Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1966, p. 6

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Photo by GWIIIOI MR AND MRS MICHAEL CONNELL Couple To Reside In Toronto Following Woodstock Wedding Arrangernon Shasta dol Iiea ant mllm decorated Now St Pauls Church lloodvtoek for the wedding or Mary Jane nitour Ion and Michael Edward Con hell The ceremony was per termed by licv Parker wisiod by Rev Reginald Mil born of El Paso Texas and luv Wilson Milburn of San dusky Mich uncles of tho bride Traditional wedding mu sic was phlcd by organist Henry Clark and soloist was Mrs Allan Kerr oi iomiou cousin or the bride The bride is the daughter ot Mr and Mrs Donald Thom Iou at Woodstock and the bride mom is the son of Mr and IIIH It Council of Barrie For her nodding the bride abuse tulldength gown ct nar eissos peau do sate Gilded with In lrset yoke and short sleeves 0i We lace The controlled lkirl and cathudlvli train were borduod with matching lam satin ruse held her cathedral veil silk Illusion and she carried houun oi philcnomis omhid surrounded by daisies Itepltanoiis and ivy ATTENDANTS Mrs lttdrucl Eden was run tron ot honor and bridesmaids were Mrs Thomson and Mrs James mt libs hilly Flannlgan and Miss Coliuu Milburu cousins oi the bride were junior bridesmaid and flown giri remvoly Ilio ul tendnnts were idrniioaily gown ed In lulllength gowns nhlnu blue Italian hflxfitlt dyled with controlled skirts and lreotlow lng panels Side protilo hats oi blue mollue completed their err sembles and they oarrimi bout quota ot daisies stephanotls and ivy The bridegroom was attended by Terence Council at Niagara Falls and guests wer eusherod by Thomas Thomson oi Chub ham and Iirmilry and Kevin Council ol Barrie RECEPTION Following the ceremony toro oeptlou was held ni the homo oi the brides parents Guests were greeted by the brides mother wearing an oyster while wool sheath trimmed with ours silk faille npphiro accessoritn and purse msago of blue loath cred carnatious and philanopsl mid She was assisted by the bridtL ooms mother who wore aelret dress oi Koiiy Krocn Pure silk with white velvet turban hat and corsige oi rhilauopsls omhid and immunoth Following honeymoon in Nassau Mr and Mrs Council will make their borne in Toronto whom Mr Council will attend university and Mrs Council will be on tho stall at the Gillilrma Aid Mely For travelling the bride wore toast colored twoplice ensem ble with black velvet hat black palm ncecssorioe and oor nge ol ammo Dollth roses Outoicity guests at he ord dlnlt wm pitremit trom Barrie Waterloo ormtu Knolm Texas and Michigan KEEP IN THE TRIM Methodical Way Shed Extra Pounds By lllA JIIAN KAIN Who or the happiest reduc ers In the mlirleruro and older groups in tho over wotghtr who do not attempt to rrllucl too lust In IodIyl story ihtr rurrrswlul reducer took two years to rerub her goal am grandmother oi IlltI tool like 15 all hrruuro on my own urnl my head Itan drcldod two can min didnt want to leel Ikn lug walking Irnund It has tukru In two yrnrl In leel bellcr null look hrltrr Hermon or bml hark cldnl lhat KnIIItlllfl rxrrrlre wu the only wny In ulnuttlhru my mustlfl rtartnl by lying on the Ilonr und Illlltlllnl In lrl my Ilillll Ilrllllill II IIII oil now take low vlivlly umlm ml have not In srhl or puln cut hark on my lulflh nl lood ruling wrythlnu not ling lwinre gnlng to bed Ihl Ilm lIkInI Ionin kind of walk In tho uIenlnl With lllll pingrnm nnw ml llunw and more dun Ilu wul Irnm llrllll II III ll Inrl wished rm mtlhlw am Ilvr lrrt nine In ll tall and tho mull Irnnie My lltllllllF ll luv lvlrtull mnrtly Ill tltruugh lire lnlddle tell mu IIka uulul My vlmtnr to round nl mo lelliug mg look wurwlrrlul Aim my lull baud try Im just ut his bride wrwln hllrr at Nlll Is In with rrnrly tor ume mnmymmm Ill mrwtlhl trip Ul NllllllJNfl II In no struggle on my put to mltlro rt wulmli run in hwy mini lit ilrtlnl ullrlrl on will ilrIyI lle much stayed three good meal day believe good lirenklnrt cuu carry you through long working hours without hunger or lullgur ruluy nary hit oi your column lbw you will continue through the yrars lenplo turn Ind look at me Villen walk down the street NI no mntm how old you run It is important to krrp it good poytura and walk creel with head up Youll be walking on air Sonia of you will think this grnndmnthrr inn retirier qu Iur ller doctor ImIrorrI hurl Ihn lrrll muneluul In wright titulll woman nI that hrtuirt wtlh slight lrunie II slender pounds lrr in hvomni ruin would pleura hrr lrlvudl liln luct Ilrwl Illt look ill lho weight slowly on oscrllent Iood hrhllr Ind urrrlwrd In Ilrnlglrlru her Iplnw Ind lurprnvu lrnr pasture VOUIIE ALWAYS WELCOME AT lilllillETS HOBBIES HODDYCRAFI SUPPLIES CANADIAN GIFTS lIIrrIeI Mort hullling Shun Ilunlnp RICE AND CONFETTISHOW Dalston yUuited Church was the scene oi reIty wedding when Mary Elofou Anne Ped liughum became the bride ol Ev erett ltoy Miller Bouquets or white gladlull dee oruted the church altar tor the altersnoon ceremony conducted by Itev Allison Haynes on Sept 10 Mrs Thorpe ol Angus sang The Lords Prayer and Tbs Wedding Prayer accom panied by qursIeu oi Dal stou Tb bride is the daughter at Mr and Mrs Charles lcd llughum oI uh Dorrie The bridegroom Is the son oi illrr Everett Miller ol Angus and the late Mr Miller NIva or unocnbrz Given in marriage by her Is Ihcr the bride chose street length gown oi white and silver brocade designed with tilted bodice and Mini shirt The the hot at matching brocsds leaturs ed rounded neckline and tiny back buttons headdress organza pelulr and seed pearls eaughtthosboul der length veil oi silk Illusion tulle The bride carried white prayer book Idorncd with spray rd red Sweetheart roses with white streamers lutertwiu ed with rosebuds BRIDAL ATTENDANT MrI Murray Grooves oi Itlt Barrie attended Iu matron oi honor Miss Mary Jane I1qu Ilurrln and Miss lnnet Pea cock oi Kirkland Lake the bridel nitse were bridesmulth Miss June Freeland at North Bay niece at tho bride Ind Mlu Calhy McArthur ot Burris were the flower glrll Street length gowns ol prau do solo were worn by all It teudanu The matron oi hun orr drcu was bronze tnucd nuanced with matching wed ding ring headdress She enrrlrd bouquet yellow muml Ono bridesmaid woro yellow prnu do solo and carried bronro mums with the second hrldumuld gowued in green nnd carrying speaks wrll or her program We wish hrr ban oyaga on her second honeymoon Wllli FLY KITEII Mil llAIlllOli Me IAII Two Columbus Ohio men said llulnrrdly they urn prrpurlur to fly kltm the Atlantic Ocean on tho uuumntlon It has now hm time More Ilm lllln and ll Sroit rnld they will board on uuldonllllul sill In IIAlIIu tnr Sutlolk England The two idler lurhnmi sumo how to thl vessel will fly over Photo by any MIL AND MRS EVERHII ROY hm September Rites At Dalston Church bouquet or yellow and white Imums They wore wedding ring hoaddmoe to matdi their gowns The flower girls were dressed in yellow with matching bead bands and they carried noseguys of yellow and bronze mums Gerald Magnusson ot Angus was groomsmun The brides brothers Geolirey Pcdliughum or Barrie ud Peter of North Bay attended as ushers RECEPTION Guests were received at the Sunday School room oi St Johns Church Crulghurst Tho brides mother was attired in brown figured crepe dress complement ed by beige and brown Mess sorles and corsaga of yellow Sweetheart men The bridegrooms sister Mrs Three Kingston assist ed ln receiving the guests ller ensemble ol blue and white loco was accented with white but and corsage of white earnutlons leaving lor the honeymoon tho bride wore navy blue suit whlto accessories and corsugu oi red sweetheart roses On return lrom the wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Du iuio the couple will make their home at Mldhurst Guests attended from Kirkland Lake North Bay Kingston Sault Ste Marie Toronto Oshuwn Elmvule Angus and Barrie Mr and Mn lliormr Mc ilrrneuu litulmrrum nl Outr eiull wtm to Innoiuro tho Imtlwonung marrings at their dammitr Mnrthn Mary to herd For carrier delivery to call our circulation Gilt illitt HOME BEL filrflried Worlds Ill IVERY Tho BIrrlo ExImlnor only 45 weekly IIKAII ALI TIIH Nlllll DAILY IN Till EXAMINER Jaw home or ollleo cpl 7264539 TO WED IN INNISFIL EnjufivaszDs AT sUMM Areooni tor your Wedding Albuu is provided by The Barrio mm Womens Page Form an amiable at TM Examiner office Eariypublloutiou 01 this weddnz Nomi Lt laoilltated by submth the crumbled torn and IplotmottlnbridetothoWormnstiluIassomu Iible You are Bitul to submit the Mom oi outdo guésia ailmdimthawtddinx it loltbeoooiallltnltclibubu Mumdndwuemwoddmg Christ Church For Afternoon Rev David Peusgood ol Tor onto officiated at tho wedding of Judith Anne and Ed ward Kdth Bentley at an II tmwou ceremony in GinSb Gum Ivy Wedding music was ded by Miss Audrey gap Burris who accompanied the so lolst Torry Arnold ol Ivy Standards of rose gladioil and mums in whit2am rose tune with candelabra decorated the altar at the church lhe bride Is the daughter at Mr rind William Mich ot Thomton The bridegroom is the son el Mr and Mrs Frui oridt Baguley oI Sdiombcrg TRADITIONAL GOWN Mr Luteh escorted his laughs tor to the altar and gave her In marriage For this special day she chose lull length gown ot satin designed with ddnch able dispel train The Jacket Chantilly lace was fashioned with rounded scalloped neck line and lily point sleeves comnct oi reed pearls and rhinestones held the ringer tip veil at stilt tulle The bride Aurora Inn of Mrs Iltdwll KomJe oi Germany hrul lulu Mr Koetrle The marriage will into place at St laull Angllmu Clwtrrll lunlsltl on Out hi run tlirotn by Dime Camera CHIn Photo ME AND MRS EDWARD BAGULEY Ivy ls Setting Wedding Vows carried bouquet of red most and white motions WEDDING PARTY The brides attendants includ ed Miss Jean McIadyou ot Coolutown the maid of honor Miss Patricia Keanu oi Klein lmg and Miss Mary Lou Steph enson oi Sohomberg the brides maids Mis Marlene Anderson ol Toronto was flower girl Similar lull length gowns of organza over taffeta were worn by the attendants The maid ot bonors gown was turquoise Ic cented with matching wedding ring braddresr She carried bouquet oi white mums and blue Sham daisies Tho bridcsvmlds dresses were pink with matching headdrescs and they carried easoodoa ol whllo ruurm and pink Shasta daisies The flavor girl worn is short frock of powder blue orgaura with mutdtinll hzadband ller flowers wcru white murm and blue daisies Robert Huntley oi Seliom herg stIeudM Is grooomsmuu llobert Given of smart and Dough Stephenson oi Sthom berg we the ushers GUESTS RECEIVED The reception was mid in the Ivy orange Hall The brides moLbrr received attired In pink dress or lace over taileta accented with pink pctallui hat and eonage oi whits earua tions The bride grooms mother time on euscmho ol turquoise lace and tnllela complemented with while allth but Ind mrlugo oi plu oanintlons The brides travelling costume eonsisied oi powder blue two piece wool houelo suit with mut ehlug hut and coring ol pink Northeast rum lrdlowing honoyrnmn to Sar nlu Ind point in the Doha Stairs the maple are making their homo at Hand Head Out Guests ottruilrd lrom Toronto Windsor Sutton Seatimruth King City and Irum rmuy polntI in the Ivy nrea IllLLV illAllAM AILS LONDON iAll llvuugrllwl Illlly lrnhum unllerweul Is rlrl ol Irrts at tho lundon Clinic lledneuluy and mu pm ununrul Ill errepl lor minor urluury lulrcllon spohrsmun tor irnhnin said he has been Iullrrlutt rllrrumiort lirenusa nl tho luletilhn nnrl lrul been tutt lug unllhtollrl lur nearly three llmto Camrm Control its our of your deanwi SYLVIA CORBEAU FRED GRANT It reason to lot unwanted hnlr cloud your In another minute omo in or free consultation with our rpecialtri No oliIlgntiun of 01er PHONE MUNIO weeks CODDH YOUR SHIN prmeutlnnl Ilmnu no sircruoiootsr rsr BARRIE our lo Phota by It Cowper Studio Anton Mills 1110 Milk grooms parents are Mr and Mrs Joseph Bureau oi 1m lluaric Rev Father An bour officiated at tho erre mooy le newlyweds will re MR AND M118 lohu Gren lr Bureau sign the register lollovnn their September mars mg tit St Marys Catholic mm Barrie The bride in the former Katherine do lflyue daughter at Mr and side in Barrie tires Cowper Mrs Airgun do Kloyuo oI RE Studio WINNIPEG CPI Maltland Stelulropl did not contest that Stelnkopl has resigned as June provincial election declur minister without portfolio in the lug he wished to retire irom Manitoba government it was politics but continued to hold announced Wednesday Mr cabinet post until this week it Lingerie Corsetry Hosiery Sportswear Accessories Flattering new arrival to our dyodtomutch sweater and skirt colloctlonu Is this ottmctlvo oulllt by LADY ANNE4mm 4ploco Angolspun lur blond group composod ol this crochet dotullod cardigan slim linod skirt cordlnun and pullover In cumol moss groan rod Cardigans are 81500 and 61600 ouch pullovor 91200 oiros 3040 Wool llunnol aklrttl300 olzou 1010 Slorn Hours 900 to 000 pm FRIDAY ll AM 10 it IM

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