Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1966, p. 1

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Hoard Explosion Boloro Filo WASHINGTON CPI nuo bux American mhvmohflo In tlmld which otherwlu hu nover Md It xan II lulu rhlni Humor About lulu ulcly named dolmla Mined ll old as Um ham1m tarmac null Win In twomlbla or IM Unflod mm Nuhway dulh In Ihkh ruched record 000 In yur uml Mall in ume 1500000 Mm Aula drlvm hem 1M drlvrr Mm her Ihm mm Imanu mom nu Ill my Hm mud wll MI lmn lmhlnnnl Ivy lla mlt will In mam rannl or null umn IMely It was the fin mum cl its kind in almost ll xmnfln Int contact In Hanoi was made by mm Suborn Mr Moonol Meant In May Aller five day pm in us bombing neth of Mr Moores talks were at dlsclmed ulrmmc 7m mum mm lulu Ivy Iw lmhar my flu vnnl was Mm mm luv mat In In In lulu Hammad1mm IM 0mm MM only IIIW Auto Industry Facing Clamor For More Safety TORONIO lCl Ilmanhu HIiii whim sodium OI arm In at In am rm Way 1w duh wink AM mm mm within Add Mm wry nlhom Hull nah lulu Minn milln mum in mm smlaly vladvillly will but MIMI lulu mm me war mm In um nl lmumhl va nhlnwp Anwu unumh xhe umde unthm Luke mu wll My Mm Emil ylnldlly la mam dam Dun Mum LONDON CF Christopher hlnyhew who quit as Bflulnl navy minister malnth there Is basic AngloAmerlcan splll non strategy toward China and expresses tear that Britains do cllnlng mllllary strength may farce her to rely we heavily on United 54am pulley and power While he sovyear old reported to Me 5145ch Wilson Med the Re al dawn because Prlme Mln let Navys plea to new carriers Meyhewa weekend Ilatanenu suggested the Issue terme mainly on the question of Brit ains Mm mllilary lndepend Fears UK US Split On China Canadian Delegate In Touch With Viet Nam Officials Hazardous Driving Warning Thu Canndlan government has been trying In 1210th on be Viol Ntrn war tuned thxwgh the three nation um OTTAWA CP Victor Moore Cumin unlor dale ute on the International Truce Supervisory IommMon 1n Vlet Nam has been In 113ml wlthn halls lodarylmdlnm with olflclah of the North VIM Nam nvernmenl was learned Sundly once EXNHVY MINISTER mud Yur No The Hometown Daily Nevispaper For Barrie andfiktflct LATE NEWS LTGOVERNOR PAUL COMTOIS nulo Inllnxlry II awr llu turn or many nalunx 1n clmlnu aka Wflh run pmludlon ymr In ext 10 000000 Vehklu Jun MINI ll ll ll lwnxllnz lxvr Imh Mam nm Gmrnl Mnlm 21mm llnn lnr wind mun lhln monogram lull yur lrenldcnl on who Jwrlly will lend Amnrm minnow highway mlcly pm mal hu cnflnl mad deal In Armiun lunhlrm mend ml to We Nam InkMal ma which ll anum le wfll xme day In mth ml My am at my lwovUfl duunl MI has mlmd Inch al mu Wally but Prim wnmcr Wllwn al Brluln HM in Ulla km Docent he hoped Join approach to the V14 Nnm prohch could be mndg by prltafn npd Russ n1 mama umm wu wn will mo 01 idea during hll visit In Mmaw this wuk Cannda Ilmdy has been In and will mill and Poland the other mmrnlsslon memben Lo get their View on the dbflity ol reconvcmz the 1M commune chllred jointly by Britain Ind flush cmmlsslon created at the 1954 Geneva unfitrem flu ended war belwecn French and Cam rnunlst lam in what was then Indomlnfl Th degree dependence on lheAmerlcans would bu un dealruhla even ll here wen close political ayeemcnl be tween ln the urea But In the Far mumer Europaml agreement particularly in rela tion China does mt exlst Britaln Lrles lo carry out peacekveplng role east the Suez on the proposed curtnlled dalenca budgn ol upcomm Monmowa year we should be able to act only with the consent and support of flu vastly more powerful Amer Icnm In In rule of auxlflarlel rather than alliesI 11 Mid in talgmgn Saturdayi Umlvr French In mm lemmad In lbwIlla II null mally mated Mi IIIl ll um lpfllfflmlfil flwn InchN Jun mme fimlnI mourn lull KM Iln Hm an In Alum Mm awnad fur Imemanu And Sumac lehmn lmnrr munbor nl hmh rmlm lulu 11m 00 mm uw lmo pmmulmd In dunn vuu mum Andra Ilmlchln mus MINA Ipcclnl lull mmlly cwrl mum run vlrlnl mumMn mm In AboonllnM hnvlnl Mull l0 Innuinnll lrukkm do mu In Aum WM Ma dl hulk MN on III In wule Funm 11er Um mlulnx drlrunl IMJ lwllaml ha 1le In ullo unlmnl lo death In All Mmcw Ilnu flu upturn lb Vld Nnm war cum hl own tennut And In domm ol lcmflly conceded lluulnn In tention in lnlk loudl Premier Kmmn Ind MI Hm erumu warn and la la Mme In Wllmn cnuM mu Majoruumq medium 11m chartered Comcll alt liner which human Wilton mm andan Inndod at She rcmnlyuvn Alnwrl 20 miles nqrthwm downlawn MW am because of bad landing condition ll Vnukovn Mrpofl on be other Aldo of lawn whlch ulunlly 11 um or vhlllng dlp nllulu It mu It Shmmdyevo um Swim TUJI IJrlIner rmhcd hm Thundny II Hut High lo Mch An oflltlll In nvunccmenl nld nix poxmam and he mlln mw wart llllcd nnVlel Namde hickr non MOSCOW Remus Dril Ish Prime Mian Wflwn nr rlvzd hem by air lodxj Ior um will Soviet leader on Vic Nam dburmammt Ind Anglo Soviet Ludo Court Sentences 13 Of Plotting Kill De Gaulle Wilson Arrives InMoscow For Important Meetings QUEBEC lTGOVERNOR DIESINHOMEBLAZE FIREMEN FIGHT THE BLAZE AT LTGOVEIiNORS HOME Junlor Spam Square Plo nmP Jlm MCJ Elmd Ha ulnln DlmlorP Eanng ldoor Clrnlvnl EnnisP All ll mv mm rl Inning leNI mu wlm an uplmlvu chum land In Ilowr omnka mu mum Mnr Tramn 1er da mi Inqndlna an Ant SAIGON 101 South Nlllnl rullnn Junln lo xen ernln lodny Ilnnglhrrw um Mllmnnlhold war cnblnd In An oulline nnuinu View of Vllynl Imign policy pub shod Sunday In the govern mcnl nowxynpcr lxvulln bald Iha ll be mum prlmo mwr lcr wnnh peace In Vlct Nlm he would all lo the United Slnlu inching the muslana inward Mgntinllum on VIM Nnm usually WiHnionncd diploma mid was nlmoa impossible And up British munca con sway in use hm mime n55 OUTLINEB VIEWS muleration unless ceased in upper both American and Wtst German 0chch In hm icldn Viet Nam Government Tries To Improve Nations Economy Bgrrli Onhrla MadaMonday fiahrylrffl I966 Du leapflo hose Mun warm In THE EXAMINER Today Ann Lindon6 Clly Nova2 gillglllodrlo ll Comm7 Dulh NolknIo Dlmldl nppdnlnwnl 1mm mx Tm ocwmic and mm aMur Tm mu nu my ml finnu mlnhler pod mm mm mm In An mm Tm Ocmnmkl mlnlmr WM Nmrn NM mum In In country muer ltm la nearpnrnlylll by nu VIII Cong tumult dclmnlned alumni to pull llm rounlry out of man Imam Flnnmlnl win 511pm mld um Inmblu Mlm 1mm ln InIkm nccnm Mlylnfi lho slap magma LS rumba Imam Incrcm rnvwnbal him run 13900 In 2034000 In flu 1M of In mlln ublM mam mmlmd by Illmo Allnlnlerrfxuylfn Cn Ky The mme business of tha conlemnco mm Tuudny when Willon Mu at lurmnl MUM wflh Korma Foreign diplomat InUdpnlcd lhat Ihu flqunm laugh apenlnx Ilno would lollcn lounka talk wrnl on VIE uéifided mun cmex dlmmnmcnz negoflnlor Lord bailout Pravda ho Communist party paper today expmsscd lbs that tho cumin Soviet mum exchange vow wfll help In urhlevlng helm mutual underslunding and In he devd opmen of friendly Hts Inga he lull deIoanic red cam wpg bob unrqllcd or flWflt WE wand4 William45 Womunoé mmwmmym Murmqu mm uhmmmma olluwamnwonm MWMMM mummymum mm rknch IMAM In yd ammo and Muslim In his march Mr Dlrlrn baker alumni Canada call All lnlcrnnllonnl tonkrmta cl lIan alloclul by he Vkl Nun war In In Attempt to Iclllo IL 110th Notth Vlcl Nam md IM Vlal Com umlllal mould be lnvItuL Revrmnlmlon will be based on um current Jadan1 bounda ries no limo under pawlan rcdlslribuflon Otherwise the oneday mam allended by executive mem ber was closed to ha pm wu held In hold banquet TWHL Mum Camp the Consenvn mhuons national pru idenl saId It was fairly quiet Inside but the delngnies wanted national convcnuan More June possible Falling that it should be held next all WILL SET DATE The chief officer were an powered to 5d duh and place pnlcmbly In Quebec province Quebec City LI pomblo choice nnnual mnvmllon has been hnld in the an111 In mm Years so movan la ucbcc represents dcpanurc Mn y¢ar ago mm Umemevam 10 ndlng ov war be upon Mung wm flawed in hm um speed and witnest he demomlrn Lion of party unity OTTAWA CH1119 Comm alive mtlonaleleuluvo Subur day deemed in favor at spring national convention and re vened In yearn performance will warm welooxm or Leader John Dlefenbakar Mr Dielenbakzrl leadership was unsuccessIqu challenged by tom of the party executive the last annual meeflm less Col Martin skid Mme Com bls was rescued from the rs and card gut Into ha bawdy QUEBEC CWPaul Com loiz 7D Quebec Manhuntflow ernor died early today whm tapped by he that redmed his Manly white residence in ashes In less than two ham MCol Martin the Heu tennnlgnvmors chic aide do camp mid everyone else In Iha residence pad the In which more through the hive storey atruclure known Bob da Coulonges unhoth It ware indexbox Tories Planning Spring Convention BfirntdenIfi Two Hours Other Residents Escape SUKARNO FIRES COMMUNIST POE ILan Ia nompnpu men at Vnuinxlon NZv during one of MI runny um MI tour Southeast Ian and Pacific Humphrey MM hluary bu dcmomlrnlcd lhal when 1115 or nmmunlstl lncludrd in cmle novcmment then mm purulylll or ukmvrr They told Kennedys prom 53 that the Unikd Stale ex prcu wflllnznes Io pccrpt mnfillon South vlelmm nov cmmcn which would lndudo Comma would not be an acceptabla wlulion muld not Ich in peace andll adapted could Impom on the people South Viet Nam the very creel rylnz lo dcslmy lhcm WASHINGTON AP Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Prime Mlnklcr Nguyen Coo Ky South Vie NIm have 59 sailed Senator Robert Ken nedys view hal the V101 Cong should be altered man 01 powgr In hi SSsznvgoicrrrx 10811 Intied lhll uylnfl It was In cradlbla in with what Ipeed ha Hume mad thmgh tho bufldlng Until few year 10 Rain de Couhmzel bull yam was hwwn Spencer He said he believed the fire began In man cloakroom Ha dld not deny ports that series explosion was heard alha tempt thorfln Gerard mm munand me chiefflfgburbm Singy mid out an Mam balcony 015 hdlht Bf lhI Ire but tulcdyalck Ino ll house erenle the lieutenantgover nnrx daughter was taken In hospital with bum on her hands arms and lace Col Marlin laid the nullered the In juries While fleeing the Ire 111914031933 111mm No guests Mr and Mrs Mac Steam 0L Sherbrooke Que escaped the leaping flames by jumping to the mm from second storey cold ulghl by lhe watchman ucy She was reported Humphrey Viet Nani Premier Assail Robert Kennedys Plan Béim Donlcdendm Comm Wis591m la coma Nor Mm Than me For cm rumba NW My Mia Jam mini ha and NM £9 Indo Mahl Mm mlnfier Ml Vilmiml They IN L000 per cent Co munm and lhey are Haul the prime Hammer added lo no In About the Nullmnl Uhonlkm From any man piurlrooiu last you and 22000 of nnrxvnl monk 1n nu gounlryllder nwy murdered do not believe In writing mmrlplion for tho of South VIM Nam that Includes dose of arsenic Humphrey said 511er to analoglu he sald lurthcr lhal Kcnncdyl nugget lion would be like having an argnnht In lho flro dzjgnrlman Ky queried about Kennedy wnucslIon In Snlgnn mapped The mulled NalIOMI Ub mum Front does not llbenla anybody Inty killed 11000 the vlcepmsident said to Kmncdyl proposals would Ike with tax in chicken Tficre wauldn¢ be too many uhkkeru ldl he Mld 1115 roman uric house In mburban sum was reduced to glowing cmbefl with only few pile of brick lea Handing It was impossible begin march for Hwtenanmovemot Comtals body hnmedlmly 53m mum oestmcy ml Illuated In the centre of In park on peninsula which aven looh the St Lawrneca River The road to Bah dc Coulonzea wlnds mm the park or hallmile mm um nearest mlln road Lamer Bquevnd 1110 has called Boll do Go cum euch limo 5h tnme to Quebec dry Ind the Queen Homer and King Gem VI filled there eat of the crackling llama was in sharp contrast to me zodegreebelowvmo em peratme In Quebec City De splla the wintry weather the lmmen mid nut amde closer than 100 feet Hoses wm cogflgunll lreczlng Spencerwood was the headquar ters of Canadax GnvernnrGen era when the Act of Confed Manon was signed the ml dencb was turned over to the province to hnuse 11 lieutenant governors nggss mun mth we nd doiidy by might we below 22m High tomorrow deglfccs For jull mafia pnfie IVt

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