Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1966, p. 2

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Storm Fire Accident Highlight Local News mm 1M0 million Tuesday nlxhl IlfflhvyNI Ehlmil plnn In Mlle Ifll Ill Illlntrnl Dmnlluz uHry lmmM llmvlly and 1mm mum Hr IN hrir bllmlhlll lnln 011 INN Filly Inan lrnm tho Ilrrnmnrnh mm lhv burn up 5le Hum hum Ill1 Ier pm TINly 1an ILm Wnlmdny Irhvn Mllnl ll Im KMT H10 MM mourn uhlppfll Im hug Irma by wmlloan haur ulmln pammnl Hume Innl IHIalrM Monday Alian lmm mnln Mlulrl nde Wm Mockni ml Imfllu wnl til mmlmum Mum lle mm mm mr lawn in lulu Mm um luhlllly dan In um numlm Km yrmml but nunu we mlvlml rumIn 1n er hull Imlll unflwr lured Mml mud Irbmll Am lb puMlc va up Ill Mluwh min In rIoI nn neck wax unlonhlmfly mo of he mosl urcnllul In Ibo tllyl IIIxInry 0n Mommy one Um won muwslurml In Ixnrrle ltd up IrnIIIc rIMuI llIIDOIl nnd mum grncrnl flruhlslon mIl Ilmdnllar Ito Tumlay dnlrny he EnIun mm on Dunlap mm and nn Minnn bowling way One Inmlly WIII bunml ml and nlhrrl MI In or lhrlr home In rnm meNn vprond Inl DI Ihu Ilnmu 0n Irlday lwn IIIIIuInIc men we kilINI In carruin rolllninn In ll mannan he mom cunru 3an 0m Towmhlp PM in up In llmlMKl To help pcaplc enrolled la the occupations branch rdumtlon the schools need programs Um wil lchange indivldunls change their goals values and alumdos Mr Cleary sald occupational training nmcdlnl programs mlloml guldanco courses and work uxpfrlcnm wllh close uurklng contact and liaison wlm Industry and socifly are mch hclp local shxllmln uvrrcomc nully barkmumls and teach them he skllln ol xellln along wiUI pmpIe al 11m young people are dir crl learners and their particular nilcnilon is given the amAm Iion cl socially ncupiuble habit and altitudes where cleanlinm wnriesy nenlnm riendlincss pmscvcrancc and willingness in work are Mmosi lrnpori nnce lr Cimry said hum under he supervision vi managers in indusiry TWOYEAR COURSE He said Live program 15 mark ed with sense urgency as Du time remaining in school oi the pariicipaiing siudans is shod horn the sense of prac iicaiiiy he said the program attempt to cover in two short years what cum similar pm xrams cover in live WEEK IN BARBIE Head of Cenlmls occupan dwartImmt Daniel Cleary descride the program as val uable supplement to he regular academic and shop lnslrustlon omsistln appmximqlqu The program gives the pupil the opportunity In observe first hand actual onndilltms of cm ploymmt and enables an nur play ol personalilles and alli tucks with alhcr people may The sin 54 pmiicipflnls In Connalts mJpatian work ex perience progrgm wen unpioy cd or five days at various Bar rie firms ralnll stores and one at Raynl Victoria Hnsplm New Central Collegiale Grade 10 students 135 week left the clmrocm to enter he world 01 fiamnwrcelam ixgtqulry OnTheJob Training Helpful Io Students LINDA MCEY 16 HEM Gxada 10 student aIBartle Central Collegiate was one mm MIllmh llllMlll Ilmrlv Iullllc Mhnvl Ivan mny muhlor upnmlilll Iu spa rlnl wlucnllm mumm In In rlnde Mldnn heer du up whn luv dummy lrhloh In In Um nzulnr mm Mu Smith lllmlm K4 Ihn Win luculm urflm ual announml Tuwplny 1M llnrlln lnII mum Pm rm IM Inwrn Inlluro ram In the muvlnro lullle nppllunh lnr hth Hrrnul Irmnllnfl la Dmu lrlnll Hill unmlrwr 1M Dvpnmmnl Tum Ifln Mnr rwnlmllm rmln In 1mm GUEST fllHAKIZR mull nu member nl Hu mellnn Sochy Wllvlllfo nml hulaMu IN oxlxln wu gum wothr II lulnl Imel lug Innlv lltnkulluml Furlrly and Hurrlml Hrld anurnlma Md Wuhculny Al Mulran 1th khan Mr Tlll uIl on Wlklflwul MUF crn nIarlo Ier cmkvl Mrmben the turtle Dcpnnmml were ill panting watt the smoldering am Vcdnwlny mornlnn YOUTH ALLY Arnold Edinlmmmh nmwmh llnr Iv Sulunlny Night magnxlnu and ouIpokcn Anxllcnn church mnn lellnl Hnnln Sunday Ior mm Ally nl Trinlly Mull mn hutch The wellinan IN prcarhod nl both 9130 um 11 nervlm Aml wan uwrlnl must II yaum lunch run In hlully lnlhh Hull Jud lurdxm They naked many quesqu and generally Icamcd tomc hlm about industry mum and maintenance to ncqunlm hcm wllh MK industry From thelr field ncl manager at Maw flaldDcnman General 14th Nelllelon aid the hm bay htre wen 551mm to up craftsmn at the firm One worked In the mechanical db pamncnl one In the pipe and steam inlng area and the dam pent his lime in the clcchical MI have ahmm great Mm est and have xald Ihal Ibis ex perienm 11 second to none They did major lobsand gained much experience he said The program went over lot more successfully lhan hawt ly fxpccleé um Ieru kepzbusy 5th ital Mark necessary to develop he su dent lo hJs full poteMlaI thus gaining lot him mm and sell mnfidchce 1th past week 51mlan were handime by the heavy snow 3115 Cvnscqucnfly must muld no takn advantage of the full fivedny week flowntr the students showed ehuugh enihus am to acclaim wmhy com ments mm most business ul fldals NOTHING LIKE 11 Theres nothing hko this pmgrnm said Jack McBride Dean Myers where our boys spent the week Mr McBride said two students worked In the bodyshqp whllo the other The curriculum must be chan ged to meet Mays demands of young person and the wrld they llve in ascending to Mr Cleary To achieve degree 01 success he said the present curriculum cannot be walemd down from another course but instead de mands change in content and leaching melhods in order to lnv elude my sf uctlvlll orlcnt to and take lhclr piano In schools in society and In he Witness uvrld no ymmzskr who spent last week working at various Har rie firm as P211 of Cenlrals occupations work experienge nmvmu Tum FATAL IIIENT Tun MU um lubvru lmll IliIlUlaln In MIN mA x31wa truly filthy In ur lrMn XIIla In Till mu DI the man numlhu II in Immalllu Klllhl In Ar WIIIMI 51 ml IVth llvmwn 61 bellnnl My mu Huh In Nmiy My an an In Mdnl the On withup mmmL 111w ma llw only munnnln of MI mlm nmnn Germll th been amner Imunr mum by HM Mlmllnnll Drlwoo Imhmlnn TM flrm Ill numqu um and Nb In In Inn Mann LHIMN FLU 11ml HAW vkvlnlhlml TIVUM lnlnnaflmal mu uwdrr the Clvllm 1n Hank dle Hrs Yulllm all In hair lhflrl rim 1h Ilmwr wu hold In em lunth HUI IVMM Imma lhmll Inn Wk on 5mm wax rlerled pmldwl Hnrrlc Chamber ul Cummcm nl Walnenlny nlkfll nnnunl mmqu It lellntnlnl Inn llruro me mu elmled llnl vlccpmldml and Job un lrr moral vlrerpmldanl San dy Caulln he new lteuurrr um Ilrn thnm mmlnlnl mntuymnnnzrr AWARDED CONIHMI wn MMWINd nnlmlny luy huller nunr M4 1er lhn mun mutual erhy lhe mow In report beunm chlldrln who now have to leave modal dch It lhnt ago no nnI nblu ndnm to me normal Itmlm mlnIslralor said the 31 work here or the past ka did well and seemed to enjoy hm llmo at he hospllal Ith the second war we have par Upralcd 1n the program and rte prepared comma 1n lho Arch Brown CanadinnTim manager said hut In man chant he tech he has moral duty to aid cducalion officials Also have chance to re Iicw Slum employee possle no sand the mala pule was mowed in 11 wok and would remaln an extra week whlln lh girl worked out very well lll wondch program and we will canllnue to support lt wlsh hero would haw been me lhalwrt of Mn when asp kld he sold Auburn general manager at West Bend Alan Macdonald said he had not yet had chance to am helpers talents but going lwm past ox puIem he pmgmm Li suc cesflul me in world to help them make ur their mind for tuiure em paymcnt he oommenled spokwnan at Canadian Generai Electric said the pro gram was good idea but it lwmas diilifhuiet io mixihuie cin ng to company su limited lime The uliidal said that as one the districts lam est indmiriea they feel it is their duty to participate in the program as students will be empiwyed at later date AT LUFKIN RULE ian Montague oi Luikin nuie said the week was extremely successiui Ha said mmaiu student ered on machines with other uployees while girl pupil wmked an small part assemblies Both spent some time with supervisors to learn of he nmomibility oi those in auihoijily lhgy wll zflcl MAIN IREHIDENT pmgram We is Shawn re calving Instruction mm lce employee MuPat 0m ran nyn ad kMrnl Onlmin nmlru mm Immphmhlp Irwl Imm lrul rmvlnl HI cum mmL Ill 146th and uwvlrst Juliinu Junlnr llon nl clmmvhm anlmnnlkally tumllly lho 111ka rlmnpiomhlp Ompvn llhmt he Md anh ml Umlmu Tmmuv nu mn David ml Jam rvrnlvnl an nlI ml llw Hmcn llflnml un phy am DAumy mic nml mm PM Im lmy ho Cum1 Onlmin Imvlm llmlru dmmpimmmm Um mey tn11 1n Tonum Ind wwkmd MI TAIme in uwnlwr the Ilnmo Humn bkmlm Hub 11 11mm pair will nnw be cl Igibln tumpdn If he Junlur Miami rhnlllphnuhlp In IM rmvldlnz my um Me In lul ll Innndian Fluulu Sknlimt mind at mullmwuln Barrie Figure Skater Wins Top Honors Ht Toronto Meet 73 Meshas comprised 01 998 musldans and 117 bands will Mal of 5890 members mprcsenc Kiwanis Festival rec ord in hose categories In ad dim to UN mm Mr mum d1 classes parllcipan23 al The 1966 tesfim shapes up one oi the must cxcilmg in Kiwanis history Broadening hr finest in musical cducaliun in pan reflech of enthusiasm amused by competitions such as tho Klmes Fesfival is pani culafly evident in the harassed number of mheslnas and bands 911er in the 1966 clgsscs The The festivals eompefifive ses simnnpm Feb 12 and continua through to Feb 756 with mom ng altambu mud evening pen Theywifl be follow ed by two Stars he Festi val Concerts at Massey Hall on March and joint public service male of UN Tomb alms 15 Kiwanls Clubs the sflval has in the past pmvlded siege or same of Canadas ouslanding mists duning Ihclr Immaflve years Glenn Gwld Loin Marshall Ter esa Skate and Mnluflm Troup are among widely acclaim ed perfonners who have on In earlier Kiwanis Festi Me Emufie area will be well leth when upwards 01 21000 young musicians andw callsLs begin to converge on Tor mln In midFebruary Lo taku pagt in the worlds largmt an nual Meal competitions By the Md of the month they will have raised to well aver 400000 Local EntriesjvIvn Music Féstivalfv JANET DALIHOY AND DAVID PORTER CITY NEWS BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FEBRUARY £19664 THY IZXMII Ilth WANT ADS 72 km by mm Dunlnl hnl kmvm lixulu Aknllnu anth will nnrl nml lmld luavu mirr fimw lnlruslw lrumlnu umh Um my uuldmwo of Juhn Wlln mllkumm Munro mum math and nuUunly wwn Iknllnm Mr Wald one on Tlm Hmuhr mkl Unluulet hth by ALLISTON VoralAndrcw Symam CAMP BORDEN BandsDamp Borden Disltld Secondary School wu son Sharon Ferry Danny Knbak Kama Marcus Ems Baumgar hm Rex alien Stanley ls brandt Raymond Tokmk Jam ice Robcflsm Wayne Mohan nan Pat Pnsavad Momma K01 flabby Johm slon Gary Guthrie Domlhy Wood George Kaczanowski Ron White Shirley Gmh Ham Baumgancn Kathy Ynung Ri chard Posnvad Saxnphene Jane Fair anch Ham Ham Mchv HIGH ST Abovn NuSmko Chum Qumlo Barrie cam mi inlc Chairerm Camd ale Junior Choir Miss Taylnr PiamEIwmr Kirk Nena Kac zarmwsk= Eyqugeling Bull Accc om IIunncl Sk phnn Bracalcnlc Nancy Hobbs Jim Drummond Wayne Comm Tim Hollzmok Cthy Jam cry Mandny If 524000 SHAME IIA LT Axlmmlon 50 SIECM JACIUOT RCAF ASSOC ml BINGO 800 pm INSURANCE AGENCY COLLIER If MIMI lmlrdlnu lmlldlnr mmm lmwlh ureml App lrnllon ol aurum luhnlquu II HI fur lha qualmqu lnnuuncu wed4 bu Al Bukanll Hay unchnnanl and ranzcd run 40¢ In file dmcm law hand knlllul bah all M0 Trty homo Imth Incluku pl Inn mum when nwL llm mold um Imam ml 1mm HM 50c my we lmnland 75¢ but Bumth of rhubarb me bmkcu mn mll pnrmlps and min on hm we Bnmd spmuu no qt mushmnl Be an ripe mm 25 pt mum1m 11c nth Mn onion IM radium or 251 mlrry 15c undp or 15c mhlmm 15c cauliflow cr we head kllum tar 25c lam lflld juicy fimnllh um km or 23c pardon 50c but 7Mh bug 175 fllro WA wry Iucccssful market m1 morning with many mlbflcd autumn All dun told well and included low muting chlckcns at 6c Jun of mm 25c and up hom mdlsh 30c and up umchénii turvcy draILsmnn Emhe and Ncsslonal mm and Munich Waxing agent vmdmllon planner In dnslrlnl engineer line study man sumyo party chlcl lcnl engineer mum various hospitals In he ma dr mcdmnigal and Mr Lawrenco stresscd tho mod for minimum clackm inns In the local ma men am good Wide or these me with good tale pay he la FIlown¢ we 101 or ponunmcs The unemploymmt silualiun In Barrie boiler in year than at any me last year ac cording to Bob lam man ager Nauanal anloymmt Scr Icel the end of January 1966 were were 953 men and 416 wo men registan wflh the N13 secklng cmploynmt corrugated with 1036 men and women at the and cl January IDES Amy plmwillhnnd Included TECHNIQUES The prime lumflon of he new comme do stir up the various orzmdzadms In Danie in making mnlmflal pm wmmltmcnk Mr Kan Sal hi Yestcrday Ballet will be in Barrie Nov un mm that the National ITS IXPERIINCI THAT COUNTS Unemployment Situation In Barrie Better Report Shows The Barrie Oentehnlal commit in us THE BARRIE committee held it In rélu Iar mun last night at city ulL The mfgLe quecllva 01 the new comEnittee is to wok Start Planning For Centennial WM the mod FARMERS MARKET pm the grand cfigfipi ship will am at 545 pm lN TOURNAMENT Bank Klnsmen Moms me one eight cams parddpahng In Um Nwrmmd Novlco hw hey tourmmcnl taday Tho ton mum mm is ogtjor 45 ll DUNLOP ST General 50b WWII male bookkeeper booklwcpcr qualified mmynphor exper ienced wnitn Wtcar hop Conan Job opponmmc mule electric motor repair mnn cylindm press operator apprentice cook ltu quan licd houschoy fmSénm pre Icrrcdl limtypc Operator mlcs mnn boa ildcr Woodhfam haml Wu uvvvur mml glc room and board pmvidcd Icrk banking grado ll mlnlmum cmdn checker loctriclan qu licensed mn elemhim mainten al count but on Snlmday Iurpnu uurnlvn you brlnu In your dryclunlng by am SM mornan woll hm Wright Clumd Sunllona chum and Indy 10 In pkkod up my Ilm Ilm pm day Hown In for quick mvlcfl um wuucmus ma lusuh once salesman and sales wuman training program pm Aflcd with pay assistant chm WHEENEHE slam tgchfiicians lju insuh Dvydunod In hurry Hm on Sulunhyl mu W0 do H10 10 quickly my dly lhvovnh Nu wnk us cemennlal odelxallms will in clude me Confederafim Caravan display of Cnmdlar hlslary and achlevcmcnu wlllch travels across lhccoery and mu flary may put on by the Arm ed Fates whlch will be held In lhe arena Members of he committee in cluda Mrs Robert Cllllon Mm Hugh Elwyn and Mrs K952 Gurus Wilson Milieu aw the cltys cenlemdal pm JedI and serve In xuldnnco capacity Members lndude bottom row from 11 to right Mrs Tom Kerr Mu Robert CLOTHES IN HURRY MATHEWS SIGNS ATLANTA Ga AMEddie Mathews Atlanta Braves third baseman has slgned play anolhcr year It wastho 52h majorleague baseball munac for the Myearold slugger who reported have recelvcd ralse over the estimated 550000 he go for the 1965 season Imxdon Sunfish Assam Corp Ud Clifton and Mrs Hugh Wal lace Top row from Id right Tom Kerr chairman Charles Wilson and John Rad gets Slssson Insurance Agency Comma 3mm Thefl Llabllily Let us put the SURE in Insurance wilh Comprehensive Home ProIection oMnrlgnu Pmlecllnn Fln Ml lines mumncu Llfo Infurf In imrnlcnl Wan Plymcnh Jack Hum ar Leon Imrd It MRI In One Plan

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