Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1966, p. 6

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He said Quebec would 10 ac cept nalianal labor mobility prngram offering nssislnuce to move workers In new jobs in olher parts of lhu counlry be cause in would drnin skilled warkers rum Quebec special manpnwcr pol lcy or Quebec is not formu ialed we incur the risk that leehnicai training programs under Muralprovincial agree mcnls will lend in draln our provinces slack ol skllicd work crs since masl oi our workers are bilingual They can go to work in limb lish speaking prnvinccs while As mailer ol inlercsl acls disclose lhal apart rum man agerial pasilinns lew skilled the meme does not bid true iInglishspcaking workers agrcel OllAWA CF Quebecs Iabor minister told confer ence on manpower training Monday that his province isnt inleresled in nnlinnal ap proach to manpower develop mcnl Currier Forlin said Quebec is special labnr market wilh problems diIIercnl romlh use special labor market with problems dilicrnnl from those of the English speaking prov incnsl They could best be solved under provincial policies MANPOWER training 15 the subject being dismscd by gmmmcnt and labor leaders MANPOWER CONFERENCE Quebec Not Interested In National Approach May we suggest 5aveOHheLiltlcTlwingsyoumightotherwiscneverbuyAccount TOWN HALL COMES DOWN LISTOWEL Ont CmCoun cil called building mulle builder covcnd uparnllms in the of Iho council chambu An cnginncr rcporlcd um the whqu municipzd build In vmlnlu nu safely and building mks and wudcmncd unsafe Mr Farun sal Qucbec ready to co npcrme with other province on manpower mal tors We dnnl want to make Qua bec mncentrnfiun camp he said one point II wouid be the concern of the province see that there were proper ecu numic inducements to keen workers from moving else whom Onc union delegate suggested It wns malty serious mis take to look manpower neg on prov ciql basis Some of he 150 delegates to the conference sponsored by he Canadian Labor Congress and attend malnly by unlnn Inadnrs questionnd Mr Forun about how the province in tended lo encourage skilled workers to remain there lo come Io work In Quebec hey me not Frenchvspmking OHM Mvmc Mooilcr anoe today we Id la right Megan being thd at Va dont want In apart Under the coordInalul Man emplony pay only unc preA mium Me hose who my out at this scheme pay two separate and smaller premium In prepared statement the company snId the union workers hnd previously said they did not wan he Mrdinalcd plan and vmuld continue to pay ward separate plans1 privmu one and the slalepian yer mating late 1115 ycnr the stalemm sald the union reconsidered their earlier position undiagrccd to join The co ordinalcd plan was hen 011ch the nmuman czgpiaym MONYILEML 4C1 Cana dian National Railways nday announced um iLs employees who belong to unions will be covered by the companys pcn sian plan which is coordinsz 32H those at Canada and Que but we wan to live under our own French speaking system CN Union Employees Get Pension labor CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Ar rlaln spend 5000000 mzsmomo yearly on tau and Momma on dogs The reasons for NATO iLseI Me Just valid nnw as when the organization was first Iarmcd Dc Gnulle had previously sald France would not conlinue In NATO éller lJfiS unless ll slruclun was drastically al leml For me France is essential to Lhe overall heallh of NATO We have always sought to bridge the dittcrcnccs between France and the flier member of the organizauan SUDBURY CP External Allahs Minister Paul Martin said Monday night that France is essential to the heahh the gorlh Atlantic Treaty Organiza 0ll In Sudbury to launch Meal Brotherhood Week Mr Martin said in nn interview Ihe Cana dian government ts studying statement by President de Gaulle Monday that all NATO area an French soil must come under French command if they remain after April 1969 NATO counlricl under their agreement can decide on that dale whclhtr they wish lo te mmn in the organization Mr Martin said at lhls point docslook as ll France will lake Hive action in 1969 but In Lherc is still an oppor tunity or negotiatlnm Fiance Essential To NATO Martin HMS COST MUCH Mar TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mun n3 or lie11h mason hm bk use she was afraid of um in to things Ms arrlex Smfl Englands DMESL pmnn dead al 110 She sald she had no recipe 1m lung Ill hm she had In givn lp smakfinzyhen was 105 Mr Hogan car dealer htld key executive post in the Cow servalive party rum his day as student at the University Toronto He sought electlnn to the leg lslature or Toronto Woodblne In 1963 and to Parliament for York West In 1965 but was dr leakd both tlm last Nov by Liberal Robert Winters Mr Hogan was one of several raminenl Canservnlive who rake with federal leader lnhn Dlefenbaker matters at pol lcy in 1863 However in 1965 he returned his support to Mr Die enbnker or wlmm he had been campaign manager in 1951 1953 and 15 book The Conservatives in Can ada and wrote regular poll cal coiunm um Tamnm Tel cgmm NEONTO CPIGeorle Ho gan 11 secretaryaf the Ontario Ptogrcssiva Conservative Asm cinuon and one of the pdiucnl parlya most dynamlc speakers and wrnen died suddenly at his home Sunday nIghL The CBC in national radio newscast Monday night quolzd the coronerl Mike as saying My Hggm wk hls qwn OTTAWA CF An applica Hnn lora new frequency mod ulation station in Kllchcner was one of three remanded or alumoval Monday by theBoard plmgroadgggl Igoverrms pplfcalm which goes 16 the federal gov ernment or rapproval was made by Central Ontario Tele vision Lki which openle TV nation In thp city Wu posed board also approvui new TV broadcasting station nll1indenz OnL lnmbardl bushes man Italian duoent who for many years has prepared or cign luguage braadcasts wnnv appmval tar an FM statinn that would carry heavy volume szramminz aimed at the bur gaming tmmigrant puputation in the Tomato area 101112 3mm EXAMINEI TUESDAY FEB 12 58 Applications Passed By 336 Sonia Tory Party Official ceprge Hogan Dies In Toronto TOBACCO no mum snamtw He was president ol the On Lario Young PCs mm 1954 to 1957 andwas named assocla lion secretary In 1960 In 1957 and 1959 he was elected vke prcsldcnl he Ontarin assoc nllon and mm 1959 lo 196 was Englishépcaklnx vlce pres denl of Lhe national association TORONTO CF Toronln Globe and Mailand Branllord Expnsllnr are Ill 1965 whmeu of he John Madmen new paper award or lypography And appearance Entries from Canadian dalllu were considernd edition of last Declo being the basis or Judgment This In The Giobe and Mails first win In thd MacLaren cam petition among papers with air culallon over 75000 Previous winners in the nuryem of manure Windsnr Star wk and Hamimm Spectator The Expnsllor has won Hues 01sz Among paper under 15 000 drmnaLim Ihe 1961 winner was Kiygslyn Iapdard Arum Foalnu Mull Vrmbln run lull lmrllu TAII ll l1 quwa Wmluollhl IIMUH Mlltll GENERAL mm HM Hulqu Wifinefs Are Announded5 For NeWspaperl AWctrds Kill HI WEBBS JEWELLERY Mam Mluuhl AwardfrloiV luéividual pains Wool for mod In column wolghh mic Mum Mllmg mm lmm Suppliu Cuuhu Ind Wrapping Call or Mum Curd ADAMS MEATS Emmi dunka Gmrrnl llqialrl Tim Mnnu Radio And TV Service Business As Usual uluml luullny mm In R0 lar MEHAL AMM NEVADA WOOLS dirncuy mm lrom lnrmcr localim CuminAm cm Food Sudmu alum at 139 DUNLOP GEORGE HOGAN I4 Quin It Roirlgorlvlon Mn 5L Monarch COOKSTOWN 7152039 fill MOTORS BARRIE BUSINESS BlflGO um sum All 71 Numhm Illrd To DIII 01l0ufll0nflfl II FREE OF CIMR pl In lhclr pl um All nrh Ink hm wlll lupur lhlwxhoul lhen Mur llnmull Dlnn nmbm Held Idnrllumni vrry rmlully ml vmk lull thm numhm In your uni nn um pmol lo obllln lull cud mull nollly 11 llllu mm tc TM Illnle Enmlnr IV TELHIIIONK In tllllbl ler III nh Mu nth uml an an Ilnuu tho mm will NI Inrrrlul By mm 001 mm hm Iho uni mmyllllly round he 11k to mum lhr Iillllrlllnl utlllol for lh uh Ill uh not In wuhn lhm nullhie 01 hman II on lhll Idurdumut HINGU ch obhlnrd ambassador was meeuml me maidenu at the Whlle House senalor bright chainnun the Senate to lg relation conunmee was meeting the press on Ca pllol HILL The Arkansas Demo crnt said his wmmlllee which has provldod the balflelruund WASlflNGlON APD UN Ambassador Arthur Goldberg says ha is confident lhc United Nations Security Council will be helpful in pmmollng mus men of the Via Nam war lore Secuth Council was In interest member nations In pnr mounl an honorahla peace Some member naqu woddng in that direction Lhouzh debale Security 19de has been adjourned or 25 with he added Asked 6r mmmefil on lul zcsllmu by Canadal external Ellqlrg minlfler Pig Manly that the Geneva conkrence be convened an Viet Nam Gold berg replied that the United States sham lhat View Aller meeting whimIdea Johnson for mom than three hours Monday he 1d the Uniled Sm never held the view that the United Nations was the approprlale agency In conduct actual pen negom lnslead he laid the decision go take Que Vgpt tjam gun he Over 250007ant page Tor onto Telegrun edilorlnl page Regina LeaderPost Ilnanclal page Torantn Globe and Mull womenl vale Mantras Stu sports page Hamilton Spec lalnr Under 25000 Fm page nlgy La Vulx de page Inllmd Expositor financial page QM bee LEvenement womanl page no award spam page NewWeslminster Calumbian Judge at 1965 were Flnyd confidentju Will Settlje Viet NainWar AUTOMAHC 11MN5MI35ION smvwa 2i noun mwmo moo lgh 4mm mm RULE INETRUCIIONS IM 11 It In lllllhnl Ill nl rr um mh our rm Ink Mllm Bum Wm 50 on muses mom SuiL um Dre Coal Coolulnu For Th Hm Hm And PM In To Try PINKNEYS LADIES WEAR Ir Tm all BERTRAM BROS Stock Reduction Sale BARRIE SEA FOOD Your Home lmpmumenl can Now In Progress Kill Vlllt UI Tod Blnh DOUG BEAN BA SERVICE cm Ann tule of the Public Semce Canada In nonunion of nndlan who has richly domed his country through ileum or military and public mvice lvvun god lpglay medal Is Iwudod Innuafly Kimmie professional or lechnlcni work or groups workers for nub standing contribuuons in field pure or Applied uienco or in other fields ende Chalmers chairmnninl Matt leanHunter Publlshlnn 00 anzr Duh nmal Queens Printer Ottawa Ferdinand Eckhard rector Wlnnlpe OITAWA CHGen McNaughton of Oluwn In been awnrded the first medal gold medalfl Ihe Prqlessiana Insti Art Gallery and John Lock ziod nruldent nILever Em SAID HANDmamas or the televised VM Nam pol icy ulnmenl will meet Wod nesday to climax whether lo call in lame Chlna upem Uke Senator Robert Ken nedy Dem NYJ Fulbright believes he Naumui Uberafion From he pdflloa Inn the VM Owl should be uptev tented in any peace negotiaqu 311 shoufid not be Exfludcd from war Secre menkfilelnwhile 552 Secr lary Dean nmk ued hi hand at mung mm of an Bar nte edges Johnwnl Vie Nam Mic Mr Gbalmers judging Mn man says he lound the paper high standard win van nanvw spread between the may wln1em and the lean Gen McNaughton Receives Honor um fill III Hlll HI wvu III Vrlvu 711 11M I1 anla chdllldll anhwun knur mm TIMI PETER KLEIN TEXACO Tires Baltedes lubrication Tulip MarlHM III Finally llk 89c Fruh Lula Slmm While Fllh mam ROY TRACY SALES MACSAY BAKERY 400 GRILL GROCERY VARIETY Open 1H Mom to 511 to Sun 180 Dunlap It ll Ann AL 25 hy mom Cull Tod hr Hum nrmomlullul HURON MOTORS Ammuua Mn lnvlre BANEURY FOOD MARKET lmmlt TM Kilnr JEEP of Clmdn Ltd ulnrlu Filler Dunn GM Tn mm ll Ilrllm ll th Ipu In caulm mo lllhl Repair Iku Il 11M lurle lb Efl

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