Presidcnt Juhnsm loam 1n ottolisumm scammth West Genmm What hud Aflnr consultations wilh Far clun Minister Swnmn Singh of lndla Marlin sald he still lromzly believe there ll role or the Inlcmaï¬onal Central Commisslon InVIcl Nnm pcnce 1mm sham Ihn belief External Affairs Minklur Paul Mmin who relumed here from Orlnwa Monday for two in tensive days or private uflksr told reporter the pnssibiliuc on an expanded vnr remain gram and every UN membcr must use all It Influence however slight In put an end to he ighlln With ann an India nu threecountry control commis liun set up In observe and re port any vialnliam 1954 Irucn In Viet Num Poland Mnrun Inllsh Foreign Mln lslp Adnrn Ellinku loginy Gross National Product Value Shows Slowdown In Climb TITVA CWM value nHCaIInda mdelm of good And service lemi markedly ï¬ll iln Ion dlmh dudmz April May and Jun the Dominion Bureau 511me rmntd Mnmlny in It rcvkw ol the mummy mldymn Lnllr Mulme rrlmwd by the buxom mvcrlnx Hm cur ml lhrcrqmnth pnrivxl lndl Mn far mm my mod llllï¬ MAI the arms nauaMl prndun ln lhc moml quarter ol mm mm runnlnz nl an Annual Inlr $51003000000 when nor mal mum mm um lnkrn lnhv nvrounl 11m 11 Nl lurrrnw ol 11an rr rrn orrr Uw anDnnl pm xrl rMe wr Ihn Hm lhrm mm ymr ne KT ml wm Mlnlmtod In prizr InA mum and on per In ex wflxlon rm mum llan an No 215 UNITED NATIONS Following separate paths Can ndn and Malaysia were pursuing Vic Nnm peace hopes here it day In an clfurl to open the angry nggqligljony Mn nyahu dcpuly prime min hlcr Tum Abdul Hunk ap pealrd In UN mumbm in VASIHNGmN Mll lrukknl Jolmauu nnrrnl May In II Int nunhl mmmihn nmkmw of rhwll xi An In ma nivml lryvz In ml llm Vidmmno wnr smmmn lflI lxmmrial pum why um 01 on um Huh llmhmuy hum hmrvl 1km tauby Wm inwhynqmi MWLIKTHGWMWJ mammal WARIIINUKW FINIth Julian III III4h lt llaul ul Wm Gummy mkuh Ivro an mm lay ml fly Unit Ktmvd hr In Ilw Amnkwl awnIQ MLIFHIIHV IHmtmn Tun mm luinktmn mm In nmwa an km mm hilflmlflwe mun med hm un ml km IM Inwday mm lm inlay Canada And Malaysia Pursue Viet Nam Peace Johnson To Attend Conference Enter Final Rhodesia Stages Johnson Erhard Concludo Talks Police Seek Hunters Identity umilh me uuo mark Dal Newspaper Barrie and District The Hometown LATE NEWS JOHNSON LEANS TO LISTEN General Assembly speech to help bring about an Asian pence cnnlcrcnce on Vlel Nnml Such conlcrcncc was proposed re ccnlly by lhn foreign mlnlslm nl Thnllnnd Malaysia and the Phlllpplnca OTEMVA lCPThe drlvc far gallon leadershlp convention of the Progrcssive Conscrvnlive party may depend on next months annual mung nl 0n lnrlo Conscrvnflvu wig mm last night ouisde the whim Home The Picsi don mm Mani at Ihc Nnflh Backers the leadership campalxn ligum lhu Onlnrlo meeting will be crucial II he Ontnrlo vlng or major part II supports nnllunnl Pml dcnl Dallan Camps call for lendcrshlp cnnvcnllnn they pm It Will carry out lha part chly down rom thus attained in Ihc previous qumer Gross nalinnnl product In January kcbmnry nml March was an annual rate of mmmm up 40 pct cm overall nmlIHp lhrca mm in ml Iéï¬mnbm m6 mm month 19115 mm mm OIMHNTH Slnco mldyrnr mm Imrlay mrnls have lnkrn place mum lnx to MM DDS rtmrlsi lovonue lrvigM loaded on Canadian milwnyl drowtd 111 per ml In momma mu 1mm £30000 in Junr nrk Itnrlod on own mum nml hmuinu unlu In My him In Juntv he Mmlnl llrrllninu lo H400 Ham 10600 Tmnl mnnulnclurlu ship maul um anuml nl mm mm In July mm 11 per cm mm Ihn Junv value Portimrmnmm and mm cs Ont PCs Support Leadership Meet uom4mw AL press conlcrcncu later Raznkvsnld our idea to call on All other Asian counlrle to appeal In South Vch Nam and North Vic Nam to come to he conlcrcncc able and discuss their differences Annual nmlanhl macling hm Nov 1346 Opposllldn Diana bukcr Ilghllng or his lander shin or ourlh llmc In our yums plans In be on hand or lhp0nlnrin meeting lo men was made before Mr Camp publlcly rnlscd he leadership Issue hm sale to any he recngnlm but he Ontario Tories could be he dccldinx actor 11 lhc nu ng mccllng Holograms the 0mm Ar mclnHon mccnng Ocl nflNov in Toronln are expected In hnvn lot of their minds ll may he umlr Insl unmml mccllnz bcfuro provlnclal gentml clcc Inn mrled him inside where the chancetmx and his wife mm honomd aunts al state din Iur AP Wimphuml COMOUHG Onl CITM lerrnl mrnmunl hm lulu ncznliw ml slrrllr nmnndu l0 mmmllnz InflMIOlI Lmmrv allw MI Emu Hm unld Mflulny mill mum 11er TV MullIO Womml anlhrrI 11w znrrmnwnl Lu urutnl nlh In mince mmMurm mm lrrvlmn In mm Ih Inn Man whkh halml mm Ivy npmliu 100001 man 1th ll ldnnnul In llm Imam Mr Hm MM ll now II lmmary In Inrmue In by mm man In hairy lmlzrl MM mva ulwn lmllnmnl lwmmr ln M10111 In rm man man Imam lho pm In ul vMKo An mmflmu mull Mmt via1e MINer Mn In gvnrlu fouvaM Inn nl Column M1 Imlnnll Mm lnllwl mum mu Mute th Mr IIMQ nulls Im In II rldm 1un Iml dhl INA nmwar llw ncwdnflrm mman until later Hees Raps Govt Over Inflation Ann Landau4 Ctly Nunz CInxllledIl ll CumlrIID DIIMLIJ Dentinll modH The Examiner TODAY live Im Awda lehunv DETROIT AF Chrysler Corp today allowed Furdx ï¬nd and called on bi chunk proposed lncreasu In 1961 auto rices The twin mnve was aim at kee lug them more commuuva lhGeneral Mo prlcgs er lo announce price in crense which it mid averaged 310 car chopped $II lrom thal amount Monday nllhl just our days helm Its 1961 can on syle ry second lo 1m pricu and second to cut mm and in new car suckers will average $65 mare than 1968 base prlcu Origlnnuy Guysler had an nounced lmrcases which Iz urg on to 591 fin1e said It revised 1967 price In lncluda change VATICAN CITY AWA spe cial Vulcan mlsdon will leave or South Wet Nam Induy to help promote peace in ma rou bled naflon The Vrucan announced is due mIssion will attend an ex traordinary conference In Itudy Um blcms of the Ramnn Catholc hutch ln Via Nam Sources the Vmican said the mission would uxbdoumdly seek an narccmcm lo mum pence betwm the often clash In Bullth majority and Oath 01k mlnorlly were mnlrl bullion lowmd the nvanlunl end all mm In the mnlry There was no disdosum of Wm othcr moves the mlsslun mm undertake but Vatican contacts described lhe rlp lo Vin Nam of major Impor lance 11 head nl mlsslon MUM Sergio Plxncdoll spasm dclcxnlo J9 1an Chrysler FolloWs Ford In Cutting Increase Vatican Sends Peace Mission To Viet Nam NEON CWA Ilnkls by 5300 workers It Canada Pulp Md planu In elem In mu may be aver um Ih rccclvca min In nudl morninL Lan hklenbun ul Monlrcm nwdlnlnr ln um waneanacon rm dkpuu bctwecn IM Unllrd ncklnuhwso Worken Amtrlcn and Canndn Pltklrl ma Monday nllht believe luulemem nun The unlonA lumnlninu com mum and rompnny 41an ml duran the wcrkrml ml Inlkx menu ml Mnnday npukrmmn uld 01h 17ml Muran la flu burgan lab Monday MEN up my quclnl uhl wuu no bencliln In mu Mind and mamHun mm min dlmwd Any nulunml lrrm roadml by lhn unlnnl mlnmlllu nnm be lullullled OTTAWA ICII in many mm ryrln HM um mnul wumy In nunin IIuII lhnl Ilm axwrlrd hyrlrrlkm IIIer wlll Im vul nll Inn 1007 ll lull puny Imlrru uy Illmu Mlnlllpr lrmnn ln clrr mun wruuu nm In all Ivyrlullnn mu 14mm numb lnr Hm Imm Imulnn llul wnulvl uullnlrr lhrlr unll Ind hurl er rhnnm ol holdlng he ml vhldl hu vvlwl nulhlly hull Ill ml Al leul Abrnll nr Ill Imminent ugrgnldqpll lho Mediator In Meat Packer Strike Says Settlement Near Govt May Put Off Hull Byelection Blirln Mario mm Twsdny Sop 21 1966 ulllely nv ncum nam nnuon Xluy Include lluu HOSPITAL FIGHTS ROAD TAKEOVER mm sumdnrd lo opilonal on In ouulde rcmm comm renr vluw mirror on an Chrysler can tx cepl Imperial on whlch it wlll continua as nnndard Have no other explanation oi it decision to mil buck prim but the expla nation was obvioua Both Chrysler and Ford had heen caughtaii balance when Bile they had nnnmmced price in transu or their iorthcaming new modeia General Motors giant oi the industrycame up with smaller increases Ford made nuiomaiive his tory Monday when it became the first major aulo producer ever to roll back prices niler ï¬nely had been nnnoumcd pub cy Ford which issued its original price Increases averaged Sm car an 301 ram that increase leaving price tags on he new can which go on sale Friday nn Wiran $69 above 135 year F0 move action from Chrysler had been mttclpnled since 141ch Mo tun announced that the Increase an Ill 1067 maker prim wnuld not be In large as those an nounced by Ford and Chrysler Amcdoan Moms mirth lug 51 at Iha 11qu ï¬rms due In In Innaunce its prices coup day before It can an an ule rommrm he milé mm MIAMI Fla AP Hurri cum Inez grwln mightier by lho hour howled WMd the le luruquc French We an Island Gundeloupo lodny churnlnx the warm Atlantic no My with lop wind at mllu an hour The blx storm was expected to vent her lull Wlfllh on he maurqxroduclnz 151e und ml dcnu were wnrncd to board up homo Ind olllccs llo 19 In mombmhlp lnr rnullcll More lhln 5000 uarkm IN lhclr Job July 20 Al cumplny plum In marluucluwnmm mul lluH Out 5L nunltnce Man lidmvnmn Calgary Ind Vanmuvcr Thvy lulnnd L100 worker in Ntonlu who Jummd July mlku dcmlline and wulkrd on July ll Mm mo mmpnny Inc unuqu norm mndncllon cm 11 min call cam nllor ma unlnn reJndnl ronwnny altar of menu an hour In wnu In rrenm ovrr tvm yum Nut Im prnvamenh In lrInIn hendlu vnhml nnuihtr lhrrn conu In hnur load uulnrmum whileum of unlarily drkollluo rlmurl ml Hm union IA Hurricane Inez Chums Atlantic Tuon 30 uhm lather Aluh dlrd Aug In nwnmllnfl Hull In lnvllllucn fur Hung an ml Ml nr lho Mluhtmlnl lmlul Unlllmm llm lulnnh bvlnl added In IIIle nn mummy In the mllurlhumn ml Imp In mlkh hll hf Ilyll hLI Al nun Il nd run In Hull hyelecuon ho yrdm In lull unlll the and lrnml okrunn In leuh hllnnn Thm In no need In nuh Inlu byulullw III In Ill Inluvlw II mmhl unly Hall 1M nul I1l lhl pally hu hum Inchle ka panics to announce i967 mice SEpL 20 bore ihe brunt or criti cism ranging mm the White House in the United Auto Work ers Union Pres on Johnson called Fonl orlginnl prlccs regret table and UAW pmldenl Wal ler Ruulhcr descrbcd them scandalaus nnd shocklnu The nearby vacuum Hand ol Murlcunhnlo Dulrudc ligua and Monucrrnl ann can cxpcd ta lnczn my wunlhurmcn snid lkr lop winds nmaud by mllu an hour during hmmm period only WELT under living in lowlying arms likely in bv ilooodcd were wnrnzd in cvncunlb Flooding could be axlcnslvo mm hur ricane oi lnczn alxn wilh lldn In much in right ltd above normal iomcnsim nid Gumlcloupv should be pre pared Ar heavy rnlns high was and hurricane wiml be low the day out weather bugbglnApmkrsrpqn wnrncd minom WM up 50 miles an hour Ilkrly will lash he llrilish hlnml Dmlnicn wcmhmmn mld low hours lam he telcphuned the Vernan and said he would have In em pelAbcoquso Rusty couldnt COLUMBIA Mo AP Rusly rocker 9311101 oflcn boarded wiLh vet erinarian whlle owner Hugh floauh gee out of town Thu vnlcrinnrlun hung up and lookcd on window In rum his 0mm mlle from the Roach residence lunch telephoned 1nd made reservation lur Rusly Ndny Them in mum wlltinz Io bu admitted Elm mm luv Milan Oil nuk bnfl In mn up Mm emliu HM ml lit NM will ol lwo RESERVATION KEPT BY DOG RUPTIJRED BARGE BURNS IN 811 FRANCISCO City council and lh Royal Vlcmrla Hosfalm Board are lit ding mcmse or ullvscnla bage mfer Wellinmn Street uncl mm la ex proprlnle land owned by the hosphal but leased to lhu clty the last xlx year or use par of Wemnmqn SL391 Last minute nezoumlons Iwwn hospital and thy author mu and Monday ï¬lmnoon and councl passed IL emo gut mar Th lease explm Friday at mjdnlght 105p LT Rosscr said today expropriauan wmlld strangle hospital develop menl and promised board ac Ngl tnprnven fhe movie sihllity burlcnding WelLlng tan Skeet behindï¬le 11061413 He dui rm ï¬le out die ï¬as sihlliy pqulqndjyg We Ix when the my Friday MIL Hm11 wni unanimous in oral wowww Vc mm prom Wellinan Street crosslawn artery and ï¬re mm said Aid Roberts flwe day not now cillzcm will lose the ha med SQIyrdaymorn£ Mayor Cooke termed al Larnadve proposal pm forward by the hospital board 1an dhle Some men lugxesned nllcrqaflvu ha Hid would cost SAIGON CPIU3 bomber cut vital rallwnY link between Hanoi and Cth heavy raid Mondny on the Red River vallny In the heart ol North VIM Nnm U5 mmlary spokesman In nnunccd loday More Amcrlcan plan Alarmed mrough heavy ground me In bomb two oi dumps lhrw radar silt and unllrnlr mm gun cmplncrmenu ln lM volley norlhwm an He and Mr farce plane de xlrnycd two mum and Ham nflcd third on ma lino dawn whlc China has scnl wnr mn lcrin An nlr force Flos Thunder chld kl bomber wu rcporllxi Insl and In 1101 misan over he norm brnzinl loin louu Ilnce rm began 19 mm nlo ylnn new Ihul down Mondny bringing the numlm at plnncl dmroyed om NMIJI VIN Nam to 1467 liï¬Ã© North Vlrlnnmm unw ngrncy vnlg Info Am lnn US Bombers Cut Rail Link In Viet Nam 0mm Uh Nu 5de III iwï¬dm and on Fraud00 that what FullScale Battle Looms Over Wellington Expropriation NM NanThIn 91m New clmxtv 0mm Wednesday pay mm 10c Par Copy I4 Pigs cabal the c1ts$ulï¬Ã©hg could been extended year and mom nmlcable sol ution reached Md mum warned um th my mum be In ha same pas lllon at lhe end another yur now Md Bruce Owen Agreed Ho laid nn extensinn of the lens woulgi only dglqy jho lncvlgxaltzlre1 lawyer clause In the slx lease gunrnnlcolng that hm would revert back to the hospit nL not binding on alderman who wcrcnl on council the time It was singed However ha went along with xpfyprintkm in the statement ML Russet Issued loday culled councils Ir Hon dlrtct ndlcaï¬on ilck nl forms phaan He an the board aimed to extend lcasc nnolher year but would not agree on perm nncm arrangcmcm or city use mo pmpcfly becam knuwn Iulure Md of 1M has In ll quite evidznl lhnl during lhe period Um lam clly count has made no real Arm to uses nllunnuvcs he char Mr nossor sald cnunul rclml cum on the thought that the board would ulcsc or um pmprlaUun ldkl placl Annlhn dnnl Inkml In be mnrrlcd until nllcg Im ln be no unm mu lm mur rlcd fme morpqldhe had My It Iflml mm In um WI hikiidï¬ III of Ind mu um wml pm 1m It Al Wllï¬iml 035211 Promlm Acllnn HERES ONE