Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1966, p. 7

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115 mei ran lnuph an vlnml vuMihr llv ml Tlihuw ner at Mmrr Mmhlm rnnlnr wu Mn Knuwlwl Tnmln Mm Alum 59 rmnlninrr rm M4 lhevillm lnr many um the grant per elmncmxy chool pupil will be raised by 11¢ lo we whlla lhe grant per Icondw school pupil will 110 to $330 for continuation MIMI $570 or vocational 1001 andr 40 or new ulianal schools the annwgugczment py the IonAm 1mm ulallvew all cost North American lir mm are being Ilrenxthoned wflh mom tompultrn Tho new mmme lyllvm ll mm we or harkup In rmpm mum and It de fined to lake om luxnanc filly he prurn rnmpuhr hr work kmywn SAGE or Any knnclmi mu ISAGElho men Ilnnd Int mInulomntlc ground environ mcnlcollrrln Information lrnm Mdnu ulruhm Inlerropum hum tar kl nme and 1ch locking the nlmck mmb in and mm paw nnim lu mummy la lighten Ind mu lxlrx Tho BUIC lyllfm Ill Ilsa mvido mullnuoul Mr ervtll 1mg nnd tantra of nlr drlrnco pawn Aulhnrfllu nld lwn HUIC llollywood lhulrr Knhm in poker artll camedlnn ihnso Mutufl In amulan Inn Allou Imuwl luo unrullnnl mom nuvnrnm of lunl umr xlnuyuno llnhln Ilnpprr 75 invrmallrmnlly Immul nr bath her nun mum mlmnn Ind hlr lulu of dnuhln mm awnll with hurl nmplltl mu 1va huhPaul Mnmhlp hmnullnnnlly Immn malplvr Nil1 IM 14 Ilnuvlllml aw mrlhlral llrr zmr uvlnrnl larhlrllrr Plan In Martial 01 IIavl um ulMfloI LL livn Anhur 2mm lrlrlval 7n uh rm mnmlrrl nmim and mm mm In Mala um Sinu yum MI In Jupanm In ymwy m2 Tnmm mm 1an mm rum mm at mm lnimsily Tm aducntlon mnsler provided nu whim of the total cost to fine province of tha Increases Mr Davin wasunavallabie and blher dcphflmenthl alficlala de Ilned lo disclose Ihe figures IHowever an lha basis of In hlimaled elementary school enrolment of 1300000 the In éreased elenentary pupil gran wnuld cost an addirlonal 51 000000 year The Increase In rants or secondlry pupils up at 400000 wmlld cm éRemand Case TORONTO CPIGeorge Ind Viola Macmillan Canaan pest known mining couple wereA remanded Tuesday or 0mm cmm brother uesdly were unlenced in two DIIHII In Jail alm they leaded gullly to join charge 54 posmxlng ma worth of Men muslcnl Instrument in Mark Paqucue 2L of mu wawn Ind hl brnlher Gary bl Ottawn admllud an ear hcr appearance maglslxalel here to passeulon the stmmonls mien Mn In 01 uwl music now mister 11am Davin An Danced Tuesday the Ontario overnmrnt will sumo enter proporflvn of educn uon cull year though Ln tehsed znnu to local school boards parlmen educallon Ilsa will subsidize the purchase of television son by elumenlary chnol boards They will gm up $270 or each ugh or educational ulcviar purposes The new date or the hearing ya set tor Feb 22 The charge against George aciitiien Vindiaiie presi dent and his wife Viola the tampenyl promoter came Alter royei commission ookzd into the activities of Vindlaii shares which rose as igh 5550 mm 56 cents mm of rich strike near thmim The shares tail more than overnight utter the ru Tonbmo CP Edycnlpri Elise Computers Each Lu charged with 15 handing the publlc and mud lxlnnuy meeting the market was Windlull sham Sent To Jail Eantinucd ourlh lime or preliminary Bearing on fraud charges laid connectinn with the boom usl rycla than oi Windfall Incl Mine Ltd in July ugh yank $5000 each wan IQ 9tgx Edqutibfi CostziDavvis DEATHS In vl nlrlnl mm on MW at pqllipnvnl rm mm mum and nut from corhputcra will be Installed heavy radar station in the northern NORAD region which taken In most of Northern Cen Iral and Eulern Canada and Inns ILI headquarer at North Bay Location at these hsllll Hans arrmrel officials said rho corporation has advised that regard payment compensation ulculnled thin mumer prnper hlvlnx re gard or Ichedullng require mean or ill prescnl nudia lacilillu the availnbuity nrtisu the engcncics of mu IIin broadcasls and the nature of broadmt promm produo lion wlllnr Irnrn Mnxwrll Ilrndmun nlzl pour lnnninl by Mm Ihu lmnplnymInl In mum mumelon Aw lv rmupnlrr mm mm dld MM munl 1mm hml In Ive nlmulunnl The financinl policies of the government have been nuc cusful Mr Hellyersaid lhnl there is an scum shnrlage of Hlledmen in flu Armed lanes TORONTO CPI Ontario cablnet approul hu been given to an $15000 walerwmb lyl gram the lovm Brampton order in mmdl Author Izen Onurin Wnter Rb mums Camden la bulld the Brampton nynlem which hr cludu 5000mgallon under ground reservoir on mam rile TORONTO TLTM Ilfll Inlml HanHug cnmmllm MI mvrrnmonl cnmmlulnnl Mler Tumhy In all MunhI val MM MIniu Smnrr nml Mlldall lhq 0mm 3hr nhlpll Kmplmrn llrllnmul OTTAWA lfl Wnpfllll In the lulpayer mm yrnr lry min mmpulrr In nuau Unnmylnymnnl Inuit nnro rhmlurl In Imvlu mm up lIy MUM mo nu pnnr mm mu or Same Vl godda so and MI Ion lgvnilrd noperalon of cllchrap yard was adjmuned to give the tram um 04 ball two more finesse tom Baltimore Boh Vigoddn Ire charged In ha disappearance of more than $600000 worth of coball In pellet mm from federal mckplla at Delnro OnL OTT CWDefence Minister Hellyer hinted Tuzv day In the Gammon ha dulled tradesmen In the armed force will be given pay 11 crew In ugly Marcel Lambert PC Edmanhm Well the mlnlsler geld he was no ore casting pay Increase but um III department must be Illsllc OTTAWA CmAudilnrGen em Maxwell Kendalsun my male um he publiclyowed CBC pay $450000 year in mane Ind wage for work not pcflormed In lwwmk spot check the CBC paymll for the lforonlu area and English nelwark in 1964 his nudilnrs found my manl $14362 or 561 hovm not wnrked slmllnr check L115 Que bec region and French network In 1965 mowed paymenu of mm or 7950 how no worked The uyllem will Htnlunlly It In wnh Toronto anmMp pipe line lhnl will aim wnler 1mm Lake Onlnrla flramplan now gen Iu wmr hum wall Ind numcllmu hu hamch durinl peak load period SUDIIUIW CF The clvlc Ind nnunnnl nllnin commlllN the Sudhury Ind DlIlrltl Chamber Commerce Tuu day mused runhxllon nkinx far thlnzo ln movlnrlnl Ind laden mnlhodl nl mun with pollullnn prohlmu The rommllm nrummnded Hm mural ranlnfl ulhnrlty In ulnhllnhxl wllh rupomlhll Ivy or Mhrrlng and nmlyxlnl lnlnrmnnn an pollullan Ind pollrlnl nxulnnnm BELLEVILLE CWA pre Hmlhary hemfing Into charges of conspiracy to steal government cobalt agalmla Bellevillo lather Ind Ian Tuesday was poulpon to Much 11 Pollution Problem Account Computer Hits New High Approve System Posfpone Hgaring Pay Raise Hinied Call Committee Check Salaries Exesfion of encide the lilo EmergeglcyAGoI Mink Lucien Foumler who work in hi lalherl groctry um said he had been caught weed Inz by radlr Ipnd mnand menumd Hymn Muy bemr when he went to Vick ui lame veggublq Fournler wax lcslilying la trial Rene LacmiX former Olluwa polka mu sergeanl charged with unlawfully accept lng money or hlmsell or An nlher person to prolch ram punlshmcnl permn who hld commlllzd an lance Foumler said ha took I10 lo lllaybenzer olllu two thy 1mm He never rmin mm Lnu Wednexdny nu nrovln rm lamnmenl mroduced bill In lho lenlllllun In remuva lnnd lu utmpllnnl on About mom mu 1nd htld by lhl mlwny TORONTO CPD Tm On lnrlo auxin Corn ll Inmll nllnf whelher rah hmnlnx renlu up la mu lnromo may he mpnln hmhhly on mm tinnnll sun loy llnnd ll mlnmlr mu n4 dlvrlwmml IIM Mr Innall MM OnlArIn nuIn Corp uniII mu lrnm 11 per ml ol lnrnml or lmlllfl min on In Im manlh Inrrmlnl In huh or par rrnl nl lnrmrw lnr Amman Onminl mo mmlh The request wu mad by New Democratic lgader Don ald MacDonald Ind Jim Benwlck lNDPRIverdnle In light Mdlsconlenl amon rmu nlclpal employeel over the av emmenla declaion lu Integrals their pemivn plans wllh flu VCangdl Pension Plan Gcorze Peck PCScarbor bug Ceulre nld hp wn hope In lha government would ac rcepl Ml M11 van though no pri vate member hill his passed lhmugh the hoyse or 10 ycan Ilslance Kimduc exper it the end 1967 Mayor an De Villano wha headtd Ihe fiveman group said the mlnisler was very recep IM to our plea and had mom lsed make special study 1111 gold mining industry prob ems We have some other devel opmentslgaing on up in Tim min but gum in still our main llay he said In an interview after be meeting All aspects of the gold lnduxlry wm dis missed and had very good nsslvn in old me 1i mm Ix ll Fnumicr nld SAULT STE MARIE on CP The Saul at Marie lumbar Cnmmerta Inld Tuesday it in seeking dunillu llnn ol pmpoud Dnurlo mm men lexillalinn Involving 1N1 agreement between lha Mlel lCznlrll milway Ind lhe prov um The nxmmrnl provided lhnl all Luull ownrd by hi ACR mum bu urmpl mm mm menl and mum under lhl nrovinchl nd Tu At an Inn nllined by lho comp The unt MN In mqu lmIHu Munr Inn1 In mi ptlulu hnmlnx Mn than lnmmu ln mu4 ML and AIM Syflem belore II néxt Tugsdafy TORONTO VanA 1mm nlivé backbencheerroduced bill In ghe Ieghlllure Tuesday lomnko parent ply dunner of up $100 or act of vnndlb gmtconunflled by their chug en Ha nld vandals destroy hu dud thousand of dollar worth Mpubllc properly every year particularly in schools par pruperty and new nUonnl mimics WAWA UP delegation rum Timminl cunlemd with Finance Minjsur Sharp for 90 minute Tuesday night on flu QTIAWA CPLA myeamld Gwyn witnen testified Tuesday he Md $10 to mi and vege lahle company mamm In summer In hava speeding ugh fixed Seek Clarification Cdnfer With Sharp Check Housing Intrpduces Bill Fixed Ticket PEAS APPLE Jllllillrm29c CBFFEE STOKELYS SAVE 19 IGASAVE 6c sou HLLETs49 UV iShliLm lnlhom HONEY POD Thvllb Mu MMYHIII In Ilu imvnmm mm In 1mm MIITJMWT IL MA MINI HTAEHZ AN KIIIM um TMY MI AN IXTM TMI WITH SAVI THESE EXTRA TAPES 496 ffififis MUSHBUOMS LIQUID HONEY REEVES MANIMRD ELIUKD ZKIHT EQoRANGEs £549 CANADA Hum lulAnHml ilunw LJCOOKING ONIONS CANADA NO GRADE BRADFORD GROWN 251mm 29 PRODUCE 05 USA CANADA NFL GRAIH CALIFORNIA CABBAGE323E£19 PRODUCE OF CANADA NO IGHADE Salmon 4msr ICE CREAM ROYAL GOLD 85 COHOE CALIFORNIA SUNKIST NAVEL TIME 79 KLEENEX SAVE 10¢ IGA II In la NM 29° CHEEZ WHIZ 59° PUMPKIN PIE KILUT IM HOSPITALITY Sm 5c Run Sunny Gum Mnm LB ALL COLOURS TWIN PAK LII CELLO IMG FOODLINER ll Ella Row Em Rand Ind Cnmp lordn Hwy Wonlcy Ind Multullr YOUNGS IGA FOODLINER llrnud Onhrlo HRISTIES IGA MARKET SQUARE IGA lunlly II III 15 61°

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