Wind Year No 213 AIIIISTS DRAWING shows Astronaut RIM Gordon Jr astrrlda the Agata during planned 115 minute spam mlk other slipping into the with from Corneal it to drill more Uhr Merrie Exam than ones armrnd the world as lumen mteiiite today Among his exploits he wipes tho Gera ini wmtlshicids dart about with hamlhed gas gun acts as spam andante by tight ening and looming bola on Hope Installment metal plate lie also goes to the Agents docked with Gun lni unstows looloot cord attached to the satellite and asters the loose end to the garas AP Wimphoto dmw Leaders Complete Talks On Rebellious Rhodesia LONDON tCll Commons wealth leaders completed week oi tough discussion on re bellious Rhodesia today with at ieast one strong sign oi its agreement Foreign Minister Simon Kap wepwo ol Zambia leader of tho hardlino approach to Rhoda alas white minority reglma stalkcd out at the eonlerencu during the morning coiieo break and said he was disgusted As Kapwepwo leit with plans to fly home to Lusaka tonight earloads of Junior otilelals ar rived at Marlborough ilouse Commonwealth headquarters to begin druitlng communique on tho Rhodesia issue Little Support Given Thompson On His Medical Care llttack Ry Till CANADIAN PRESS mounting attack by Andrew Thompson and his Ontario Lib eral party against the dwislon to pole start oi the icdcral governments medicateara pro gram ior one year apparently is drawing little support irom other provincial Liberal parties Three leaders Monday ex prruai disappointment but ap poarod unomosoi to Mr Sharps move iromler Iostph Smallwood oi Ncwiound land said he was prepared to Iolhrw the name ministers juriument Nn nlhcr lenders duilnrd to any anylirlnlt IMP mtdlnirly and other could not be readied ior comment Mr Thompson Saturday told weekend mmtlng oi tit Lib eralt in leirrlxnsuntir that be war dismnyld by Mr Sharps announrrmrni in the linuse ui Comments Thursday that the proxrrm war brim tlrlnyod year as on intotuition muse um Mr Thompson said he planned to tight ior rcstoratlon oi the original starting data oi July I067 The Examiner TODAY Ann Anders6 City News1 ll Classlllrdd 10 Comicsl2 Ilrllilllol District5 Editoriall Sports710 roomr Hook llnnlrnol tlrstherJ PERSONRLlTIES IN THE NEWS JAN DANIIUIIA tmr imam in at live lins lwry ltibll oi llmtrll lnd Irll Mi 0er V1 Ivlrnnl In iii IMly by in team oi llrrmu at no um uy rmth ti lll om niln em mnsd in Mirsirle mom Tlol Mill laid tint litt 22 11 titulrlfnlvmï¬r bill am on Wimlsloi KIMBERLY AlrllAN Nineyrarotd Klminlry Anna Mrlrnn inst amt ailvn June in near Ilig lllriirdwll Intr in arms no girls rrsilm Mrs Ibisrid iiltllun lint tho all may lrnm ir norms an of cm 181 omI lint an id Almryirina mi lairnaive min itit Wrrriixrim Viet Nam Commonwealth leaders in cluding Zambiaa Finance lila ister Arthur Winn iumcd to less explosive matters includ ing consideration oi applications ior Commonwealth membership trom ihrco southern Atrium protectorate soon to become in dependent Rasutoland Rech uanaiand and Swaziland conicrenco spokesman said the 12 Commonwealth delega tions might return to discussion oi Rhodesia when dratt com munlquu comes up ior approval possibly later today The carrier ence which was restricted to ehlei delegates and one deputy each during three sessions Mon day and one this mornlnrr re sumcd its reitular strength oi iour or live members ior each delegation Australia intervened in llra eluhiday ileht over Rhodesia and insisted that delegates take up other world issues such as lntormed aources sold Premiers Meet Sharp On Taxes Inflation OTTAWA ICII criiirai meeting the Irdrrnl and pro vincint gummeals saved premiers to Ottawa this wmk tor rimslown on lulla tion and iam Hmrwa Allrsirstrr ti mp is JAN VAN Iilill ltllil Jan van IM Iml alnr was not in liw INTl In day In tiltI Writ Mrarnu mutmay uiwn imam my radar tsiirhl n1 lmlus Rn irizar Mme In had is lmdrcal Mutt ill hur til in tam kl rm vtl Irv in ya our qlvlu Iv cable un frtart Barrio Ontario Canada Tuesdayï¬opt id 1966 VICTORIA CPI The Social Credit Party won its 57th straight General Election Morr day but lost one of its seats Attorncyflenerol Robert Bon ner chief aide to Premier Bennett and cabinet minister since Soolal Credit iormod its that government in 1951 was upset by Liberal newcomer in VancouverPoint Gm However Mr Bennett said In an interview that Social Credit seat may be opened to permit his stormygeneral to try ior seat in byelxtion me ooyeanoid premier who campairglrzled lmlecrlrfei ix suonx onty rt mark as the New Democratic Party oiiicial maiden and Liberals picked up strength ngmsiw Conservatives ran only three candidates and were shut out as In ISM Although winning 31 soak the some number as in 1961 the So UIiAWA CPIdire RCAF plans to arm iota IF5 il ster bombcr squadron oi lo panes each and station them all in Canada Oiiicials say one oi the squad rons will be primarily ior train ing it will be based at Cold Lake Alta sites tor the three operational squadronsthe iirst will have been Iormcd by Jan roos hava not yet been salami but they will liker be in the vicinity oi the armys training areas at Camp Gngetmn NR Camp expomd to make at least general plea ior antlinilatlon ury unending rertridioru by the provinces Ito will also present Ottawas stand on taxrlurlng and re cells pmvlncla titmantis Thus will he reveals the mud ourvemoru on rirnrng taxpay era money ior the next itvo years At Mr illnrps requm inila lion will be the No itlm on tho aacndn as the inlrruirro viucial ins slrueturo mmmltro all duvul lnlnmlny llin exvirnngo oi lns prtrpuo all Elifl thv mreiina tim rrwh at tuilaenio twinn provlrrnt WHHKQ illaria oi mrunwnt The meeting would annually bring only provincial lrrnsnrrra hero and lrnuirrn Ileawll oi Ilrltihh liulullsirlfl and Johnson it Kllklxc who aim irautlo ii nnnrn mrtiuiim llut it lurin Bennett vWins Vote Liberals Show Gain clal Credit party saw its major ity dwindla to 11 irom 14 distribution of riding in the spring increased the size oi the house to 55 members irom 51 by establishing eight new seals and ellnunating live Party Standings 1966 will Social Credit SJ 33 ND Id 14 Liberal Total 55 52 Mr Bennett said redistribu tion was partly to blame or Mr Bonners defeat dont want to lose Bonner be said in an interview lie is still the attorneygen eral hope one oi our swoon will hear my voice and clear the way ior Bonner to take his seat in the legislature Social Credit picked up live oi tho now seats NDP got two and the Liberals one The government picked up Al scar1n as New Squadrons inure ma altrrutrd tiva olllrr Red Guards Meet Resistance With Cultural YKVU iAI JIIMI IIIII ilumir am voting still mire lrnrn as they illh the cultural nwluiim lnm leling into the mmlrysirlo lapnnm ruriiv winds retitled Inlay They Mini that ntml ni term rnilltd the yrsIhiui unrrk st Kwriiln in newborn Irina Ilwn lilo trimmers vir invited the animation tit run may and OH In Irro caliwl In to mtrn ruinr bvrni and Mackenzie irom the INDY but lost the twomember Petawvrwa Ont Valnwrtgrt Alta lhe srrpersonie will be used in Mobile Command pri marily ior romarraisaanm and surveillance Their other roles are interdiction close mm oi ground troops and alrvtoalr tn inception The program cnlh ior produeA tlon at its plants at cost oi $2l500000ii to that IF5 Ia scheduled to come oii the as acrnbly lino at Canadair Ltd Montreal Aug to 1967 lira production rate will be live plants month and Camp premiers Campbell oi Prlneo lkiward island Rnlrrrta oi 0n tnrto lividln Alnnllaira Thatcher oi Saskatdwvrnn and Manning oi Altxria AIIIIIiIZMIINTfl HXIIIIK The existing Ilveymr lax aarecnrwnis expire March 31 at the end at the mom itwal ymr Ilwevrr iurihrr live your ngmnvnta must reached by Jan beemue led and authority to oiled tam on brhnll oi the provincial gov rrnnmus erlmls only to tho and at this calendar year lha lax structure enuuuiltro was set up to protestior the that time in the livony himy 4i tardrarinulunulrrm iuturo mullmer at both norm lrrul innll lltmc rirutlns now are mm plain Inri whethrr thry will nevin1 the tendons and broad rtennmmril ni Moo earlier runiurm is hunt to predict Revolution llaus oiitrlnt New trips or wiry hollenlod that iman um Kathi has been rermvwl from his port as virede r4 tho him Crmmmtlt riding at Vancouver Bunard hagpfluraabyltillingdon to the Mr Boer was the only cab incl minister defeated losing to Liberal Garde Gardom lien Price party whip and stalwart elected along with Mr Donner in 1952 was deieated in Vancouver Rurrard with sun niug mate Torn Aisbury DOGS BATTLE IS UNNERVING LONDON tAPJason was rattling good dog and that was hh trouble llo aetually began rat tllng explained his owner James Gerard today It got so that every time Jason moved ho rattled it was unnerving So ilnally took blrn to vol 1111 vet handled him moved him about bit and sure enough Jason rattled Jasona ouner is scrap metal merchant in suburban liiord Jason had been swal lowing the merchandise From Jasons stomach and intestines the vet remode seven ball bearings and curtain rnll ilxture Each oi tho ball bearings was an inch in diameter Jason appears to be recov cring African Party Elects Leader CAPE TOWN CF Justice Minister Rathazar Vomlcr 50 hard right wlau extrrmisi was drown today as South rkal sovvlriir prime minister auoeealing llemlrilr Vrrwoerd who was assassinated in week so Vorster was eluted Uh uh nurst lxrtionnl lontkv ol the Ming Nationalist party at iull mcctinu oi the party caucus in Cape Towns Parliament liulitl lnu only aim distance away part llunvrr he mtiy Mahala tho Hmong The Iaprnm mamm vvporied lrmu Ming till the Hull at Knollln city man Ill miles northwest Di mum on one is rrsiiaazmcrz rl cities Involving the Red lords and local peam and MI SHOW 0F STRENGTH lil BERLIN Willi unwantedcome WM Ilalln than at Kmro mmqu Manama Plan Will Lure Industry Hot Sweaty Spaceman Cuts Short Stroll Astronaut Richard Gordon Ir cut short spam walk today and hurried back to the safety of the 64211an cabin when he got so hot and WW ho emddnt see Gordon Iryom US Navy lieutenant murmdor remnant amide only it minutes of the pleamed llSaniauto exclusion iiashodthowurdho We know how hot it is Right omtaollers on the grand radioed When it gets when space onlkwa legs to ptment him from floating out bolus be was ready im breathing hard Im paved Gordon upwind Once otttside Gordon moved over to an Arena satellite nt tadrod to the nose oi Gemini 11 The astronaut had might and docked with the Arena in record tine nits their latrrdrlru Morr dry mm Capo Kenmdy Beltran calling oii in mu baud aocomplhhod task vital 1W7 III mar to high ilylng expertth plan and Vulnmlay from tho drunkr in which Von woerd was stabbed to death last hrealay by manger The partys unanimous choice was soon as iadimtion oi its ro solrs to drooso strongman lender resolute tn pursuing lu oprrthcld trace mutilation pollrli without deviating trorn Vermonts race line Not More ThanIDePorhpy l4 Pages SEE PAGE TWO Couldnt See Ho unstowod one end at moot cord stored under the agcna docking miter lie at tootroduralouseorsitoanzier motion in space like short walk was ramlnb mi oi the Gemini flight dur ing wbldr astronaut Dogma Ceman overworked and bad hi helmet visor log up and We Ceran munnod to the cabin than pinned 0n Gemini to Mussel Onl lira was misidu so mine but had to call the stroll oii 25 mins early batman the space trait fuel nan low Collins aso bad to mail the space stand in which be poked the upper ital his bad hood the open helm That was earned when chemical iurn oo on into the suit iriealwort suntan Gordon piers nominate apnea stand Wednmday to lair photogmpiu oi stars lhen Gordon first Opened Lire habch he had some trouble gott lng bk Wool tether organized so he ooud slip ovar the side andikmrnd hadloboldontobis logs to keep him irorn Boating out until ho was ready Molson President Is Found Shot IVERY Qtlelm Im rival ram tlloiaon 45 pussi dmt oi Molmna Rrvavdos was iourd dlroi dual lilmday in his ainer mingle no this com munity is miles north oi Mon tmnl apoltomun ior the brewery sail today Police laid tioizauxa strains was iotmd luido hrn Ila had been shot in the lace Mr Molarn had been molaan oi Moiwn llroumcs since July oi this your lho caucus was composed oi tha Nationalist party mm hens oi the Ilmrso oi Assembly and tho Senate 5mm avoidwisps maï¬ rpolresmm ior Maison llrrw trim ml II bellaan Mr Mol srrn died noelhmtnliy wlsiio RICCIW the Run omnibusoi mournIsl 321 its