Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Feb 1966, p. 2

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warm ur nuns mmm pflncbd Prime of Wales Cd lege Mollemu 001d mum born the Cmadian Gab ol Barrie 1m him WMh all its weaknesses our mmflon me me oldest senior govemmcntal system the wfld and we as Canadians caped min 51mm week Three the tar mm gum Bag Vol 1mm Tonomo or mm lcn unlm and many new Unlom Manda be mak MK WWW In Mir tllurfl lo ml lmcklnz dkwh 1n lmla lixkh cm In MI 160 dny allay 11m hint cmmlrnzlnx th Wfilmlm Mn nil lo ho lur Canadas ConstitUtion Will Outlast Others menl pain and In women pnlm parddvfled In the num blod Mitchell movement Ame In the mma section awn Parsons and John Graham pl first allowed by Jim Cm chcr and Ken Word On lllailn lhlr Bouillon wtna qu eleverynmwcaumryddn wardennf 30an Bay MWMNWH 1M mens and mmcnl opal PM FWWK Filmy Mt Ecdca Tomi and mu Jams low1h last the mistlmflmd lysmm Mn Jim Dwar and Mn Blll Jmel look mp homn kn lho wmonl section with mil um am to Mrs Axum More Ind Hm Woods Mn Jlm Omch And Km Numericd Milli plum thin and Mn Frank my and Mn Vcrn Hook finished lamb Championships Rt Bridge Club My 5nd 2W1 Mfi 1L in In mm In Mum lo again mix no Muner lha wkmkm lthllImal Bullwth ll Trawlan mud on Man nwuwmy Jan 20 uklnl highr mg ml honor Hu rluu or nlnuumhll ml umlvr 5M nlm an III In Nhllmnnrfl In chm 011 In mm and under ml clam In Imrlar Ilrr Mum mm rlnu Inf l9 and mior An nln lillmll whull Imrl llw lmlowll Kremlin Sthml llll vml new lho Mhnlnu mm In IMI rln them Urr anmm on mud lawman 1mm nldn awkunm tho Mot Tramon nth lrbnl lwwnm nunw um mmmu nxllnl mm nnlu kmde um mo mm TOMONN lCl Anlall lluwlll Mm mm lnv nmlu In lhm Nun win cum WHIIUM ll WHInuthylur Ilnn In Klwnnll Mud rah Ilvnl Report Progress In Negotiations Scores Top Marks In Music Foslivfl Tells How Men Escaped Prison Janndaa cmsfimflon will wt mould be Wm that our country In newer had my real pollLlcal unrest Dr Mumm uu said Speaking on Conledmaflon Alter Century he warned that mm must take greater mm In stry lhry are to appreciate their her llnge Canada In one lbs very law countries began wilhoutv spectamlar events and ghmnmu names Kldxm um dungod with the kidnapping md Mime Tmqu wormn who was found bound and mm in Barrie mold last week were also wangod wig unguarded SLmflmlmjmmxunirTS hmnollmxbm £5 MupMshand the ed to immui and polimmm mopping Ira waiver drive Btflnfled ht inst tuck kmcfl he fired his 38 call al the mmmmmw with ring didTu IBM In Ind boon mused by flu llrnx it rm 0m med HI dedmdlholwn Wkflmdsd undiluthth ouifi mv skmlhy 2021509 mm mm The three had kit hafl nl mm which md lmflm mi no 6mm whh Lhu mm swim mum and nlkmmxl under 21 St Cn umdm WW Mn Smith Maui in mm Um dfluu mm for Lha mhhflnmfll mint What wmkl haw lhw In bun In urlr uth 0M doe mi km Iur nu mu mu hi in mint Ho Ia ham Hm vm Mfimfl mml rd pm axing the war KM lot mm me III 111 Vnhfil Lam pint HI lnmlie In Iromnnll 1mm who II Mlllrd am of mu NA unn lmmh mm ol lmdnn llh mm lmhmku Vkllty haMlr yumml 11000 MM Ime luwi ll uni lur ml my ham Inn MI lflNIKJN Th mun dug Infugml ru mnl Inl an Milan ma 51m yea my in nu dnmml polka uwup wimmlim myMrctl Jun Vtu lwk milum uan Hunk Mler It limo MN MM in lln mi wllh xlduilm In rnnflurlh Imwl un gur lkn at Inn while 20 min mm Jun wind lum lll Mm MK lldi the AMI ml lvnln My lorln ll um lor In NH Dognapped Over One Year lbwovaf 3h chid Mar In The munlry began by dem ocrch pmess win 1111 when at Medeer sitting mund the onnfmce table and anlng out Mr dflflculllca and than wemmdvflwarsmgrcatdls mrbam he pointed out He noted that in other coun tries hlsunkal imam are pmcrvod but not in Canada Hem we kmw Mung the in our prime minlslm £13ng of our cavemanm Canadas govcmmwl is nomMnaflon of he British par Hnmcnury Ayptem and fedora Lun and here an bound be certain peuflnrmea and prob lam in system which do mands more care than any Mhm lypc he said Dr MamKim noted that Com 51mm has pnwod one 01 the uni WEN constitutions ever and has given Canada pdhlgnl exktenm unequalled Dr MacKImon mud that ll 13 um Canadians began lo learn bl about hnfodundon be cause Ha pan of Ibo proMcnu we mnbave cnnmmlng leed than counry but Lhc num budhmwmuanddopammh an L1 important in the sign lcgpgo Ma govcguml Wu must walks that unlfl are able to cash or large mile pm ecu we had thcr keep our ndghbon happy 91mmqu many Dr MacKImm wmucd IhAt Canada cant hope WM nation WNW ommlc andPoiuwl Nth Iudsd whrupmm be umlorhken bdwctn now and Ike ml Wm Inclmlinx 10ml lrmmnmwnh lklmll millet Willi Harm mm nnd mn In Canada cannot keep commuting an the pockubook we mm mixm bit we on ihe heart and develop lul lng cl tradlUsn and allure ho remunme Mm dmlnmn mum1 llmnm Inmlllce Inld pmjmlu Inno lm ldwdukd om In next In ream In no mlnm wtlh In am bully In pay In rtan In lmvcml ncmnou In Wt 31mm Itka Evin In My yet bx clty mat milan timid nhlbcmz In Ibo Wuluupidm Board qr Mn Mr Vounu In no HWII nnly mlulnle wan lhnl Hwy wanted ln main Iluunl up ml41 Inklmt lha Irma the nmnmmt lm Ill 4le Mrvmln hwy hm lu wmk mull nuvllrywi hulwl nl mnnmwnl ml no lhty WM um he ln ma Iwr lhrlr lmlu In Ibo my Julymm hum In tmfllnl Immu no or vmch um Hy wlll Irma lcbmhm mum Hum pay or 1an axonMutt In but our 300000 rm my mm KN Imuv Mud mm mm mm It up TORONTO WUle Ymmn NDHYmkvkwb Inhl Walnu day um mm uhkvlr lull mm In btlnl lllll mm lhl mvlnrlnl luvrmmonlu lmllnl n1 malnlrnnnu Ill nllhmn pennlnn or ullwr mum in WHO Ila uh lxu Inler Ill mlml lvr Ill mm ml tlnlmovl In lnov nuner Capital Budget Redd To Submit To OMB Says Civil Servants Being Laid Oii Without Pensions fie gaid mt hq papuIa llwymr Midland Staynu and CampBoxdmmdwwmsldcm Maximaldwboyunduw weapon wwwmfl 0mm yestmday computed their was of Me In Elm Mpm who were mme mahduufiwboysbodywm found aslheyhrymflnd any or 15mm mumflfiwhfié might at 815 oclock Tm IMMd mtmdy will be flaged three night Admission price for adults 3115 FWTAO MEETING His Barbara Smilll director cl Eleme Sdlwl Library Sexvim or he Depaxtmmt Edmation will be guest speak er at anmm Fodcraflon of PLAY OPENS TONIGHT The Hill Plnym will presem While Sheep to Family at Comer sum United Crunch Fellowsz lull 0mm am March at rrlnlcy Pam Hall 11 mootlng wlll begin at 630 pm AGlllCULlURAL SOCIETY Bmle Agrlcmtuml Soclcly wlll hold if next mending Feb 24 at pm nl agricultural fillets Collier Sheet GUEST SPEAKER Simcoe Counly Fulcmllm Agriculture will hold lls annual meeting and dlnncr 5L GoorgeaPnrlsh all Saturday at 1130 pm James Ross Dlmclor cl lnlormallnn Onlnr lo Fulcrallon of Agrlculluxe will be sacs mam POSTER JUDGING Posters mailed by Slum Gmmly grade pmrlls ln lnmllm Mlh an Prcvonllon THE BARBIE EXAMXNER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 11 19661 For lhu average homeowner IIva bouso nmmxl $8000 hi mmm Mom 051 Mal Luca will g0 lmmnl principal and lnlcml pnynwnu In he cnpllnl program AM your the mma Immuwr mn lrdmtul um award 21le cx 1y mo mnnan Ia menu the mill rMo or mow nun74 at will ban dun ram llm 1001 level of IMI to 2300 rrpnlrnl km Lu imam 811 on Ibo mm nunml Imn nu ldnl um wukl not rim by that lumunl ll mm me lo mime 1me 1th ch mar ousu lh rim in rnpllnl Asmuml In nunle Imo rm In Hm lnxlm vflH rho mm 1m unkr momma In mm In owr FILM In Wm 4m Imu um he IUD In mm llwy wulnl Mm Annually nn wmnncnl Al mull lhry lurlrllfil pen Ilnn pIMImI ha Iuhl Amnnu morn up vr mm lib 91w In calIn my CITY NEWS Thu Dllo Carmelo Cour Ilullng In Bmlo yln Mud 119mm luloplwnl 726M SELFCONFIDENCE LOCAL AND GENERAL to do lhlngl you would Ilka to £191 In hold no podllan you woutd Illa Do 99 him Dgle negio Course Do you and mo Mr Waugh xald he and other company ofliters met Wednes day with Mr Hobart and Ak 1nmeyGencm1 Arthur Wlshart whn represents Algoma West In the legislature The dechlon to eliminate the tag exampflmu was mounted two week agn yLandq argd Forests Mahler Kaiser Vilébcm in the harm will be judged at Banics Alfiij Departh at ORMM FOLK FESTIVAL Oscar Brand wlll be heading artists appearing at the Odllla Folk Felva1 tn be held tomor row and Saturday The llmed entertainer has perfumed as singergIIllarlst on many olTVI Hoolenanny and Letl Slug Out REAL ESTATE AWARD An Oscar Merit Award was presented Mmday tin Barrie and District Real Estate Board at lira 4th Annual convention oi he Ontario Axmciaiion Real Esialo Board at lire Royal York iiuici Toronior Thin lira iinl limo the Barrie board ha won an award ATTEan CONFERENCE Gurus Mchlm president and general than of Imperial Enslmnn Corpornlm Cnnndn Ltd L1 attendant do mmazcrs mulemncu mnductmi by lho IMcmnllonAl Dilelon ol Imperln man Corporation Chlcngn BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Thu next med Cm blood donor cllnlc will be held March Trlufly Parish Hall from lo pm and 530 In pm pmde 11 ludgcl win We £50000 ymr hdmm now And mo lor me mm iécfifim mum lo In1llem bed Imam 1101111 Vldndl Hol pln and mend hurling nm vnriom alarm mvrl Ind xidnwnlks whlch In with nirn mum um mth and mm xvde In which costs ill be Ilium bthmn Ibo nnmldpnllly ml pmpcrly our 1an Mn mlhflue In um nlmmt nooom Indukd in he capllnl mlzrl wllh II mum to be lnmwml Iv lho cfly Mm Inrlndnl um nut 11 bmry fnrllillu 511 ernl 201k IMr ull ho city IIMNI In Im rvw mm omom II he 0an puhl IKIKMO lnclmhl In the mud munm Ma 31 Mmlllr rm mu In mkflnlrn Md nr IIMII 1m mm mm mm Iwuhnl rm mm he Mm uhn lrlmn mw ml mo Fm him and library ll my Mgr nil THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE nulnflofi Brenda Imise Slepbmsm 18 23 Dalian Sinai suflmd 19 male bruises and knee bruises in one luaiiic mishap which was inmtigaied by Corporal Ralph Berry She was charged with iaiilnl loyinldihafldllnlwaiier the car she was driving struck mother operaled by Edwud Lioyd Minn Innlslil Sixeat The accident oommd Al Sophia and Mary Streets An nodded nsmflng dam age estimate at $550 was 19 porbed by Barrie City Police this morning Gaulla Provincial Po ke Barrie dotadxmni reported an anddcnum 24 hours It nunbcsldp Wk 33 pa cont he mm The mum Hm or othm Mnfiogm Human CM Polite Report One Accident NEW DELHI AWWm Um bomb exploded in lhlrddau mom on the Assam mfl ex ptvsa in norlhwu India Wed ncsday night mum as my zcm and Insuring 53 Railway Mlnktcr Ilam Sabin slngh kid Padimm new from the ma blamed mbpllhn Naca pribgsmm Singh wk one bomb Wm 61 In the rear unmannnt of the comlth Um of the car and haulix thc ruin llal Mhour 1w Ifillg liq dam md hjumd mm 5131 mm moved mend lxmb up In the 1mm comma of the mad and 0mm mom casual and the Imximnniy rink mveé been die to subdue hum mg Unith amh has we must mmv 00 we HEARING NOW mummcmpmsn Wmhearzmstweaku conkeyamdwdeWafldalr Gnu Mle wad Tom Macaw fight lead man of thenoup wrmnihee in Walnut at Smw Val and his Scout David Walt ad their annual miller and son Bey 6H Resort Wifi Mr Mc 1L Bomb Explosions Kill 36 In India M1Lmwx rt my um um him My N1 IM WI mmuu ml rw mmm IM In mrrr IdIm DO YOU KNOW IMIIII mle In AfiACHMENT cm AVE mums umwu mm In Mum ammo NOW ONLY FOR THE FROM coastcalf or SIGN ACCORD HAVANA AP Cub and NorthKoreI have lined cul tural agreement calling In an Inluchanga of mom and ur Usllc groups and educational materials the govemmcnlhn nounch Wednesday WBSATHMOI9011M 10M mm VMlll AT 11 JUNCTION or HIGHWAY ll NORTH OH AND IHHIIWAY SAY SAVII Chan from black manila In mulle or clumul any VINYL ASBESTOS look3 golours0ne low Pritel HARDBOAHD £60m Anni Qulmv Inch FADTOHY GRADE Ian um WINK DMI 0mm WM MWIHM FLOOR TILES MAHOGANX PLYWOOD DISTRIBUTED THROUGHOUT OUR YARDS PHONE 7280100 WRIT CHMy 11mm lmvle SERVING IHE BARRIE AREA 5800 MM UNGROOVED 880a 22 HOW LESS TIMI 8c PER SQ FT PEH mm ll IIY QUANTITY NAMED CHAIRMAN OTTAWA CPLHoward Darling of ouawa direcwr of economic studies with the ad eral mnsport department has been named lulltime chnlrman of the Canadian Maritime Com mlsslon It was announced Wed FEET lOIfl amour GRADE mm and pin 45 390 ANY QUANTITY 15$ in ma

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