Garry CLlflord Johxutan 1m Burks FnII lmd Clnlm Hoyd floddn Orillla um 1n vvlvnd In lwocnr crash on he hlfzhway 400 extension near the lluhwny an overpass Consnblc Own Willis estimale damage 25 Heart Month meh vr Mnlkm lmlnwmm om writ nml Imwwlm an be lnz asked to mm the light IKIanl heart hmer Can ndnl mlmbor on klllu flown Krafl 1m Hanover and Ruben Bayne Londnn Involved in an accident causing 11000 damage on Izh way 90 at the Illghwny tx tcnSInn at 1045 am mart distance away lhrco can pllcd up cnuxlnz dumnge uumntcd at $1075 The vchldcs wm opcmod by Nurmnn nun lock Tmnta Erlc errd Mb em 1111 Shanly Bay and Rob Five minutes earlier car driven by Gm Mcknu iiiichi gan USA and William Andrew Johnsion linwkesione collided on Highway 11 100 yards north vi the iih Nnccssian of 0m inwnship Consinbio James Mac Donuli investigated Three Accident were Investi gated at 715 nm when rand mm at their worst Two or the flute accidents occurred at the nmn IocallorL 11 Canadian 1qu Fund on nounmi lhu opening at the lam campaign lnr H0i5000 laLmy mth nnvuhlgl thmary 0m wt em In Canadian um Faun Anon has nllocn1c uwmxmney TflJm munh Ill IM nnvnml Onlallo II prnvldnl um mmd Ila While provlnclal police enn Ilables wen hp busy investi gatlng nlne mom vahlcla ml hap yesterday Barrie City Po Jae reported only one accident In spite of hazardous mad con minus Damage has been estimated at well ave $1000 There were no Injuxles suflcred by drivers or passengers and no charge laid all ma trafï¬c mlshaps result cd from slippery roads TORONTO CW Hay Tu unvl llw Mn Immlnlux rhlr or Um Trnmdm Imlun In 0n lmln ml he ml nï¬lmhflc In onrly mllrmtnl or aunwl nlgflllnllolll In If rur vrpl luggklnfl In Illmm lnn wmpaum 11w vmldenl llnmlllm rAl flu MPIMIIOMI lhnlhrllwul TllmllPrl llnrll WI hnH lan luvlny um Hm Iunuu mun lmgnlnlng qrmvmllm Ilu um In lrlrphnnn lulor vlrw mm hlu Huumnn hmm Mnmlay nIEM lhnl llnvlu mm mrrllnu nml lelrvlmna lulu ha Im luml mm lull umm Iaxl WMnmlny nu Im uwlmlv thava mu Hkrlv In HM IHHIIIIHI Ihlrh nfwyrd tprrnlnnn It ud lnn wnuvanm mom CRASH 1955 Heart Fund Campaign To Be Held Throughout Feb Doesnt See Early Settlement In Trucking Industry Dispute Team captain Funk Light dLsplays theOur Erlendl Tro yhy which the Barrie Revolver Club caphued last week the Camp Borden Indoor ran Accidents Reported By Provincial Police II 1nd Mlelyth vamln BARBIE REVOLVER CLUB WINS TROPHY onHenth of mile north of the ONE crossing was the location an other thrcecnr coluslon Car were driven by Venmn Allan While Manon Rom Orr Kob 340 pm Constable Wash invesllgaled an accident on High way ll lwolcnllas of mile north of hlghwny 400 overpass Vehicles involved wm opcrnlcd by Paul Slum Buy IUd es and Gordon Norman lqavls or mum 93m thalnnagy In Moore Ilelghiuglon Fit lozliasldvmat 9r onto $153 nslahla Lorne InsIcy wn alemd to hlghway 400 one hail mflo nurlh highway 21 It 245 pm where cm driven by Peter Van Dyke Georgelawn met wllh nn ncudenc Damage was $150 Annmcr lhrccur colllslon was magnum ms pm on hlghwny 400 lwolcnlhs mils north the hlghway 00 extension Investigating ofllccr Connbalo Ed Zulouo unmalcd Cm nvolved wm driven by My Mclmlmr llnwkcsmnc Mlchacl ansh Tommy and Frgnk Hnrrhh 3m qum no damage lnvcsllxnlui by Constabla lelollo when can driven by Derrick JlmlL Tar onlo Ind Willlnm Dawson Vnu baushcm collided ll pm pm Consul Ron Plckunl Harm City mm was alcrlul lo Dun lap sum Em Md Mulcmler tho mm Far Onmdo Divls Inn For Hm UK CnanMI Heart hmd hm not an ab Ivo of MSW which 0w lnrlnn than WWW 11m Erlmnry nhkcuvo or lho Heart und L1 lhu mpqu pawn1 program hunch ml thallan lnlnfl km lllwnp min mm cm do ml mm to word vlco om hm turn by mmunt lhn Heart Fund H000 DAMAGE dnmaeII $11000 Trim voluan wuxkrn wlll mmally canvm mam en Douglas ilanln limiter llul lu uM tho lmlun wnnlu um lhllll nrlenllnn HIan ha uwnm My llvy vmmml In urrrxvl had 17 p0an ave kmwn In Itemnluamxln Ihe Imlnn numnml In nnmint In new mvlml with lhn umumniu uh um um rahle an In NM NM mm In nun uur ww lml be wnuhl nnl uy Ihul Ihm WP Mr rmm lmm hurl Hm Immnlnlnl rmmnmu lnll whlmlny hru Hu nmmll lw mwmd Kanlh Mrllnw En pruilrnl Tvronln lmnl zhalnnan WI rrprrwnlnflvu Um Inl tvu ml prmlnrlnl Mm dr lmvlmmln unul nuuml Ulrm In lmlnn In pnymd lo fllqnll II lhllllpp es Mr Ugh flanked by George Vauquecbe Ien and En Mayaï¬o Back row lot Wmy Pmoand am uwwsm Damugg ls esflfnnlcd Vi Street 730 pm where be In vestigated twvcar crash Carl wcm operated by Alex Ewe McNabb 29 Mincslng and Dav ld Bnyne Henry 24 ncxdale Damage ls estimated at $150 SCOTTISH DANCING The Sthsh Country Danclng Club will show lilm entitled Scolhnd Dances at Barrie YMYWCA iongh 730 The film lets Um nalkmal dancm of Eco and The 22nd mmqu meeting of Banla Chamber of Corrmcm will be held cdntsday the Continental Inn Following dln nor 045 pm Bristow retiring mam will glve report on the cledlon mull Inr 1900 Spcagkxkyq urbal lie rim réxéï¬nl conunlssm or the City at lhmlllan THE HARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1366 Inr 19w Speakka on urbal grown will be Graham Emy JOINT MEETING Harrie llorllculannl Socltly wlll hold Jolnl mman wllh the nrvmlan Field Nulurullsh Club Wednesday at llillcmst School Thls ls bu IQCIMYI nnmml mnsrrvallon nlxM Gum maker will he llva sell 111 and bled wlll be Vlld Flowers Southern 0w HARDWARE 5H0 mum lumlwnm dankr wm Mlmd the am lmunl Canadlnn Hanlwnm II Tomnlu next week Feb 710 nxy will netname lmslc immytmonll In Influx17 nx 11 MW 100 nl lho Md mm Alflmuh mlnlmvlm nmounll rl money have lmn pm Mr Imrl warm their ulnnlll cmwa an only In xxxhum 0mm the Idvanm that haw um made In Um mkrmminn ml hullnfl o1 rnnlimnmlnr mums mhknm of Um ad vnml ho mud mnxniv odquly ml lnqlmmu Immanu nnww wlll be holdrlnï¬w Tumnlo amnion 1an 61M 1H ï¬lm Ha cnnvmm will be Md in Kingdom london 011an ll other data duran the month kvol ml Ir our xlvnllua fluyllr am ml mumm Inul lr lelh our mnlnlmUmw lo Ilm Canadian marl him will rnahln ymcvm that ha been male In pmrnlkun Ilm lrngndlrn llrllmka to Iwm dime la Wilma ll MI own mnlrr vm my design 87w create activafwmpeï¬ tlon among clubs from Camp Bordenhogllla Midland Aun llmu ml budm lemkrl 0min ckks on and Ban1e Mr Bunlnnnmln CONSERVE CAPITAL and CREDIT CITY NEWS Your I966 Cu or Truck rmmlu nhnul nurmmmlul lull mnlnlmnte ma ulu minding Inollllmh Phil 266474 VC MEETING LOCAL AND GENERAL Barrio DriveACur WI Dlnlnv SI LEASE Barrie Pollen Melmhchir Mr WWMW 9M so mm to Hiesaid DIG men deserved loznlcmï¬lformowaythey sklved over 244m period at Wasatme mm Pan fleetI weioomed the Mum thalr who can ï¬ll WMYMBY constables pamued the mam am by foot Mother Condablp Fred lehmm bad man worrying mu as he meted thl my Bake 911 mwmblle lNl Muy hie Tsdï¬rhafl MM pollen wlll be maternal wllh car stymied throughout sky MAM aummtszoflndthe gar my He mg stran omkn got helr cérs nut mm lfm vehlgeg willjgava Alter ï¬rming out Gambia lehman saldhaï¬ all the Ice huh on Kama my bad boen vacuum He reported no uym mishap durhzhh ML ded Vehicle wen holdlng Fp E1 cï¬ya Warmfl It the msfllily of mg EMMWH hesaid WINNIPEG CF Dikeed price mnved lower and other commodities were awady In light early undo today on tha Wignlpeg Galqï¬gcymgg Onls opened lc higher to un changed may 90 barley higher May 137 Lu to lower May 107 rye Va higher In unchanged May 139 rapeseed to 1V lawer March 288 Police Chiei PraisesrWork OfCity Crews MONTREAL 1CPL Azrlcul ture depalltlnent 1311013119113 Eggs Wholesale price Io country mums fibre cases utrnluze 46 lam 44 medlmn 37 mini 30313 35 Em ve weighted prices wholesala relaln In one doxen cartons extralarge 505 Marge 45 Amedlum 417 small ss4 plfetlnu adequate doinand gdod Whlte Cane Week will be ob sermd Feb thumb Feb l1 with this years slogan me me One Pall Im We llmc The on jointly mm by the Canadian 1n stlluu for the Blind and the Canadian Council of the Band CONVENTION PIans haw been nnnmed or regional mnvcnUon Mal Canadian College 01 mm to take place Ann 23 lhmuah Wm known or tank will perform on vnrlmu new and modem man In Iho Banlo dmrld The Undcm Associa tion Rehabilllallon Medicine Unlmslty Toronto wlll hold open Mme Feb 11 torn7 lo gm the tnglrmrlnk bulldinz one block st Unl mlly Ave and north of Col lcgo St The nubile LI lavlltd to we the work of the thcrnpld and learn tho mum require menu ho led at Oaker nrk School ll pm Mr Smlth wlll Iptak the Junlor lltd Om and ll school cunl culum Inul Meldmm vlwr or the Onlnflo Junlhr led from wlll men on ï¬le In lcmallmal Mld lnrgnm CARNIVAL POSTERS On Feb In Malnu He menlnry vclml wlnlcr cnmlvnl poplar nlll he held Jolle 5L hlbllc School 111 winnan xmlm will he on display In downlom Ilms RM of prolmlooal dank mml Deplrlmml of Educmion will be mu rpcykcrunt wry Aï¬cnsomdbyr the Guide dmmn pflho Junlarflcd 01ml OSHAWA CW About 130 NthII IIIINI Mumur dom unlullnn Mnmlny In Iran lha Olhnwn Tlmn bulldlnx luv lumu Illrt Ill InJunrllnn llmllln lhn numlwr ul vlrluu In 10 vm lutth In Tumnln Pickols Stage Demonstration At Oshawa Paper FARM PRICES GUEET SPEAKER Wm plums awh WHITE CANE WEEK OPEN HOUSE While CKVflTV wlll not be leaving Barrie Iheres pass Igllltyrllsllmlg guy aan Ralph Snelgrove operatm and cumin owner of CINETV and today that an Ippllclllan by hlm and ht menus Allan Walters and 60011 alrllng accepted they wlll operate an channel In Toronto Another outlet would be used In the Bar rie an or CKVRTV poulny channel CKVILTV wllI remain In Bar rie said Mr Snelgrove rho Tomb sullen acceded will be an enllxely new llaflan Raypbecome Tomiwl lhlfi televlslan Hanan According to Toronto newt paper columnist Kodny com plaints are airway being made by Tomnionlnnl who ear ion operating on channel waniri cu in on the Bulian um operating on channel lln didnt deny the possibility or channel in Toronio culling into hoiwo Buffalo stations but added With Mullen in mm ilan he CBC and 7N in for onto and amine siuum clun nnl them will be liiilu the view er can gain by waichinz Buiinlo nations The cur Mon WM provide varier oi promum lhnl quill please everyone Cnnada couldnt care Ian bou lhe Bulmo nations nld Mr Snclgrnve Snelxmve mlnlcd out Um In mo Dullnla rudln mum bad bluer llslcnlnz nudicm In Tomnta than all 0an shalom comblpkd But as the product It homa altered more people fluted llxlcnlnz In Toronto Ilnllom And motorists who had can psik ed amide dudnl he weekend Channel May Move But CKVRTVggsi Wont mmu uvmul umn comMHWmT ifm uA haulunnunnnnufl mannaunnununu THISCOUPUN CANSAVEYOU HUNDREDSOFDOLLAHSDN YOURTRIPTU EUROPE FAMILIBR SCENE FOR BARBIE AREA MOTORISTS mWnaafumillarmelor Noth Amtrlun LIII Alumna Camplnv Dunlap Hum Hum 7mm LACHANCE CLU IIXI In nm mu nnw Ind send ll nu Indq lum Alme Iho Imam uml ulna mt offend You 1min llvhll 7191 lullmlm gum Io Huron lII IN Lmnmn lul mu 66 um It Inlhyou how you an hm qur or Immo from mm lmlwflnl mm lmmmy mxnlm Ilr MC ledl hum Mmlml qu April In In mmmtnl 1mm Youll El xlruilt lubu mu luwplktd mun mln nul ml 01 Ihll luck lodly in MG M7 IM 06 Simon NoamI Umbra Ilmyl ml limo back NAMI ADD 1le znuamnmrg 1mm 1mm null II II III lfllll FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CML 0K Johnson Travol Service luM£Hflrwvmuu ants Annully Ilnru Individual Tax Hump Punlon Plum Why not preserve whal you hlvo crunlad by good Emu Plinnlng Business and Personal Lllo Insur Itl mm hablz than anything else Mr Sn a1 rave laid Manyytelevlslon pragram men in Toronto three or am dnya ahud Bulfalo Bu these lama prayanu lean by most Toronto viawm aver the Bullalo nation People but just become accustomed Io wat chlng Bulfalo They had elem ion Irma balm Tornnto today hardiy anyone bothers with Bulfulo radio stations Ion CKVRTV mwlu the Toronto Area has arisen through confusion between the call In leu nation and lb stnllonl channel Bill bplra of the Canndlan Actton lvr Peace on of our group demonstrating laid we are demomtnttnl to shvw our contempt at the NulHtko tactic perpetrated by the US ndmlnlstratlon agltnst All pegptu Toward Ibo end he bricl demonslrnllm in lo demo empernlma mlny pcnom begin ch Withdraw lolll Ild Ind Bring US boy bark allve Il approved channel Tormlo Italiande be inde TOROm crowd of 100 mulod mlslde he Unllcd sum consulate Mmday night haun after us President John uon onimd bombing of Norm We Nnmr resumed blizzard While many car own ay 90 03 puma mud vehicles in the Protest Decision 118 President pendent CBC now has channel and CH0 WV has channel But want make clear that CKVRJV will not be leav lng Dania Mr Snelgmva said W5 have served this urea for glany Fm and wfll continue to no city am will hampuing clear ing operaï¬vns and have urged owners to get their vehicle of $119 was as soon as possible Put your home in this picture with You gal iiw quuiily you expect mm 55 Emil mllnlanlnofl Kaine Aluminum siding wmIi pool ml or tuckthI pnlnling wunin Iml um you many Ewnumlci la lfllll Knlm Aluminum iihliun wvm any uuriacu main my IIon of luunu Ixmrlio with luling lmuly Gmm amnion Kninur Aluminum Glnllng milieu your lmmn cooler in 8mm mnr wnmwr In Wlnlnrcull incl will 20an lnmlmbll jlflllnl lllln numnim nxcluulvu wllh KnlmInd mlxlu nub Innnnlly Io Hm mnln ulna oi ynur lmma mmlmm Mmirm lulnlul nu pulnl caluurl In clxxm mm with full ulcclinu ul unnoumlu Knlm Aluminum imian ll CllMC nppruml Avnlluhlo in lwviznnlul and mliul acrylic flnlllu Cannil in Yellow ingu or your Kalm daolu canincll KAISER Aluminum Siding Alhlnnbm Rdld flculymounh Onlula Tulvphunul 7554M KAISER ALUMINUM COMPANY ls pleased to announce the appointment of Aubrey Guard as General Manager of Hukett Mom 5104 in Newmarket Mr Glranl is well qualiï¬ed for this position be cause of NJ extensive experience in the nutcmwtlvo industry in the past Aubrey exicnds special lnvllaflon to all his x1de and customers from Barrio and Dlstrlct to call in an him any tlme THE FORD MOTOR OF CANADA AUBREY GIMRD PEFFEBLAW Ont CPIAl red Knuaste nearby noan Bach was kllled Monday when he wasznuuck by car qhue walking along Highway Police laid the driver at tho car was unnblajo see Kaflnm becauso high mow dxltu and pogrylslbllllx Pefleflaw about 40 miles norlh Toronto Killed When Struck By Car Rememberthis number MWIIMMMI TRACTOR BM 1177 liq 7282752 Far The Eat In hm Muhlnar PARIRIDGE PARTRIDGE V0 lyoull remember this wine TRACTOR SERVICE KAISER ITS iï¬xï¬Ã©ï¬