Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1966, p. 5

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Gerry fusion at Vycvale won the band taco on entries vnlh Gland W111 ol Mid land mud Vern 01mm thin Ind Wayne Bard mm Judy Mcde of mmzmn Work To Be Pushed On 10th Line Road ELMVALE Stall form er Barrie girl who naw lives in Elmmle Janina Tuck rode the winner the hall mile race in the mum ham show nature Elmvule Fur whida conclud ed lnsk night with dam in mg Oommmtyogglre Glenda 52mm of hfldland while mu Tww Elmvale urged his mum to lhlrd and Joan 039011 of Vycrale was tounh Vern Gaston and James BInu rode other enLrics In ths keenlycom med BVLnLV Glenda Stewart 5150 mred double in by taking 1h keyhole strand cvcnl and the pole bend lng competition Judy McNicol was runnepr and Bill Sim mnns third In line foam event xich had enhim while Wayne Boyd was mnd Jerry Caslon turd nnd James Blww lnunh out In in the polo bendmg ram Janka Tuck also uvu the pleasure class want on regisur 60111111 in the western horse show mrxamt Oarruthm was second and Joe nawmmthird among 10 entries SCORES DOUBLE John Iowan mad mpcrvisur told um Cmml medal mltllml LhLl wcek mat lundx still on hand mid bu lullidtnl Mid Ibo balance the mm llnc mos Iho wuship and surface tho portion Muddy con ledul ll line and dam um mu ll WWH puma 1w surminu an the m4 of Du road In be done rudy In I067 Ulul plmkhnx Mm Ibmum nun mm mm or me lrnmc the International plowing mm In octobrr 1901 me luh lino um 1mm Slmul will be lur mlr wuhmx WM dovrdml 00 hidmny By holding Mck nn mm Wm Ion Inan mjma mm All may be no cnmpmml Um MM hold mu mmnu he wmuiy thru mum of lull IJM mmnlc Hm M1 Cmnn Ml um lho lumh MI haul would he Iwflnr med Jun lamina KN road lo ho Mum nrxl year IIIINIIANT 1131mm of mull ll HHI hwyrr ml lwmlul hm Hum 51th mmmnmflnl Du dmncn mam hm 9mm nmln In 21 mm mlw wnJMn rvvmeul um all Hwnm plnml Min INII mum nulnnlth Um munan n¢ nlvnl lhrN mil ho lrlll llm wm mm In udrml In up mm om mile My dune rm 21 buth an mum 1w um mi 1mm nkn IIurlnl marl IW 1mm lmll lo IO AMFIIVIII WII plvaI lrfl in alumna he hung Innsan WW Ilm mum Mr Man lflmhd In aru vl Mml mam Im hml Mm nllwnm mm or pm Hs Irmkr Ivy are mmlmL In all buru lluo min Irring made Uvul ymr nn luv mularluq ml uwlhmvly rm pry null Ihidl ls Mlvilnlal war erm IWlifll Avhzll mlo Ina lnn 0n unlarinl 1W km Mm Nam Ia bvu a6 ler Juan were among prize wlnneu in the western horn thaw ealura Elmvalu all Elmvale Girl Rides Saddle Race Winner INNISFIL NOTES VERN GASTON and Ill fly ll rode 1h winning mum in the flag race will Jerry Oasum sec nnd In 13 Enlfi9 Glenda 51ml an wok bum in this ass to end all pom winners me pickup race was won by Vem Gaston wflh Jhn Blow see and Judy Mchcol Lhixd and Jury Caslonmmh BABY SHOW Winner of he weepser tromy in the baby shvw was Jacqueiim hflllixnn daughter James mum of Phelpswn Jacqueflne also won flrsz tot the best my to 15 mm at th nlr swwpmh winner she mcdm tmphy donated by fleuva Alex McAqu of Elm vale In addition In her cash win Tommy Milk Scarbomugh was mnnomp in the over12 monuu day 1115 baby show 1W Elmvalc bnblcx Wendy Trace and Mbcm Briscfle wan winners in um ycarold elm dummy for babies mm six month lq year Kenna Elrkk was judged winner of the dag to six math lake mesa honor or Bame Sean Dam of Elan plow We and other piec cs mostly In mlniaxm auxlet od woman In tho usling rink Lecfion hm mim display mild nl lownship roads have of eafly next month been redraw with double amwlkndon the unfuan at win on L15 yearl puma £500 per mile but this pendulum likely to nlmz the other way by nu your Ilmilnr lo gal war it Cowan lold Council One mmntnllvo from In nlsm wn in nlluxhnu the Klan One the Mum pmij to be commend 111 be rrdalndnz large mum of he hkwwm which ha unshtd away with Mn Elm log mm mm nlonu me thor la ymr wwoflcd by pile the WM mnth driven ln lllo mud have mm uxelm In Hopping not on hm 1m mlmdon nnw no lyran In munc fl bu1ld ml dewhwm AM 1m mi mm rmM cnnutlnallm II Imllu lmwo Ibo lmln One mmnmllvo from In nlsm wn in aluminium the Grown nay Dcvtlwmcnl Cory mum Kn Danie even though Illa lowmhlp mnmbum per llon ol ho mm he nwanh mlioun nnnunl mam Wilt luxn Krlly member at Mnsfly ILu Imnomd n1 WWI hum Dukh Hm llMM ml all ma um wfll In IndmL In tho mlllnl Mm III 1an wn mmuwl the min wbll my IJIMy In Wt flu yummy gunM WM ll lmml In NHI mam rim lnylr Kl Mm and mm pm 11w PMIN do llvir port In Iill rennin lunlzlll or wt 01 ha mnml day at the conrmnco Disnmlom dealt mm min mal Im an cemomlc duan ml MAIN um mm the po MM lmlmmnl dmflmmml In mm muuuon In mo Gmglnn Bay Nflun lwlumhll lot11m mm lndquInl vehqm myl 1qu IM 3M vlan or be inmmL The program nlw nuanrd fur rmmiioml mm mm lnrlwlnl tun lulmml lumfiwonn Willlnm IL mncton dulnmn nl flu Dmnmnlc mmrll Ontnrlo RAVI Ilnlflfl mhlrm nml nlmw hmm mm ml lmlu 11mm 11 N5 CUT mm rim hm mm In the Muhmflrlly pudlou Iakrtuln mu bv uu 1mm Infilnmm mm unm ll hrll IivHI um him will utml lilo ow nmmlnl 31km mink on mmhn hr mum IVqu pl uh mix up In In dam Mn mind My will Vaml Mn Emmi mi will dual MI1 MUM mu mr manz nchyemld mare Chem Vern captur ed first in the pickup race for flddll horse Joan won WW My my were housed The displays were spammed by Pine Ridge Insu tuke ol Wycvale New Flog Cen Lre Hos Van Wick Silva Maple Aflmwuod and Saufln LADIES SECTION Mrs We Elmvele won nmnerms awards In the ladlas vmrk and baking dams Among others she won first or best cum blocks unwork p11 low cm aw slim and knit oeq vyeck We whfle Mn when Mamn Mso wvnallrszinflwcakedmuld hr cinnamon bum lho Mums Yeast 591 dnl or brwn btcad was mu try MIA fliiuhle of Einwale Spomed by the F10 Agri cultural Sodew the 1mm aIr drew good mundane dwpila heatenlnz skies and rain The Camel Shaw midway rides was well patmnizcd and thorn was good slwwlnz of llvmtock Amber Elmvnla Exhibitor Mm mu won for build with Ma mice 01 Elm vak mud Mrs locks an the dresser sci $7557 Best mum cake was made Wm aims BEATS AND WORK An EnglishInvented knilllnz machine lulu Flberlln ylrn can knit anythan from 0001 hull to 50000 drone your priza for finishing inurth out of nine entries in the haii mile saddle feature Sim is shown with her mount Sherry liveyeamld mm Mxlhfiicf NI DIGDrlxlml wn lcriino nnd All Mllnd thl Maggot plotInn ll how lhll mg mm whl b1 not la hem it rewind MW ha sand drlflnl an tho than lay of muck which will not support Iomlul mm In lhu you aim lho pmpmy hu bun publicly own nd lhu innrune mnled up lo we rm lnpnml and nm In hm Noun um mm mm In Ihr prams Ilalu mrnt Mum lnnhlxl Imk or Hm yrnr evrn wuh lha lmvy mon 04 rnlndnu llw wmrr mum mu 1mm near ly um unm ml hm MfllOUl lNflUIlANUH 139 Public School Man grml In mtw mu Inwrmn Mvunnu Md on all lumwny ptrmluma for mu Mil MW on wuh lhu wvlmll Irnn ammo la lur hr and unmuiu mm mm and limb mu while mind ml homo WM ur mium Malling um 11 rov mu Mm Milk nnl Ivy mum adding par pupil 11w IIIram muer wll pay In puma llw rhlhl ln lmyldil um meNfily hnnr mle mtmhndrly rm mungu wk on will TREK PLANTING Imninl Van up MU nu WM In Minnml mt nil Mile mvkv Ila wu lvM KM WI HIM be nmrllw WMiam Min Khrnflmal murmimim mm lhmrll mind In lhwd my rm Ml lwn mail In um um nnmnl lm limb pmkd by until lw Flak il Mlflnfly In ALLISNN sum Whlle the views at The interested mun lclpalides hm been made dear disuxsdons and hearing con oemlnl puma to dissolve A14 Baton Union sum Area have not 1mm Armed5km c4 andhror Lhe present the on 511190 sysop Shame Ommty educatiounl comma mnluee whim is headed by Reeve Albefl culvert of Port MeNiw baaheldlwa dugsand Allisan mum met for discw flout lhese sessions hsz out much usefui lnfomwflon Whldl has enabled Alligon and We no bum Appreciate mo whern wewpolnl Wed COLLINGWOOD Siaii unvernxnunt sponsored Confed eration caravan will be visiting Couingwood next May la and 19 it has hem unnamed here In addition to this town the itinerary calls for tho caravan which will feature displays cali ing attention to Caniedorntion and Canadas birthday to visit Barrie and Willie in Simeon Visitors are expected from miles around to visit the cara vun Slayner arrangement already have been discussed to bring visitors in Caiilngwaod and other nurby communities aisu ure expccied to send represent alivu four year oid Jamey 00w Hnmn Hill Mme nlxle awned by James Motsan union has been chasm the senior dumplon and 5150 grand championmatme padsh Shaw at CooMown fnlr 11m reserve senior and grand champlon wan Lbrzeqoarold owned and exhibited by marina Sandman Shanty Bay Mr Sanderson aha with the pmmlcr hrmiyr and premier emlbilm Willinnu Gflbbim Shroud Wed junior drampdonshlp malt and We Sanderson whim we reserve champion Mr Gibblm also mm he senior mind champion mala trophy and Mr Sandcmm the reserve cham plonshlp in he yearling bull The Mainly flaw was won by the Sanderson anry mi be be lddmd cm was ML Marfilnn Dvirwiy Hue fieédlud Mel mm per Punch and Laura Needles Nomunillor an and Debby Ihndl other mum wcro Mrs mm and Duncan and Gamma Oamcmn Smiy my me whit1 will be presented ma annual ban net ma coun ty Jemoy club Men Stayner People To Inspect 1967 Caravan At qulingwood Thornton Cow Best Shown In Jersey Show nil Elbgéi by of 00000 In mm In lin Into nuw public uchool hm mulrmnn the Iclml board Ronald mock In willulng phm fur the schooL said ymrl delay In mmuudion hnd mm rm $100000 and he lemd that 1mm dclay WM mean even grater trnlann nl um Thu miulnnl 11mm ol $500000 was mndo year no and at um me lhn board can uMed to he ponement I0 mm mumll linnmlnl In M¢nllc whim mmlrumon prnmm or nrw lmhmry and homing In no mam am we p114 um Inhud Ali mu dumuhal mm lhla mum dinl Mm Inddml mllw Imul final huflwr In ndlidkm Into vile or mm mm 517d b0 Mud COIJJNGWOOOD Stall mm hul bctn glvm by Col 119 copnquor the mug lrmmlng hla mxu lo us mm him on tun 1mm nu mth7 Mu lllln Mr he will hr Inthm mo Iqu Indy ll umflmmn Izrmmi wllh alnlvnl morguan no wnrw prim plum Include ll rlaunm lllvmry mu one em mum mwm mummy Tll lmlldinx vuunlulunrr Frank Wdlwnul mld Wnlnmlay Mi lnpMuI hm power In dlfik my lml until MHIHM NH tlvml EIMNHM Mm III mm In Nd nwlnniml mnan milky ildrmflm 1n AlliStfon Union Sch¢ol Enrolment OVerl 600 Pass $600000 For New School At Collingwood Invesligate Rides Structure Rt CNE 11W EXAMINER WANT ADI mm 7516 ESSAS PQSIIION Ma wwnshlp lnwhlch some of Mums suburban ma located gnd where most loI Baa pupil lee has objected do dissolution and has disputed mmsm argumem that the down paying mom than shm figures have shwn 0w WPl Edwahubcenhiflertorm an and this had ledxto d1 saustddlon in ha Lawn Essa molds for whom Reeve One the most ambitious pm km of the Dominion centennial committee the caravan will be filled with historic exhibits pm pared by Laurier Lapieno and Blnir Fraser Trailer one ls to deplct the arlzln Canada and two fea ture an exploration dlsplny precanIedarnuon settlement ls shown In another whlla Conrad mtlnn acene development Canada the Cmdlan Way and Canada and the World are the name of other exhibits Another trallcr will entura hls reglnn Andmuo also have bum Included in the mlon school but since only aw pupils from these townships were affected both warmed willingon to Maxaw Brochure about the caravan will he sent out to schools in ndvnnca in order to Elva tench ers the opportunity to lamiiinr in their pupils with the Camda story inst bciore the displayt Conledegaunn Caravans may have been named wlll com slst cl elghl largo and colorful lrnctnrlrnllen nnd they will lell centres not on the Conlcd crullon lrnln route Each Car avan wlll canals ul hm ska Ilon wagons and elgllt colorful lruckdrawn trailers each lo cation the lrnllm wlll be park ed ln corral lnslllon whlch wlll provlde an enclosure or cen tral exhlblt ldznllcal exhibits dcplcllng Canadas past present and lu ture will be duplaycd ln lhe Ira nl Exhibit will not be of lha Italic museum type but will con sist of vlvld designs decuanlc volco ducrlyllan and clearInn ed sound The Conleduallon lrnln will mm Vldnrln EC on hp Cumvan Ive ha been 21ch ed for he visit to Collingwood Burl and Oriula EXPORT ALE FROMAMQLSONS WDEPENDENIBRIWWIW Canadas largest selling ale since Vuda voilaHy would have to be revised OVER 600 ENROLLED Enrolmnt figures or the new term were given at 66 sushi dedfine from In my Elk George Davis has Etch the chief spokesman have argued lhak redailva cosh should be muled car an mm bash mime an per post onmparmnx since the numbers of pupil from each ma fluctuaies mm one term to another The chic bone conwntlon has concerned responsibility or enlmlng the sdwol mm has something over 20 mm MIMI has mmmded It woldd notncodalarxersdmlfltbe union ma was dJssolvedESa which once readied ioievisim set are be mil ed or times Piudiase at these hum Ihe Admiral Corpor afinn at $241190 has been amber ized by the school board me question uniform dress for girls in been 11th uten Lion and received much support flw scimi eniargenm prob lem may be uiiimgwiy sealed by annexation Mimou council has dismissed possible amen uon merai times and it was mud more indmhiai aim would be an advaniagc ma bumupsuimrhanaxeainiisa was indiuded in the annexaiion Ainstmi would be laced vnih pro vldhm ihu addilinnai admol space in any mm since nearly so pn cemloi the ma mans nttexriing this school live in ibi BM Reeve Davis said it Essa does have Wide 93W 355 bellman has tax equity in an school and Hm to remain Estimated cost at Imposed new admonwa placed 14 $30 000 some weeks Igo but since then have when asked About Alli51° an nexaunn I713 mew Whitcside clerk said ml mat mm been mum Mr BOND HEAD Stall Sec ond Canadian open sheep dog Hall will be held at Oran mm on the em concession near hem ml taming Sawfly Sop umber 1L dam at hang Compciifiam wlll start at am and continue lhrouzhout most of he dny Arrange Trials For Sheep Dogs Near Bond Head IN THE mum ExAhilNER munsmw saw BAXIEE Stall wm ward approval federal movin ulol gram Mug just been xe celved mm 10mm the way has been dead fur mum de velopment of Essa Township Park on the Nowawnsaga River west olllvy and also to we Am hbrary mind am Ontario awemnem and Dominion government each will mam $2019 or the cen unphl mmdpal puk pmjed wind Invdlves development of about 17 um wvemment also will mu cl par pm whkh Involves develvment nbgu 17 acres End governth also will mam $1333 each to 510 qoo Shaquroxcctplanncdjy 33st at these Mom own have been warned that dogs without tags Are llable to he impounded George Crank animal control afticcr has 3510 ed the cooperation of owner who have purchased tugs to hnve them attached to the collar of their pets Tags are available romthe village clerk Cheater NEW STREET LIGHTS CREEMORE sum Three new street lights are to he in lallnd In from the Bowling subdlvlslnn and anolhzr light Brock Beach on Gourock Road In anlnwasaga Twwnshlp MIDLAND Joseph Guilloyla Barrie and Wallace Fletcher of Midland have been appointed to this Ipwna police force re plnclnz Constables Clmp man and Evans who re lined recently STAYNEII Former th lb Shayna pollco lam Bob Chnrmun has accepted secur lty pox Munitnuwadxe min inl lawn in nonhem Ontario Grants Approved For Essa Centennial Park End Library BUY nor IAds mummy sum APPOINTED TO FORCE DISTRICT NEWS GOING NORTH DISTRICT BRIEFS Flam for mum development these projects will be mused at the next meeting of EM mail on Monday Oct We have been suing our at tention Mdenlng and immov lng the mad said We George Davis He said this was necessary became it was an flcipatcd the park devchpmcnt will add maidenably to Items AvplioatiOn has been nude for centennial grant for we park projea and details are mailed Baking aw picnic tables and swimming places mg been pro mgram Utopia mummy hall and Ivy park knptvvanenm are among her he centenn palm Word of apmvval gamu mem astStance was meived wifih comidemhle Wamm DELAY ROAD WORK STAYNER Plnns or re rurlnclng the maln streak under the hlghwny cannecflng link prr gram have bcen delayed Ilntll next swing Other resurfacing mad work planned for In all also has been postponed mm mm Wednesday that blood was found an the floor ceiling and wall In an apart mcnz rented by Ronnld Gush and 25 Kitchener bud driver found mhbbed to dmnh Aug 15 Cpl anlmd Voxel mad pre limlnnry hearing on nun cnplhl murder Mtge against Karen Schipanoskl 19 also of fimner that ma empty 15 mm liquor bottle and amber unemflmflwmfoundmun allmay gentrah depart aid blood and urine was Mod Gushard had unnamed six or men WM 04 boa or nine in 10 ounces WWW manly balm he am Officer Testifies In Stabbing Death WWNEHCFH WI mm mildew at the 0mm

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