Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1966, p. 3

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$250000 Grant For Collingwood Ila unilined uurk the mhml and ndrmj that Hm wm mqu numlm mum bmr urre Imm lmkhl The mm In tour mle each cu and yplnl 11 of woman INJII um 11 min 000 mm the Unila Mun11 and Ilmin ma llon 001ml dorm 01pm 0n VIth lmmfflkn infirm Md GHMM gram mm mm RETARDED CHILDREN Mowing MIN rowMd mm he Barrio nnd Dislrid manna hr the Mentally he Lmlod Nation unllrd on council Ila unilined uurk the IUIXLIC EAFEIY Dxe department ol Municipal Minus in out letter ukmg um public buildiw be given special numion be see them was no danger In the public mm roofs vrmImded with mow lhe Ontana tu Ramona 001mm last ymr sent cl let to Emmi tn adwse that the admin mm as Cm Drain was ommng Modtage and ill ingup the mouth when it dumped ino the lake Alter look ing this over the Council mem bers and the engineer did not seem to mink it was wry qu matter owner ur lcflcr brings the mallet and the commission WL be advised Mm anion is akun Io aUcvintz the cm Tm ém IL mm 1M mnminl Indrnimvl lb umh an 104 tyinnlrjvnl Hus Ir lam Md Univ113 In IOIHNHWM Siam hmu mm Uu mun uvlhu In mom In ll WWW mm Ml In Mario ml In Ismm who mulmg mi nvslu Inhlod In the hnnm rmlrnw Ill LINK EMT Mr Mm Mr Nahknln mm mundl to mi hat the WM um mad In nmlinunL nuril Muml that hm 1hr mad MILrm um um mulxlem IM In gum nllmlm INNER 0N WM 1M maulr of mm Ham on Hm nml ml In lull mn rmum Rm mm mnnl din mwml and MN lo 100k ll mm In mman llny nullwnml rum lnnkh numlmz Hm nduxi pmmll flunk mm lulu1mm WINTER ERHLOYMENT histabcflwiubmd An may whidl may win prim far public dim mum in Grades sun and night Nutsum by the Barrie Disuid Gmign Lx mat lund be ad up 1mm contributions by public minded organizufloua and that prim ml 325 far in and 310 Mr mum be nlfrrod CENTRAL WARNING BOARD The Dmammml nnmidml Mlain advile the um the Imism mcmlm had him and Asked um IMIp militants be made 1mm Al mm on Ihu board are George nudon Md Joe Oodlmne haw the Department chlhgh ways assume the proan or water flooding all highway 27 They asked that and basins be Installed to Lake care 50mm flmdingx Msfil Goundk in tmded Clumingham mm innxsm lOmmdl In ask um they and 15 in Depadfimfit my on he rams of the village mm OWN WANTS ALTION MAI Reflection Oflsscmfl owned by GlamLaler Farms A1 Mggatith headed by Earl summon HOLSTEIN NAMED ALECANADIAN cm INNISFIL NOTES Thornton Trustees Ht Council Meeting ll nlv lmltrld my lnr lh hr15m In the Iuadwr which rm mungHal 1M you lull fl 95me In va or Huh Ivy Mm gummyM ll ulm lmlwlu mmw Int pullv4 In Mun ml Pony MM um pm un lmIm Imlml 1mm Mum um OFFER HON An ham moon ol Hml mm Clnldlnn Im II hand flu Wmld flank wu hml Mummy by Inn at Inmlnwnl dulm um hnnlu hwlrd hy Am And On IM Wand numly and lml Domlnlnn mm Iirl II In anmln IIUYI MLI FIIIM lalymer Corp In Mr duml ernl 1mm lln llrl Ami hnnlrlll Ltd hr In uwlhrlml prim poshmnrlrm the time hrr dmh nhowni ll wax cauml by rmhonmnnnxide polsmxnx Aulhnrmr now urn cnnsldrrlnu whether hum hrr body was taken hnrk In 3ch jail whcre lm mu lodged Smur dny nith nllrr bring Armled and rhnrwl In Ihu death only In Dcccmbrr hll wile Mur Jarie BUSINESS BRIEFS SAULT STH MARIE Onl CmA prblimlnary hman on chum capital murder wn not or My 18 in lhu tau Dalton Ember 55cher mismm lo lhn vicepresidenl of nxxrallnm Alflomn Steel hm hm winn he nppcnml In mm Monday Bfififlm nmce INVITATION RECEIVED We mwimd an to file Bod Breeders Associadm dinner hold in Minesinz Friday and man that we am unable to nllmd This hot ms bar dinner will the dimmim lo is mo event an wuld have cnjoyud ed to be an mumm He 31a zivm till May 15¢ to mama PAINT 1011 menunned that mint 50b he done amund Ule WWII sfnp Him We find that the mom lo ed 11 is the l1 Tlll CANADIAN IflliM RFJVIOVE BRIDGE was nfiddletvn is to be In structed move bridge that me the award drain mmgh Ammy and ma claim Hearing Set For Feb 18 the cast of rem ng instruc lmxiwbemlifieddntme Tmmunt offiwwldbeadded Whishxmilhedédmtw Mr Jamieson came to 00m oil and now the 01mm lmtion is no he rescinded and me mounl of $166 is to mplnoo Ibo former mm mm was adoptcd that Rig Bay Point Assodaténn an to be invoiced far the cm of removing the smiles amass file 131d the 1441 mnoession him was why mm of in coma Meson my to he billed for he Vothxentrmw 55550 if was first prize lqu call at IE Rays Winter Fair in Wren Qanadlan Holstein bun calf lu 10mm YlIhm we mum mm in llw Mlnknkn lam nu mlknnl ht um the Marin WM Hm xmlkmn MH lmhy Tho emuIv mka nl Mme In um um ll WI have In nulxdrlize on razlwlyl ho mid lhc nml or loch aid mare mu jum HM Iho Minn lln tun4y lime In new but at milhny 1th ram In Ili munlry OI Mnhna Wu Ihm ll WEv mu anaIJm was dun lo Mm ny Give In mmhwl nigh rules be naImLA lodcml mm ahakl be given the prov Inc In mfwve Highway OTTAWA MP mnrlhc Ottawa Valley called Monday fu luwn might rates and tlmnup IM 01 LIwn River to Wt the mm cm lhe ooommic tluldrurm Leonard Hopkins ll Ilen lrew Nmlh wzu speaking duh inx dchaw lho mmm do pmmml estimnkn in the Com awA Wilma mm in cmnomic national un fly Tim Ollnwa Valley had um pmxwrul lo lho szlmc cxtcnl as nlhrr mm Canada Our my 01 umth nm next to nun mashm The Ounwa my one of Canadas major wm armys hut ncultd clonnmg up alum with its lribulari Muskoka Lake Aleas Polluted 011m proyhinua 1n the plan would authorize the licensing ol growers by 1h local beam would also give aulhmlly ln lioem onion alflppcrl and deal and pravlde or the mur The plan proposed to establish local board known the 0x14 tarin Onion Producers Market lng Board which would consist ll producers to be elected anhually 1mm our districts by producer In each district The board wmxld conlml and remain all respects the mar being mini Ontario xx cluding the prohibition of such marketing in whole at In part Thu vote or me plan has been calltd by lb Onurlo Farm Producu Marketing Boardioll owing remip ol petition from represenlatiw group of onion growers Brewer lnsimcoe and counliu ua among yawn from fix areas who will be voting Mazda 14 on the estabfishnenl of marketing pian cavcrinz iall onlnn grown from seeds bulbs BY NEW MP county Onion Growers To Vote On Proposed Marketing Plan Vand reserve grand am the Simch Black ay¢ am Jim Rose WEDNESDAY FEB 16 AMHILRH THIN will ONLY mm To TIM NI OMYTIMIM HOCKEY GAME Emmi sum Onion LEGION HALL COLLIER 51 Plans To Help Ottawa Valley lEGION BINGO mm mm udllrrry bank In Mjnlnlnl Humnhy up nlripnmy Hr WM cunurlrd Frhlny ha rnbiwry And pnurnlnn cl 14500 In llnIMl fllDnvlll an Ilnrrlmn Inmur ankmnrr ml Nel nmu ILL pullcrmnn wnl ml lrnml Mmulay lo yum or 111 was nlm nm In Cun will In prevent the mwih of giant urban oclrmnms which bcmmn Imrmmzcnblo Gmwlh In ner mom Alwurl be mumnrd mar rtM11 mks would manly huh msklcxlm Mar the 01L1walllomrcnl and my juih Onlnrln m1 13AM lrriiciru wm nmlnl Hm he vnllry and lehtm Ontnrin um look Inward lo lutnlfl pmmsn AM rmlcr 51mm rd of lhix mmwy Tim Ollnwa Valley had mt pmxwrul lo lho same extent as nlhw mm Canada Our my 01 umth in next to nun uisflm The Ounwa mm one of Canadas major wm mmya hut ncultd clown up alum with its uibularim Producers res Ln counties not included in lhe luur cnumy arms will receive ballots by mail Sixtysix an dtwo thirds of the onion growers expressing their opinlon are required to Invor the proposodmlan balms it will be established Bombs or Sim can and York will be at in Cmmnmdty Hall Bradford Christian School Ansnorvcld Illd Vcrkaik Storage Canaland Rlvnr Rand Spyingdalc lo the désxrabimy oflhe plan have been set up far our county ENNIS Th3 booth will be open from nag 9p on march Pollug booms for the expres sionuol opinl by grnwcrs Provision is also ninde or the board lo determine the pnce or prices onium and tovconduct pool for the distribuunn of all money received from Lhe sale onions Ming all anion applicable ungcr file mgularuronsj The board would alsn be em powered to llx licence fee cl live cent for 50 pound unit or ll equivalent of onions sold for members who have not In 1mdght mention at his time am there hasbem poor return the In senior dub members requcsung their suggestions new senior pm octs The return of these form would be apmvcizlefl at our Barr ne ofliceand we hype that scu Hm YNML HW SHlethv Noni 512mm 4H Agdcuimral Club badm Assodafim heid their annual meeting Thursday 14 the Ontario Department of Agriamuna olfiec Bame Ron Genus of Animal was elected ptfildenl for the condng year Pllelpswn Don Woodrow Moon alone 151m vicmpmsidcnt for 1966 The club leaders decided lo oflat several new clubs lo mum ty 47H agriculth members in 1966 New pmibcls which will be available Ioduda Senior Dairy Cal Club 4H Elec Hml Club and 4H Barley Club As well the standard cal clubs will be altered in 1966 III addlumto swine club infiu Elmvale dimict ammo menuhf Malenlallve Norm slmcoe Elect COilftS President Of North Simcée 4H Club ALAN scorn AIM21m LVMWMMMUIWMT Hm duiidml mu WH Ifll lmm MMUH Milo nm in mm mil llorl lhn mlnr 11er akin Ml mihkm haw me mmmm dmnmlmlnr hwy nml Wlln homes lndlnn and Mm mllllrm an brim dulled that hair Im mnn rim um mm in numbn Ill Indlnn and Me chlhlmx In MA mm inli mm mm Mm HIM did the trial number bin AM lmMn wry Convictions Ad mm un dvr int 11 Saskmchmln wdlarv de pxuunuu lu HI annual mun Mod In Ibo Inglenun mm The Snsknldlowm louixlaluro was laid Monday lhnl Indian and mu Ward 01 he paw Inm IN Ian denied he basic human Ilghl cl mum mum1 Nkaxara Lake Ontarin Ham Hlm Toronln Sunny ths allu noon Wednesday varlnhla cloudinou and tow mflur giés luhgqxe in cmpcm Lake St 0min Lake Erie Lake Hum Winds Imdmz Mnlnly wnny loday Wedncsday variable cloudiness and ch mwnurriu we change in lemmrnlm Winds llxhl tuxu wwnum llmiburwn Killaloc Gmrginn Circ Ontario to maln quite Malt hmce mi Km hmpuature durum are prcdided today and Wch day hahm ll Ind mm null was 13 domes lllc Inm paralure at 810 am was 26 de TEE Synopsll Smw will likfly per Ais ho Kingston area until 5me aIlcmootL Claanng will be rapid and sunny skies are on peeled or most southern Ontario 1h allcmovn mother weak Mmbance arousing Northern Ontario today And short period snow in cxpoclod in most norlhcm rc gians during Ihe day ILlll THY IWJMNT IMAM It will continue cold today with occasional snownurriem the present time then are no long range heavy snuw prediction for the area Saskatchewan Indian Metis Wards Denied Human Rights Ky THE CANADIAN PIKESS The Ontar Beef Pmdueers Amciaum Mll be meeting at the Royal York Hotel lomnto Ffimgiay and FfifhynAn In accountant Mm Ba discuss mg income tax as it Wm la the fanner Inaddifim there will be Won on Partner ships and Farm Agreements sublectwhidm ls hemming in mamngw impamm in wdaya angnfltmalplclure Next wee mechngs should be timely topic county armors and we hope that Hm willbe good mm in these ANNUAL MEETING The Norm Simone Farm Mam agemeut Man will be meeting at two locations In the WW this week The muting was held in Elmvale calmnin last my luggfiw meeung wall be held at Galina Comma iw Hailon nmrsday mm angapm An mtoresfing evening is blan 4Gflfl¢hwlilc DISTRICT WEATHER 11 club leaderaulinalimd good number of plan at the my year lndudlng organl zation dates ln March and Ieadcxshln training school April 4th Excellent disunsian on ngnumber topics dwuld enable us to my out luller bella mundcd program or 1966 INCOME TAX MEETING madnwmwifldnsohnmod £3lely 71 Mull tnlrruinmml Remaining Cold Snowflurries IN mwuk The Examiner last anv lmlm Ibo In um hr um In the Emmy mu 09 on no Almluknl Mania ram um nut my Ilth lap pulnn III llol RM huflr lulu lllnll Fund mm In hm ng nu ml mum um Sxmking In mm mm Willi pmgnwd Amend lnmu Ml Clumle will pmm wuld he convide wflh wl mmphlnl being made wulhml an Worman uxmm or charge Inix lle Md mium mucquulml can he hunhnlJMwh mn linmn tqmvl thnnxm my rmvirum ll praka or convich wlhml inz laid 51H Ohcmnck INDP $4 Johnl Old Um Manunba leg Himm lhm provincial mint tic Mudhhnmum lack in Earllm Sanil SM Mme Kapuskasinx Mu Riv mum Timmins 0mm region Mainly sunny but with cloudy winds today Wednesday InaMing doudi nus with dunes ol mow Me Wednesday Temperature nzar normal high winds Faran Temperlam Low Ionlghl high Wtdnndly Windsor 12 Bay Algama Saul Ste Marie Norm Bay Sudbury Variable clnudimu today land Wean day few snawflurdu tonight and early Vednsday Turning colder Loni Wimllghl While nnm Mann magaml Cloudy wiUI intermit tent light snaw today Wede day mainly sunny nnd wider Winds light Any one or the sessions should bea wonhuhfle ouhng for any interested counly farmer would beiglad to heal mm anyone whn is nterested making up car lnad lou any particular day may he able put them in Mich with another party inter esled in Lhe same session In closing might mmlnd Cmnuy 4H agricultural club members to keep on the lookoul or he March ugaxfizauonal dams whim will be anmmed Emlc llndoll Show ihnfily FARMEWS WEEK is not too cady lo mention the annual qus Week which will be getting underwayjrom Feb 21 to 25 at the University Guelph The sessions are schedxled from no an1 pm each day with speakers mm lhe various deparunenh on lbo cambm and topics of imam lo the Ontario tanner Monday Feb 211 animus soling 3nd mps ay ca 31 on Tuesday Feb 22 Farm build in planning and hamstead day Is planned for me Wodsday Feb 23 session Livesbck ted us day will allow may FM 24 wilh the week conclud blzon Ffifiay Feb 25 with farm mm Amy mam agement day be 17 conning Pmduwen rénxodlorbolhdaysdmmh me and them an num Em QISpoakeru which ma mm we ERNIE INDELL mm In In hay Sfim Ad Manse lay bxixhl colourful ducks large flu 22132 me mmxsur wuspgaklnglo the annual convention of diJm Lumbermena Aswa All connected With nresiry mus attain lull comprehen sion at ailddcs ol the business whether in or outside Canada The indiisuy real primarily on the pscnlial condi Uon Han MATCHING PACI CLOTH Whether factor gcchnnlogcd biblqgicak social or omgrwisc fimy should be known acknowledged am Ideyall WM rest econamy are making expansive plan or com mljmenla in IL development Maulla SAUVe federal loreery 31 mg Monday Hornla ltlnlns actualIs 22142 Ml nm qua lly by nldwcl kxmllvnl valor range MONTREAL GP Canada must cam all it possibly yen THE BARRIE EXMHNEILTUESDAY FEBRUARY 15 MSGl In all mlnm sensuous Ania smsmifisfifi Full IuIllcd lined blg zippers on Iran and lick Royal fled Mm SM Not all SauVé Sgyklicmada Muéf Learn Mote Ahbut Forest Induétry All lirsi quality Regular Stock Measured log lengths Spice Taupe Mocha Sizes to 11 Sporhwur Sunnd Floor Rugulur up to 16 CHECKED llNEN TEA TOWElS WALKERS SEAMlESS MESH NYLONS punmar NEWSV PECIALS 2711 All DAY WEDNESDAY THUNDERBAU lAdultEnlerllInmml Ind 900 Rog 49 wk LINEN nmn BASEMFNT LINEN DEII ILilZMIINIQ lfl vvvvv 297 ONLY umonl erd Goodl BATH SIZE TERRY TOWElS PM ll HMIIry Dopo MIIn Floor WHITE FLANNELETTE Top quality thick nap 2m 89 leiu Orlon Pllo SKI JACKET Uuullly 39 um M51 TIMES TODAY 1o00 Uwully J9 yd Unnlly 77 pr TM mu Ununlly 67 Ivsn FAMILY PLANNING WINNIPEG CPLIi cammu nily welfare planning council sludy her repomd that Iexual abslinencc cause psycholazi cal iliefl and MaiNam marriage partnerships when il in he nniyconkaccpuve meas ure availabiel The commitiea moommuided more llmiiy pianning clinics in Manitoba Iu comracepdvu to poor iami EnnInl Show II 100 Ind LIISaws sald the new tlonal oreslry conlerence scheduled for Feb 21 It Muntcbello Que will be con cerned with mindcplll aneu mcql of Larcslry resources Ila ability to remain campefiflv inlcrqauonally he said STARTS WEDNESDAY ISAC 4167

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