Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1966, p. 4

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Walla Publisher Published by Canad ii HMcPheroon Managtn tan Newspapersx Limited 16 Bayfiaid Street Barrie Ontario Wilson General Manager Editor FRIDAY SEWER 1966 PAGE4 Time For Diefenbciker Pearson To Leave Stage The present vacuum of leadership in Ottawa was never more apparent than in the recent emergen session of Par llanicnt called to deal th the rail strike Agreed that the legislation at some trains running ain but the ssues in volved are cert nly not solved the 18 per cent increase guaranteed the railway unions is only base from which negotla tions or arbitration will start next year The feeling in Canada is that the rail waymen were entitled to an 18 per cent increase to bring their scale of wages in line with other trades but there is now great concern that the government has at leasttacitly given its seal of approval to other unions to begin negotiations from this point in this period of infla tion this would be disastrous to the econ omy of the country and wage gains made on such basis would soon be wiped out by tho dccreasing value of the dollar llir Pearson set precedent of lntcr ventlon in labor disputes with his per sonal involvement in the 30 per cent set tlemcnt to the Quebec longshoremen and tile scaway workers The rincipal of coilecilvo bargaining has eon badly denied by this g0vernmcntinterventlen and there is concern that every major union in the country now will do its utr most to get its ease to Ottawa where it can rely on Parliament to increase its bid for more money Mr Diefenbaker did not enhance his image as leader during the debate on the railroad problem and the disenchant ment of John Diefenbakcr continues to grow not only throughout the country ut throughout his own arty lho lea ors of two ma or political pal ties mUst be made to realize that there is great feeling of uneasiness through out the land and if these two old men are the true Canadians they proclaim themselves to be the most patriotic thingthey can do is to step down volun tarily and make roonl for younger imag inative men to come to the top We have had more than our share of scandal smear and smoke screen in Ot tawa Canadians desperately want to re gain their osition of prestige which they once held it the world There is time to leave the stage and retire to the wings and the time is now for liicssrs Pearson and Diefenbaker DOWN MEMORY LANE 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Brurle Examiner Sept 10 1036 Town council tries to get Barrie Cltizens Band and Allandale Band amalgamated into one large band instead of two small ones No band grants at present but council favors hinng Professor Michael Angelo of Toronto to direct combined unit and would restore necessary financial aid Dr William Lewis Barrie appointed Ollie Coroner County of Simcoe Ef fective next week both Barrie theatres Roxy and Capitol will be operated un der management of John Saso tic Sons who entered into Egrtncrship with Can adian chain which light Capitol several years ago from it Garrett Anthony Saso will be manager Joseph Saso assist ant Vlghtman Goodfcllow insur ance agent Barrie was held up and rob bed by two men and left unconscious in his car on Highway 11 at cast limits of town lie was discovered by Don ias iicdger and other who called Po ice Chief Stewart and Dr Neil Laurie Addressing Liberal rally at ltlverdale Park Allistonn lrcmlcr lilitchell liep burn asserted Ontario finances were best in many years Splendid livestock show featured with annual World Fair in Cm Township Ideal weather drew large crowd Enthusiastic leadership of Bert Guest Oro Agricultural Soclcty president was important factor in suc cess of fair Barrio Simcoea were tied with Southamtpton Fishermen in rovin cial lntcrmcriale baseball semfinals with one win each Locals won at honlc 32 as Smoky Smith formed 15 and al lowed only five hits Buster Clark George Scott and Adam McKenzie were batting stars BarrioAllandale Dairy won town softball title beating Clarke Tannery in final Dick Roe was strong on mound for winners Margaret Gribble 19ycarold Barrie swimming star is turning professional and has on tered marathon swim at CNE Barrio Imperials moved into intermediate soft ball finals with wins over Owen Sound Ken Gullfoyle starred on mound and Tony Saso was fielding star at first base Eddie Stransman clouted long homer and Arnold licid had five hits At St Marys Church on Sunday lit Iicv lilon signor liugh Sweeney celebrated 401a anniversary of his ordination to priest hood Paragraphically Speaking Another designation suggested for this decade The Senselcss Sixties Scicniisis say life on earth began in hot water And some fear it may soon end in superheated steam and debris An cdltor says world conditions those days have the pcopie bcwiidcred Thats hardly the word for it theyre down right flabbergastcd What conclusion do you reach from tllc following The good die young Women elliiivc men by about six years itarrir tiresimian comes of all kindswagcs divi of an thing no longer learn their hodih and hintcn death observed Even the pay druids real and fees Excer Wan Wm enough not even when it In mm mm Wm palm Imposed in Britain 0M should be made only Wm Win54 come In large economy Wlmmm slim hno been by the Macmillan government cases of extreme herds or Ind All Alze Mirage Whatever it is considmng In mm mu mm umpioym my sound Justification and liter To in real standout you you two large economy hcelth of the nation they have inrtcad been seeking popularity by distributing candy This it encouraged by our democralic system of univerral suffrage especially in minority govern mrnt situations Nowhere today is the disas ter of this selfseeking atiilude more apparent than in Can adar economy Three years ago Canada was rated as the country which manngcd economy bzst Western nations bankers and economists rate our prriormoncu as the third wont ItESTIIAINT NEEDED mind but any nation can crch bicairwaicrr which will modin the worldwide economic alonm In bolh wage demands end ore to do so he warned would cause ilncmploymcnl erode lho purchasing power of pensions and ravimia and cause crises in our International pnymenll now pnrl of he ipccril liui it was not playrd up In lhe pron nr itiiln lillnir nlluritrly cnllllwl to CANADAS STORY BritishGold Hunters IQ gt RiKE At st Ill4 DeludedAbout Canada non aowmu diiidmn were among those vino survived the My Few of the Ovalmom ever did any niinaig but they made now lives tor thmwelves in British Cohurbia omen aveurs 0N SEPTEMBER or lassat was amioimoed that Canadas first nuclear power station uwmmmmummmkaflmatamtof OVERDUEV ElViER GENCY MEASURE THE LIGHT TOUCH Live In World Of to impose standstill for prices TwoOlEveryihing and incomes perhaps unpopu By IML BOYLE lar with businessmen and wage carncra but certainly popular NEW YORK ADWe live today in tweeteverything OTTAWA REPORT Distributing Candy To Seek Popularity with their wives in this inflationary and self lsh situation oi lrn lnthe boat Shove off restraints are essential Only legislation will effect ihsrn find number at MP who are sensible oi the nature and one in the city and take two vacation year one in the winter and one in the summer Dy PATRICK NICHOLSON have observed it and oven the cabinet ignored itor no action Wild soma my 11min 1mI scope ana as crss an manage more no wves MC 532 was taken several who believe that mcdi Nun one at home and one at the uncle who brings large box of candy seems to the kids to be more exciting than their mother who insists that they eat healihy dict Yet steady of candy would dwmy cine should be admlntstered This medicine suggest lathe creation oi National Prices and incomes board which would freeze prices and in When boom conditions over hcat national economy pious urging are ineffective Presl dcnt Johnson of the United Stale has found that his unen forccd guide lines remain hold his head up proudly any more unless he he twocsr garage and dwells in house that has at least two tele phones two television set and two or more bathroom office And now and then you meet iunior executive who carries two brlelcases Yep it has become two oiuveryihlng economy Ono not emulated in private fields the result was that last year wages rose there by stagger ing 93 per cent while produc tivity rose by less than four per cont It national work force cannot take out of its economy more than it puts in by way of Increased produclivily without upsetting the npplccnrt that Is the delicate balance of eco nomiclvinhillty Now Macmil inns successor Prime Minister Wilson after 19 months of bum iiling has bccn forced to im rose tough mcnsurcs more rnlrnl curbs Imposed earlier would have savrd this Canadas overall wage ins crcnxa this year may exceed liriialnn disastrous per cent Yet Prime Minister lcarron has not oycn publicized any guide lines In fact he has set an example at dormant wage increases in specific cases FUTURE TIIIIEATIZNEII Clnadnn economy Is under siege To pay what Finance Minister Sharp rightly called our very heavy obligations in rrlpcct of Intrrrst lmd rlivl dendn payable oulrilln Canada we need in export goods worth 31000000000 in men of our imports each year Yet our rls ing riots led to our mi irndo our us of only half billion llullfirn bring reversed to ir ilcli of onrdlith that nillount in Will inrllamcni acsrcd to the trivial in debate mi Ilwnyx analouv to take holiday has np in this writinglallcri con whclc productivl iloily increased iy is subrtanz have to have two places to live one in the country and QUEENS PARK size packages of iL But this philosophy of dou ble plenty leaks down com pletely when man goes toI work There he gets only one of everythingexcept perhaps in the mailer oi pager clips Thu Iuspcct Ist hidden cluso ol much of the para noia frustration and lchili phrenia one cncounim in modern business life What profltcth man to dwell In house with two bathrooms two corn and two Iclcvillon act it has to work in an office where he is allowed only one dork Ind one lwivcl chairi Subconsciously he on nt help feeling that he is fail ure To have only one of anything today is Iign of lack of success Deep in his mini lies the Conviction that if he were really getting ahead at the office he would have two of everything there too lwo desk two rwlvcl chairlIr and even two secretaries Sees Urgent Need For Cool Statement Ily DON OIIEAIIN They take what he any TORONTOIi Wu my DP hlbla They even believe there predate we have an urgent no dun 11 In need In Canada for cool hands mm WM mm And we have still another dir dent in need toriIon throwing out the timing meni of our economicand social There are factors uhlrh have madam contributed to the chaotic con 11 Mr upon my mm liiliim today if labor unrcsl the up reach of rcaron and polcnlinliy dangcrous inflation id mm cm and general uncertainll flatlonnry but there are lino all Ami one of theseprobably there other Inciorl Involvcd the most important enoia the he might prepare the ground Ihrlll tone at public debate for rntiono romideratlonqnd my In film our in turn invils rcllon from lho public nlinlrs we seldom rco iiib discussion it is almost always argument to ace debate which mi °1 CW nn angry light We Ice each my mii side in Itbate Irclnlmlnii mm mic uilh lirlllcomnm and ridicul my ldmflon Public ing the olhrr rlllc MACDONALD tlTIID All on rxnlnplo there wru rrporlrd Ilnlcmcnt from lion ntli lilncionnld the Icon inryIrranlrrr oi the Canadian Lalmr Tollgrrn on tile lnllnllon iii on all today the gnomes the international Na national economy is In it his budget spotch llinrch Finance liilnlstcr iiiitchcil harp referral lo such reo omic storm threatening Can dal This ii time when all Cn allann rhollld observe restraint uiincu pricing policltl Fail Mh our living ilnndnrds affairs anpy Ending To Sod Sago Action should be taken That the most important ithcr lnnnnrrmcnt nor inbur run on rplrllourly to rxnmlno Cnnndnn duration with Iounl it your ileum llli ohm In ri rrlsiv nnll the cure which the Mr lilncilnnnlrl ralil ni only but didnt Wumml Wagon heitmvnii Nit South Africa Seeks Tighter Security min in mart Mn Mn new girl IIMI III lhm ur wanlm it umbiai ml rln um mim nil for run Inmi nhn mi run lid ml lnn mooo mqu temple to blame ment in create in the roll of living on arirkrm wnno rinnnrxl wore rillltllln Anti he raid that rurh Illingl with tutti of lift HI IIMII to tit tow bar pulm yew If at In and le mastoid 1W parents Exuilillirr Aillllorlrrrl lfmlltl via mail Imt Office Depart III rarmlve pruliir rxuriiiinni mumr Marni no prlrrt autumn Inlrrui mm up girl mm idem Lt ion mm WW CAPE TOWN iiTlll holy mitt rnpilnl Invrslmrnl ronirili my In flanges on mi nI nslliulilnirll Irlilll Mlnlurr mi imrrml rm 14m milk yuan ally Sunday and Iirntirlk Vcrwncnl III noon in nw nnnmmnmy will Mil mm it in iliivl M0 will nltrlllpll nnll lIlIIru urrplrll lirrpi an ion at liolltil Africas at low loin would be only poll of game in Mr Maclhlnnhi lir Ilnuua loo uII lhal whvn tinlncrlpliun ralrs utnlly Ivy rnrrlrr the wotlily It rariy Single my inner thm boltl For rm IIOIpIuI Want no limits Intol aimrat lrflillfll nruipnpru rhlicll for mm mm la haywnl ililllirr Icciltlly procedures It Inrllnnlrpi lhono ltlIIII mm me um animalscriminal Ill til yearly Illiiarlo ti on evrnl Inn it loot iI an hmwmm Wmhmm km irar innlnr liuuw off It iurlly nnnncrmrnln In lnilin my ilnt hil Joly in litran ware FM Mail nutIiil HIM lmrmn Anll no mu the not till tit your thllslrle In iurut nuI aliipiirlnnly lax lflli inlinnurlhurg null Ila The Alarm Exulliiiirr you on in wul III INNWM Instantu ii and terlluiruu of lhe nms lirlllrli rrninnl ltlnil In on nlllnilal rim rnr anul ltcirrrlng In Vrrwumia 932 LMllflflhvim DWMHhw flirtlit turn your nlmin in tnpe Than mini Iiinngh ho hum lids and lluue Iliiiiru I15 linlvrtally rim In public affairs lino ii iiuw on If that Iprrlsnrr Air Toronto M0 ll Anll rolllnl nan willll be rip mi in an on me yyncpyyyqiymy im llrri lrllvlrr 5i pmlnrt of lnrllailwnii vimrmrrr nit Mnmivrr of ill nnmllnn Daily Nmpnprr Iulrlltlt on IIMIRIIIYD fian lrilln Itrln flIiil Aililil lionmi of ltrillnllnnu The Canadian liru II it In uni has not mind by pm girm phone 7282433 And on Will Ilo llrllrmd To Your Home by pmr THERE IS NO CIIAROE FOR THIS SERVICE Vulnmi who would irate rm lminy nan Ialnlly nah iml Tliwlly in not in lnr llillllliil by inmrngrr uiln MI lilrnl only lal mouth The man lilmilrl Tlairnllnl Mlltr trl Inrlligllrse MMRllllIr nun Inlt lrpanNl In he not BIBLE THOUGHT IIil Ilnln nIP MI will Inlnr lb and III Iii ml and mighty lhlngr which lb nofllli not hirnlllh PHOTOSCENIC CANADA The Yahoo Tomir pm III for irpulrilrallm of all oral diltlliltll in thin or allied in II or run mrh mltmhie pim it Ioiia or rim with movie Iiuoclaird liesu or min rniis ml the Aidnlwk camera rmmninu wa my ll Mal my ltiwr not to ur in win in Iiuctiwi nl in piililishril llm in imam aim in iiinafll IIhaay ivi Harlin tar water our urnllml Snulh IiIrIrIn crunrrll Id be III Illio Illnnral liniurdoy Ilia inm lly rrqlmirri the My not its In Itali and It In portal to lug plnml In print Iimrlll pm lnr in Victoria until the funeral The are full nhhl in mp III has yri In IN In til is willing In do In prevailing rtly tle all things no VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURIILP CARS AND TRUCKS

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