iaKnight Bafend crowns carmnmu camps Highlander in the ony her game rlll Chiarcm was the Iponlu 2r Hull as he ï¬red the lying 31 at 1856 of the ï¬nal period Ollawn had taken Piem Gazne with 11 JeanLoni Sczuin 10 Lb oIAIcr Hull ï¬nals Maroons Take Narrow Lead Four new event will be staged thls yhar The recently established novice catagory wlll have Entrants lnpalr katln and Ice dnnclng women ml mens singles Senior eventspalm danclnx and slnglcswlll be held Satur day and Sunday to enable the Canadian Figure Skating Asso clatlon meet deadlln or lubmltting this countrys llst of competitors in the world clum plmhips ta be held lulu tbls month In Dam Switzerland INK HKATINO TITLE HATISLAVA Stetho vIllA lAIkAunmnl lllll d0 rmlrr linmwrlrh 11mm won the nwnl rompcllllon Eurnwn nunmun ch dan In Thuudny In win mIir hnnl hallla unlml lum mIM Watfflnnl Schulz Illy Unlvmfly or WMcrIoo Wur rion 54 Thursday nlghl Io uh ovcr moml plate In ha 0n urio Quebec Mhlcllc Mood Align chkcy hunt The clory gnu Tmala ll polnls one mm lhan anerloo and Ihrm beth Itan had 1n Unlvrraily Weslml 0n tario Muslnnfll Gonl Cunningham mind In romnln mind with lhru goals Ixlul Lnuunl added luv goals or lhc 1qu wllh Sm Monlrflh Hunk Monkllh AM oh Mdlcnand urh coring Dflf flkesbury Yvon Chum axllard and Claude leulx noted luv 051 each or Me tors Jerry DesiMinx Red Charlcbois Robert Proulx And Will Pian not the olheu whils nun Branchard with lwo and Morris Plicmcnt llmtd or Mlxville Tmy roan ob Murdoch Don Mmyn and sun Shumln lCnml Im IM leml Luclcn nlchmd Jack Va liqunllc Larry Biker and Pierre Gaunt noted for Lb Maroons Ottawa Carlclnn Maroon managed oniy lie with Hull Volanls Thursday night but was enough Lo move them one point ahead the pack in he SL Lawrencu Se nlnr Hockey Mague The Marian Kit Into the gem lied nr in place with 115qu Conglglncs Blues Advance To Second Slot urkaa main compel lian in this years Canadlan championship is expected to come mm last years mend placelinishcr Valerie Jones 11 Tmnlo an alloted three women competitors in lhls years world Lille chaseMiss Burke and two other Miss Burka auloanic ally qualiï¬es becam her leq win last year nbbma 11m or 1mm ï¬nished mm In Ike 1965 Can PETERBOROUGH Ont New Event and old mu will lealure the 1566 Canadian we 5km championships which open her dalunlly Novice and junior events will heheld Feb IIHZ aflex three day break in the champhnshlp schedule LIL umnu wr armm OFFIGEA 2er Ruth 19 Tomb last yearx world clumplon womens skater will delend the Canadian senior Hue she hu held or two years and Donald Knight Dundns 0n will try 10 main the Canadian mens By THE CANADIAN PRESS WATERIDO CF Unlver mm MACHIer II inlay 71 in Us mn Ill lylllml AMI Mnhlu Ill llllllllul 0ch Squlpnull Comm nl Mum1 SIMCOE THE MIME EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY ll Relmlnx in 11 champion Donald Knight will have 00 he umber challenge from Dr Chulu swung of Toronto whn held the Canflan um livecon xecuflvn you before retiring Ln 1938 He llced on his date awn Illa completing bl med lcal degree and regained an dirk horn is layeamld KIM luxnussenol Vancouver mudim junior dumplon last year Also In the running In Shir ley Robson Edmonton or mer Candim IIIan champion Us Glulhler of Verdun one And hymonde Corbo ol bl chlm Que III of whom Lrllledthe Ioadm in last yeus chimplonlhlps dim gumpiontltllï¬a 855a cpuld on It wan who 5chth Huh lunch Cmadlm event In ms he lira yen in senior mks CHRYSLER DANAbRIbe Gordle Howe who scored goal and an assist to help De rail Red Wings beat Baskm 13min By THE CANADIAN PRESS Jun lelvun who scored two 0131 Indrnn 131 Montreal Ganadlen edled Tor ï¬lms Maple Lean 54 Thursday of Vancouver the mud91m abhor to represent Canldl 1n me 1965 world chim pionshlpn Humphn 17 is given an outside clunce to push by mum and Knight ll in 19 only to be edged by Knight la yum Snelllng was the centre of controversy when ha CFSA selected 35 NHL STARS 100 AND HO BRADFORD 5L Fury VIP Your Plymouth deeler presents dramatic new concept in luxury cars Its name is VIP Fury VII in in the luxurycur leeks clues In the luxurycor performance end rlde clussl But in the popular Plymouth price clnss Fury VIPunmistakable luxuryiu designer tor the fuetidloue owner who insists on the liner thingslhoro is titelelul richness uboul its exclusive nppoiutmentatho look of line wood punolingtho deep pllo welltowull cttrpetiugtho lino textured lubriconll exclusive to Vlllho choirhigh Botttntvitl pulldown centre oriu route provide the VIP owner wlth llmouolne cemlert Fury VIPtho meet luxurloua Plymouth over bulltut your Plymouth Dealers new introducing luxurious JACKSON MOTORS LIMITED The British mmendcd our week Vlraining or com pelilors In most endurance events slightly longer or ex lended endurance evenu and three week or Ivenu like the sprints llowevcrplhe Brilish lmup urged the commute to lake step limiting he lime xpenl In lrainlng camp at hlgh alu lude lncludlng Mcxlco City to ensure Ihal as far is pnssihle all countries shall compele on an equal basis Ngm roux warms The British Olympu Assoc auon toned down by cgntm versy by sayan v1 understood the lulunational Olympic com mlltcel position lhnithm woukl be no chann In locllion or my mm In the 196 games Biiulg Im ï¬red the blues ulvo so Ir H5 InlernnflonllMthu Clubvcondemned Muxlca City as an Olympic 1110 becnuse at the allilude and demanded all track evenls longer Ulln ma melxcs be raced elsewhere NEW YORK ANThe next Summer Olympic Games are ill more than lwnyur away hulalmdy uHey Ir he opal pain or livey controverxy Lune Altitude Mexicohclly mm In above sea level will the all the 1m Olympch The apprehcm slon lsovnr ho 1ch ol um vunusunl heith on Alhlfld and performances Several sludies havevbeen Altitude gredtés Olympic Hassles tang Parry Souzd Co bnzwood Drillia It Hunsvillz Sunday Parry Saund BAR RIE 230 Huntsville at Pcnw Penelnnz BARHIE Hundsville Drillia Collingwood Parry Sound When It made It bid or the 1m plympi Maxim CM said the accllmj anon pcrlnd was 72 houand it stick In that Ume also In evident that the dc4 creased Air resistance will help momma ln shutter event that the atmosphere Isnt Ilkely lo attest athletes In broad range of events and that In events requiring endurance an alhlele is going In be lrauhled by the hack oxygen One result generally agreed upon that Mexico Cflys Ihfyi ah constllules no danger lnan athlete non Mexican comp3mm chine test ha altitude total 315 athlete 1mm 16 Honsand 200 mm Mexico look part mad of Mexico Citys Hfmlle altitude and enacts on alh Ielu Last October little Olympics vgu tinged 2ogIve Last Nighh Score Penttang Orillia GB JUNIOR pC anunv Game 11 12 11 12 16 ll 13 10 12 MOSS SIGNS CHARLEFFON WNa AP Perry Mass signed conlracl Thursday to coachlhe Contin cnlal Football Leagues Charla slon Rocket or anothgr two years Dr Sqellrng retired ram skating in 1958 after ï¬veyear reign as nainnal champinn to enncentrale on medical rludles Mler gradualionin 1964 at age 16 he regained his title and rep resented Canada at the Olym pic and world champiunslups Followinzthe finals Peter borgugh he returns to work or week then has another lwn week all in which he hopes to compel ur CIMdI In he world championship at Duos Switzerland As mmull hq has had take nwcek Marholidays now and use The six days for con centrated cyammlng In hope or regaining national title he Won In 1984 but lost lo Dnn Knlghl ol Dundas Ont 13 ML Because rigorous un predicgable schedulev required hy hllpr0¢lnn Dr Snelnng has been forced to train or fix ure skating at unusual hours But Dr Smiling pcslgrad nale skudcnl inxurgeryul the University of Toronto and star anonloa Weernflosp1lalhas no choke he hope In be properly pre pamd lur lhe Cnnadlan ï¬gure skating champlonship at Pe Ierboynugh this weekend TORONTO CHDr Charla Snelling has in odd way nl spending his vacation 11 works 12 hunt day Smelling Works ToRetake Title FURYVIP the luxury car with the 5year 50000 mile powertrainwarranty to arm what Aka mm NM Hump BARRIE ONTARIO When asked what point He began to lhink Mllwnukee was declining as good location for baseball Grant answereq that it was when allcudan fell Donald Grlnlh baud rhairman ol NewvY6rk Men echoed Ihe loblnlnnx other hasehnll alum In his dqposi don or Wiuansin lawsuit agdnsl he Drum and the NI llnnal uggua mzpmanl lhz clubs transfer In Atlanta GI lee ï¬olmgcrh Vllgbod base bnll léwn and expansion fondle comlng seasonJ unthinkable Nllinna kagnc club Executive testiï¬ed Thursdayu Critick Strikes EAjt Milwaukee NEW YORK 1mm lloml Bulldlnl Ind Ramud ellnl Sink Hnlnclnl Amnnd rum Bulldlnll Illfl Rnplln CONTRACTING DEBT DENIS SHEARD lTD DIAL 7285961 Wiscunsln has inlllaled an anLi trust acliunagalnst the Brave and Ike league seeklnz to keepthe loam hr 966 or chUng another franchise In this season addel seals under water for minutes and can feel Aked about teams Iha dml less lhan lhe Bravcs Gral said he lhero Ira things besidesMlmdanne determine cIy desirabll subslanually helnw 2000000 beginning In 1958 See an Mlllwark um them our Amhnmum wllwoyhKnchen CuhInm Cnuam window And Door Fluxnu Custom snlrwyl on Hm AN noun ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK far myrn can give rcmahl than 730