um in Um lvlmlrl mm 1an In tltmr null lurch MI nurnunn In 1w lnwlr Ihn Imusr lluv Iw Hunks WI am 5mm um udlxmprr Mll lo mmvlun AM lhull lnm nm I1 lnym wgvrr mu 2qu Mu per aumv 1v nuvsnry Iwmm lumu Mum rly lnm thwmy In Hllr xll haul in lNlInI hm Inmh III Hm 1M lam plmm lummu ul No smnrr hm lmhcr rrmvcl ed ham xLuzrnm lull upcmc Iuvnhrd In Hm hm Norm hr lel MEI lhu new may muflllnfl 1110 Nrml makfl lhv wrulmk Mk Hll Ihn lmuw In pnmml which mam hv lnhknmk Imk had TAKES IATI Vlli In general Ihb rest II mod emllauon prngrnm in dir min In the nu th hum And rm rm ol ï¬xing the ohvimu mm Her 5min hi 1an mylnx lhorr shes drum Like an Ill Ur ll Nfl lhc original rm ho Infernal upknn It can 530 you In lho pomhuuw The mum mu luh mml he tam qun and mm ml Mm mmflhlnfl rm 11w mrlrm ur nnco Irrlh um mm untc flnnmlml nml must 1150 rc plnml Well lather Ls righL They dont bulk houscs like hat day And for my good rea son The 12 by 12 out beams are mslly mzl unnvcmury are In ornalv lummivhlng moulding As fur lhc 12foot ceiling all dad will change his luno thn hmlrics make the qtamid furnace ur any other Iurnnrr lvonl he floors as well he callings DEFENDH 0N Its an old house he said overlooking the fact that the mo Imks lhc verandah hns all but rolled away and he furnace Is 43 years oh Ibul its roomy and we can ix It up Falhcr pmurlIy poinls la the sunimrs n1 Hm mrmll cub Minn The old11mm really put the nut in house Just look at Umsc san 12 by 12 beams uak floors elaborate mouldings and 12foot cciUngs all you they dant build houses like that today 0n Hie average thy are bought bccause ceriain mm pain in ihz csir mak ing sud purchase The family needs larger I1 ua in the change of neighborhood 190k in viting hc mortgage lnrms are hvnrablcr Any or an of Lime mom or perhaps others can influence Jic decision srunnv coxsmuchN Somcï¬mcs golï¬ng carried awn by the xrandmr and slmpIe dlgmly of certain old home People seldom buy old housms or the express purpose of re vcllim in me dubious pleasure or ï¬xing lhm up Only weal Uy people can Ward tn indulgu this pastime mnuuAau muvnuzs or TEXACO fUEl HIEF Fixing Up Oldi Homes Can Pose Problems Mum Hnnllnu OII Sca SIMCLE Pu nfliiLEUM 7289553 swim DESIGN No 312 uh um 90 51 WE GUAM I1 EXAMINER HOME ORTHE WEEK Omlmnly lhn prmmnrc run In mnnry my much mm plunllnu noun ho Limit nlsn llmmrlnnl lo mnku uflhln llul lhnl Hm ll mquumo clrrnlmlnu In lhc lull to nip poll lhn lrnnxplnnlnl Enlr Tho lmlrphcn my he he lmlr may MI he quh rr llllll rrlnlnly In ll urnslvo mmur ler hmbnml my lm umlnly anlvn nhmll ml lumitnhln Hunllrln Mulu hnldymn rmmxmnly nrrcplrtl The transplantan lulmlqut npprms In In hrIpIul In mm camMIer cnmxuh hair can he xpnml 1mm nnc ml lho acnln nml mnml llny pnlch nlAll Imp nnnlhrr umn Thnl rrlcrrnro In Iunxlrull only on lap mnku me unn Irr Could lhll be schnnhcic lhrmqulsn skin niImrnH Id rrrlnlnly haw him no In Ilnrmnlnloxisl nkln speciallml nnrl Ind oul We have heard uhoul runs plnnlntlnn 15 his good Cost cleJMn laugh to Inschnir llml young but It has hnmmncd 0mm Hnwcvrr 11h loyal Wile mlmwl that hell mllc down And mnka lhe best he prnhlcm Ha bought hulmlnco In glm hlm more courage It failed love hIm very much and try to hclp him but nothing does If we visit rtlnlhcs he kcrps hls Inn on and we new go oul ch friends He has dnndrull nnly on lap hm hu Inslm his hair How can rld but Dr Mnlncr My hus band 20 and am 19 Our problem lhnl he loses about handful or Mr every day Is sulfrconsrluu and nearing nervous breakdown result By JOSEPH MOLNEH MD going to come down all way T0 GOOD HEALTH BEDROOM 18 xlnpt Commonly Accepted Male Baldness AIM II In VIMM ml how can punlmml ur 10w Aunivl ho mull nulrr wur Mllllllnllm Windw mul Dunn WM Fur Mlmlml nulnml ï¬rplvmhm am ulvm II DlvllflrNT Hu mmhnm mm LI Olu You FREE Elllmml DO IT NOW AND SAVE BALL 569 PLANINO MILL CO LTD Maybe your lmuhlo nn ul cvr uhith um be drum up Hilthly dont mm In lrlAhlcn yml bul ucls urn Innshm mqu In hnrrn Huer or Cun thly Mulch 1mequ ma muman to have rxnmlnullun uny 50m hut duu nul urn Im nm mylm uu have mnrm Ir lhzll cw lhlnk you In Hm your lruublo In unu he danger slum For Illly us you plrnse Iml lhcron nnly one umlrl lhlnu In ynur llmur look mu InMe humr lhll Illllu pruhlum llml can lm ml cmlly nr hlu pm Irm ml mm llxnl ll yuu lmlt vlrlny 1ch silly wing to Hm libdur nhnul sure In my nose that ducsnl rouqu me much Shuulrl IlIrl Frel bllly nu Dr Mnlnlll haw smnl mm all me insltle of my nose hlvh 1m been lmublmg me ur nboul ln munUu llmvs scam to heal and then bncnmos uan min had nuwhltul ml nn for Wu Nkl nml ll hM INIer up hut my mm 15 mm Mm ruh il Dear Dr Molner Your nrl clc buwnn DI mum ynung chlldrnn play vilh small ob has shuuld 1w hlnzancd on ha walls paran kitchen have only am criticism Amend yuur statement lhnl hay shmld nnl he allowed II have any lhlng smallcr than chlldn thumb Id make smaller than 50mm piece had lwwcnnuld llu an lhu floor and swallow humm he alzu qunrlcr The doc lnr nlmusl Mum lo opornln hccuuse he couldnt hellch happenedll II 1430 Trim um he problcm of plumbing AI regular Irmaval have came loose the same time Many omcr small annoyance nag father The fact Ilfwk one side room Is always cold While he odwr unbearably ho prescnls problem Since smlng In he centre ol mom Lu ml nlways feasible one must usually be when loo or we ooId 50 111 acccpl your nmcndmnnL per wuk IXJNM PORUJ $1 mix at 10 TWINE 0mm SAKRETE For some unamnublo rea son here no water museum when When mother turn the lap Wu Kn 1h kitchen dad pré purod shave 1n the bnummm mother sch what but father doesnt Tnls of course oasily mmodicd by the same smlllng p1 her or Anywhere mm 3100 the be almpiy smile only nily looks mug and mum blag somclhlng about the alt 1n the pipes mm has any money left alter remedying those dlmcul llcs ho mm spend It on doors um wont 01050 windows that ROBINSONS Hardware the pipes duke tumble and war it to our Ihe vetyhoarwm Ike homo There seems be pp rcgneqy form slungion apd MARY 419 BLAKE STREET Hens rand style Dupiex which would look well In the newest Subulbnn ocallty Each unit has two bedmoma and own independent hmmentflw onlyydlllerem Ls hat one an include firewaan thelIv In Room Wu Brick Vegan House 701 Sq Ft 11 Dunlop ARMSTRONG Hardware Anna 59 BERTBIIM BRflS LTD HLLHNDHLE LUMBER 98 DUNLOP 51 EAST HLLHNDALE Hardware ESSA ROAD FUEL AND CONSTRUCTION CO LTD 49 ESSA ROAD 726 Vann mum how my lo wrk unn mum mun Hml mfl lbw mm It you mudm lumber bulmn Iurpl dulru Md mu un you mymmpynh1619mequ numu rm lmpmvlmtm majmn nun SpeciII Sakrcla MLm Ia choose fromIlyon have In du ix add the mm Ideal foruupnndxun pro Jccl bccgusc lhcgc qowasc gr FREE BOOKLET Vmuwork Th lnr vcry Job BALI PLHNING MILL SARIle READYTOUSE MIXES NOW HOME CEMENT JOBS ARE EASY WITH Complm dhplly cl 5mm SHHJEIINT 10 Snkulo nvlllabll Snknlo Avnllnhlo Your Sakrm Dulor Avnllnblo CO LTD tamer data Although not mommadad therel anon cut around all the dHtlculLle of llxlng up an old house An atunan of amp need wllh Ihe puma endless problem lost th home one cold wlnler nlght when the ancient tunm overheated ml burned the venomle domicile almost In the mm The new home modern con EWMEï¬ ace when water mm ï¬mly the doors closu and the window emsAd the plumbing no lana er rallles like the run letth ol varsity soprano wont open Locks that wafch and an electrlc wiring mum that wontb1aw use alum lets Blueprint W41th he Naihnal Bulldlna 00d of Can Ida and Mable ky re turnv nialL Ontario resldugn mmupercmsfleanx mam Bum1M orwi desim No 22 out $10 or die 14 and AWM am when hum um mm MI yumm Han WI 10 lull and Ma um IAXIHE Sm In I0 ls um 11 I3 IInL ulmmL 7202411 72M 7260254 7151496 72814 7264466 7284422 Ho laid one estimate that In 19 more than 95pcr cent ottha counLrya Installed nu dearvcn uclty will be In On tlrtn In Quebec Canada In nearly 40 per cent of waWegtern worlds known uranlumxcsuve and Lhu Nb cullul davelopmml nuclear power willhavo marked ef lac onJhe countrys economy In lomlc anew apexbuys Alln Wynn an engineer or power pmjecla alAtomic Energy Cinnda Ltd In Tar onto laid the annual Dnmlnlam Emvlnglu 501qu on can provincial can Thyqu that major lnlerust ln development of cammerclll nuclear power plant which are economlcfllx mmpeuuva wflh other enemy murcee Indicauoni were am the make or 106311 fuels would Nubleér Powei Meets Economy yum JOHN nah cm NEW WALL PANEL FROM Hbmlsn MIIHM lANll PRODUCIH L1H Tmunlo Manltu Wmnlru SEE NEW BARNBDARD AT YDUH LUMBER 0R BUILDING SUPPLY DEALEHSx $6 Avnllablo In and pnnoll with colollonud scum lino In mndom plank ollocl 96 ploviding ousv nailing on 10 comm DARNBOARD In only unn ol lhu mmcllvo and oconomlcnl Classic 05 QQ and Monica panolbomdt mndo by Abllibl SAW ALLANDALE LUMBER IBM 50 YOUR BARRIE ABIIIBI HEADQUARIERS FOR ABIHBI PRODUCTS SEE 48 Ann 59 49 Em Rd SEE COMPLETE lINE OF ABIIIB PRODUCE AT BERTRAM BROS The beautiful deepgrain efloct of this new prelinished panalgives you the popular barnboard look very low cost It is the perfect panel for the relaxed casual atmosphere of family room BARNBOARDmay be used to panel whole room or to so all an area as feature wellbehind 11 bar or fireplace for example SPECIAL MARBARB FINISH BARNBUARD weathered woodgrain prefinishedwallrpanel that gives any room charming rustic accent BALL PLANING 1M PINDINB IIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllll Canada has ln development nuclear 12mg TM pvucmunAbllibl davnloymam II pmHnllhlnu lochnlqun In whth when IinIm moms an Inn uml pm tho panal Io pmvldu pm lIcUon In liluflm gainl scum mmhu an 5161 unlncu mm or vunhh Indlnnllvclelnodwllh Inyhauu hald dalnrnenl CONTRACTING DEPT= Ram mum um MM Quay 50ka hunch Atrium hm auudlnu ma mun DENIS SHEARD no PAINSWIQKLONT BARE DIAL 728596 ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK Bu mu muwm Dept mu our Anhllmunl MlflwnrkKltchln Clhlmu Cum Window Ind Dnor Tau custom Emmi cu 7230254 7232496 7264466 Iv