Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1966, p. 5

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Ma 05h MmfilréM Hamiler Tmmtn Jammy nmxlnoi 20 If 20 11 ll 13 01 am hogan My dav rcsl Thursday while judxun 4iclals assessor he Implica Mr agall or Unilcd cnlcs Scnala lnvcsflzaflnn leagues Iranrhise grants hy Sena4nr DaMel mum Wfléblwé exchangs mu Ran Murphy and rookie defence man Gary Doak Detrnlt ma Win13 to Bostmi Eruth tumldr vclemh Led Baiwn and Dyan Prenflct him will hnlii lg xgu the up mil wsm nneup by lhe Igséncefio allslal dehum mani an gnaw bxékwilflwm mnflu alsd Iii hingSven aster far to days leaving Another hot fix the chin defense Murphy 32 was in his mum ESQ will IQ Rgd Win but was 15 Kémbébfirl cc has Mix3d Io koala U113 sei Dealt 19 js 14 his first war pmfeflslbhlhockéy 5Préflllcé alto 33 his Ialh gear VlrinlhééNlm fifiwgg scam mg conch Sid seaiod WU 559 mum 219 315A 13752 limiéinu mt 157 51 omtnh am 171 an15 02 11 mm rum 1921 115114343 hnrmn nnuu Hmfltdé Tgxlsa mum Im onlhvfdi any at linnmu duA JnnlorA IV LT AH teams took breather Thursday urn mm the mils lc my saw fyr Vplniger muvgd abqu is ecih In flever eyéigg game at trade galfifl aroma mp1 Lea Sunday hithl but has not lfltd Lh kogherllneup yet leur player under lhc am med IQ be namdldler plu An nml cur In contusion BRASS hm MI nd mm llamfilxm 5119 chmnm 1H1 ml nKilrhmbr ll om St fflhnxlnéi 13 0159 Imdun 1111 am mundul llnniu INHIan Pflflbfllleh Kilflwnrr thlrea Toronto llnmlllvvll mlnyl mm Calhlrinu nl Maer derhomuxh Tmmm Hllurdly Gum Mammal Al Oshawa Tradé PCqu Western hm cANAflMN iifinss 1111 mm Mass téfllfll fiojmlonal mm mm nekeuagua anon AKUA com SAVE mzwamgrgm Hi CHIML DR SFUD gum to mum Wu mm 6117 on mjnmucmas Munroe RUN Mbkiunr HOCKEY RECORD lnlmnllrjlnll IUR FIN AND CAMPFIRE TAKE ALONGS for ice fishing ICAH on ll as 150 31 81 71571435 51 11 115114343 LN N9 41 161 138 HP W105 HI 19142 31 MD Bx I59 19 19 Ill Falls Fe sler letter Ini rpfixm IlflrUDekfi 1m an lie Vléague growfrom Ilgtgam circuit Isuzu dam firboliler charged Illa Nll wilhhlhwarllng cerulh Unllegl la lslmlan which agean rig prftlesglonal mm provblun Hills Clarenca Campbell NllL pm denL passed on lhc charge as slrlclly local pitch He said the complaint rlid 13m cnme igagmillhé MIMI appllcmib mm epéqgléwhb applléd ldg Ill mnclds ln Bulllmarf llnla rllqwrhlle lfiélnsélvu jam sgnatur léwllérl repreudu my yum third or ifiyil Campbell ruled he plume not based on rt lte bécn here INHL hcnd quarkrs or 10 mm and dnl think lnllml period ul llme there have been more lhnnllu hunkey player that have Ended up playing or cam may did no to play in xald Tami ll 99 all Wnlgloo 61 331 wall as 5115 cn 54 to Maud 51 mo McGul 48 75 china 10 51 71 Gucph 35 Thundiyfi fiuun Imlreal mum rd TanlxMl um dnfi by BHUsh Co Iumbié Pal McGeer Uh Ylncnuver Pain Grey 91de find the Sent 11 as QM Qpahslofl mm MI Imofé his an Hernallv Id St ix lpaffl Lilly Ir1 ntv ullll midl lha¢ Elly dye infill hy Ang kTy In Cnnfldlufié Id the Icgls nlnré II wnnled an exammmn nl lhe Ilnlus bl amalem athlellcs in Cqnudn mid IQ fclaliunshlp between piofeL tlu axhglgm hpgley Guélph at Linl wnl ntddno mm at Tdronh Enlen mm Guanine NAkhvlllé New Mn Jothan lnlumflnonl Ailqu Pod Huron Union anvla ugly jug KL mum Rgnliu nkubury llull 13 mm uh Séhlof 55mm 1M dlvir mm ny ml Im Alth rm Illilm mum mini Nllnn Saskalom fillhlrhrlli Jul llulnl mum nhlhlum Manllnlu 5mm Miami CM Numu MAY 60 JGWWJK Ill $263 la WOVE uu vgam my wr Mlaxn nylhinx we are engaging In LEO WWW VINNIPEG CW11m Manl ioha Senior Hockey League all iars came mm behind in row lsier lie with Canadas nn iional gum in an exhibilinn ursday Canadians an scheduled to my one more gamé at hum an Salmday against the 11an loba old Umérs cambefore they Europe mm lass first Since has bccn settled the will be battle or laudh and final p1aynfl berths In mlameL Lawrence In tercunwinlc hnckoy and basket ball Acfiulutu c103 his mu tn All teams will be back In ac ion Saturday night with China Montreal New York Tar 0an and Boston flt Dnlrnit Chicago 163d Um league wltlj palm and Mnnlrcul lied or second Détrlzll Mm 55 point each 1hr 10 has 53 polnls an Boslon has 34 New York 15 IA the cellar with 32 Sir Gmrfe Willlmm inher sfly Im clnflml irsl place in the hodwy Mnmlinks and My nln In lmnd nml Unlvmily or 0H rd re mrLgln nl on Imm almiyiouawi Mo bowls or 3mm midi 110an mman Mme nl Kinwon Imkls he mu1h And In 91151 mm with Y1 thru Kgnl alga aver Mrlclnn all In hm hm mm It and the 11mm con uvtronme Um INC ch Ihe Mmon on ha mud um um linhmuy 01 lawn Inlay flwfl Um allin mm mm oxalmt ledon may they leayi fnr Europe Monday lay In Ivegame exhibition Series before lhe was drd champmnshiru at Llubb ns llnfii Yugoslavia rlenxlngtoanh Jhddc Mdmd nparrmw AM Dam ham 11 hr réavcs and Pan Can Hn scar the naUcnal loam Frpd Dunsmaro scored two or thg 311mm and Dam 0rch lhn when 21mm wnnt lnvn nu om mm nllwr Ilury mm mm place lnyrfln lmlny EMILETQ IL In huh lmlnlnn In id In hum ml mlfilnn la In dug M11 rp ml Isa In mm mm mm mum lie Ilmn nr mm mlthm mm lnkn Mn dm m1 vvl hm mm MC In mm mm ltd kuiufi Manifoba Stars Draw Naticmals Bishops ml Rn flnun Wil Ham llnl lur um ml rnnt mamm nmir nInmllnu ml mum Irwin Mm In THY EXAMINER WANT ADS Colleges Clash For Plavofl Post MEAN finth PHONE 7283114 7232907 wmsv1LL Ky mi Met art lHé Mlfifiilfhl me Iifih bélwgffi cram Cay mm wu hllhléd dz mm 19 ai hunted at its mm dun chsslflcl ad dbnl lhlnk Jr mm b1 minded lhé Limb II aaben md mum in 1113 chlg cleik for wn Countys ill dish HEMP may hi Mum lmam pr 15 mm up will gm epliulmnufiwnm neflv lfil firm by ma fhxufln ma um mtg Nahum m3 glance to Join um wmgamh ay lam la fméginfifil WM ha Whirlde and an lhrcc hm Kama am chm the lesson will mum May nxalml lush and Murmur against emu plm Shorbrmkt Bllhog menu Mic Snumlay hm Jr George plays laslqflncé St Pnl ckl lodny and UMMmI saun CquxNQW Eligible FmUSArmedaForces wdnLn namwtlbm boxing champian Cdsélui Clay mm lamIIIAr pasé wflh llm uuumn Illlll Illll lulu um 1W mg um Armm mmu mmyamamumomm IhI pmmun not Wm Ivet Ma Ml mlrwdfidl mu mm Hymnalnusde mhulwunw How to get them II with WWI WM um MMM NM Id In puma man limb mm donut Mummm ddhbwmw Mlnnln MlHOO 1va mm It bit Hwy Adlml UNITED INVESTMENT SERVICES no Everything Is galng IF EXCEPT YOUR MONEY in in Mill Inn muting mlgdlo Bl him $1th on Mclfldéd rm Imam ha Wpuld am manaagry mm uljsuadjrm way up mum firch mum rug um um llgdughillh mum man Beller Ifia veg mm mm mung mum léflfiid mm aéluslhtdt ufflécéifljm mum if lug beams sum as inoth ildé Mien hi disgust upod lamina ol yu dull re lawlicallm Hé unmask his mlngs Hui companyMY number of Minn nelghbar If The Price And Quality Compare Why Not Buy Canadian BRAND NEW STUDEBAKER RAYS SIMCOE MOTORS 94 TIFFIN ST ONLY $219500 mm mm sléndmd an 1115 mmupmude gun at hlé tireIii mum exnnilnmohs the axmwuwersd aids due tam Harem unsncw Icquuvnmlu Thh Ehnmbldfl was bHHI MM lhldfihéd of phi IljchHdh whlch mam may cgrlgld luaucum Amie hi Is ye old Add unmarried tie wk mé he my mm siq now my nib mlamsy hie 113 wfly lhtyrq mi anxious tovpush file no htarmy out he hédple Louisvfllqp dmclnily adslfléd IA No down paymmt you qunIHyl Up to mom Io HM pnymml In Mulh hood younzshcrs me dralt board decislon could hamper plans lnr hlx Ulla bout wllll VEA king Ernle Terrell of Chlragu AP Vlrcphhlnl Where Service Is Elm bAw BEACH Fla M217 Th9 qfldmfl delball Léasul Wllh Kill 14 teams SIIDWIH prom fur the last twny2nrs ready to confirm lndeflnltel in dollar wag lhb flval 3r 1m 1mm skmmhmrmmv reanuun use Icanflnglball LEaguc mmisioncr Pclq lele alabrisgéndrérbntcis at th was nu ditulslflhy Any NTREAMCP Na on ltllmrlican llfoqlhnll ague ranc In Ca wymymfim hecaraa 7m not mntCauadlms prom Amerlcad woman he Id at the annual want 311 Spdxfu am oM mu hue dim cl jeverhlé cmfljluevgfitually foljceso he smaller dubs rip havetgmwg 15 mi hléringugngJdnt bofinses like they do MONTREAL by mam Redmen In hclr last homa game ofuu easgn dgfealgd 5mm lfplglréfgl 52 Thursdainlght In 0mm Quebec Intercollegialb Hockey Asaclallon action Gary Knklnnd rem the mm or Mculll 1359 um um period ball Conferenceuaald Thursday dre hfikhid die Canakin fly in 815 pécdnd Ink 3190 54 139mm Rick Rlpsmn mndé it Min the mint Jncelyn Coll lddlfl um Ina marker for than bins It 91 ThinSkip Karim got the last of Ike 134 I6 mam Grid Invasién Could Ruin CPL wilfi vm magi or Hue Redmen yr cInse out hi perlod or McGlll McGiil Badman Tapplé Catabiflé atme BANNED PRAGUE mum inx was hanncd In Originatio vakia Thursday 1me Ike dram ol young emitde injured In bout Sundly Prepared To COhtifiiié Price War With ProGridBivals mm hum Amner um nu no hidden extras hem eon not awn of cummou lira and ulcly no talk oi merger The main business lransaclcd was Ihc stacking of ll new At léHltlcth which Will éolfillélq 15 the 1st léagué team qua un Aun The Hub was Hacked Wod may will 42 bxperltnced blnlersvlrdln the 9mm nms Wuc Mlh therrlvul lénzhnm mu Annumnwlm ol nu NFL thy 3105ch mam nnzejlp had ken Lil1lnr Adding aha hr Icnm but me lame td have Mvtlubé 11 m1 cammugoner um um cdnlldtflllu guyvey by Lu Simch lhslllule Mad Nit bliifi hated any of the scfim cities proposed It sltbs Thcy were mum Cluclnnlu noun New moms Phoenix Pm lAfld 0m gm Beanie labia mmntrmmlmi unto jun cam is much Rlpglrs In il Aéuzérizga buigr ni VANnmmn ENSIGN mmMrn fiémaflasuag Sn VHAROLDJORVY Mamas swans momma 7282563 admit bML AAA an we GWME 7282317 viimi n35

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