Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1966, p. 4

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msided Rev for DuiierinSlmcoe and Speaker of the Ontario Legislature was featured speaker at Barrie area convention oi Wo mona institutes Alan Money elect ed president Barrie Collegiate Student Council Other executives chosen were John Richardson Carol Orser and Mary Sinclair Lions Club dinner at Com munity House heard our brief talks by members Larry Hart Bill Merrick Boyd GarLshore and Stan Aiken New Kempviuw bowlln alleys officially open ed in Barrie by ayer Eldon Greer In South Simeon baseball league Johnny Bowman pitched or SLroud Redmon and Johnn Bowman pitched for Barrie Fly ers me name no relation Louise Eua was leading hitter or Harrie ladies soitball club wrlh Dorian Parker second Jimmy Viigar and harry Guest both Iessional Grey and Slmcoe Foresters took part in twoday battle exercise of Central Command Canadian Army Militia units at llleaiord Group Captain Pete West CD commanding officer resented trophy to RCAF Station Mone on NB for winning RCAF softball championship held at Camp Borden this ear hllnlstcrlal Association held realrfast meeting at Baysiaira lodge to plan Crusade for Christ to be conduct ed in Barrie by Leighton Ford brother lnlaw of Evangelist Bill Graham Rev Cecilglirenn of Central United Church Barrie Examiner SepliriQ 1956 Bar rie Skating Club announcempointment afrnlussrpiano lvnghl tog as pm No course the merchants could follow individually or collectively could be much worse than the crazy mlxedup bylaw situation weve had in recent years Big 00d chains once liked Monday closing other merchants followed Wednesday closing either ior half or full day As to evening hours small group re mained open on Thursday evenings but IOVYEARS AGO IN TOWN It is conceivable that some merchant might remain open until eight or nine oclock in the evening or even to mid night But most of them would prob ably close at pm Monday 14 Thursday incluslve and remain open on Friday nights and possibly on Saturday nights 00 Magistrate Gordon Fosters decision by which he invalidated the city oi Barrie store closing bylaw now throws the whole matter back into the lap of city council The council must decide whether to pass another law which would meet court tesior ether to carry on without bylaw and permit the merchants in set their own hours The tKoriunity is at hand to experi ment out bylaw Certainly the public and the merchants could not be much worse oi than they were during the period when closing bylaws were in effect Wiih no regulation store own ers could police themselves and perhaps come to some kind of gentlemens agree ment on hours Walla Publlahor Time At Hand TQExperimeynt Without Store Closing Law Eh TfiarripExa1ninvr NEW DESIGN FOR THE CANADIAN DOLLAR DOWN MEMORY LANE Publlahod by Ganndlan NewspaperI ijltad 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Mothon Managing Edltor mason am ms was No one will call anything foolproof he knows anything about 1001 Attending Kiwanis district conven iion in Ottawa were lilr and Mrs Bill Lang lllr and Mrs Emerson Swain Mr and Mrs George Caldwell Mr and Mrs Newton Mr and Mrs Butler Mr and Mrs Griffin Mr and Mrs Alfred Harris 14 and students at Barrie Collegiate took second in stock car race at Pine crest near Toronto Barrio Rotary Club celebrated 10th anniversary at Gu thrie Community Hall Six charter mem bers who attended were Harold Henry Eldon Dooley Greer Grant Mayor Fred Sarjeant Dr Ross Iurnbull and Bill Brennan Barrie Custom Car Club founded Police Chic Edward lschir hart held irst trial run Mr and Mrs Hap Lowe and Mn and Mrs Clayton Brown were attending national conven tion of Kinsmen Clu at Jasper Park Lodge Alta Successful season of dancing at lliinets Point Pavilion con cluded with music by Bob Hunters band William Albert was resort manager Point was subdivided in 1910 by tho Strathy family First pavilion was built in 1021 and orchestra leaders in early days in cluded hiriy Posen and Stan Francis of Toronto Pavilion burned down several years later and was rebuilt and extend ed by Sinailo olinsLBarile contractor Within matter of weeks or months both the cwnctl and the merchants will be certain as to whether bylaw 15 need ed Its our guess that everyone con cerned could get alqng without closing regulations As result of hls rullng Magistrate Foster has done the community major service He has pinpolnmd the fact that even the merchaan themselves have not been sure where they were going And if the merchants am confused what about the rubllc Again we say leave hy aw 911 the shelf few weeks ago Stan Hammond downtown meat merchant decided to re main open Thursday evenings He was given police summons to court and his case came before Magistrate Foster In his judgment the magistrate dismissed the charge against Mr Hammond and took the orportunity to wash out the by iaw Ha mgflbodlthe lay as too yague Paragraphically Speaking in the middle end as confused as ever is the general public The consumer could never be sure short of keeping timetable when he could get his haircut or buy his groceries clothing inrnitiire or drugs Realizing the confusion more end more simkeepers have adhered to slxdey opening rule permitted by an amended byieyl this sninmer the majorH adhered to Friday evenings Ruben course have closed all day WWW str Wllsory Ooneral Manager mum Imm mw my firm Exumlm 0w um wan And in mm am has hnd la no pllod In Mum nu mova lrelgbl on Canadian railway Inch lmpmance that in ma national Inkmt no M6 page gun by MW Another fun m4 ha chin 11 um vm realms of Omex tvrn mom lhry mo mum MUM and an mm from marina produce mu deal of our wmkh mme cannot be permitted wkMrM um Mm from mun manly on ha gmund 1M earnedgovemmcnh Canada knew that ran trans polullon link was munUnl Canada was home na on Int the Marillmcs by sea ummwrt Wm dasost lo va York and Bos1nn mum Bril kll Numbina natural links wen wilh Cajforma and ma Pacific Mu and when the prnlrlrs wcrc 0pcntd their pro duel had In ovmmu lho dil ficull terrain cf Narihem On Mo In no to nurkLt EHENHAL Ln who the St Lawrence leeway And he developmcnl Hum and lhu highway movement cl might and M11 rnflwny are Just mud oday as they wen one hun dred yam no huge pm our wealth dulvcd mm the uh when mineral and wrest pmducu MM can only ho moved by rail Indcod It wm not for our when In b9 the Communist cannula varyuwdl be layed wgm WWW Jl WWWQI Now mat the railmds are rising again the mrkm havn been guaranteed pay in crease Lha mediation Ls under may perhaps me moflvcs and actions ol all the panic can be oonédercd calmly Tlvs Canmllan lrrn II IHIHIIVIIV rnllllwl In lur mmhllrnnvm nl Ill mun dlmllhu ln MI amr rltdllrvl In ll or III Aunclllml Irlll nr llrulm Iml nIo flu Iml new publlxhnl mmm Dally suMaYu nml Mnlulvry mm exccplml Sumulnnnn ram Inlly by rmlrr 1c verily 11140 yravly Sing to In lhr Hy mall llnrrrq rnrly Onllrln year nunnr lhmwon ran Mull mum 0mm II in yenr OulnMn Cn mrln Hrillnh mllnm mm your Ant lurwlln moo yur 01hr Unlvmny Tnmntn Mil CM cm Mnnlmh 01 11M VNl lrxldrr El nnrmmr Mrmhrr or Um Cnnndlan Dnlly Nmuylwer luMhh Ill Aundnlhm Ilm fun mlllm Irtu nml Audi llumu wrruIaHnm Autumn in Musknka mean canvas mm colored leafscapes during the Mus AuUmrlxod lomnd mu mail You OHIEI Drplrl mml 0m Ind lnr em wall in Simcoe North MP Discusses Railway Strike In Canada nu yen sum MP Northslmcuo AUTUMN IN MUSKOKA An unhny uiln an mamr pl 1nd dnmt mm wry Iuytlnimu In In mln Urin Ive Mqunnl Inn 01 Mr HIM ll laHy puy In mm ha mhrr Wnwn will llt mly hlu mm Mfg hat Human mun Fndnx mm pdndptca how am justice be done tall xxkm In lbs dflzm ol Canadn lane It Imld mm to me um formula can be lound when ruuwwkera mm can be duormlnad In rcInUvn lo the cm livan and to In In other indmles her 1m Micah bamirAnl has him plnce nullwnyl mm by mnnlued Io nbnndnn out modtd Mm but no longer mv the national purpm or he wt hru ha mumry um um mum Ind ml Abandon merx will permm all mall hoava on wcsum Canada but Ibo MI In low mull lha holds Ito qulml In Main lmuncll In Ill pm at Dawn to carry tho mini lhu other com paMm IMPROVEMENTS M11ny mun be pernith to ta dvnmazl ul all In mv nmiék in nw maiqu underml hi4 IML BOYLE NEW YORK MP Mg mule human mm WIP Hit1 lh nmlul myflery MI Mum much mun nn UN rah Minn nnnlvrrury ll My 1m Hnl nnl nn lhn day ah mmml hm THE LIGHT TOUCH FDUII FACTS Nor can we Mm In Lake mt vantage of the W151 chmolmzlcax changu um have liken plum and canIInue Io Ink place Iawing Ihe Inlmdudlon 1M diesel locomotive Them In the our acts railway lilo In Dan ndn We cannot wow nxvy InlcrrupIIon lmILh munmom on Canadian railways cannot allow raIIwnn Io Aban dan wssIny unwonomdc rail lines um Mormon Is In the mUonal Inmm We must In tho nnIIanaI Interest conlInun Io cqualize mm rules In MI there L1 lam equality of optimume In all 93H Cam Ada HI We mm allow Ind encourage all technolozlcal dunm so um we can our export to market as camped IIchy pauIbIc unprolilahlmy In many mm It must be in ha national In Lem that the rail senlee con tinue la such areas MI govern menu In Canada have wowed the principl cquaflufion npportnnlly or dunn In an pans 01 Canada In this mix cipla Lu Impum the act night rate subgldy or certain Imade wunlry koku Cavaflaade of 0010 Sep tember 15 to 91on 15 Ba we to 581 your Wife Is Biggest Puzzle To Man ry mo nwllnl me In Iv HM 4MP hm Mun In many In dun mu Why um lwr back he dmi Wm wt In um Hf nm Rnuir KI mm uNa ln do 1M Ivy Ihmmlvu inn on canmflm with he dumblo good lmhulry com Durban long Iuppoflal by mll nnkmm Ix15mm had no mean dammm Um 1m amount ol wnsu kmm an only ho done by ukulul madman Ind 1111mm working 1mm has Filml mum In nmyghljul haw hem And mad ma not lumd my mm Innnbia ulmmuvo the mum at man vimp 0m In my op Won 51 drum ham bcm dam More Allin aunt My nlm Mum In In In 1M mu mild puny 1n ml mm Why Hm Alwyn lnkla uw rum by mm Illdlfll In ll lmv ranl pron us I1MIm Mu HI An Inlmml poll nl donrm man bwlnrvh min WM mules 3m ml ulxxx yur MM punhm um Mumu Did he gowermnqm by II no lion dcstrvy tho mm of Iron mutation bargnlning or th railways Ind In workers No Ihe unions worker and tho companies are subject In exaaly the mm mm as he have been Ior many years Evcryvno knsw that prolong od mike could not be pennle and vvcmmo cqnwy knew that the nuom In wage would be paid Him by Increased ubsidy ur Wed helm rates Huh subsldy and increased might rate must be nulmlmd by pafllnmm These 1nd were obvm lo nemduxm on bath ddcl 1m led the chief mm tint noqodadom drugged kt nlm months or mom Dom Aidan km Mind unlo mink wold be munme lm pond Putaps tho 111 per cm mulunm not Mr la firm but was Ibo gum mind at by Mr Jusuco 0mm Mum In nxpmxlml labor pogdAMor whobnml pmvcment or handling and maximum mm and plum gm Because many cmgloym ave been mm In Ive In Arms Mme them Is IIILIn al tnrmflve enmloyment It wuld be my good Rushes In bu most genera In those poem In ramming them mowing Ihozn and granUng nearly lull pcnsm and oven mile mm mm heavy losm are 5mm In the sale homu In roman localities In paying rel assistance we shauId ba 3111 0d not by cut rmdod new laLona mudo In Lhc con ury but based on our prcscnl dny condium Ind needs when wuro Visiting Mus Yet éur Morifimwax nnnclnz has been richuncln 4031 Un 1th male When we haw needed money In tho pmvlncc weve gone Io Ollawa and said give In some your lnxlnz rcvcnuu because med hum And it has guno 191 has been bad xynem It has mndo for dlxnlreemmt any lilunllon In which we parllu are involved money mane But hln clrrled nn wllh 1t And you appcn to be Ilvln on rich uncla ul course youru never Iamflcd You get world mm you Hvlmz complex and alum with MS you are anyvacant 112 Marrir Exmnuwr dont know how you run your personal file but you are anythan like me any gravy mnncy money you havent earned In the ordinary roullnb ls usually spent bl less ruspansihly llmn lhe regular pay quuc COMPLEX DEVELOPS Mn Sharp has done what succualnn of finance minister have dared to do has tuld the provinces 11 time they not out and raised their own money And he lulured he In lendstnusee thatthey do It TORONTO CP Althnuxh many wLIl disagreeIncluding gamment personnel dawn staln at Queens Parkyou and In the general ubflc shuuld valcu mum to edml Fl nlnco Minister Mitchell Slum Evmmmedemwmwastnmmkdywbelwmmlc relief beeamo geneml MSaskakluwmn miLY five mdved loanmhmdamwmmkoum Mmmaflm taspendanyolmnnwyonmxrtnrmgetablesothurflmpom mdxliui beam By BOB BOWMAN Wlmflnflmzaummmmmthesmdm hmnwuoafluiammmdaze mame thdepmmyemdmwmwwhw Wen mmmbadthmmcmmlm mmdpwhmrpbychnMadnmlpwtmhl mmflmwmdmxnuwdlumhu Mmbadmmymwwmforthekmmu metammd mmmmmmmommmm so leedlurmm Ammmmm mm WMmmmm By bk time ma esLhnated that Mariam bhe munLry we um bcucr an In mm mm seven waived nod vouchan worm seven doflau 16 EAYFIHD ST LETTERHEADS BROCHURES INVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS GUMMED LABEL5 POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY ll ynnr unlu nu not mind by pm plum phon THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR And Copy wlll ll Dtllmnfl To Your am by mm CARRIER MISS YOU COMMERCIAL PRINIINO QUEENS PARK 7282433 Ottawa Rich Uncle To The Provinces 1th Has mlauka lhl hu mnnlly keep on mixing Mlny man hu been eondzmned on Whll henppcnn to HUM thin an what ha Eu lhoy will have present pawcrlul cm to nulweigh the basic mnslderaunn um ll they are galng In Ipend money It boner or everybody they nlso mm lland have to go More lhu cleclurale or final appmxal at their taxing as well as their spendlnl Du you look in mm um um onlnni uppmun Colinle 1011 Prnvlnclal lovernmanI are not galnz tn Ilka um llwughl dalng all their own taxing and cl having aka lhs bllmu mm lha publlc or ll obstacles and theoretical amu menu We probably will see lot oflcndcd dinfly LII17511735 now have 12h been willing to do this and he merits bum lambwon and em cuumgemenL We can enact many argu mgnts 1191 hi woman Wa have carried on has named because no And particularly the flame mInhlen mumWu will Ing to Ito tho mum of IL 51an mam Pumm BIBLE THOUGHT 7266537

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