Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1966, p. 1

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mn mw Mr er nlmmy AWTI1MVH rumm Slmt Manual 501 mn wm rm Blml vnnmmr thber ol nan Dally Mume ru Alumnan mm chm mail ml Olllco qutnwnl nu and or mymrnl pmma In nth Duly Emmy Ind Emulm NoHrim Imde Mncripim rzlrl daily by rumor IN luMIhm Auwlnunn Cum In HM Mun mpiuugk Hy r51 the Audi Bum ol Clnuluumu Burl 050 WW Wm mdlan lrm II urhuh Fll WI mm mu my lur muhuuum 04 all Mom 1de WW 0W In mdm la an 0th MN mm mm lml mum Ind we ha lo luau ruwm uhul mum mm me good Qqulonx remain hownvtr How many of the thousands at students who xuccmlully nppmlcd their falling mnrkn wore kcpl on unlvmlly thla year How many were dcnlcd ndmls Ion to he lmhrrslly InH rholce LITERALLY THOUSANDS Inronlo Globe and Mail The graduul hill In emphull from 1105 Ilnul rxamlnallom clmroom performance In lower aubjccls in Um good Qqulonx remain hownvtr How many of the thousands of student who xuccrnslullv nnnnlM um emu5 wmpau iion Waller Bell arrived home from iovemu duly with Canadian Postal Corpa Barries Queens Hotel one of most fopuiar north oi Toronto sold by ililrs ingrotta no Bell to company wedded it Max Co on Toronto Louis Langbor will be resident manager iThomas lV Mitchell ARCi former man ager will return to his profession an artist and will open studios in Wilson Idf Grey and Simone Foresters glleg meal will revert Irom hiatoric role as nlantry to artillery and become 45th AnliTank Regiment under command of LLCOL Kennedy Owen Sound Lloyd Partridge appointed umaor tor Town or Barrie Miss Audrey iGray Lamhton Couniy appointed librar ian or County Simcoo Allen tiishcr conductor announced that llar rie Collegiate lland hnrl acquired new trarlet coals beiore playing at Kiwanis Musie Festival in loronto Mayor Blrrie Examiner Feb 21 104B Flt ILi Viiiirm Craig returned to his home liter two years overseas where he wu liaison oliicer between RCAF and Auxiliary Services Yrojeci io extend Hour mile sanitary sewer in Barrie and iwo miles storm sewer nearing comple iion Waller Bell rived hnmn Senator Roebuck Is learned man who has devoted much study to Canadas cone lsutuflonal aIIaIrs He was elected to the IOntario Legislature In 1034 and became attorneygeneral the same year He was elected as member of parliament In the House of Commons In 1940 and ap pointcd to the Senate In 1045 He spoke In the Upper House the other day on the subject of the constitution As this extract from his speech Illus trates ho offered clearcut and sImpIa 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN lllghl man whose opinion has long been esteemed In our countrys alfalra Vbelleves Canada should have tho ower to amend its own constitution is Senator Arthur Roebuck and he dcprcc cates an appeal to nauonal pride as means of destroying the constitution as know It The study commissioned by the On tarlo Library Association was presented by Education Minister William Davis It revealed one in four Ontario residents is without library service less than half the municipalities in Ontario have pub iic libraries majority of elementary and secondary schoollibraries are substand ard mosiuniversity and college librar ies do not meet accepted undergraduate standards chronic shortage of train ed librarians is reported Several mil llion dollars are wasted each year by the provinces 475 public libraries in dupli gcatlng orders Mr St John recommended that the government legislate the establishment of minimum llbrary standards He urges that all elementary and secondary The report prepared by New York library consultant Francis St John left no doubt that public and educational library facilities in the province fall gravely short of what should be mini mum requirements ClearCut In 1hi1era of emphasis on educaflon in xinario woeful inadequacies were re xvealed this week in what has been long jgonsldered very basicbranch learn th throughoutlthe pgovlnpe The fie Walls Fubllsher Librariefs fiFbufid Laékifigf in This Era OfgEduCQtion he iféarriniiifixamimr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Publlshld by CInLIdMWWIWIPIPIrI ilmlted 16Bny1iavld StreakyBarrlo Onmlo 7hr fliaurir Examilm MaPhmcn wannm Mangm Editor 23 1m mm TELEPHONES For lfllmllm Want Mt lrlvplmnu 1m MINIan mm In lh HUINu or IIllHMial hrlllmflfl 19 72 an Cuzulmnn Dowan lcnhm 7W Th9 Anldlan Irm II urlmlvrly onllllvd lo Hm my lur rruhuculm ol all no dlwllchu In MA mdllnd la Maoan lmn mm um um ha lonl hm pub lIhul Imolm Ilu rrmarkahlo that whit lrnuhlo the nova of Put them day It doesnt hm ruckm uucu Club to North i3 aion with come up Emmi manager iowar Nor ris prosidcnichariea hrisliu and sec relary Archie Marshall iion Major John Fool Cnnadnl Hih Victoria Cross winner in World War No and Mra Fooloiook residence in Burrte Lie is 110w unior roicsuni ciunhln Peter Sinclair welcomed member of Central United Church Younf PeoYle at Town Council President lon error extended thinks Harold Wrrdman lrrivtd home after two our overseas riih GovernorGeneral cot Gunrdn Barrie Fiym tied Toronto Young Jung crs aiiila Leaf Gardens Outstanding for Hap mms rookio team were de icnccmcn Ray Garicpy Ind Joe Lund Barrio Flycrs wero icniured ieam It North Bag Winicr Cnrnivrl beating Tripper in exhibition hockey Slur ring ior Barrleu junior hockey mm were Cecil Cook Murray Richardson and Gordon Nccdham hilyor Sinclair ac comoanicd lglub to North Bay along wilh Flinn amended In the 1151 buinroljngsgaz Llon with some other extraneous idea that has an appeal to national pride lormula forVdealing with the constitu tional issue The relpatriation of the Clnadian can stiiuticn an exceedingly simple mat ter if we wish to do this all we need to do is pass the Briiish North America Act as aftatutg oiLanalda and than by him The St John report is the most com prehensive ever undertaken in the pro Vince it covers wide and tremendous ly important scope in detail Yet the iield is such that recommendations can hardly be expected to become realities in matter of montha It was an encmirH aging indication however that Educa tion Minister Davis immediately an nounced plans to fircsent new Public Libraries Act in legislature incor porating some of the recommendations contained in theSi John report its ready evidence that the report will re ceive the attention it mcriis Formula key recommendation however calls for the creation of mvlnclalnaiwork or regional wopera ve libraries and reference centres operated in associa tion with reference centre in Toronto Such programwouid make every 111 my book in the province available to every citizen in lhelrrovince Close ilal son ls also suggeste between university and public libraries um In mu uuluu heed sugééfltinlverslty librarlea dur IMA schools with enrolment 01150 be requir eq to have libraries An increase to per cnflta from the present cenuls sugges ed In provincial grants topubflc Uhrarlex In the next 10 years At least $19500 thpateq aguthaannual up need to sup orl lng this pe od ngaon Gonaral Manngai Him lulflinh Ml lwn Antmud than Humani Gmm In and Im nwtl born the male 1535 Sue lnvnslnn PrasIdrnl the Unllcd Arlb numb cm no longcr hope la lhu unchallengtd leldu of tho Arb wndd The ntw contender Kin Fnlnl Saudi Arabia who dreams unlunx Modem not only in the Middle Em bu ellowhm Inla In hhmk league firmly Inked he holy city of Mcncn fgnattumbtfigély bemused on two ignificant po Bnluin cmm hope In em onin he susplclvn and enmny Hfsldcnl ml Abdel NI Blhrzln l1 lmlll and rather rem ram the nlraleuc fled Sen Ihlwinl him whlch Aden overlain But by me Bdmn may no loam In Mm Ind uhxlaver mmury Influence Ihu could de because Um base mly luv lo be mlde up by In tensuwd Ilfllefl MEET mmsxs Contranled by the need to coruerve dlmlnllhed flnmcla strength and unabte to come to tnrnu with bombmks guer rtllu Britain reported In turn accepted the view it would be better to close her bl llnd has In Aden and concentrate what rematnlnl Middle Eut forces she ran allord in her Persian cu Island base at Bahreln em mica camp ihbsgrrfififlrn may be Influenced by gradual Lmmlgh mm Easl By HAROLD MORRISON Canaln Pm sun Writer We shape the Myth world It Minn 5911de 19 two Arab World Influenced By Decline Of Britain QUEBEC LTGOVERNOR SPEAKING 0F GUIDELINES nmnih Mn Ilw In Ir Mean an Some year 10 1M Russian republic by Ir the blues Iml mos populous ha 13 makan up he llSSfl enacted lnw whereby mm run be lined up to 11w rubles or being drunk Infha Alml yawn unlry has nlwnyl been hnen ol tolerance lor thl ex mslve Imbiher man right III on 100d one now and Men hu Ion been hlld virtu ully Ilcrnuncl And it down much miller whether If done primer or puhllc MOSCOW ICP Slowly but lnufllbly Rum being forced to come In grip with lhe Vrflem ddmpkenngn mm In and Num um 10 head In Adefll nelzhbor Yemcn Bu lhaRepubkans lupporled by Nasser tailed crack ha royallst Hne Last August Nasser came to term imam calmed In WW nuw ram dee 1y religious nflm cm nm vc ruler Inclined to polit ianl moderation rather than the men rndlul socialism qus Calm based mu Faisal whole country his great oil wealth llu oblalned lubshn lInI mflillry equipment from both Britain Ind the Unfietd sum seen lrknd ol the West while Nuser ap pears more convoflabk Wm the Soviet Unlon and Chm REACH AGREEMENT 709130531 ambitions Problem 0f DrfinkenneSs Is Being Faced In Russia view fatal L1 in this thrIwind Ambition Britain mu Ind sell more Ind more on Faisal side Alter all Saudi Arab Ix nle door to lho prepared soum Arabian Fedora flon Sn which Aden wnuld bu the capital and the central pollticnl lorce Wm the mating may not come all until the end at the yur Calm hu mny suxplclous that Ful lal intends to push his own ten lrallzed Mulem leadership um der Mecca But 50 hr these forces hm not WWW Faisal has tux with Faisal Nasser arm would wllhdnw Hevwnnlcd naming but peace And friend ship with FnluL Whnn ha Torontncommillee has major proposal name kind lhcy could send delay linn present lhclr can dl wily In ha caucus In enact lbs 15 urban Con mvuucul Canurvnuve thinker Alvin Hamilton MP In QuAppeLle spearheadan the drive to llnk 1119 Men caucus with he lhm molt populoul mu 1n Canaan Taronln may let the pattern far ha ether two The Taronln group would deal with commlllee mlda up of taucul MP3 represent urban mu Thu federal committen would in Toronlo to talk over pa uuum mum nvthe Nov election and an onlyana or mix on lhl Fagin find Montreal mm uncus Only Is at he 97 Omwvafiva MP represent urbln seats The puty wu lhut out in VancouA lurmd Toronto mm ridinn Pl committee would be let up In the Toronto Vlncou var Ind Monlml nus prob ably in Hm order to nerve ll lhe maroon end Ihe plpe line from Moral clucusr By KEN CMRK OTTAWA CPD The Con umuvn pmy la crying to es tablish dLrect communicaflon between 1L5 ledeml mem ban of Parliament Ind mun pent when lulu Common regresentnllon wtmllwl owned On few mom aim the flight 41 the Silver Dal31 Bad deck Iguana Hunt ol mm Alberta flew for 33 mum in In 25mm he hld deslznedmd built Muse mum $12 mama mm the Mix became1n liiemflfim Nova 56w mm 95 anmm mm PARLIAMENTARY NOTEBOOK non Hawaii mm ol mauvqféke happened cam Fol L3 year um ml for mu CANADAS STORY COnservative Party Wooing Large Areas Of Population Telephone InventOr Aviation Sparklplugz urban Con Lewelse has happened then If are notable for one eveél Jeb 23 fl1v ca mm Lacking member the Con nrvaflve hava been hlmpmd In their Opposluon role cLim by poor communeUm with the three big arm um yumm to help win the cine back mm the Liberll and New Demo crau The Conurvaflie hope 1UI have an operative cummltlea In each emu by Juno Inn mvaUve MP wound eventually represent lha Toronto Montrul ind Vancouver mulch 1n lhl WEDNESDAY FEB 23 STARTING AT pan Boon open Mn JACKPOT $28000 LEGION HAll 7l COLLIER sr lEGlON BINGO 3i

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