PM Appeals To Zambia 75 NEWS ROUNDUP 2i pum mmml llrnkhl Mythic Mr whhh lull hml HI llnlln llrmcn plalu ll WM m4 lumen Mum he mhl be lnkm lu Ikvlln 05m M1 The allrgal Wm Imumn Hxluanr of lmlryenrohl Muulrenl ml was mm by 010 polka Idumfly n11 mhll Kunflnx nlghl Jurrptn In mle In er mu In My Mdlnn wllh Muz Hump plflz nl Aguiwy KImrrr Tm illllfll Hum Im 11 Wumm mlnl um Anglimm hnvn noun WAII ulna ho 1w all to over comu llm 51le lm mlllul Tho nrdublslmp mld ordina Inn 01 Wflmm likely will vow mo he most xlllllcull prob lama OIIOSEn Imnnnlly nm nppmed In wnmm prlcm mm or Hm mnllm Mulch new lnuk wlfl Imvr lo ho lulm The sermon allowed alm flnr llnn to Ms rnmnrkl prcu canlcrcnw In Nlnxam Falls OnL Snurday when he nnld he was lhnnklul lhn Unllcd Church at Canada hnd npl proud Hm Prlnriplr Union with In country Anglican Church um be said Um pmvnl In only honlnnlnk lo vrrcnmipq Um dlmgulllcq on um min lu uniuu Ar ur Michall Ramsey usxting the Niagara diocese ml 01 his monlh lam Canadian our dcscrlbcd dlvlalnnl In lhc Chrls an church as slnIul nnd lgglc HAMILTON CPIThu Arch blshop at Canterbury Sunday told full connrcgalmn In Christs Church lhal division wllhln Christianlly are contrary loho will at God Arrest Suspect One her ï¬rst book was Mogruphy of mm Tom Thom sun which 15 in be republished centennial edition Division Tragic vcs was born Longueuil Quc and educated In Momrcal Mar working repuflcr 1n Fart William she came to Toronto In 1921 and bc came acquainted with me unp of Snvqn argists Dav 69 auflmr of his men and travel book on Canada died Saturday at her home near Cedar Grove In nearby Mark ham To hjp marry in slnmélwl lrmu Wen have to wall and hear what Mr Wle has to say than we will decide ha said Pearson urged Kamawe to welsh Wilson statement pare ully More making the critical decision on whether In my or Kapwepwo Mml gave no advance sign of what ha decl slan will be INSURANCE AGENCY 27 column Zambiaa Foreign Minister Si mon Kaywqrwe met with the Canadian lender in Ponrmns Mini suits just before the show duwn session in which Prime Mlnlsier WiLson was in give Bdiaina reply to African de mand or forceful policy on Rhodesia WDON CWPrime Mlnb er Pearson mndo lastminute appeal to Zumhlas delegntlwn today nut to make any hasty decision on its flzreaMned walk out from the Oomomealfll prime mhdswrs conference Author Dies 10 THE DARK EXAMINER MONDAY SEFTEMBER 12 IBM TORONTO 4C Blodwen DR RAMSEY lll Expovinnco llm Counlll OVER SIXTY YEARS of dMlngnlnhal Insurance senkc mhln up vast rxpeflcnco In an new at pmicdlnu NIMMHA FALLS NY AP man IOkrflml by wit mm Mwun lho nun nl 10 and 114 Jumped In III dNIlh over Illa Anwknn Iullx Smur Iny lullro nl Ninunm anllrr Mule 11 InM Io IIHMNIHHNI lnnn llmlvnl our 11 millng 11 Want lulnl nl he nut he rnlnmrl Am plungnl lnla Um wnlrr In Vlrw nvrrnl prim Thu lnlhtr Hum Knlsrr will be dmraul wilh mm drr mike said In hm pllnl nygl mm uh twnlmnm Mumls in lN dun was Juan ml Ildn Knlur at lnllcn lho Lhmllnu Mk Nam In an thern mIJnlnInu Um Sundny llhml mm ml lllo ucnml our Iv he Scrum Church Cluln Sclnlllsl PITTSBURGH AP Po Hm mumst ynulh lmknl up Sunday as his Sun duy hoax LIss Wm muhm km and nnw mnlhtr alwl lo dull and hls lnlhrr wnuml lemsclf NEW YORK AP new newspaper make it 11qu In New York Ioday with publica tion the World Journal mb unq 140 dayyhlc Tho Mum and Sunday newspaper is m0ng ol lhc mornan Herald Tribune nim nnon Journal American and ovcnlng World Tolrgmm and Sun 1L9 mu made up 01 farmer unmloycu he three publicallons and It will lnchula mlumnlsu kalum and vom it all lhm lumps Over Falls Tï¬crlimtélulml held up by girlko an other In imcult Dr King was ormcrly sclem mic dimlor he Inndon Plnnanrlum and secretary the British Astronomical Asso elation The Rom new planetarium Is to be complmd next year 721° 0°er 51 olbnifn3imucl Mcilauï¬hn chairman of he board of Gen eral 51mm of Canada Ltd its run mum pros TORONTO CPLDr Claude Blssell prcsidon of the Univer sity of Tomnlo today an4 named me appointment of Dr Henry King of London England as first curator Oh Royal Ontario Museums McLaumUn Planetarium Murder In Church And mln lster of Torontos Timothy Ea ton Memorlal Church told mass rally 5000 persons ln eluding delegates to the Gem cm Council of the Unllcd Chumhof Canada that not even Billy Graham teamed up wllh the angel Gabrlcl could now brlng about revival ln Can Ada Somcklme Christians have felt it was sintul to laugh he said the more solemn their appearance the more plain their houses and church build ings Lhe more religious they were Paper Debuts 1th fwd mu nnl mowmi WERNER OWA Uniind Chumh minister said Sunday night than will be religious revival in Canada until the pub lic became convinced that ilgion bringshapqhwss strong one Li United Na tions troops was rushed to no vlllage to prevent mom shoot ing Nationallly of the troop wasnt Immediately disclascd The UN one lncludns nbaut 1000 Canadian soldlers ROM Curator NICOSIA ANOne Greek Cypriot civilian was killed and Huge othm wounded In sud dcn larevup of ï¬ghting Ar son mixed Greek1311115 vll lugs 15 mile souvhwvt Mc nQaï¬xe Cyprus swornment flu West Beth ham her wzalthy grandparents only in low houxs after sha had arrived here Aug 21 with her mother on vlsle No Revival Violence Flares Burl am southern Goorglan Bay Lake Ontaria Haliburlon Kil lalnn Tomma Hnmillun Sunny rilh scasonahlc lcmnomlurm Inday Sunny ilh law cloudy in rm Tue ay light Northern Gcnrglnn Day germ Saul Sm Mark south crn White River Timagnmi Norm Bay Smlbury Vnriahlo claudincss Ioday and Tucsdayx Saulhcrn Lake Huron Lake Erlc London Sunny and warmer loday Variable cloudi ng TucsdayVhIds llghg Vnrm nlr surging lnlo upper lnkas distrlcts brought milder avernlghl temperatures but ex tensive cloud and scattered showers will not allow tempera tures In compete with those In southern sodium of the nav Inge synnpxll Bright sumhinc Io day will see the thermometer reaching the 70 tn 75 mark his afternoon and 1n the cxlrcmo snulhwcslcrn Ontario into the low nus Wanm sunshine will rise term mature to the high 70 today and Lomorrw Evening temper atures will run about the same as Lhny have been or the past few days few cloudy period are forecast or Tuesday The law temperature recorded at the Examiner Office last night was 46 degrees The tempera ture 800 am was 51 de ture mes TORONTO CPD Forecasts Issqu by the weather ofï¬ce at 530 mm BEETS BUNCHES CARROTS 19° CATSUPuorrm 100 STEAKS ONT No1 FRESH indudirnx EC Mwm wavin SUNSIINE prchch or regions of Canada today Northern Lbkcflvlluryn tillag TENDER ROUND SIRLoiN 0R WING LIBBY TOMATO DISTRICT WEATHER Sunny And warmer Is Area Forecast BUEHLERS TUESDAY ONLY 10 Wlmlnux um Door um be punham lur low In Amu Amid the rush nnd order your Mnmlnum thdows mu Doors new For window onicml in Srpltmbu we am mm In 1m DISCOUNT 01 any purchase price Lol UI leo Vou FREE ExIlmahl BALL DO IT NOW AND SAVEI PLANING MLL CO LTD Murine oxems Superior Soulhcnsk Ind 11 lo 16 knols lncmnslng l0 l7 to 21 knots tonight Pnrly cloudy scallcrcd shawln or lhundcrshowcrn Into tonighL Fancan Tempernlum Low nvernlghl high Tuesday Windsur 55 77 London 50 75 Kilchcncr 75 Mount Forest 47 72 anghnm 47 72 Hamilton 50 75 Se Catharina 50 75 Toronln 55 72 Petaborough 45 75 Klngslon 45 71 Killnlne 40 75 Muskakn 45 75 North Bay 43 70 Sudhury 50 70 Snull Sm 55 70 Kapuskaslng so 70 While River 55 70 Maosonce 50 7D Timmlns 50 70 Nnrlhcm hill River Mostly cluudy today Variable clnudl nos with scattered showers or lhundcrshnwcra tonight and nlcsdaw Warmer Tuesday Wings soulhcfly létq 25 bub regléh Mainly sunny today and Tuesday link warmer Tuesday Winds light few showtra today little warmcr Winds Huh today southerly 10 lo 20 nwsdny Cuchrnne Cloudy with show ers lodny Variable cloudiness Tuesday Showers Ilkcly lulu ln thy day lltllu warmer Tucs day Winds llghl today south erly Tue dz Man is being mu the weslcm prairies souflm 0n tano Quebec and Ibo Marl Umcs Rain is in am hr the eastom minias and Mimi land Figmcs indicaie 1mm cd high tanpcmumes mehow UP 50 Ll por wlgk 711206 Lake Huron Georgian Buy Southeast winds 11 to 16 knots Increasing 17 lo knots this nItcrnonn Fair Lnke Erie East winds 17 ll know becoming southeast ll lo16 knqls this aglernoun Fnir Last wlnd 17 lo 21 knots bccnminu southeast 11 to 16 km lanlghl Fair now HAZARD msunao N0 TIME uwr NOMILEAGE LIMIT Ti l1 llu It Cum lot 77514 75014 52514 50014 85514 mac14 685l5 5605 775l5675l5 77515 675l5D 111515 7015 54505 zooI5 SIZE Tuhnhu FHEEVIFSTTLATIUN 1m 2200 mo 1980 2200 2470 2660 egg rm Last weak Premlcr Daniel Johnson said the Queen would be Invited to the fair just as all heads of stale will be In viqu In It Mr 6h 11 915 said There is no questlon or her bc lug invélcd nghccflCilyf Mr Connolly gavelamen lender In he Sexual and fed eral minister without portfolio said the Queen enjoy special status In Canada and would re who extraspecial chatmcnl an exwa visit by her In next years worlds air in Mont regl minimizes in their Oclobcr 19Mvlsit to Quebec City part olalnrger Canadian visil the Quch and Prince Philip were heavily guarded sum WERE ARRESTED Some youthful Quebec separa 1150 were meslcd during the royal stay as demonstrations protesting tho visit erupted along the Queens roum lhrough the provincial capital They lclt Montreal Sunday lollowlng meellng of lhelr ns soclntlons general council and statement by the council chairman Senator Jnhn ConA nolly at Ottawa that Canada still feels strong attadmmnl for the Commonwealth Thu receptor receivod by ihe Queen on her 1964 visit to Que bec City did mi rcprcscni lhc strength of Quebecs feeling for tho mnnarchy tho scnalnr told reporters Saturday MONTREAL CF About 200 delegflles lo the Common wealth Parliamentary Assncln clnns annual conlcrencc are tanning on today through tho AUnnllc provlncns at the start of nauonwldu tour Cdnqdd Feels Strongly For Queen Senator ï¬skui vhclhcr he banal the TnduIn Allnulu 00 05 150 750 800 YOU 13430 1450 1620 1960 1400 1365 1450 1620 1960 DIE IN CRASH SOKOLOV Cz uchoslovakla memoryNo spectators one iveycarold girl and xacing motorist Jam Brazda died Sum day when Brazdns car skidded into motor race crowd lho Cznchnslnvakian news agency Cctcka rcpodcd Twenly our spectators were anuwd In the amidan ACHIEVE SCIENCE FIRST NEW YORK AP Com munist Chinese scientist have performed lull synthesis of in sulin Dr Kims Hoimann ro ported Sunday is ï¬re first major scientiï¬c adiievement in come out oi that counlry since their atomic development considered merely tachnaiog icai teat said ha director at the proan laboratory at the University or Péunxyivania REPORTS NEW SATELLITE NEW YORK AP The Daily News says the us liir Force has launched saiclilLe capable taking picurcs of Rusmn military bases and re4 turning packages of liim on ciommand lrom controi m4 tons Duyhg summer hros nowThey will nccd changr lng coma winlcrbm not you 0mm he now Four Scam Sanction povlovmcn or year vound mm Good in Summer Best in Wmlcr and Pufm for Spring and Fol Th1 Imr 5mm Hm lndn Idghwnvx an mm vl meal Du um wlnlrvn mow mum HIIIII man than Fm 50nva Ilm ru mhm In Ilmmn hm 34mm om mkmvm DIde ï¬rm In at Hm uwrlu ImJo In prim Nke immxl $07er but MN them Ivmow vrlnlamlmnfuil mu ndmg Wu 1M camnkrvu Ilme and mmcv mum preirdersremarks were unduly nlnofMr Connolly sald dont think Danny will stick hagd on lhls Rhodesia shape up as prima topic im discussion by the dciegnm when they as semble in 0mech 75 tor the nlneday conicrence groper LEEi175 DELEGATION Saniwï¬llnm Nbrlght Filam lnenl Aykansns Demucral L1 WORLD BRIEFS immune nnymu mm and youll um MI Your 5mm Tim lml rut mnl Iva nmlrImL CA AM CAI Bonus Coupons Their council Snlurdny turned down the den of allowing even observer at he conference from Ghana Nigeria and Aden three Commonweaflh are where Inglshlurcs hova re cently hecn suspended The delegalu had been In Montreal sinro lnln last week They were given official recap Hons by tho city and by Quebec province The problem ls hnw Ila holler01f nullons ol lho Cam monwchllh such as Canada can best help the underdeveh oped also will ï¬gure highly in delcgnle gliscusslans The delegates travelling In sggnfalp grqups urn schcd ulndflrsl DVlslt centre in Newfoundland New Brunswch and Nova Scnun with some gm lng Io Prince Edward Island ESdFY scheduled In lead United States delegation parflclpaling in the cmorcnces discussion utimcrnauqna1 affairs sh wax bv holheved hy but we ï¬nd mum when med um nilHan cl the blunder And nrlnlry mu un mm In blehch um and mm In look Dodd Kldnry Pun 5mm rm Duddl Pl nlmuxm kidney In hell Hm we condlllon gnu1n bunch mg meg mu Soon lbfl Id hurr mud Minr mu hofllurd hy Luckchm Duddn Kldm ï¬ll my htlu You em depend on noun hm Ila VII money No nagging backachelï¬x FRIDAY NIGHIS OPEN DAYS Tlll AM WEEK