Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1966, p. 3

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Lleulrnnnt Ahmml 20 Km hlng Slrnwnk Mnln Iln In one he even ho grn unlul hem annudny man Milgroom young man ol Inlymlhln mrllnn Am MmIlm nllxlun he was dunMal Ilrlll ylu lo llm Ill zrndu lml Mn Im milenzm Ill Nlmnd Ialxl Um lmlnlnu 1mm Mxlrh lnrllulul nvrrylhlnn mu rlmnxm lmlmflnnnl Mrcllnlqm In nlmxulnh rllmlr Inn WM urrllml nwl It null rmmltyl lldrnn mm lurlhrr rummmlnl llml Inudl the uumllnn Furrrl ulwmnl II mm In Mnl nyllnl lhn Fnlwlqun anlvnnll 752 mm mhlkrn rlfln or mlplth llmu my lvlflm ml Inl Mu he mm Ilmlrull II uplnlnnl Il lmk nlml mm mm Mva urnlam In nnndnl lmzlnl lrmmn Ium ml Ill nmlml In loud lumw ll alrpl MIT and mm hm MirI Ilvm lvgalvy hhnkcla dull the uln My Mher nml lnflur um my proud ma lwnnlu In our lllnfl mu tho nnly nno Incrquth or lhll Ilnlulnl Now uu buck In Kurhlnl whrrn Ihnll lhn ullh my rnrcnu ml mu lull IImI ullh Hm lufnnlry hallnllvn lime ho Ilnlnl BASE BORDEN Camp Dor den Trade year at cullnx Ira who day and roplcnl cllmMe In an nllCnnndlnn dirt and 1c and mow and what haw J0 on Yau have bewlldercd Mn uyllnn Army amenr cadels Um nm to bcxln bmlc 0mm um Inn at lho loyal Cnnndlnn School or Inlnnuy 11m nnrdm Insl InlL nu lodny Ihcm nrn levm arnulch mllllnry mm gradu nu AI Iluulnr Army Ofllcm wllh Hm Klnzl commlnlun rum Mahyll klnI Thfl Ilory Man ullh wo Mn nydnn youlhl volumetran la lmln in Cnnndn under thu AI lmnnra Trnlntnz lrugrnm lnr Cammnnwenllh munlxlu Mn nynlnn ddmm nmdnll lhmuzh cnmplex or ndnplnblllly lull cllmlnnlm 4115 npplltflnll 111m of he 15 um unnble lo mnlnc lnlq Hm lrnlnlppmpdnrdn MORE THAN 1000 vlsltors mostly lnclles attended the 11 annual Burrla Anthue Show held at Calllcr St Unltcd Church yutcrdny mm 10 mm ABOVE lllrec ladle gathered around tbs cracker barrel at tlm country store The yum leeuanl Ihc Malaysian Officers Graduate At Borden OVER 1000 ATTEND BBBRIE ANTIQUE SH0WW mun mhy hllly mnln In ulukh he lmlml lhlu Immnrr In Mmlon mil Mgmwuhl lmk MN rrmnhm ho Mnlnnlnn land lurnlnumu Ll Ahmad and In nlher Ill mulumrl rrlurn Mnlnylln firm III mry nhlm la mm lry lnrmn In IN UK Snrnwnk Hamh mu UM Mnlny lrnxnxulm III II pmmlnlhnn ul nlnn mll lllm luppurllnl An Army Navy MALAYSIAN Army 1M 11 Ahmad rmm grmhmllna mm mlninu nanlrn uylalm nmhnnlml Cam sample cheese and crackers and mln lbs beeswax canldes Mrs Frances Rob bins of Totem Inn enjoy crackcr while her companion Mrs Ann Grant looks aver candle utlercd by slorckcey or Mrs Jack Cm of Barrie amu II nm mm mum nu HI Im mm Mllnl Annmum lamnu any human AUTO msUFANcE ln lml cum Mum mu mllllnry per wnnrl 1mm lx ullllnnnwtnllh munlrlrl am now in Cnnndn unlnlnx aulnlnncn vmmm wr memwnwullh munirlu nnd Mr Force About 100000 Illqnu rlflo now Mnhyllnn MM Mn nmml the hm fur lralhina mu mk Camflnn Fm HIM dLm mum mlmnomulc BELOW Mrs iii Paunds left and Mn Rowal flank Mrs McLaren at the display mare than 40 butler muuids To many or the older indies this dis Einy and that oi the aim rough back memories oi their yaunzcr years Aka SI hit lake Erlu when Aka Humn Windsm mum Runny ml wlnmr lo day Saw with cw dandy flmn 0nd 5113 6mm kid firm Saturday WW 11m harming wmmy 1st 10 Ma nutmoan Numrn Mm Aka Hur nm mlwm Georgian Bay All Onlnrh Hnmlllon Tot mo Sun and 111m lrxhy VatHit Ilnm with dwx mo lml synmln Warmer nlr mm L1 mm Lula anthem Ontario Ind of the bean has In no mm pmblcm T04 qw yingmmglmu mm ol no law amid 11 Warmer nlr Ilarllng moving lnlo um um lhl mornlng lol lmitnl chlfly gildch nigh Thu Mather ofllce Monte laxem the poulbillly thaw en In tho Barrie um onllh but me lhcrmnmtlur expect ranch the midi Satur ay iiénluhln law will be around the Marco mark It WM 69 dzxreu at A10 mm day mould be plenum sum Into mid and Upper 60¢ Hum Inmvulng wlnvln tom lhu wrot unu mum nblo nlmmm Barrie Fire Departmml re small car like ycsler day on Dran Road Game was mama to gas mm flmdcd oaflnmhr Tim was no esumnle ol damage UNITED APPEAL BALL Barrie Unlwd Appeal Ball or sealer High School Menu will beheldficqt 8019pm TORONTO CPI Form 39 by the urnAdler kc CNIB CANVASS Canadian National Instituba the mlnd canvas is under way with the help It volun tary committee members and vmrkm Maugham each com munity Slmooe County me PM oi Muskqu am Pany Bimide by Bob numeri Mr Dimmda committee tn dudea wheat authorities Frank MacDonald Scott Angus McKay Fire Chic Dan Keast Dr Scott director of tho Stmcoe County Health Unit Steve HIM at tha park board NIPPLE CHILDREN Fall Dude Council meedng the Ontario 50¢er lot Grip ed Wren will be held In Cozrlmxity House ibis Tuesday at 815 Pm Genus bminaand plum or the l96l Basin Seal Gunpalgn will be giggssed Favmu wood mam mé While Illa show sell one of the Centennial CamusIans mo ambitious vrojects be lng pre fired In Ottawa to Deal volunteer to pre my thaw The seven mammoth trallere will Arrive In Benla May 1967 and remain In the city five days On dbphy will be lilolike ll luxtreuon of Canadal origins exploretlonx letuement we be lnra confederation achievement PE 45311 An eighth prfihm feature We In lha cmm Ganggo region BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY SEWERWER 16 19M Mrflvflil commutes undcr duhman Edmund of Blnle has been armed with responsibility for organizing lo cal aspgclq at Que gnaw pmlcct lbs National Cen tennial CommLsalan the carn yan ll designed tn carry the cantennlal message to Canadian In vary pm the grunt Although 0mm cénunmax caravan wont reach Barrie in math eight months local fldnl are already arranging for the avan BEER WEATHER Preparing For Caravan Arrival SOUR DRAPES Showers Tonight Warm Saturday CITY NEWS All rlnnlnl uptale mon unmn hum hllnhu par plmlnl Hum or wullld flour Hum flcly WIIKM Cloqu WIIIMI Imp Form Iuptry III II Mly nnnmd ullnll mink Cull Ill MI II ml nl in nut Imm lmmodlnloly WELEEHEHE LOCAL AND GENERAL NEVER AGAIN Poman temperum Low ovcmlghl High Sllwdly Windsur so London 4B Kitchener la Mount Fares llnmlllnn Toronlo Pctcrborough Musknka Sudbury and Saturday Wind light be coming wcsudy near 25 his Mormon lelAnY BOARD Monthly Wing at Barrie Public Library Ronni will be hold the library next Mon day Sch 19 61 pm Chair man George lnngstaflo will pre side Rnuline buslnm wili be on the agmdn KIWANIS CLUE ox Mondays dinner medlng of Barrie Kiwanis Club humanity um 15 man film strip titled Along The Oregon lrail will be hown It deals with the 5151 convention Kiwanis International which wm held at Porflnrd Dram July 14 this yuan Commentary will be given by dub maiden Tony Decide who intended the can ON SOIL TOUR Gilda Hunter EImvnle RR has been saluted by the MM 51mm Junior anm Assm fiation to attend the annual soils tour he OAQ Guelph next week £thqu aré not ol the stalk museum type but will consist vivid designs Electronic vnlce descriptions sound and smell Barrie L1 one nl commun Illa across Canada to be visited by the caravan while other cen tre will have an nppurmnlly to see similar display on 0m fegexquan train Visitors taking the mmlnute walk through lha dLrplay will see and hear the story Canada ha primeval past to the atomic inne omhcslzm speclnl guts will attend and Mlsx United Appeal will be chosen Dress is semi lormal and balm will be lt wlll fall on them to see that the event wldaly pubu tiled that all local rosldwu especially the many thousands at school chlldren have nn np partunlty to see the show and In addltlon to the regular cura van stage showleaturlng lo cal talent allo planned Each caravan will conSlst oi three station wagons andeight coioriul truckdyawn trailers At each locailon in Barrie it will be Queens Park the 70 ioot trailers vflli be grouped in circle enclosing central ax hlliitnrcua anti stage smu Sgt Alex McGelrlck the police department Md Fred Smflh and Le Jonifla and McPherson managing ed thr ofjhg Earns Examiner LONDON CREAM nunyld mm mm on Du 728553 Soul cm Lnko Huron Luko Erie Weslcrly wind 11 tn ImoLx Increaslng lo 12 to 27 knots lhls nflcrnoon nnd becom lnxz nonhwcsl 11 lo knou hr nlghl Fair Superior Nurlthsl winds 21 lo 11 knots becoming Jo 1fl knclg th gycnlng fair arlhnm Lake Hum gum Bay Lake Ontarlu West erly wInd 12 lo 21 knots becom lnx northwest 17 In 21 knals Into lmjnyPnrlly ylnugy Mlhaugh six out underground leaks in lho lino can be wound by the pilots who watch for dead vcgclallmlnr spur of When patch of dééd gals spelled maintenance crew are Erich week of the year pa tml vflou check every mile film line from 100 feet In the 311 Extensions of the line at Emerson Manitoba and Corn wall Onlnriv supply the valu nble United State markcL Dotted cross the cnunlry are compressor station rhlch keep the gas pressure up for the five day lrIp to Montreal Mnlmemnco crews are con tinuoust at work checking the right way and marker 017th llnc mm was presented by Blll Wall TransCanada Pips Lines who filled In or the scheduled speaker Jack Lee 195 mm deal With the palm of the pipe llnu by Mr between the Alberta Snskahhcwan border and Montreal Origin of the natural gas er he line In the namra gns we on the plain and Bad lands Alberta This pipeline the longest lural gas pipeline in the world wgg Fumplclcd in 11953 Rotary Club Bun1e was shown film on TransCnnadn Pipelines at Ulclr noun meeting yeflerdny Communilylflpug BILL CALDWELL loll presi Ray Onyschuk right chat with ada Pipé Ems who hole It dent of the Mary Club and guest Bill Wall oi mm 09mm mm mm Film Shows How Gas Line Checked Marine Forecast white satin thats Emw gin swam Em wifih mmfiém W® ceiehmfimfl Tims hawWhlm Snlin Still madn lo Sir Holmn Humulln orinlnnl1770 London DIY fovmula slill mmch my nml snlnmmnnlh lnday uvcr mm Altar nllwhvn mm mm can loan uln fmumn lorqcnnmliom nn boxh sidm xlm oceanwry wouldnt hcmn nl tlmnuinu II What wn have low mouuh 13 chman Hm Whilu Salin hmlM Ixr lhn hm mv wn know 10 snlmn CoYnIIJmoq gin vo Kiln V7 ann bumWhit Snlini lhnlu hown gin would Uv Tho Promlum Gin Every hour around tho clack pressure is checked at all alerted And Sent to sea lhcrl is leak or II it Is caused by something also In nrder lo go he no through tho rugged Canadlnn Shield 530 miles or the hardest rock 1n the world had to bu blasted mm and same 140 wa ter crossings were made APPLE PICKERS WANTED HGTHWELI mamas Gillord flnturio Telephone 4562243 leiroy CONTINENTAL QUARTET 830 T0 30 Tfin mm rclcrrcd to natural gas as prnvlding new concept In services required for huild Ings such Incl or eloctricnl genurnlors hunt nIr condiUnm lng Natural gas can pravldu fhosa services with an nccess mm the compressor stations and Ike dam 13 sent to headquarters In Montreal whrro um nrmlrnlo check of the supplies and prey sure all alung lhu linocan be made lfice your the line In spected by mnlnlcnnncu men on the ground part ho pipeline than an 13000 miles 01 dlsklbulkm linq In Ontario Elli

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