Mtlll lhul an wma 1m 19 mm mnl al Tluh man an In nonl l1ur tnmnm lllnhnrnw In Blnl lM 910 ll 31mm mm Lrorlu In runlllel umml Mm Im Mn ik There was argc congrega tion at he Prismch anniver sary service Sunday cvcnlng Rev Ros Adan Barrie deliv erd spicndid sermon and he mmic by choral group fmm Barrio was much enjoyed me my was entertained to lund1 allcr the service at the home of Mr and Mrs Arum Dunn Mm Brawn and Mrs Wright mycr of Pelcrbmough spent last week with Mr and Mrs My Mcflackcn Optnlnz lendqueen clubs Nobody ever amended lhnl Endplny Chnrlle was really areal player llil bidding was bml hll Idem was mcdlncre and hi dummy play except or Ms one oulalandlng uknl lcfl much to ba dulred nu when unlplnyl nnbody cond much Chnrhc He could Imcll nn emlplny mile away and he was never hnxlplcr lhnn when he wns uccullnx one Th 11an hls was really cxcenllnnnl and lhu ml of MI name had only been on par wlm ll ha wuukl have lmn Plenty of bum gall bladder are detected alter people cum plaln nl palnx In the stomach or palm ln the chest or In dlgesfion and so on lalr number people even feel sure hey have heart disease and somellmes It takes very care ful study to discovnr thch in whlch In past deeades have no dam many folks wlth peb bles ln lllelr gall bladder Just struggled along taking stomach remedles or just sullcrcd with thelr cramps burp and colic Dear Dr Minor have read yqu articles on gailstnnes The only qnesiiona ieit are why does bile solidify intn stones and why is the removal the gall biadder becoming such pam mon operation Evan lhin young peopln en snmehow in their way of Jimm Giadiywoulri glveyou iterse definitive explanation but iinnt have any Several theo rieI have been advanced as tn the cause of gallstones Lack ol agreement indicates either that nobody in mm the correct one yet or thatRand this my balmu lot at Went nausea sin or in combination are res naiizier commons mam Gal stones may conslst of dil remit chemicals Bile acids hospilal at Moose Fadory She wggt on duty Qct IL Likewise dnubt that you should conclude that young pemfle en ln Ihelr way of life or do somelhlng wrong to cause slam Im rather me that flan of the reason or man an ladder operation mm accurate diagnosis DAILY CROSSWOBD By JOSEPH MOLNER MI T0 GOOD HEALTH Scum dcaicr NnnhSoulh vulnerable blddinx mm 49 W9 Pu Pul Pull Dbl HMm Hull 10 luplumnry Mmluw III Ilulnlnlnn Blair lhlrr 11Anllvml Inlmnl 1L Worn Ivy LInmlllu Ind INvmlnlrnm Wmmlh 11 Call 71 man lvunrh prlul BClndlrmll Irfl Mmunn lllrk Mllulll or am Ilnllonnl warm lhmvlvm In MM mm mum IyllAMa an NIMMIHQ 1H Alllrnll IIVN wk Amrm tumult lnL In 1va awnlym firm lllmul Several Theories For Gallstones ACIKOSH Mud CONTRACT BRIDGE nav vAKH AKJI norm on 03 4mm Nnrlh and rnu hmrlh 1le wrhzhlu hwy Fllurn Ipnrh 71mm Hruranl Imkm Val mum III Ollllu ur lell nuui Hum Him 0in By JAY BECKER lllrrrfl Ilmr ma II UN 11 mmlurl 3threw 1mm Ind Pruphrl Khnllh rlml nunum Here In examp of the kind of situation when Charlie was supremo Wes probably should have doubled rlx spades cor alnly not with Endplay Charlie as dcrlnrcr bulihokflng whnl he thought were lwo sure rump tricks he did Charllc pmmcdcd to wrap the cuntracl rlgM arqund ncck Melled by the double that Was hid All Ihe mlssing mmps Garlic 111de the hand 15 lo huldfies lo nnerump lrlck Charlie rmw In the at clubs nflllng ll ullh lho elxhl and than ylnyml lho Jntk ol dln mondl It did not null whlch and Wm decth nlfl with Alxlklw could was on Hump it mum ICcnmcl mm regarded by many as he beat plgyer in he world llo discarded Man on Inc kin club and lhcfi ruffed club Mlcr cnshlng lhc AK of diamond null ruflinz dlnmnnd trumped me five at club In hl hand Next he played the hem and mud hcnrl II which palm lhl became lha position MA as Several kinds ol germs can be In Streptococcus slaphylacoccns Influenza virus It Is usually scllllmlllng mean In that cvenlually the palicnl fight all Ihe germ However In unheated es may become cthrllc on and fig purpnseg follow twn rule First since It Is hlghly canlaglous especially among children keep the pn llcnt Isolated second reat mcnk particularly if Ihe strep or staph germ ls involved ends up the rccnvcry grcally can say with ensurance that there milling we can do In nvnld gallstones im all for preyentive medicine when we know what in effectively pre ventive but for anilstones the but we can do is to recognize the condition Liter it he insidi onsiy developed enq then do something in correct it mean ing removal of the gall bladder sympiam ea indicate Plnk eye 15 an acute and con tagious Inflammation Its form of conjunctivitis if youd like more formal term The conjunctiva or lining of the eye hinfecled No vartIculnr dletor dlet faulthas been observed to ac count or gallalnnes not has any particular way of life Thu accidents olher Illnesm Ind Iccomplnylns germs or chendcal chug ccrlalnly Plenum Dear Dr Molnar What pink eye and how is transmu led Is it selllimiting lnm Unn What It left un trgaledME chaieslcrol cnldum xnlls In various camblnalluns Now bila use In concentrated salmon and concentrated snlullon ol nnylhlng will form crystals atoms when the chemical and physlcal condlliqns are right Thilt hnw rock candy made and why lolly Ind gran Jukavand other things sunnf In loma perm there may be excesrlve cholesterol 01 there may be sluggish emptying of lhaygall bladdardue Inlet tlnn pregnancy or an obstruc llnn somewhere Baclem may be present and serve as nldu or focal point about which slggucan form Axdfi nmnu plum Unh my lnplnl Wu JOIN Int wlmlc humlwu 37 EHIINMI J5 MINI lnml Iuutun mg new 311 ImmlterIl ooLLV Wm RAKINOINO YOUNGSTEI UP 70 HELP NI WHO allMIlES OF IEOKUI BONE uanhmAm mar mm mam Iwu mm mmth ml we we alum in TM wanwoamy sums Amnm COMPANY OPENING Ah Amnm COMPANY OPENING mums NounMn WHEK owe any DDGSLEDS CA MD VENTURE WEIEm IM 5N BACK WHILEnNEVDS EnidTAMI TNEiR Baum SOWIW 1002mm GOLFV WHILE WAS RAKINOINOIA SINGLE YOUNGSTER SNOWED UP 70 NELP ME =5 22 rnnm 20 lex unm Imuum EXAMINER WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10 196 OHJHAT HORRIBLE MASK m4 NEIGHUDQ DOY TRIEDTU scan 14 mm IT vaIfl mwm DO YOU MAKE IMPOEYANT DECISIONS norm euoueu Para BEEN Loesemw Em WAmNON MY II

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