Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1966, p. 4

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lloya KC ropmsmllng lnwn mum lnld llnllwny lummlulon hall telephone charum nhmlld lm rohalnl on account cl poor nrrvlm Cl lllml won honon nl Toronlu Exhlblllun wllh hlll llnrrcd llock hem 1n vcr large class Amlruw Malcmnsnn alsn dd well wllh hh Engllnll lnulcr plgcon n1 pnullry show Unlu at Camp llonlen hm AMIm Inlnlnfi Fll Ll Vlclor Hew um Inn of lu an llmsml lam my lormerly of name lulled while an Mchrth wm Mm Aug 17 and died In homltnl Hvo day Inter Hrnlo Hanmen non of Mn nml Mrs Gram IIImmr Dame mmnlul Distln ulshcd Conduct Mulnl Sohllm AM 11min pm WM informal dance at Town Ha eve nocond Satur dny night pfpceull pr ablalvelrram WAR DAYS 50 YEARS AGO Barrio Examiner Sept 14 1016 hln orni of Phi AL George Rogers kiilni in plane crash weer with Royal Fly in Corps inrgciy nllcndod inicrmcnl look place at iinrric Union Cemetery lie was son Thomas Rogers owner Harris Pinning Miii and grew up on Mary 5L Houdini procmsion vns tiring rm Irom 20m ialiailon and band 57h Allniion Cman iionion Cnpi Wil While provlnclal pollen do carry out spot safe checks on Ontario highways my lhu nlnflqncpnlryncnt lo ljrang At another recent Lest point mechanic suddenly found himscl with handful of from wheel It came off 1065 mod el car Inspectors said it had been held on only by its own weight There was no indication how long it hnd been ready 10 all on Tho driver was selling out on business trip to Toronto and volun tarily drove into tho checkpoint Thmo incidents ndd forco the argu ment that provincinl aulhorllles should give consideration to an annual safety lcjhcck or pulomobllcs on compulsory as For in communion with munlclpal pol co lcpartmenu conducts some checks them am still thousands or unsafe veh icles on the ram Recently Department of Transport checkpoint was set up mar an Ontario city The driver of 1034 model car with mileage of around 37500 decided to have his car tested He thought it was just formality About 10 minutes L1th when he drove away he was carrying piece of paper with notation that he had to report back to the nearest provincial police headquarters within 48 hours with proof that steering gear fault had bccn cor rcclc It wasnt major fault but could have been rumonmbla for an accident 11 it hadnt been spotted Inllnllon Camp Honlon Capt Vll Mn hlchhy nonM 1M0 Dr WnIII Fubllohar Should Make Car Safety Tests Mandatory Ontario By Innktng safely chock compuhory Eh iBmriP iExaminw ME RETIRE WHOD HOLD ALI THiS UP Publishedby Canndlan Newspaper leltod 16 Bnyfluld Smut Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE MoPhenon Manuglng Editor FRIDAY man 1m PAGE Samuel Hslwr mun nrw mlll cm Maple Ave Soulh lhls vwk It has or mdly of I25 harrch our dnly In mum and drum mmmcr In many yearn hlghul temperature 100 on Aug 20 Dnmlnlon of Canada 3100 000000 Immh maturing mill nllrrul D755 yield Dam or Mr prr ccnl anhy tenchlnu ndoplcd hy Board of Education on nmmml nvurrrowd In In lhrcn Harrie puhllc 10110qu DU allomlanco Is 208 monllnu Irln vipal Henry llalcpnym mrcl In at Elmvnlo vulnl 1n lavnr now room school Innlslll Inwnnhlp Il lrlolg allor hum lnrgrl $5000 Unlikely Inf local huhIx WWII bu Nl following nrwnl of prohlhmon Heeling hold at St Andrewn Imhylm lnn Clumh 1o orulnlm Ifinlnsl union th Melhpq and Yongroununnnllm 100mllo reconnalsancu over Gnnnan llnu Driven Marr aml lvrctl Morrcn nro now In France vllh 4111 Can ndlnn Ammunflltm SubPark Slnlcoo Countys 157th lmtallon finlnlng hluh rnpulatlun n1 Borden both or p11 slum and training Cam lmlnnn ll Hnmx Barr who has been In rharun of PF and bayonet cxorclsc or the First Ianmllan llrigado Al Shorncllflc Eng land left or 11111921010 umg nllmul Mlchiga cps to make safely checks mandnlory Govnrnor George llomnc is soiling nn oxamplu or other poll cnl leaders lo follow by signing bill giving police lilo power lo establish safety check lanes nnd lo issuu summons to drivm operating with dL iccllvo equipment Governor Romney has lndlcntcd llm safel check no nolyct mandatory but lcgls aflon In the works When It comes out Ontario officials should ulvo ll serious study vllh In View to mlnpling slmllar program ln tho provlncc Eslnbllshmenl compuisory safe check system would require careful se action of shaft Those conducting the checks should be independent and the program should not be conneclcd with automobile companies service stations orbody shops Com ulsory saietr checks are con ducted several cues ln tho Unllcd States and consideration is being given lo expanding it to statewidovcnture One of the clubs 15 Knoxville Tenn when officlaix say the cost of the slick cm and fines offset the expendllums involved in making 31m test dech who fail to obtain the safely succh would be subject In fine and those funds might be used to defray the costs th program the government could assess slight charge on tho moloflst fort $31er sticker to be displayed on the car The cost of the sticker could be used to fln nnce the safety check program The leilor Sta sugggsls Wilton General Managor WC iSmiths1 Falls Hospital Critics Favorite Target an iJurrlr Exumlnrr David Lewis 57ycnrold Po Ilshbcrn New Democml Ml mm Tannin wont lo call upon man Mm had lhwancd hA nllnmpl lo bemme nn MP ex nLfly 23 year ago In byclwflun in ho Montreal con stituency Carucr in Auguu 1m Lewis then CCF candl dale ran mum winner was um Communist sandman Fred Hose barn in Poland the Inn cl Jntob 11415ch1 Two years 1am Roan was me nl Lho prpmlncm lixumr In ha Anolhrr sucker mm In evidence in othwn is my In 11150 ol LM gualismprinwd In French It reads FAITES CORIME MOI LISEZ LE DROIT Sumo 01 um English spanking majorin 01 Ouawmu wckomo Ms In exhorinuon to the capitals no toriousty undiscivlmod drivers lowly lrnnslntable as Do Ilka me le keep to the right POLISH MEET AT HOME IuI uncxpmcd Canadian ah Mammary reunion took ca in Poland last month when mum at xcnnlu and MI were um olfidal guest the Polish govcfnmcnl 01TMVA Finance Minister Mitchzil Sharp munuy an nounced an imminent Increase in taxation coupled wAh ho had nzws 2m the mel gov nmcnl ncw regards this threat of Inllaflon In Camila Em portant and urgent Th tal lawlnx day mm or blue and write bumper sticker hrcko out on cars in oxawa flmu prozhimed DONT BLAME ME VOTED CONSERVATIVE éomlgslonmon huh In live your there have been live Lhasa accidental death at Smith Falls he goes on Every such death trade But haw many normal communities of around 2500 populnllnn do not have least one accidental death yoar SOME CROWDING But Smflu Falls too crowd ed and so undohstafled lm proper supervision and real menl say tho crigica Them am ms ward stall at Smith mg marking in mm 17 mm xmsay Tannin Correspondent Second no Arflclea mnomo uum the Ontario governments hem de partment generally use the SquFIUTI Flog where patient mm or wander away during the winter and dim axposure Tragic deallu ln dead but wifll modern mt mcnl to prepare youan for aspmdncflvo individualaln normal madly them must be some calcqu risks menmlly mindedchildren are inmate um mm OTTAWA REPORT Educallon for Tomorrow fINIsH HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Smumry Holiday cxcnplod Suhscrlpum um daily by tnrrlrr 15c Mdly 31M yearly Slum It 10c 11 mail Hung 2140 your Onmlo no year mom lhrowo ycnr Mnll nuhldo Onln rlm ym Ouuldn Cn nmln llrfllxh math moo year SA and lorolxn moo yur Hum 42 Unlvrrnlly Aw roronln Mo Cnlh rm Mnnlrul 501 um unl Pmder EL Vnurmlyrr ll Mnmhor the Cnnndlnn Dally Nowxpnpcr Inhllslp Aswlnlhm lhu Can nvllnn Prm and Audi man of lrculnllonx Tho Canmllnn Im II uclullvuly rnlluml lo tho IN or npubllrnlkm nil MM Illlllnlthrl ln Ill mar rmlilul In ll ur 1m Amclnhvl Im or mum and uhn Hm local um puhlmml lhrrnln Aulhurlzrd mend clnu mall mu 0mm Dcpnrl mcnl Ollnwl and In puymcnl or postal in Club Sosays1gam lgunbfer Dr PATRICK NlmouoN Bumper Stickers Quick To Appear 5min and IMIN um IIAWIIIIW um mrhymnl mumM In um MnlllullIJMv All th m1 nunpun mm van an Innmum mu um um Mum mm MAnruu at DAM LIMITED py cLs He now mm In Iul nun Minty lhm mm um up mm rr made llmm he Inlll And Jm lnlk um Wm mam and on Plume m1 houL tic Emmi mum Ibo Kalle me hit ht had mm 1M mlumn lent Mm Ixy rim and by nlmnxm mm Emcrn Tmnfidpl NIL Mum Canada MM even IM Unlnl Sum 711m MunINT In Nmfmndland nu prjntrd JWMVWWIHIW ply rash Nrwtmukllnvd coda 1mm Icahn rmn Ind lgwfltd mpg My And law who rim In dlna ol Mummth food meals um ml the food And rhul Jlm Angl My mu And rhul Jlm Ind hh mu tndgflnlfi Ln Ifr l1 VhrllnlfllrVIVMDOI Jnw Erpls mwy especially or lhelr dammm he Ottawa scone will come back lo that number dun nn 031w mom wrkiun Una months ago In which uribcd om cl Iulbmufl nun In v4anij tlc comma Their railroad un Inns nw domandlnx mm cent wngo mnlu our um inx nlrhne mechanks seeklnz xix pu cart or evtn Jimmy Mn look like mmn And Mflr lmkwm on xwvlndal mm mm Mmlnlppl ur Ma harm mm mm Men the cum3 zwunnwm 1n Washinm That L1 lmr comment on tho nowa labor and political hi math on Sawfly Mans crmdsm Jlm nmkcr the untold 1AM MP nln ly Corcom Nmfnmulmi talked 11 vmk About VOICE OF AMERICA Jam subtly mun bu iong wmmanlcd upon an Washuwwn scena or the New York Timm with insight lak ms and Lho brilliance which nna umxd from bur natlm ol Gmow mum such he He has rccenly been hulkiay Inz In Canada duslnx salmon 39 the beocl rivestd she aspo Puma and remprg Lhmum he Lshlng vii1w of Nova Scum wrikm And he has been mrvinl wt new mrdln on his lmvcls the Canadian newspaper and radio and lolcvlslon na works mam pmvlmm he comments They nm much preoccupled oven In the gran ckch of Mammal Ottawa And Wk win their Wm dorm km 1m lur an mmmnga mngaflne 0M the vlsmnzyaflu menzarmm from Maria who saw him says that Ruse bob unum pale c1 complexion and Appears to be aged in 11 703 In no he mu Ln his 50L 11 said um he would like ho re turn In Canada As hILdund tamer manhu ol tho 0mm nhst party lnlemce ml MP ho had mom 25 mm years in which he repaid by Ilvrnmln anw woran for sh Dr Dmond plies mm are 2300 palm and maggot 500 do not nag mu lWfim not had two but dont pretend WI Ideal We In 11m Non armament 1n creaan flu dmy obtulm 101 shall Naw there As some over uvwding In the domlmy hold ing Woundly Molded mum but wAre dblnz mmdflnl About mm The form Iandwium at Klngskan being preplnd to aka 104 mm Smith Fifi and theyll be mwed In the amt low weeks other no being maved to he Lakehoad The 5mm FAMWWMM was reduced by about 100 Men last year PAY SCALES What 5W HID dram lhfll hm treatment cean are um der stalled because at poor PAY simply not true The shortage ol eumm Ital wvfld problem cl aura You can mud hospital in ye but takes years afler high when to make Pswhkklst And there has been great upsurge In concern about mental henlth aver the world Its not so much manor Saturday Sept 17 If anymlng we have moved mo Inst ha suggcsud We can put up bulldings but we must have Lb people to man them Since 1939 this mem mm hm been mum to pulley bmlding smaller Insfl muons Smith Falls built In 1950 large one But heres still some argument about the merits the large Insflluuon versuxvthe smaller on Any how were mnnitwd Just luck at the budgcu There Is no has In the pm mm God or pm me par tlclpams When ye neck me with your whole hem yo shall find me Nu an an urva lwn mnlm Luke mu Vcve mumplished mm In mental health in the past sevsn years than In many Nevin 20 year pzrlod In 1960 budget Ihm was Just under millinn or menw hzalth For 196667 mm heanh accvunu or more than $92 mllllan an about 40 per cent cl our total budget of $151 mllllom Yes umhing we may haveMei may ballast Aria um Dr Dyménd un 193 least put of hh side 01 Th pmfeslanal SW am collect We have people with sldlls When expat vplnlon L1 needlod they come to my flat for MOVED 100 HASH mums real or dmgalmd waded lo prohsslonal stall obviously ranlded in mu mid better on av eme than what hospitals And we are at last commitiv on Maloml And upehklna wt me say that our people are dedicated Its not the easiest in the maid Mu flea wa patient who are often extremely dilflndt lhs patients can no loner cow and we have difficulty coping too ment deeply when Lhayre Maiz ed not who up crludud but my free hand We the them Nd anus Ind counsel but nobody dawn to them Mable 10 many many may va uenu get better cm than they wuld at home muney Our nurses are paid just an welLu they are In general mm Our ntundlm pay 9km whoakm phi orderlies lnlatulglsvnldbeueronav 318 mm beuet nvw BIBLE THOUGHT Watch the International ProAm Amp FM Imml ml udnl pdm nwanln will In mum by Mel elm mm the IMm We own um mu ho nunml la Um firmr with Um AM The Murallm mm lmn Oshawa har lrmr at IBM Am Omrlal Maflor um lmal mlnuiul Guy lulimnh mm mm lundrr ml pmr 5mm onlmnu lmm Canada United sum Mil be company in tlglzl divhlm or many Ulan 1000 In rmll ml mmhnnvlln when ml 11 nrflnz The 100mm mm MA ln opm mm on mum LI gruelling led or WWW bout moon for the Carling Cup and awards Dm min this Wm own boat rm 1an own to Tamas And mum POWER BOAI MARATHON mumVI LAKI ONTARIO Innmum to fimmime As you may have naked when problem is embarrass lng or pressure Ls made to bear chmmenls appalnl conunlltcen royal commu slon public Inquiry sflccl chm miuec govcrnmentzl cvmmlt tee etc Then all Inquiries are de ferred put Into handy llmbo while he mmmluce candud 1B studyl DOING SOMETHING An example that tax years It has been the pracflcc ol gov emnmthcm and cumm whcn it late muble to resort nu scldnm probably Mu UM tacge been used so baldly as it Trymmaumakuutd Invomhmesflwnwutnl mmmmummmymoxn ltwm vifle Enifish Cullmbia fire hearty tho Caribou WW gummmmwammfldmmmhm Ema murmurEven mmuphm most ImbmmCaniboomgm In 183050wa dkoovmdln mmmnmmdemRimqum ed into Homily Amber Kmihly and William sections farm mwfmfdmgandhuflng Omoldmnwaanmyflzrkcrwmhadmmcanadalxm imamEngland Howasmnsidaredmbemndhlsnfimm he decided to slrk shut name thanpaal for gum in WWII mek Barlow wasrbdbcuhdbyflnmhu wwwmhhdo Wmhnpaidoflvfhmhesuudtdchpaydm LIan mlytmteeHnanmmmkgnlduwsswmolmnk Un tortunabelymemnnhxhurlwm spent mowyuwwmicwu gobzumolmykmnarkarmdedldsdayhtha01deh Homhwmda mwmnmodmurhmgmwfilm We flockudthuetmmml dehAmuiaaEmvpemdwen Chim Humam unlymmrs hm sink mm bmkmmdbaxbmpwbamnimtsemmmmfim madam including Sinkespom players wm paidfizdd dust Vflfimmkalm produced gold wmfiomlm TORONTO husband pullcd some of he mm on their wives 21 government do on the pub the wives would pmbnliy wn them Tricks that government can use to can the public can put an must artful dodgers among husbands to shame For instance we have Iha nld plqy cl Iheqompflttop CANADAS STORY Cariboq Town Was Biggest In West By DON DHEMlN MII QUEENS PARK Hm mmm by nummu vnum MMIINH mul mnmm mm mm mm wulm Ll me Mum MN Irdemlinml Um American mm mmmm Th map IJIOAI 1m mum Ind wflesud vmlam puian lnr waldulnz llw rm Hrs vnnlnuo palm am Um Julylm IIV numf NuWu nwl um lhe wnlrxlnll 1mm Um CNI la lha Ilumlwr VIM Mmlno Dmk Tmnrlm cum In pmmhM be he nvnl mm or lnal rum rr Md In omwa The hunt wul race In tho Humlnt VAL lry Marina Dock 22M 14km Blvd Then nun lunch hm nnd rufuolUM hey Mil Ilmt ha ulum nm In Hm pm Emma mm urlvd 300 pm Government Tricks To Con The Public BOB BOWMAN man cordially ch were dam something about that As you knmv mmmllce LI looklni into It wasnt nppamtod Ive year 030 Th would normally be an embarrmlng question In the provinda gnvemmenl Then payments are ml zranu given munlcpalILlel with rmme In yearyynrca to cum But wont be anle because on the eve the Mr Robyn has announced the aggolntrpcnt Wm llormny or may not be asked In cumqu needed nrabably will In few days time when Fromm Rabin had nl cablnet an Iveday our cl nartheasiern Ontario And you can any or certain that one qucsuon sum to come up at these meetings is Whm are you sums to da abouz our mInIngm payments mm Briéck at am mm the mlnn themselves APPOINTS COMMITTEE There an number of public muting on the schedulg lie able army Mllll mum MM

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