Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1966, p. 3

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Public onFluOridation Pommm In Nrwm Muntnmrry Mrwnw Hid MIMI Jivny llnlxnwn Ill Nmmh ml Jul lIdklndmm Flumlnrm won Hubert mm Wm uIey lgarnrl nvudon ml 110an Clomlill fundlng on nurse of doom Hun Slwnrl owncr of Saw ari Wholmc old ha Klwaula Club ll lhrr noon mmlnl Monday at Communlty House lhnl mun hm hm tlruulinu nm 11 um mm mm ulna mu hogan F001 Wu are not produclnu tnuuzh on ho NM nml Today lhn pupulnlhm explosion ls cruxhlnl 1mm nod pmdurllon Mu In than arnrrnllun lmny mm the world will by In turn mlnm mull In lhml am oxlmmu hare MUST PRODUCE MOI lhlrda lhu ponflfl 1n lvn lvvrmrr hm lllw Dunn In 1115 Mm MINI firm uflh mu dnuglulrr flmll JIM rom mm mmlne Ikrr Mrl any IMr hwlrl MI brollwr Jamu aha nurvirv NUWIII JOHN BOWMAN Funrrnl rrvlm wrru rum Hm Amlmnn llama Tmtmlmn rm firm Vur 5am ml Mm llvwmnn Mm dhxl mhlrnro In Mon on Am IN llnv If Ilynl Ilmnn ranml lhu Irnlro and Mn In Mr In mlview Cnnrlfiy In hymn Dom In Um Tourmth 1n lblt Ir llnuman In Ann cl mum Ilvwman ml Fm Uy llnhnu llo mm mm hh llln In llnnln M1111 mm1nllu man In my Says World Heading On Course Of Doom Harrie businmmnn Illflrt led to Yrmptnftll Kinunlnns yrslrnlay ha1 lhu world wru MUST PRODUCE MORE FOOD RON STEWAIIT locum wax guest mm Lhe KunpenA Ml Kiwanis Club lunuMm Md Roberts chairman n1 councfls general gnvemmmt mmmillee said the move would permit Mr Slruughnn Io devote more time In clerical duLIes and at ha same Ilme provide city aware cases with more mum on Clly council voted last nigh to relieve clerk Ben Siraugcan hls welfare dcpaerefll rcspon sibifilles and hire man look after me Job on time Bnnle 1110 have lullUrns welfare ad fiblh imv valid rensnlu or lb slnnd Willlnms however ask councll la discard the hearings and demanded that luorldnllon be either accepted or rejected Weve heard Irom bclh med cal and dental groups who Is vor he mnvc ha said The Md Rubens however defended the ncllun is lm porlnn that bolh sides he 4355115an be llgard he said The new adrrunlslrator would Council agreed last night to call the hearing nver objections from our Aldermen wha claim ed the mnve was only an aw 5qu ofjhg issue Public hearing probably be are he and Dunbar have been animal by dly council to give ciuzcns chance tn air lhgir vigst on fluqudallun OBITUARY Tm BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPIEMBER Z7 1m City To Hire FullTime Welfare Administrator imxlnllnn HoJun ml nur pm om method man Mn um 1m XI with livn man mm llmm I1ka quvb kl Sal Arnrkn Ix MIMI maul Ix lnrmu per roll hy lha ynr 1000 ml Allnl Incmu or flu mm wkl ll WM reM lly 1000 In umblnnl MM Hm ml JIM In mm In In Him an lumm to pvr NM In nucmfilnn kl mu JM mm ppm or and int Ibo Mum at our pmm mu Mmmmnn Imwnw nyzszm xmcxim Mad In Mum mi humr In um wwhl pupulntlnn unllum wllhln mm rmtur ll hnd Mle In l3 hllllon Ivy wool mw lulu lhlnll rvnllxry Inhr wurhl pow Uon llpal 15 billiml Nulnu lhnl lhrsu wrre IR ll cunnqurncn In rrunnl lu lho populnllun uplmlrm and mi pmludlnn ho qumrd lane nm which be mum from Unlml Nallunm ULATIUN UHF Ila mM lhnl nur lnlmr mu wm prlrinx out wnrlrl mnrlrt and filmed lth he pmrnl uvtmmtnl 11 um nmq lnLMl fimo mmmmrm Dure umu lunlvr ml Our when pan exhnml whnl re wm In mm mmmhm in Hue world Mrluktd Mr Stewart uLl Ihnl nny hungry nnllun woud an any 1cm la appease the hungor pcopIr people while lhu have nm van ml and qorgpropl lhc warld nre unrvinx by our Llandnrd he laid and added We on hnc 11an and rmle pfodpre more 00 Our lood firmud on 0an rrmcndnus rnlg pm Ila manl fut ulnl1ore II mmmg ymLenhy lcfl Is the club Nnrmnn Sufism Ward Kinzic maiden rlchl introduced ML Ald Brute Owen old council trnlmd man couldcm wcl are com by hdping people Im prgve Lhamselvm He said the Lily need man ho can help amHIes with which living on waflnre has be come lradiuon to improve themselves Md Hersey In support In the proposal sald here was no nnnlher municipality even onethird Burris size where the clerk doubles as wclrnre al icer Interview erit and counsel wel rage cciplenls mksion Tnvostlgatlon Into nuob Ald Owen reminded council hat the mallet fluorldnllnn was left by the province up In Individudl councils not the pub llcnt Image Hesald Ithe Morden Report gsglllng Imp Royal Com said Al dnllon was not lIke other men suru lldopled by cauncll because It afloat the physical wenbeing of citizens snap decision wajld mail dictatorship ho Wave man able to ac However his amendment went down to dam eight to four In ruorded vets Opposed In the hearings were Aldermen Wil Hams Bruce Owen Phil Sauve uni jack VMacLarcn nnly opIe to whofi we can useful for advlcn have n1 renqx oxprggsed oplplons Me rm pnrnrlly on mm 11 WNW IMK la yml lhInH Mr Nmnrl Ink Um mur mmu numnl mmy Mn mm ware mrnrvn win war II m4ch ml WM Alan um um ul Hm divcnmy Mom In 1m INI Wm mm nnlwlr In Um mhhm Mlh Ibo Imp rnlinn that help wmld Ir loud wan mo Impulmllm Ilrm mum1M lnlnnl mm nde mm on wurhl Iluriml nl uni whim Rm UM our mm may Innl nn plum In Ivar IIva WI mil lnmL Ilrrllxtnl firmw AI romldlnm dnnl um um rantml whom In under Iovrloprd cmmtrlu we will on lle romkmn Um I0th not Irmlinu ml to ller Inna Wu um 1mm Hm Uhlnno In mnwrllunx nvjmnn We mm lncrmu our Mr milurnl rodudinn and Wu um uddwfia lisflrtlmtlm nod hr mm nl 00d lumon Md he mmmmn ex lrox lo underdever ummriu was very hnphuznrd wort and than be given much more em phnsl Imam the 5mm Linger of dismlrvus nvcrpopw Man or those nauum THREE ANSWERS Gillord flnlurio Telephone 4562243 Lelroy APPLE PICKEHS WANTED HUTHWELL BRCHMIDS However council agreed to at vemse or ulHime welfare man Ald Dorlzm Parker SLEEP as an alternative that an assis an clerk be hlrcd and Mr Straughan continue as wclrre administrator because he 14 dolng wet an excellent Job He urged council to hire properly mined pirson He would more than earn Ms kur both In reduced costs and sa vaging human lives he said complish that wont be one with high qualifications pbie to cum mzinda high salary 11hegencrnlg nmentcom milleayhaa been knx In not com Mu orwaniwidh beater re commendation we havent the guts to pul ll into aim we shouldnt be slums here he said The public however will be heard Mayor Cooke said the henrlng will likely he held before the end of Octoben KId Jac Machen urged cqurwll to deal with he prulr law without hparings Ha Enid 13a Judy possible problem opting the move mg by gcohomlm mum nlready pmvfded ex Desi amnion One way to help overcome the crlsls ln dental care caused by alluring officntlsla would be to Implement fluorldatlun he sald mruI mu ml my municnmhfln with mwlum hm ml do ntmvl up In mm Md Jmk Smurf mt nl mt law mid AM IMth We lhmJM wv wrm om ol Hm ml mqlly mmum hm IMAM mum nmiumn mmfly nl 11m flyl rM Chaim lrylnw lmml wt In mazthcu WM rmm lhh lwnuh Mn Huih wax minding on UN mummy oi umHug nu rnhmnhln ahth bylaw It mu Mum In prvsuuln Iml Um no humml II vflrn only 15 mm Imt Irans mm km It onm mu axpayrm mnmy Mm Um My ymmlm nudrr hym own wlm lhc nt mm mu minty um lmnl AM Rah13 loll dly night Tnm Kurt Harrie Centennial Celebration Cummiltco rmlr mnn lmlny nnnouncrd Tuesday OCL lhe mm date or ammlnnce Centennial pmjcd qumlunnnlm from vice clubs orunnlmuons nnd ollmr mup In Hm clly Find Court Cases Can Prove Costly conlinulng sled In cslublishing name for the new school or nursing be cause he proposed lulu Included lho ward Royal However Mr Ramsay mld he use the mma hal Igun duler with ofllcln an mu charter dlstlncllvn name was rcqulr cd explained Mr nnmsny and or lzgnl documents lhu xthnol Mr nmsay laid mu board yesterday that 1hr building pm arm is progressing lammbiy nnd ihni CDnslruLllnn should ho coinpicicd 1y Scpigmhcij 1W Tender or he Royal Victoria Regional School of Nursing in be mind on Wellingtnn 5L will an out early in the new year according to hospital board mglnhflr Rummy SetFinal Date For Deciding 0n Projects For Centennial Imjm qutsflormlm nro mm WWW Quinn and student Tury Leigh have been taking every owodumly to soak UM son mi The two mmplclcd lho hike mm Nursing School To Be Constructed Next Year simile hike can be le tiring and Pam may waphcr fit Jojmsan SI Sdml 0H On 011 Mr hm will LL drru mmlnu luv llArrIo Mnnulmhrvom Amxhzllvm In no what Inclnnlry In plmmlnz In lhn why flowrr lvuIl llnzn aymlmlu and Ilrcnrnllnnl lnr mtrnnlnl THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7151 0lnbrr Hill nlxu hr limo uprn mmlnn nl Trllnly IMNI Hall llhll rrurmrnln llvu lnlrmlwl umum nnl Hm Krurml xINlr nm In vllul In Mprru Ihflr flaw 1m rnlrnnlnl vrnjrcll Mal point In the qumllmv nnlro uhmlllgl lhls wck Mn Hm nnlmo nlcnninl make rmll Ilznllun Ilml erflwr lhlu pm In Illl lhn rnlrnnlnl Imlr This will give maple run up mrhmfly in ma he prujodn lye nK rm nrnm um pm lnm The master uml In Um uhllmllon book Hllh Onlnrlnl Conlumlnl vrujtcll Indexed rummunfly by wmmunlly Mr Krrr MM his €nmmllrc musL have them back by that date no my um llrnw up mmltr 1le I7 lmrrlcn Ccnlrn ninl projects In submit Ia Um cnlcxmlnl Ilnnnlnu Ilmnch In 710m hy llxontnd dumr In mm to how manila llqns lhls wcck 0n bchnl lho bonrdl mun agreement committee Mr flam say rocommcndtd that he dir actor of nursan be mndo non maprcrpf the board ncllt of 321ch lo keep In lunch wllh present lhlnklnz the musing Ilnfl my rmnm Hy ncxl Septembcr Mr llam say predirlcd that up to 80 ml denls could he enrolled The new students are currently uslng lac lllllc the Laidan Residence as well he cum Hum ml nmu mum In hum llll um mnI Alum II lulva mvw mL mama who Inle grnlod MU Ihe rcmalnlng acc ond and third year students Lha pram school of nursing wcro enrolled by Scplcmbcr lhn rcgurl slated ill be named Royal Vlclorla Hospital of En rrle Regional Schoo Nursing VAUTO INSURANCE Toronto lo Hamilton Saturday to raise maney the 1nd hiam Hospflal munching cenlre in nurlhcm India We L9 7qu by the World Co of Chumhm Thqy wnm mm 750 young poop TIRED ACHING FEET le all nnly an from II On lltlvn dH lunumlyounl up lulm CIIM llulnl Oil 0mmth hulln mm Mlh II lodynhl In mu condom howl lulu 1129 Hwy wens lakm whllu 2487 phwmhcr npply treatment um men to warn 42m outpallvnu brlngs you Texaco Fuel Chlof all wlnlor long Tim cm 210 him over tho threemonlh period hm 1m llIan lhu currnspondlng manlhs In low Pamn days over Iha summer mumhs thls your won almost klcnllcal lo Lho corresponding months last year with 17692 mrdcd for June July and Au usl 1m lh 1115 year ll would open Illa dour lo structural change board rcp rmcmuhm um mayor said Thu mm was ufilcd to ur lher commllloc sludx said Mr Ramsay She should he nanvvoling to keep in llne wIIh the hospital ndmlnislrnior he added Whiiafioardchaixmanvb Rosser Agreed hat direct cun nccllnn is needed lo climinnia nursan stair problems Mayor ii Cnoku oil such decision might ccniusu imam remum lailan SIMCOE PETROLEUM 75 ANNE 5T 7168735 One ca thats GIL whu stifled the hike 100 finished the walk Operafim mm was mm sounding 51mm with an au mated $20000 raked mm were 15 Item Ihe Bame mm in the hike on M610 man over Iho and In to mo unllalylna flavour an MAUnIEfl HERES THE REASON only an MAUmEn has lho Mlllocol Supar Flllor ll Iola no llnvom ac Io wnnlo duMAUnIER Ifllara lust Iho nmokonavol lampm with Mo ml quyu look or he bnnhl ml pnck solllequys smoking erywllere you 100k today

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