Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1966, p. 4

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THY IZXWINEH WM ADS PHONE 72M lloLnnl SALES SERVICE hwduulrh unh Ink hum Imlmly rmmer maxl 7M 17 AIS nlrlmw LAhIl HM um umuum ZI hours dny darn Mk Foxrmml Onlnrla lewu N0 WM Nirk Mnnlnxuv Imp LVIHUI Num mommy pnrhm mlmv mo plum mun wmu Zuzlrhvruh am In um mu mem mu no rm FEEb sséohfiimn pix ion371E SILosf Poured Concrete 24201nmv GLENN MAEEE Farm Sufiullr Ncw lllamlul mwn lubed mm dead or crlpplcd mule am harm Small nnlmals mnovcrl lru For ml urvltc PHONE HAIIRH 7157151 Caller or Mk hr mm mm my or nnfllllon vm my um um mm mm mm mm mm nnd Iddnn In Box II znmlner FARMEEsI MARIE rm mosmm 1mm OMAN WA vunhl rUllmnm 02mm snephnd Npl levm week old Huh ma mm llvmh mlth unmd Trltphona mun NICKS mumu mn mnmu color pm Mac wo In mum om ml one uueu Crlnnllncl Includ In price me new mum on unu 11111 ummnmzn Inlalun Shellla Callie Puppln or file mu Mel old manor rzumv mm mm er 42x 11 Aleltxahnnu 7mm iupplu ff unlu one mwntm mu run in Iml um mcnuwNna MInJlun And sun nud Poodlu Minxhm nunt Houndl mam now view Km amen mam gammaca MINIATURE TERRIER IUva 10 mm am oh um um win Itmllu mo 15 For mum lu hlll Iclephone mom mm lwllvr Mr anH Ir MOLLY HIGHWAY 27 no 011 hon wanna 61 ma mum Telephom mam julmerwamflan HOUSEHOLD lumlluu tor nle chumHeld hlln chmufleld mm In common modernkly prlnd Fur lurtmr In nmqun Iolcphnne mam IALHlAXéIlrl lMoody mm mm Smlnmn anrds en stock up more Sun Tax lnuelu 10ml mmk sum 11 Slmcne CnIUnnood altphone Hum WASHER AND nrym Drhul aummnua mum £129 now 3169 Drum my now mm Squm uh wnnm wuhm rcqur ms nnw 111795 shunr Bu rlz 715mm FARM MACHINERY smGEn IIRING SaleWho zu zu mdhln Llh much 50 wrqpelo un nly tuivslnur innit mm sale Thon mm $5935 or mvnlhm mu cmnemoor mum um Nea nu mg on lk durlnz me 5mm of Hank 1mm Fl UH Mlnlll PnlnL 000d fbhlnl no And mm hull finned minnow umeu luvnlkd wmr nu jrelwnon mm all ruemllom HANK nnbwm xvmma mass mm om 1m new benuutnl men mum to qukk me sln mu pgom 44mm mm lree nund RCA mu mme gm nu Hummus mummolt rent rephut student nnul mu mun nu nun Try nun BB Plln Sn Tyylwmtr Cm Dunlap we 115m an sum or ule no at Imam 750 BTU camp with womant Ind fun name my llnll 75 Tellphonl 7237175 rmncin Am on rumm Ior uh Inr 1mm dell lemma mun Tim co or BARRIE Muse of Inbhroadloom 5110 AND IMPORTED BROADLOOMZ mm All sizes nndprlcu 65 Collier SI Phonymun Ihlymlwould me lo nave re prlnumr any new pmum Men by om slafl photographer 9km can at our busing of ice We amrqmweucam phony gulls NGWI 48 aismvm 43 ARTICLES FORSAlE iuNIVERsALikuG DOGS PETS 10 egossv PRINTS The Barrie Examiner unable 1225 plus lax fihephtrd 150 mum hm Im lnnnfinmu um mumlnn Apply 21 mm Innl Allu pluma mm um um yk muma mum um um Hm Amy In mm Inmannlm 10 no In ml turf in weltmt nqulrtd lull 111141an rmpluyumnl nnr mmd unem inn hay and nrnlng mlm Tramymmflon Allppllfll nller ll mmmm moon nr Apply In nrmn AND DIHVJIIN lFSrAUIu unymm 5L Be TelephonéE Of Canada CarHstésses nequlrad by local mlmxranl Applicant mustho nu In ap ptnmncoand havb planning permnalily with the pnbllc Gbod wag bencms nnd mk Ina mndluonx Expericnce pm medm ml nmsnry Ap ply In wilan giving complete upcdcnco hnckgmund and name nlrrrnm to no In lixamlnrr Ammkml inEW ADDRESS 269 DUNLOP ST 7238231 Banin Income Tax Bookkeeping LEARN IIAIRDRESSING Govtrnmnnl Chnnered Sthool Thorough training in all bran chts beuuly culture DERWIN IMIRDRESSING moot masts sr mm Inn Ianunis nu Hm ArA If YOU DRINK Hill butlnnsfl you mm In atop our laminaa 1154514 or mqu Moblle Homes Lrd chneral Glendale ZOIhCentury Homes Parts and Servlce Cash or Term up In Years 70 BPRTON AVE 77459866 FERSONE TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURG Inside Help can ran Mu Lomln Lu mm boom mu mu Mm 2mm ML um mm nu true pm 7mm Mu um mu lo 15 mu new gemé um hum nu Tulzphnnu 9221 All 7157331 ms mum or uh m1 Mm 81111015 mulledAd Ahlpe nutomuc tunminim need put ndlv nod um non Televhom WM Ann lflcf 1m mnclmv lam1 In my ma condlllnn nu low milel2 0m awn am am Irrepled Taiwan 1mm ovenlnn nu flounder All unmet In noonywomn condlllon oodmelon mur new um body In excellent MumMe Ttlephnm £43 mun nun1m mun huh mm udnn V0Iulnmlllc mm mm 11m cherry bronze mm Excellent ondlllon Orlunnl own mm we ma com on mm whlluuux pu 31 mar mu memmm uu noncu mm n11 moi value ndlo gunm mainum minim 11 Essa Road 177 Bradford ms nu tonal an WOMENS COLUMN rachks l1 Géwan 5L a1 Essa Road 72355 Your Volkswagen Dealer WaMIoe Wm We Sell hAuromonva pm pm Monday to Friday mm pm Sunday mm r1an BUSINESS OFFICE comm 55 umyug ONT =MOTOR CARSFOR SALE carfiave lséflléfiéifiiaizs and are ready for film mad 331ng gumons11n in RAMB LE TRAVEL TRAILERS HOSTESS KIDS AND MOTORS REQUIRES GIRL For PartTime Repair Clerk Hum an unmuc Mondov lo Frlduv TRAIEEE 17139621 723406 leumm name plus malty 1mm nuddnm hay urnw mm min lumber ml nml mum WWMM mu IndmL N0 MNLIWIS All 18 mm JEIUW XMNSHIJN mum and MI mr DONCPXHON 47 PH TWI li milm WM mkzlmm um InHu norlh Lillthy AUCTION SALE Wednesday March 1230 sharp EMBASSY IIALL 8M BLAKE STE IMIIIIIE on No Iiixhwny for tha Iale BOBBIE KEIIII the CM IInmIIInn Oomnicla dispmnl of nil home hold furnishing Including mnny nnllqucs unaware chlnn dkim silverware bcdmom Iultu dining morn mite ruxs Ming iinnu piclnm iramu nsos Innis cic anms cash No mwrvc Ill ho csinie muxl he unitd JENNY COUGIILIN Aurllantcr IIiIIISH NOTICII 0m Above lisllnz ls nil complcie in mining qu been nllownl in mu LI mm Duo but offering Imnlium Ihnl Humc tvrr arkmi Illr MIO Watch In In 1m Feb runry Name Admm cgbminnmn Low monthly pay mom Include 1ch books and Inslmcflons For mm Inlorm allnu write American School Dent 19 P0 Box 784 Oshawa Ont Ia warm homo In spcgrc lime Pru pam you to ncfricva Ontario py mgans IAjavmcinl mmm mm Nmm hall 10 will In ply lNI un Clmmunlcn on mm on Colon TV In Inn to th vmnn 1le udy My 0v elmlolollnw rour ma px than NHL Ha ml uncanny erla or In RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA DllthnflkClncn In Electranlcl Ml Elnl 5L anflnla ml mum Ave East mmnto 12 on 481 Sale Personnd wanted rep resentvn Keithxt in the rural urea of Earth Experience necessary 1qu In IL McMinn KEITH LIn Realtor numusn mm or duhx Ann In hm with modern convenltnceL MM be upefllneed For mm 111 lnrm uon Izlephonl 4315312 WINE TOR hr new cur dell ushle Licensed manna nun Inltefl ullry plus lflnll Denim Also nvpmulu WIDI Ila you mummy mm Box and mum Younj mar re uired Immgdi aloly of mate al conlml 4k partmenc Age lo 25 Prqu Grade lzgraduatc Write l1 Bo Barrie Examiner glut mm Good Imlfizifry EH beneliulwrlh Io nox mo and summer Aucififsmfn WWW mum med FOR LAV 0mm Accurate Last lypist Experlcnm hglpluljuk nqt scnllal 05° Slmr EDUCATION HELP WANTED SELL REAL ESTAE MALE FEMALE TRADEVSVCHOOLS APPLY Mahsfield fyDenman Geheral Ltd Jigme Ontario Telephone mam HIGH SCHOOL FEMALE HELP SECRETAR Ase mm mu gm at lnlmnt MIN he Hunwmk ml Numl Hwth All dunnnd mm Jul Mar 11 VMLI um mulc iu lhm palkm In ban mu llm 2M llslln marl In 10M In pa llvm The nuM Mum mrnm mum IMI luml Ilw Imnllm mm flunk mm Hm pat war Mlu KmMIy 1mm mrmlnl le ll input nlipl um IIDIUVII ml Um Timnmfiim nl pallmln am In my 1h lnll Inn Innme Imm prr Ml In IBM In xwr rm In mm Imam IHYMAEI mu ma par nnHy MM lnr ullh 34 Ear ml lannl llvlu calflnvry Mr vr ml IN mm we made In lvamf hlrnl Ml my um LnIl ymr Normw mtlrnlk um mlvlnl III Hm VON mm low mini Mm Vlliln mm undo Mr mil hr lrnllh 1n IlmrHM In wwl mum and MI Irr mil Iur mlxnl mull ral pnllrm Amrmlmnlrly wr run lbw unu mmu In Um mun mm mu Um pallrnl unnhln My my lhn lul mmml Ilm mm mljnq In Inmnlnnm with nm llrntA much rlrrumdanrfl In mm mm Mlu Krnnnly lm fllflod only my Scrviw mum on mm min ul Ilrzular uumlmz rare may ml he mirqu m1 prr mu hm Inn nchml he 11 lull hr ulhmllnn he lnvllnl mxrw The VON mrvku Mullahd with lh mil Vlrlnria llmpflnl 11w VON rrmmznuulml In Hm mum we Mniml nr ll mum uhJoly by the llml on Pm rmummmlalim ol hi or Mr xlmlnr nzcmmt 1ch who lawnllnw in home Ixfl must lmu hlx erxlml amusing changed VON nurse Mnrunm Ktnnfily hm Om mlminlslcrlng la hue pmplo duran um past your Aim at HIE nursc Il lo vein ughL 19 lep lhcmsdrm mm uman for more than yam WIIMn Ihc lnsl lew yours be volume nl wart has increased tremen dmmly In the tune ol duch VON nurse may HM hcml alvinz advice and Instance to yam momr new lathe dnlly mullnm lmby or helping mlhnm ulfcrcryr pcrium The an Order of Nurses RanJo and duldt We did In True to form Norths laschhanm Speed pcrsmflicd skating Icam oul skaled wlraccdnmi subdued all Comm Ike racim oval Saturday We wtm form by mn compclillvo spirit lo memfln Metallic Ge DQYScqur Sollball 0m inlmmdlme boys also de luded the noble opposile lo ad Vance hmsemmnals ngnlnsl Comm hm have lot 01 good players and Luvuldnt be rlscd my hem Como glwum againstth Lo sol mpmscn our district at GBSSA Keep up the good work glrls mg mybe thu mphy will come lorNorthX 4ch our junior girls playing team tom Orillia Col logialm In two same total gain series lost by singic mm The girls worked hard Mum and they have me am pmve It CmgralulaUun 311 getting as tar as yau did The senior fared mun hei le as they dubbed PM St La Lu Friday the GM spun sored Wynon Hugo dance In gym The 31115 fully cuperuted tom the elback the weekbelore In lame uvwd bravcdflw forces to It lufd me Citaum and um No ghlslkcpt ula crowd hop gnoUwr ol unvva Hhofr midis performances Jheyve added une few new song since they were here last and the crowd Wmth loyed Hum KETIIALL Cmadian harm mm 10 gmgngm ndny local cs Included chum mum acid an reached at best 54 durlnrlhe wenkmd Bx 1m CANADIAN mass Weekend mishaps By pow ADMiS 3an numml lm dally Imlvvk llnnlnu Miniu Dr Mo Nuru Mm Marwe Ken uuu ll VON nurses nlm VIA hm pllnl wnnls They cnnsull with nurm doctor and pnllmln as In lhr we nudmml patient Humid he mrhinz al ham Mint Hm mlimla my nl lmd any rhth with ohmic Ilium lmh annm ml nunng Im rmudomllon J1 v1 MCUN lmnnl hmllh wuarnm um Ugo umilrr Imlmlrkm In Harrie luuv Durini the pad your an VON had the nvmnnco nl lvm xl gmdmln nursing Huddle ram the linivcrslly demr and McMMLer Unlvcrxim whu wra specialllinp in publlc hullh Pan Mr mum Include Held wrk with uth IIanlI nnrncy 1st slu mu charm the nurth rare nlvcn In Ihe hunk nntl Isa Jflill small AIMMil htIr mm cunt and mnsoqucnlb the number at lsils should be 1m crgnscd In Tho Dcnnis Ma mar guard Md has won prizes all over Canada and In the US com mmwd the evening with an urlnininx display 01 Mom nnl precision The day was ended Tho caplnlns ofvfllc respec llvo mm were Mad with tmphlcsby Fath Meaghan 51 principal of Brcbcul Ginnu wen scheduled throughout the day and by ro ccss cllmmwnn SL Ca incs boys and gins loam amused as the winners Morrow Park and Brew High School in 70min were co hosL an Samrday Feb 1910 5m 10an mm Dmnls MmrLs High Schod St Camarrlms Dennis OConnor High Schmi Wllilhy and St Josephs Barrie in an lnvilnlwnad baskle commx mu um mamas Tmphyxn uddlllon we won the Wlllard Khqu Tro Ilwifigy school with ihé flies 308E Wayda go gang uqu The relay team Flash Fred Lightning Mm Marvellou Mike and Powerlul Pele Ben tram showed their sumlam and skated away with the School Hftendsilnvitational Basketball Games In Toronto n1 uumy In muor deparlmuumlar vellous Mike Qulnn literally wadkcd away vnfll first place in uumgho evean he mm In the mo 5qu of mile mn lor event Fred Flash Hangs came out on lap win the 220 senior lightning Lame Ad nms skated um um um qr private Mausflcian Informs that it the temperature had been 10 degrees warmer we Wald have melted Ihe back again and the rest the event mid had to have been canA chd old man whim was on Mr sldehawev13r as llhe tem peralme was co mug kc ha track ham enth to Akafla Pg nqarly all 0mm reéarded is dean 22 traffic uuee drawnkm and onegman killed when hi plane crashed on taken from llkl person killed in Irallic mly haps bur drowned MDIB death and live szcellanegus deans My had to Mn Mum anal um Ivr my mum pnrt bl Ihrlr rrzuhr min lnl Iloyal Vlrlndn Mospllnl Mu dm mum lhoh mom ymr mom luv My Mnminx lhc VON mm Al wmk VON nlrim ham Mn loam 1n IlVIl nlncu 1m one call to new Inhiu public heth run In ulnblllhetlutur an purpoou any am era are always Man in 11va MIN lclcd $5000 by lhe Unllcd Al ml in was The VON ls awlnled with mch other orgmlmuom 1m rluzling the nod Crm amt maker 8mm Camer So ricly Simone lenly Health Un and he Red Cross Loan Curb board Thru nwrlnp Mutrn la VON xmd publk hull mm liabch Many havu heart lmuhle or had mphye rlrnku Ivnn xxhavnllalncd 211 WNW dance ring Town now So pine in the flaming wreckage fisllzhl plane alter crashed after lakeoll from Like Azure abuut so mun youth has at Tlmrnlnx Francois Lluzan 25 Cam wall when hll car 121 the mad about up east pt Cornwall Leroy nrman thrkm 31 Pm Cplburrnc when his car lull the highway and struck mailbox hear Fort Erie Ont Raiph Frederic Antler 53 Patton when his clr went out cunlml Ind muck Inc mgr Plclon St Navn Scou had two deaths and New Bnuuwlck Manitoba andBnfllh Calumbll enchgmvxled one BC Illa Lad lira death an drown Saakllchawnn Nawlmmdltnd md Prince Edwnrd liluqd Were mm Inc lhalmayjou notlnclude knoVh Illylnu or mlcldes 1n duxlnll or naturnl dellhs flu thflndud JUNDAY Gemgr Mcnveen 7L Edwin alter the car In which Ihewu ridan 1d the road near Brace bridge1 wr none nvtn were in In juregl myavcarbu uh nut Dilawn 13 véfiebec hid 121mm fleaflii and um person killed when vfigamanaanq lnln col AlbeHn reportedlllva mm deaths qud the deaths appar allycalmed by uphyxlnum Punle5 yea 11v mmmillro uhkh Wnl on In 4m lMIlrr Mum hair munt MM In mundl ml Hm Iuyllw Mn mull rnpy will Ilkrly unla Alde In ho HIM Iml Amllvl Mum Men will In mu lny nlmiur xlmurh numb In menllnml um tuna IN Imh MkHI wallar nu 1an In mm I116 mu tlul mumm Mn up bran chanth RM hm ulm hum mm mm ol ulwumnu wer mm In maltrer nml Ilmflure dunno 1n Ivmn lhem muan ran now nrn Ihrmv May Mr mm which harm been known to ho Mini Inukr pun mm mmnmmnu may Ina ml MIN ha dmnm ham hem mmlr plum Ink Urnh Mn lmnu hmuelmlvlrr um Kuhn mmn munmm nl llvlnx lryl yilhpul mm hurlId 01h man pamllnt Hle ll wmld be my Inlnnnnlivr In lnnilll nurpayrll we muhl hv Wm me hnh night page Ir he nxhnzr lulrrw Tu my Um lead it has durum Ihc huh nwroach 1n lhls Iferll which unhl um enr mm In lune lwrn mmlr an my us plu nlhle Iwr Hm murmur th nn roaner lnr Hm pmplr hn pay or ha Amino mrr Ian nhmr lhnr 11x 11st mallrr be dealt MI lmslre Ken qultr nml mun iihbil he wll rrpnrl an lhu msmhm Mm Shannon rcmrlrd nn nn cxpnrnwu xhlch Intro all ha hcanl later and Mrs lmk Nance lrparlml vnrlnan RN slx In In IILchnrl drmhr Inmmry GARBAGE HAW All pas lnmred Imi lorm twwmip mm and aux Kcsux rumiom an In be pre atnml nl lilo mi Vorkshcp TM IMNTINI mun medal mum to be hroadcul an chairman Jnhrulon to discus the limo 311mm to Innlsizl RTFM REPORTS mega pmflgm Th mm In Mamh was given discussion Ind It was agreed that Innis hoods would Mid Opcn llmue mlh parcnls invited la sco heir childrens lme M51911er maul that further 115 cushm would be given he mm er bus tour or grade clghl upr to Upper Canada Village May as raised and loll or decision zgppmox wm Mme rlcganfinz re ncam promo lons One principal Mada Io pm halionary periods or children ham January and February while other 11 that Ihi bad unwd ut mil in many uses Hoary re and may use 1mm administrator Ken re nrdimz the Pension an Mr Heisman asked alxut may firm and skins and the chairman will check with the brw Denny volunteered By liannistcr Minutes cf the February meet ing end with this note mm Gnalnnan Ian Johnston were unable to finish he agenda or February coad we all lry be on lime and ready for ac tion pmmmly at 730 March 16 Smnnyhae School Th discussims and meetings the pubflc school principals oflnmsil are most imnrcsung and will wllhuilt doubt have tefllng client 0n educauon Mine sdml chfldten across the area mm mu Hcalrigadoom The ticket an selllnglur ilfnnd $150 for re urvcfiflntap Varlmu classes in win faxlbs honor hnvt nu sold the most hckm VII ughloprhesfjlre being ollerad the person and the 1an which 191 um mostdckalg The Bug ldovn cul orchulra and char line practising dallyyhlle vnlunleers an painan Icenery Thu GM is pmsoring dance Granny AGmGnon March 25 This dance calms lhe Citation and lha 6960 Girls Girls are supposed to wear Gmmy Gowns or usual dresm 51mm 16mm child nu ma Iaielor Cen pmd ol BARR EXAMINER MONDAY yTicket On Sale Pp Briéadfoén INNISFIL NOTES RTjCENTRAI principals Hold Interesting Meets Imhunk Junh Md Mum dmrlm iilrftllxl an 3m Im manIL Smuu Mannl Mlmwyxmunl IIIIIINI mm lrnldml Kwumc Nlnumh lullnl 41mm mm 1lelnl llW MAM WANT ION 11 mt rm llnrr ll Jew Tal lnl lillluun 7n lnrmrr mm or cl rwnrrh nan tummy Icnnmivlnm nmion Iau Wham nmNmnnn Imu Iml filmr rL Imzrmlm mervalho mrmlwr lndln Iwnl lnr Emu erl lmu HIM In In Hollywood hm Jrnklm l0 cmlmnxl 17 Nlh York Younml Anwnnn mvl 1lhtr Hears In men mm nary lhwmhu 0H Donald Hu rhannn 51 mm In Nn MM Palmy alrl L1 lunmr nunlifllu dlrmnr nick by If NH Lomlnn NJLNrmml fmnflcy an slduu he Nd lltmnl mm Mmmlalb lurm In the Unilul fly THE CANADIAN 1555 Human Erung Virch mlm Richard Ml Dmics 71 Ierr ha Virilqu Cm ln naming brother nlr orhxr hrhxrl Turklsh Hm In ms sunuxme In alilhénly 1h mnunnial park so some considerinn at the manna Ind lhe mailer the beaver dam cam up It was wucslnl that some at these muld In mm nut as ho wmcr wns backing up ncms he eighth 11 9c 13 be made will mn Uon asking Iona mum has been rcsrindcd wu found In bu mlficimuy large to handle the flow BURTON WIN Burton drain has bcm prcscnlm Com11 on Nth on mmal than lornnrly hen even the sponsor refuml to along 1th the costs There will be another hearing on Ihls Ixu om it is out out Im lcndnr It will be known the Mk lino drain uwhnh Ivnlnll It has been diva lhat the brid on we Mlddluon pmneny not causing the Nod uwugM and mg wan to 1ng ay 11 Mlncls Point Road as when stowed on lfil xradea vehicle has lmubie gct ling gimg when lraflic is 2103 N9 ATE WV rhle was suggesled that mad supewLmr Iowan get price on plw be installed on the sand truck which would make the Vehicle maul in removing snow or breaking wen Md llvnemsary Letters mm our part of In II commend the mad dE palinan on boiler snaw ah than ever with no snww dnm left by he plow lo gel through his winter They dohowever need ch uw nmvy Tenders are now advcrLised colleclxm hymn SNOW PLOW Perhaps we will haiea sfirfildr Men in Innisril hm there very Little that mlth accumu late in llama that will not be carded away by the xmbaga ovum It put out on the right day and It is not loohqayy Tpmhu Hy 110 Our Senior Girla Blsketbuu team alau axled ln come out 6n in lhdr final game 11 Midland defgalcd tbam The grade nine and II Instru mental alum plamL first in lheJunJor High School Band class the Kiwanis Musk Fay Iva in Tamra They receivegl an excellent mmk of 84 uuw mulrHK was Ulla hub in will costmfly so cenu thunk um dun 1n can ma may DEATHS it fiffii

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