Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1966, p. 1

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Saigon Hanoi Meet Proposed UNITED NATIONS cm Tho UnHul 5mm prayon lo dny lhnl bum Nnrlh Vlll Nnm and South Vlcl Nnm he lnvlhd In lnlu purl In Unit NMlnm qdhcuxions an mnfcrrnm lo ugfiflmnmm Vjtl Km Blustery Winter Weather Greets Royal Couple Rt Gander OTTAWA Hll TIM MIMI an of Irnhwd xmrmnnrl 1n Mm nrmnl louv In Ilmllnu In coma nllfrnL mnlmrmu my 5am Ila Ilium lirulrnanl Mull III lhfl AF hn vrlo dun In min In 1991 Im lmn nllrnwl lunyrar ermimu flying lulu Irlrnr xlquarl mrnl umhnman nah Amhassmlur Alum Gnhlbcrx Inhl llu UN Scnxrfly uuncu that he lrlimu it muld lmlul lo ham wryuln hu nl Snimm nml anal nmwnr IHHHK cllmnl mmin Mmle And Ihc Mlunllnn II uwlhl wnm mm and Tn main mm In lhw cuminulnu Mom In llm unnnmy School Forum In Bmlc Salmdly non leur Wlnl Luzky lnlurmllonnl v8 umlo Rolumlng Ta Norml Alter 5mm GANDHI Nfld 1GP The plane carrying Quccn Elizabeth And Printe Philip lo Carib bean vmlion landed here from Landon 3111133 am NST 1003 rn EST today Snowy blow Canadian win or Mather ruled the royal on pit They wtro to spend All go onmlhe Unilcd Stale sock 51000000 or charily and mom trade or Brilain He wiLl visit Toronto March 20214 Trained Personnel Shortage Becoming Critical In Forces LONDON CmMIN 29 minute delay due In 12155 bomb alum Quctn Elizabefll and Prince Phiiip took of today or 1ivewcck tour of Common wnalm crrilnrics In the sunny Caribbcan Barrie City Folios Constable Fred Nislunan patrolled Ear na streets yclerday aboard smwmobfle On the lookouk clmuw Comm7 Duvh NanakIO DlmldS Bomb Threat Delays Start Of Queens Tour Ann LIIdIVI6 A3 102ml Yur No 26 In THE EXAMINER Today The Hometpwn Daily Newspapei For Barrie and Diétrict BARBIE POLICEMAN USES SNOWMOBILE 11w Mr lnm In nhml nl pllnh 1m Ihan lhu cm nllrr M0 uirmw were wmpulmily lml lmnuu yin Join rnulvl not In lnund tor lhrm Olllrlnll MM rnlIMnl lw lullurn ll llml llma Mal Ilm mmmrrclal lino butluru would lumm Hm rahM ml ll MI Unllui Mr Hun lnr Ivy Alum In Ixylnl lo mnnl HM pilnu and nurlmuu In nu hm yum II mnmiu nl pnuihlo ruminn of up In 1000 year Savlcl AmbnAsadnr Nikola Faiormku limitan Inlrnlly Gnldberx Lpokn lMonnko hnd tin1an in It tomsmndvnll In ndvunrc nl lho mum whomr he would nppoxo mum rll elude The U5 dtlesnto look the floor lhn Isnnllnn round mtl lo cnruldxr In Us pmpaxnl or prtllmlnnry 1qu on nrrnnx In Vicl Nnm pom mum fllf about minulcs hm whim Ihcir big ourJul VCm aircraft refuellcd From here Ihe British Over seas Airways Corp plane will lake hem almost dircdly soulh to Barbados The Queen and Prime will spend five weeks In the sunny West India visillng Hum lunlmics Just More the Queen and her husband were lo board hclr Jellincr an anonymous caller Iclcphnncd London Airport hat bomb was aboard the plane The couple waited in the royal lounge while mum man searched the plane ut no bomb was found After vak bleak cold me weatherman gm he Queen 11 lpnnglika smde today min3 Wullmi Wommn the transport an ideal way of getting amund Aluwugh this was the constable first out or abandoned tars he lmmd EdllorlnlJ porhB Ilnumy tumult uan dnllnn in Illl In nurhy Harm mam Mu nutII luwwml Inlem Irmflml Illulnl llhunx In Ibilin rm lollw llwnrlml IM Miluw mm Mu mm than lumwl IM mmlllrro Humm vlmd pluul vn himul lemma uh plannlnu mum 1m mania with filhllimllbl mmr mun mu hum mu pm mm In My hmu uml Hun ol lhl 11anqu IHMNHA KFIIy Hwy am lulu HOLLYWOOD AP lullcn my Hm plunurtl rmmrlllnllm Mkhry llnmry Mu MI flllh wilo hm mnllml In mur tkr mul Um mMIln hr Dunl Tumulnv lulur nrruml by llmr my MM Irr Inwr TM luulml Ilnrlmrn IM muwn man nml Mllm Milmmlr 11 an nrlnr hmlwn pmfmhmally III Mllm Mills Mm Imlml varlav in HM bnlh lmlll 1h COIN Ilnnmmll lunma Ilmnry uurq nlmrd wIlh MI wlla IINI lnur wmnl rhll dim For the firs log Ihclr Jamey the Queen and Phillp wcm flying by super VClo Lha mamnxinc Jet Brillsh Overscal Airway Commllon use Dr Mexcontinental lighls RIIlUEL AT GANDHI The royal plane was ta refuel ln Gnndcr Nlld than fly lo nnrbadux There they will board he rayal yacht llnlnnnla and sail lo nfilish Guiana when the lour olliclally begin 1rlday The Iour wul lake he royal couple to Jamaica Trinidad and Tobago and 12 hriush tur meric In the area Inclgldinz restless British Gulnna high sun bathed ha airport and Ike lempcrnlure was 52 dzgrccs Iahrcthll RECONCILIATION he was thinking entering the Warld Sumnmbue Champion ships to be held In Barrie later this monUI BILLS PRINTED ONE SIDE ONLY MIAMI Fla To ahnw ynunx pollrcmcn the dillcrcnce bemoan mmlcr cit and legal money the po llce nmdcmy up plny cage ll cnntainnd Wu 8100 billy Wu 550 we 310 10 lwo nnd we In mrh MM one wnl counlorlrlt on nnl Snmcnno Iwiprrl la la Sundny fly nnw he will hum du cmrrrvl 1h phnnry bllll are primed nn mm lldn only my on qsgqumqbilc sajd Mickey Rooneys Wife Murdered lmnlli IMIII Kllnmiv mu II II hayw nl Mn Ilrm mn ralmln uhn mill Hwy mm urk rmlmly Id mil in wm In Minnu lral Hy mom member chi mva work nm was late or nbscm UlllwnI lrnuhlcn Increased when nwnrn puHod 350 mow Subdivisian nmu worn nnly parllnlly npon In lrnm Monday and ammo nmrlnh mu mm 70 mrr¢nl ma Hy mid ny Inch wow lmd fallenn Olluwnsccond unly lo the 19 Inch lhnl ell in uhour po rlml an March m1 he mm purl department wralhrr ofllco romrltd In rcvlslnn of MI enr litr muman The snow came on tha heels weekend alarm packing winds mm 50 30 miles an hour whlch let much as Inches of mow In some areal Montreal and Quebec Cily are digging out lrom under 11 lazs Inches of annw Hlxh wind vilcd be snow In MR owing malorisla to nbnndan can in cllin and an hluhwqya Bunlo Ontario Canidl fumfly Fb 1966 Bx TIIF CANADIAN PRESS More snow fell In Ontario Quebec and he Marllimcs Mon day bringing mnsUrnnsmrla llnn hi Aslundsull as roads and highway clogged Schools were clostd 1n mnny communities More name in today Tcxubrcd slmm moved Inward Ontario and disturbanm headed or New loundlnnd Ollnwn Wm the hardest Ml Onlnrlo rcnlm wim about 20 Inrhu snow since Sunday and morgreporlcd on 5M way His wife 25 years Eleanor was at his aide Keaton hnd lwo snm by actress Nagalie Talmgge Keafanrhad bee under real mcnl or cancer or about three months Keaton was one he great comics 01 the silent scrim era and one of he 13 surviving slams lhal day Kealnns trade dour deadpan exprtsslon In the ace of any disaster comic or genuine That and straw hat that he usually mm when pen farming spokesman said he died lung cancu his home In sub nryan Woodland Hills In recenryearsvhe had done character 5le 1n movies and guesl shols on clavislan shows HOLLYWOOD AP Buster Keaton 1h baggypanls come dian of Ihe sflcnt screen died today at lhe age of 7D Expect More Snow To Hit Ontario Comedian 0f Silent Screen Buster Keaton Dies At 70 MIUIK MHIN RESCUE 40 MENivf NIH tnmrm Tron mul puluv uwl lrnr ml rluh In lnuk up ninth bflvmn humlmk ll Malay ml mum mllilnry mwlla hen uhy numm men mu wk In lvwwial In New Alllrlch 52 ha hml lulu4 In mulled wllnw mu In rum lhc wllneu ho manning Ihu lrulh ma truth II llulhfl TUMOR mm lmuilf WWII Mu luur cabin4 1nan VIII mom ennui well llw nwlhrm tlhhhl of UV Im urwlw mmwtlvn Mariano nl Mummy Saturday IVN II pmly haalqmmnl nummcfil today Mnrlnn drnlrd charm by Jam Gruwdrn ll nn uncmploycd Inlmrer nl lJnd lay Hun hm hm mm hem Mp1 qml mlmnal mldcnll El Mnrlun and Hobart Park wm lulllying at udlclnl In quiry wlxlch hm hm adjourned earlier In ho day when woman wilnm bccnme hymn nlln lhc wllnm box LINDSAY Onl CH Two urdcrllcs luxpcndtd rum he Vicmrln Coumy Home nr lhu xodnllrr nllennglon hrulnl ny denim Moiuiay lhey 1m mlurcalrd nny midan of Ike hams UN Decision lnvalid Train Qnd bus vlnrviccs to Toronto wm dimmed Ind Mr Canadnmghls lo and tom Oflnwn wen cafimllcd cmly Monday because drilling IIIDW least one dualh was attrib uted to he Ilurm ln Onlarlo Gerald Wllcox 59 collapsed and died nner walking about 500 lea in heavy mow near hl home It Qucemlnn near Nin nra Fallx School were closrd Monday In Humilhm and Guam Morn lng sminn ol lhe Onlnrin Su preme Cour were cancfllcd in Toronla when Mr Justice Richardmn Was slrundcd In nearby Orangevine llmhin near Orillln only one In person xvhcdulcd lo appear In mnglslmlea court turned up Mnndnyand 1h Crown withdrew the charge nniusl him or failing lo Map It lop lign Hobarts To Attend PC Meet Police Break Up Singapore Riot removal truclu out of nervice In pay dispule IIKNXIW mln Nnflh VIM NM MItI lay any IMlulkml maul ivy lnlM Nallm Murlly hmdl VIM Nam umkl nlwulnkly Invnlld Two Orderlies Are Suspended From Victoria County Home DUSTER KEATON LATE NEWS Norlnn Inhl he rmlhl nu re rnll suing ImUI nun ml dull who nnnlhrr wilnru lull llul hm wk nnrl 1le lwo um All lurml halh Mum lnhl judge Illchnrdsnn In the only time he Ilnppcd mldcnl was whrn one man wlm lull rmh hlx wu makhlng Her ll hml bun llllllld wllh lotion Hr Ilm ILMN lullmuny by flrcvlnul Mlnmu lhal ho had alum nr lnilhnll hm nunlml wall and hm lmlrn anullltr MUI Mt Imtlrrwrnr Last wctk xhe hml mum Ihe nw midcnl xlapml MI flynwuller lay num Sha said nnlhlnn Mnndny up God help mu speak mu lrmh HOLLYWOOD AP Holly wood gossip columnist Hoppervicilm 01 severe ai tack of pneumonia was rc porim in critical condition early iodly at Cedar ol Lebanon Has pilnli Miss upper 75 was stricken by virus infection Friday nnd her cnndilion worsened Sunday an aid said She was taken In the hospital shortly balm noon Sunday when she remains critical and lhe prognosis very gnaw hospital spokesman an WEATHER SLOWS fr pm DEEIVERY nuns of 44 lceHshermen slranded Big Bay Point for two days and night were taken from their snawhound wooden hula Monday evening only short while before their slaves wouid have been extinguished by rising waler About 20 volunlecr snowma Mle oyeralnrs groped their way the stranded fishermen as Hedda Hopper Critically III dtmtumu for our circula tlon department The pub lem of distribution was par Iioulmly bad In some rural area whom roads had no boon louched by plows by lale afternoon but was mat In the my loo Our writr boys got the paper your door when poniblc but In momth muld no not lhmugh We apolog lL for th inromenicnm We lriod hut lhe wcnUIerv man mud to have much 5H punch you did not receive pour paper yes crduy it will be dcliwmi will lodnyl Nut It you did not mm Your copy 111 Barrie Ex aminer Monday please hlm he wealhcr Snow clozzcdmag mated majar Visibility 011 LCliké Zerp During Volunteer Search Owen lelm In lyim IMle wunvfl to mm fm mm at Uvmkln 101va IIHI mhlflml Hill mm he Comban when The rum he two nnv phmrs More mum bul the ultimo punt WM mmlnz SMGON AP US plane hammered lnrgcl 1n Nurlh Vitl Nam agnln loduy while on he grnuud US and allied arm cmth the Vic Conn In In KInnI visa along Sath Viol Nnml qaaslnl plnlns and xcnl Ihcm mrnwllnu inla rnlre ll mu were waned klllcd An Air force pokumnn mid lhme Us planuonu alr larcc and ma navy jetswere 1an ln Iho um day of Mr mark on the nurlh an the 11day born In pause Thorn ware no dc lnfls on Iho mnud day nl lhu rnirll Mr Sheard who had Intended to return home Sgndny aller noon said the lempcmlure drop about 29 degree inside ls unlusulnled hut during lhe night Ray Webb owner of the hut said rescuers on snowmobile first MM la reach the strand ed fishermen only In he mnm bug but visibfllly was so bad they cofldnt see tree so In the ice as markers He said vlsl bilin was he worst he has seen in no man Mr Webb said there was in danger in the Allernoon the rescuers becoman 10 but he fishermen couldnt be In any longer because the weight snuw belwcen the Izan was Iorc lng he Ice down Ind waler was rising on the xuflace in depth when It wauld mn put out slam Mr Webb had high praise or the volunteer rescuers who he laid ran very real risk get Ilnx km 111 going out to die huts rips 10 5mm Dcnls Sheard Fnlnswkk whu had been on lh lcc Llnce am Sunday was one the first Ishnmcn to read than Mnndny high winds and driving snow gluccd visibilin on Lake Slmcoe They promeded the five miles on out guided only by he eel n1 snowmobile track in the am lo we the men were all righl but couldnt transport any to shore until 410 In lhe IIlcrnnon The volunteers had ferried he fishermen lo shore by 930 in the evening aflcr first reaching Ilium lnle In Ike allcrnoan lo lern 3ng BY mo US Hammers Cong Targets um nnnul clulmedrhlnfiudny Ha said he waler had risen OFF FOR SUNNY SOUTH Na Mara Thin low of otmnunwmdlh MIL lulu hwlr lnkmfl MI layl 1m 19 mtmvm duo In luv mnm um IM Hr Mn by cable mm mm MOSCOW lAPYWilh lhr ex pcrimcn marmiu lint Hm flared IMO menhanlcal mlmL Soviet mace vchlclo Ipoxl Iwnnl he munn May In lry historic llnl snfl lnnllinK Luna IX will lry Thumth lower list on lhc mm and lhun massnko bark data on lhc lunar surface that North Vlclnnmc unnus shot down we American plane and dunan In others Champ more mow Low tonight In My tomnrrnw 25 For lull summary please turn to dhhlclpage live 0n the olher side of lhe lake near Sultan It only took slorlcs nar Sultan ll only wok slorics ol excellent fishing lo cal um reshly rescued men scrambling back their lca holes An culmnc an on re mained In huts on the lake so mile north of Toronto mm Sunday nlihl In mid dny Mum day when wlnd and snow storm made Impossane to get them lo shore They Ala their Ugh lunchel and boiled some fish as lhcy kept warmaround wood or oil portable Malays By Monday uternoon police Ind fishinghut nperalars managui to bring mqal Into lhore wilh lnnwmcr bile and olher Bide vehiclel Some me peep who didnt knaw what was causing the wa ter to rise could visualize hair but sinking to the bottom but more experi fishermen werent worried about that Mr Shemd said Mr Sheard said he mg learned that may wuuldnl mks 5210 share late Sunday One xnnwmoblla came nut under ma difficulty and managed to get back with load but could not return he saId Mr Webb said none lhe fishermen seemed any worse or Inn expzrlence and most made Eu rmmlinnz or Mun Reds Launch Lunar Shot In thg fluor or the hut helm help arrived about pm Man day We were prclly cold and hungry he said but nubody resily smlercd loo much HAVE RESERVATIONS mid cairn in later on 00 to tell that we were WINE IO Par Copy 4712 Page Evan so we were glad lo gel show will make flu wvfl

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