Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1966, p. 9

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anhmy lmlrll It mul HMUI Mlmllrr IL MUM 4W4 Ilmn 1m aw Tme Molmm ll IInrlnmul momma1 rhlln mu WV II Mnlmwy Imr Ilynhltml Ill Mumll 15 nald Hhuu Mum Hm Ilnynmwl And IInlmmn Mum mm and Hnwlmm llnmhn comm Annln 0001mm Mto MOM Ml Inn Illn Ml Illl 000 Jrnklna 71 Kmurn llrndley nnll Ilmullry fin Ilecil UM lmy 1M Mnllnrh In ml HAHN llflllun HIV llllr Tilvflllmm IMI 1ll WWWO II I0 000 I00 fillX sunnmm Mn and Illvulhy Ilnlm UH nml flllml Hlll 51IIUHVI 11L DullIn mm 000 01 Anlrl MIIUWII Jnchnn Hughu llm l7 mul Mchner Vrnln llHll Imu III MIIkrIun IPI nml May 1m sub5mm 1m Anurlu Iluslmruh Sun Fum 12 lhllndclphla 7K 11 Mllnln 70 SL Mull 70 IO Tlnclnnnll Houflnn nl 11 NM mG 07 Chlcngo VI 361 Jlb hull 100 urnA mm 100100 0011 Wevi uotxo mlny penalllrs CARIE 10 WIN mm You cant lulu nnylhlnu way ram lhll dub They came here In Playing coach nob Allan ol lclcrbomugh snld wccka lay oll nflcr dnlnnllm llrnmplnn Onll ln lllc linslrrn Canada llnalx hurl hla lnam bul also hated that Vancnmrr stored Ill pougr ys Thu game halted by pouer Ynllure lhu 1012 mark or the uncut quarter was watched by 4160 pmanslhc lnmcst lacrosse crnud Pcmlmr ouahl history Thu 413 sog mcn was added to ho Ihlnl quarter unm cloclrIcHy was IlnmL II THE CANADIAN PRESS Ad the Felerbon ough attack with our goals In clnding om which Vancouver xwllendcr Skip Ch knocked lnln the not hill lry ing to clear the hall Km Huh hm hnd lhme goals and Hutch Megan and Ken Crnhrord got the others Gard Frcdcrlcksnn aca re two goals or Vancouver uhilo John Ccrvl Pclcr Black Hill Roblnsnn Wayne Pccknnld Bob Salt Bill Chisholm Gard Llcbxher Paul Parnell and Ed Nelson added only goal mach scpgws Foun Vancouver Jumped lnln load In the first quarter but the Pele fled the gum by the hall Vnncuuver ended the Mn quarter with an lead and ouucmcd Peterburough Sn the final quarter Were ready In my In Feb erborough or couple weeks Marsh sald Second game or the bestol aeven series or the Mann Cup nhedulcd hem lonlght PETERBOROUGH OnL CF Coach Bob Marsh at Van couver Curllngs expects lung tough series alter his teams close 119 vlclory over Pelerburaugh Poles Saturday night In the opening game lho Canadian scnlar lacrossu finals Vancouver Nips Petes Before Record Crowd STAR FULLEACK George lined Saskalrhewan szhldem hm is cmue mention for no 193 than InnI Imus BASEBALL RE CORD 7n n7 70 70 171 11 07 VI 361 Jl bu mkmg on Wrr any Id EIH tub Nmmnn MI imm I5 Lulm lluullm multk In JI IDI luv Wynn Elnnzr MuMnlmn Wynn U7 IN MI Till mrm HI NY Mlllvr ll Ilhlmylhun 17L Illlnvnl MI 111 MI ll Unrllnd IMW IM Il Halllmnru Mnmrsnla no Helm llllrnflo 7H lnlllnmln 71 lurlnml 73 Knnlm My 01 Now York unllllnnhvn Ilamm luluum ml In llnnunll IDI MMIH Manlly Mllltr nfl Hall HI llrnlrrmlrr 101 mu libIvdumrm Maul Mung Inn 13 nml Nlmm zlm lurrllnn UV IIHI MlnUlhl IZfII KAHrIww L15 Wuhlnunn 090 ml 000 In Hull Mumm¢ lb Hmmm n7 Humth My Hum 17 nm lnramnn mum lnl Incl UH ml qul mu Nrw You h70M000 llMllm 000mm III iuu liuénmef um Tom Noflrhnr and Imlrlkh Shun Incl IIan Dnlrymplr Allnnll MlWlDlllflo erl 1011 101 100 ll Jan HH l1 llll Torre llhnnl ll7 Selma II Spin nnrl irate Ehméa was on mp In the first quarter play and New Oshawa durum Ncw wm mlnucr our mm to two In In years Mint Cup Inn In Oshawa am it was for Osh xivhum In VDésplie he om ddcd mm Saturday Bishop said ha ex pch Long scrim SLLORES BIX GOALS Ins Jam storm slx ml 1031 Ihc Green Gar13 NLW VcsunlnsIcr won of II game In regular season play and alien wan uilh onIy nina or 10 player In unllorrn Oshan hnd an ldcnticnl Mord In the Oshawa coach Jun Bishop sald Sunday hLu mm played holler than they know how Coach Keith Jackson blammi bad nerves and lack com prlitlon all your or me defeat Jackson said Oshawa has bl rcmlnuon and bl boy 0111M afraid It was anything bu Hut Sal urday night defendingdinn pion Odwm look the opener of the bestotsevcn scrka 2M monhdlm and awn Green Gach go Knto the second game at thu Canadian unlor lacrosse ml for me Minto Cup tonight wiih both comth pmnflsw It will be clay game NEW wamnNern ac New wow Sal Mull MHZIMIHIH rhan lMWIMl mmnu ml inn Ilrll UNIV lhnltl Cullrr UDvlwslml onginally been de cided ta play the first two game than with the rest be Lug plnyui at Civic Arenaa Marsh was pleased in hear mere chance all the mica games will be played In Peter bxtraugh Mcmmjinl7Cenue win and theyre going to make sure they glvu everything In or deitardo so Gaels Easily Take Opener flvo Winnipeg Blue Bodaci ddendcm Whilo the Bomber strategy mum kept Reeds strong 3mm nclaek to in mkninmm the Rider were Amrllrln no If In no um 3110qu Id MIL um mum 1mm llnwa npluk Jniunl by mm mininml puma Mam ranrel Mllnnal hnxk mm Sluulny In uhihltrvn rm Mt INDIE LW Am II nm in Ivy mm meh Wm lllrr km In TullHIM TM Ftlrvh INHle lwm nllcr mm In Inwnu ml Inflnulun WUIIJHL MITMJI FIIENIII wmmkl Mmlnl Moulznmrry Wnlkrr hm rm mummy hm mu anlltulnlL SCISSORED SPORT Tunn11 Mumlml Hui Mfiwul lmlohvvrn Ml lTavnnln kln hmvulu lu in mm on mayme an Tomnln lnlrnullonll luxu Nllunhyl null Tomxflo Columlnu qlllchmaml numban Mn milHm Irrlu Jn null Tnvnntn ulumhurl mwn hm Ilnl I01 mu lmhnn Krnuuc ll0D and llool lmmll aloooaoooI lllyhzwll on Ken lnwskl led the Now Vcslmlnuu attack win mm win and om mm Othnr on were scored by Km Henry Roland Jarhan Barry Bolton MA FA Goal Evcn Oahu mamaper Merv mm mm In the firing leypgllbrcq fish PowlLs 7150 rind seven 14 nlstv to lend In Mal point with olxhl In addition Jones xix goals PM 01am had five or me winner and brother John Clay ton Added mm more Man Thamson scored lwim and slush wont to N611 Armani Jim Dim Don SUM0n and Gaylornl Powltsu We lave our goalie no my port at nllyou wauld lhlnk wed never played ngalmz 00d team before We dis Oshawa boy run all over me floor Instead prole our goallt the ban ulcd valnly to Oshawa playm at mid 0m shooting we good has he said Jacksonthm weakde anm or Sahnonbellies poor showing 351 said he was very happy with way mu handled himself In from at the New Westminster goal VuLmlnsccr couki never nar row rho gap 04 mummy flclals have decided to put floor boards over the Ice for tho third game Wednesday this proves antislactory the rest nf the series will be played At the larger rink amauer rinkto avoid can filct with the Lratnlng camp of Toronta Maple Lear the Na tional Hockey Lennie which apen at the Centre nmnm Ln Ln meslul through the air Ron lammet bk faker Hugh 0mm or two toad Wm wm pwuumz ma diflcmme as WW nfoflIHMJ TI mmmI Mauvlnl and Wnlkrr Shrllm and Slwllm 15 Ind In um nflxcr mm Nnnh nay Iman nn Hm down In ha hm manl he mun Kirkland lake rccnvrml on um play and hold on Io their ono point 5nd nmmrngm gm lhe uln Nn lean Juhn Cullin nnn Add mnvm nnd uld zunl Hutch Dunuis ncorcd two touchdown autumn Foil nrllm MFlccha and Joe Moy lnn scored one mch And Joe Drnuo board hrnc mnvmn wally Slnxnmnd third ynrd 51mm Russ Mchlnsur the Sud bury mack with to ouch dawns while Mex Fox Don Cavcrlcy nnd Ted Favol earl mltkd one touchdown Frank Clrollo kicde we mnvnm and lime By THE CANADIAN PRESS Sudbury Hanlrocks retained Hrs plncu 1n Um Nonhcm 0n nrio Rugby loolbalx Union Sunday with 3323 victory ovrr Smrxmn Falls nomlnrs while North Bay TigcrCau mind Lharm lo leave 1h cellnr by ming 109 L0 Kixklnnd Lnje Aloucuu 1mm spoiled anu FnlLDns debut 1914 Detroit Lions upset Chicago Bears 1+3 St Louis Cardinals oulInslcd Phllndelphla Eagles 16 Minnesota Viking ralliad In San Francisco 49m 2020 and New York 0111an and Pill burgh Stu1m bulllcd In 3444 deadlock mums In Sundays other NFL openers Cleveland Browns rlppcd Wnshlnglon Redskin 58 16 L03 Angnlos Ram spoiled Atlanta FnlLDns dcbul 1914 Detroit Lions upset AChlcngo um They embarrassing Enlllmom peerlps quarter back 10 three Interception Wu mm pmvldlng ouch down In the Hnnl moments at tho flrsl hal guess Canny Wu hiding 1nd nonleonen 5am Unitas Carley swiped mom quur or pass and rambled 52 yards or lha lauchdawn that mayoral the Packers 2H victory over the Cale Saturday ntghL Thu National Football League opener matched the opponents tn last seasons Western Confer ence plays and tho Packers who squeezed lhrough Inst DE camber with quarterback Johnny Unitas tdelined wan asily th time Sudbury Keeps NORFU Lead Lee Roy Carley plays line backer for Green my Packers and hide and seek azalnst Bal fimora Colts Hy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Interceptions Plague Colts Prormled ma Thewescm Wm males was pde yesterday atlemoon pr nines Stadium Wire mom IIIIMMUOMI DIM Pm OHIMIUJHLCIIVL 0W When heel bul ll Hopped and Ill lluhll Mo llaihlnu vlnulovlsl an caching In school bul llom lho haul of ovuvlnklnq llrom llw mm mm IIDI Ind mun mnnln mm mt unhl mu Ind Ijmnl lllll on Illa blunmnolunguv InslulrmEHECIlVLNOW CLEAR VIEW Hm wlnmlllnlvl and he wlndnn on Illlm Ildn II hon mil mus nllovd mm View In roadway and vnhlclnu sham and In Um uldu Hm my winduw mun allovd CIIM vlow the roadway ml vohlclas bnhlnd unless lhmn Is an oulnhln mmle mluav whlch don nun IN le mw lHLCIIVK OCIOUEN I906 UNNICESMRV NOISE mum whu drives main vahlcll and tuna II In makn an lmnnconnly nollo comm an allrm HHCHVI NOW INImNAYlOML DRIVING PERMIT Any non mldonl nl nmlo who II adds an Inlemnllonnl DIIVIHE Pmull may opuu much In nnlmln In PIIUI nun REMINDER T0 MOTORISTS Big 0th Rush Stalls Tige rCats IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE ONTARIO HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT scum lfllkhlhhm on runninK plnn or East York Don Kap mm mum lumber lwdulvwn ml Mu Irom Arno qunnrr back Gerry Mcnunm and Charlie llnllleld mm the x2er major nflxr we inm ceplnl mu on tho unmel LN plny In nnmhrr Imzue Ame Sum day camaran saints Mom thqu hm toucMcmn of ha mum while mllrrlnx an ducal Al the hand Imdon lords Gary nurm 11d Smilh no P1d Int flay Wlulnmn Em ank Arzonnul re mamd wkruaml mummy mu whipped Saglf ngrltgh 11 411 In Ii Scnlnr 0mm qutball pnlon Rama Green Hay Lo Angelo Dclruil Mlnnmu San Fran Outage BaIUmore Cleveland SI Loul New York Pllsbumh Dallas Vashlnglon Atlanta Philn East York Whips Samia Snlnrday Hamilton 16 Ottawa 27 Sundaya Result Edmonton 14 Toronto Sllurdlyl Game Montreal at Hamllton Ottawa at Vancouver Westcrn Cnntcrenca AM Sask 1213138 Edmonton 41351 10 Winnipeg 3mm EC 9310 Calgary 6612 Salurdaya Runlt Calgary man Columbla 1t Sunflayl Result Saskatchewan Z7 lnnlpcg Zl Nullnnal Lune Eastern Sask Edmonton Ottawa Hamilton Montreal Toronln dnry Lelebvre and mu ien scored Edmonton loud liave Thelnn ncnand the other anonlo touchdown while John Vllunns converted our of the llve touchdowns Day released by Calgary Slampcderx of lhu WFC Ins week was ha key to Illa Tar onlo muck throwing three Inunhdmm passesa pair to Irwin and another Hubby Taylorand handed on In Bob SW lorJha fourth Meanwhile lha Rough Riders wallopcd Hamilton 2713 Satur day to break firstplace lle In Ihe EFC wlth the TigerCALI 1m Argmauta in had scored only 32 palms and only three quchdnwns In lheir Hva grevious mm of the season rake louse behind velaran quarterback Eagle Day They ouuushcd he Eskimos 117 yard In rm and pfled up 2x yards In he hit to Edmanlon iss The Argonauts nna ppad fivegame losing streak Sunday Morning Edmonton M14 In Canadian Football League game that kept the Esklmm tom gaining Intplace in tha wotern FonIerence By Tim CANADIAN mas Toronto Argonauts and 0t lnwaRaugh Riders the East em Football Influence finally found Mum duke During lunches and played tho role pl pullers In weekend football ao DAY smxs mos Yulem mag Butch FOOTBALL ooxzo oobb Conlennce APII 1101 48 10 1102 75 51 mmm JHJ 19 DN 000 Ml loads on Inch mull b0 sucumd covmd loaded In with mannul Ihnl nnxavl ma land may bacomu lllloduudlllLCNVCHO PIDHIRIANS pmluman walking nlon Highway Illlfll walk lulu lho mm om clme lul In lhaud ndgo lb 1033 90mm L01 IVE NOW COMMERCIAL VEHICLE LOADS you might lulluv oth Inn Inml or poll luHu IM not and 3000 pmmds and me min on ma nxla shall no road LOCO pounds and ulu an In mu ml llm weight Ihnll m7 uxcuudHDOOpuunstHl IIVENOW SIGNAL MN CHANGES Whnn than Inwnnniyrau mm Ilgnnl Inch change HLCIIVE Dorm cost Edmonlon share of first place but their poinu mm nine games was good or mound plate two points ahead oflWinmpgn Ask Th former Argonauts xlxnal caller who mva lnla Toronto Argonauts umlonn Sunny He threw three touch down passes as Argo collected their first win of the season an over Edmonton Eskimos LOST FIRST PLACE For Campbell the sec and mucbdwn reception of the Sunday game and 12m In eight outing against Bombm Ha ha 13 so at this season three shy at the Canadian FooLhall kague record set by Winni pega 5mm Pm 1959 Eagle Dnyiélscafilcd Cal gary 81 cqers Iurmd 1gp 1n We were the highlighh of weekend in which all live West2m Footbalx Commence clubs saw notion Dy THE CANADIAN PRESSr Dick Thornton 1211 down on he job Eagle Day Impressed new boss and Peter Uskc who got Days old M7 couldnt prgiuce Immhdown Plan Now To Attend the mm and spnnfswuan snow TUES SEPT 13111 at pm III EMBASSY HALL 386 BLAKE 5T DISPLAYS BY Win Tucker Jim Dillard and flick Blnck scared the Ottawa touchdowns while Moo Racine ed all mm and added ganls But Ottawa tamed the ball 100 yards farther than Humil wn weanling 239 yard rush tn Saturday and ntruck or 155 yards in the ntr while hotdlng thgjtcgts to 82 The Rough Riders victims 1510 delta at Lhe hands of the Tim last week had scored only 74 yolan In their first nvu games compared In Hamiltons 86poinls LasttMinute TDr Trips Bombers dnwm Tommyxloc Coffey con vertcd iboth Hamlin lauchdnwns were Clam Aim In nemmmn ONTARIO OEPARIMENT OF TRANSPORT 2r mun SPORTS on Mn mun Mlnlmr uunnn mm hhflll Itllr Ihlrk um mmuuuum Cooper back at his flanker position aftcr missing me xame due to injury hrzw key 17le in Dave Ralmlys lOtLyard side line dash or Winnipcn first touchdown Then he set up Thumtons score by catching Kenny Pioen page or 50 1nd 12 yardsr He also snared 12 yard touchdown thrvw in put Bombers ahead Z440 with two minutes and month rcrnain inxr RALLIES CLUB ma non Lancasier brought his club right back He thrvw 45 yard to Alan Ford Two plays lam Lancas or escaped Wilmipog nnhi As he scurried Thornton fell and Campbell siwnhied but he regained his balance to make the blg catch Collltr $0 Burl Thor oped occasionally by Ken Danchuk knocked den one pass to Campbell lnleh ceplcd anothcr nnd grabbed 16yard Lulchdown pass Dan cluk rmvcrcd two fumbles and made an endzone Inter cepuon For good no of the con test In Winnipeg marred by slx fumbles and our inmch Lions it looked 10me might share Iho heros mantle with mu wwy mm problems in Vancouve Satur day night He had our of passcs inlcncpled as British Columbla Lions mm 14 More 21147 Inns to bull alongside Cal nary 1n lourgh plape boot lnfaixary had Toronto defenslva unll been superb earlier In kill SPONSORED BY anlers effort Micki score to 340 but the Eskimo struck or we lunchdowm late inthe Ejme ESKIMDS STRIKE BACK scored by Wiliia Belhea and Dick Cohce Don ulherin kicked the convert and added two singles Day who signed with Taxunto Friday came into the gum late in Ihe first gunner and ieii in tho iounh with the Argo landing 2711 Rookie Wally Gab ier lock aver handing In Th or iho final Toronto touEhdnfin 7284892 BARRIE lastesasm lguudflugnshuuld yglastes as gnudaE ignudnumsnuumz Iasmsasgnudas gnud Hum shnuld Jackson had three passes in lerccpled and complLled only eight 11 alcmpls Hamilton was held In seven enmpleunns on 15 nllcmpls Black was the leading ground gainer 84 yards whllfi halfback En Scull ndrlcd 49 and Dillard gut 44 yards Belhca ran 57 yards or lhe Tical and C03 hog added 51 um um Cahee he first mm mm outhumn guing over ram lhr Inunynrd line and Eclhca scored lhu nlhcr an Jaynnl pass rum quarterback ngkposcnllna The Rough Rlders won lho hard way trailing 1610 In Him thud quurler Black scored thn first touchdown on 22yard moon p353 lrorn Russ Jackson Tuckcr caught 33yard loss from Jackson Inr hc second and Dillard who alternated at fullback wilh Black ran fldo lonseare Iranonu ynrd out Toronto also intercepted In of Randy Kcrbows passcs had 24 first downs tn Edmonlnns 15 and cnmplnled at 23 passes Edmnnton had 11 completion In nilemplsyr In Ihrce Edmonton scorlnl lbreaLr Mnrv Lusler Inter copied pass in the end zone Jlrn Rounlree recovered turn Me on tha Toronto No yard line nnd Ihu Eskimos were thrown for two losses alter hey regnhcq thcAlornnla 12

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