13 Wu inflame mniLxlnp WMIAI bmwm llnv mume in 1le bo oamu Mle undule Mm wm Intier plm NW Mm whlim um ulmwu on TV dmzu Um dmnnd lwuu quw my mmh MM TRAVEL SERVICE Dunlap AVIS 63 ionuson BONNIE BOYD 143 Gm In Ym 10031190 think mm mm mph who mad Ming up have M00 idea why and hi they mo vwnz 1w They mufly Iolkrw in load cl Mi Puma Smunhlp OUrulrc mul lmm Hook now for thlntnm 04mm Iml 1A NlnillllT l7 nnrlo TONY VALAIIIS 18 cm 13 No Pmiim pomks does not have real plane in edu caum becaube oduoaï¬m should be apumdcal Howmur the Mariam hm parties shoukl be pmsenmd to students so can cxnmjm lhem GDRD CARRUHIERS Gmdu 13 Yes High sdml studms are mm be lun ning the munnry emtuzlly and the sooner we beam pull tics the human an ex ample it is ndlruloms Ia have sporbmm running or Parlia mt 4N sheath Lhcr name nione 7266525 momqu REPORTER Rsxsé 3mm Partisan Politids Be Pémï¬ï¬‚ed In High 1School 7mmAvsL ssnwce mm Idea ol lhc pollriu ol Um Mann limits hm Iny Mild haw m1 mumm uy 1mm Ibo diumm my phlronm mom nwilknlryf Em Run JIM WEBB 19 OraJo 13 Yes should be shown me advmtagm and Lhc disadvan tage of can may and Um muu puny plmlmms Lhmd ha in the farm nl our my datum and MY be exfmqurlmhr nahit DOUG YOUNG Inuh LINDA Hum 17 Grade L1 Ym It would help stu dzmz lo undmmnd with bolus so they vmld be me In Me mum intelligently when they got the vm home It is Iowan 18 or sun In nnum le Mon finglmln ham KATHY DOOIMN lB Crude 13 Not too my students know very much about their kmwbcdge al poditiu Is very general students um given dnanoo to learn the diflumm bclwcm parties they be able to vote PAINYS WALLPMIK Amy Fm rmlu CORNISH AT YOUR SERVICE DAYS 11 WEEK HM to PM For all your docomlng mod ull cluuuaA mum 1100M Queen TMlmnum lmvln lL1l Id Waldo Hill Ul rrwflfl Innilde It 11 21 mm Smboro mm mm rhnrtod with mks ddle climb WW mnh yerml on High way 11 Ivy dam kl hmaxo atlmumi 0400 21mm mull DI Mflm Ha thi pldwp and mm by DM hmuotm 0mm hmlo Charge Man With Careless Driving Mr Schurll duuu can lrnl Unlled will be min In lhn Held vlsllnllun hot at ham and In he holpflnl Ills Hm Imlca In hh new church nlII be lhia Sunday when he mm the mlnlslcr an 11 Jay In morning wnnhlp Ha also Inth In In llnul Unlnn mvlu last Sunday brlwccn Cal llcr and Central Unflrd churchel nnd wm welcomed lo narrle by ncv Dnvld Proclur cl Colllcr Sm UniwA 11mm Fallowlrilwlhmvllcn ol wor hip lh Sunday maminl In In Mr 5th served In th mb slon Held In Nnvn Sculls Que bec nnd Alhcrln baton receiv Ing hII Hm ordnlncd charge Prince Albert Sukulchuwnn lam of 17 your 01 Mr Schnrll ministry wnl spun In the yumIo rbglans and 10 yum Knox Unlled Church Port Arthur Ho aha spent your at Mikoknn and organized congregation or Lha buildlmz ol the ï¬rm Unli chhdenlhc SAWMImn Mlnu Mr Schnrl moved to Iowa at Sundrldgu In North My lrcsbylcry and lhcnco to max wny Nlmznn Peninsula and In nlly Smllhvlllr In Ilnmlllon Presbylrry Mr Suharf who wnl born In Melanin Ontario received his BA degree mm McGfll Uni venily and hi ED dezrce as member of III In clan of Graduate the Unlled Theol ogical Cullen In Manncal In 1026 Rev En Scharl an United Church minister who has atrved In Canada at variaul charges lrom Nova Scam in Alberta has become the first associate minister In nerve tha congregation oi Ceniral United Church in Barrie Mr Selma will assist the present minister Rev Jay llla local pollca chief exprew ed concern ever this polnl De lulled research must be accom pllshed to determine dummy level he named synapsst goNQEnN proposed lawman to driver who are requlred by law to wear glasses when driving law gav prnlng obstrucllnn car win dow and law requiring motor in to obey street 511m mandatory breathallzer lea will not Inlrlnge on pcmnn per than the Thu resolullon also calls tor setting 01 memory level of bloodalcohol content At which point person can be consider ed Impahjed mu Niall mu iaa Annaaccepted he drew First Associate Minister To Serve Ilt Central United nad today that the Canadian Assoclnuon ol Chlefl of Police are necking this leg lntlon convention In Van couver The resolution wulbe one of dmen in be considered airmel nnl xesslun loduyu nut mu wuuy Currently the breath lest Ll vnlunlary And accordlnl ta Chic Tachhharl only small percentage of those apprehended agree to lha lest Thu test should he made mandala Ilm Iy to determine whether per son Ix drunk 01 not drunk aajd mo ghlel Lpzlslallnn should be provided for mandala breath tea to delermlna the coho content 111 drlvcrl blood Barrielollce Chief Ed Tachhhlrt nun TSCHIBHART AGREES DTHEAIIIIE EXAMINERTHUESDAY SEPT Seek Néw Laws For Breath TeSt 7263777 Aboul 2000 will be nllnlbln vote IL mu rldlnxl Mme mu at min The votru Include an alumuml 20000 whn will In vollnl or flu Hm llxnu IIYKE lht elmlbln nu wu luw cm 19 1mm lolluwlnu lml tlncllon In 1001 ST JOHNS NHLI UP Clear aklu Ind uMonnble 1cm pernlum mu mth lodny lnr Nrwlnundlnndn dxlh urn ernl IaHon alum Confulern Inn 17 mm Having spent good purllon lhlll 11ch In Veucrn Cun ndn he Schnrtl have ncqulr ed keen lnlcml In no mark at mlina Mrs Scharr Vcslcrnnr by hlnhv having bum born In Mm Albert Snsknl chownn Mr nnd Mn Sthnr have Ink en up midcnce at 45 Davidson sum THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TwoParty Fight In Newfoundland formal geltogether will he held In lhu loclnl hnll Central Unl led Church In order Hm mm flue congragallon may becomo ncqunlnlcd wilh lluv nnd Mn Schan Schnrl hnve hm chlldnn non Hugh and two daughtm Sylvia and Gwnn all whom am married Them MA Mth Tu Minn 7111 New nr mu mmplqo vr 114 14 However he laid It was proved that the owners car was Involved in an accident and the driver not traced than the onus should be on Ihe owner to It WW Chle Tlchlrharl aald that un der ha criminal code cl Cnn adn under whlch this ollence wauld lull then no pmlecllon or the owner lll car was Ilolen Imllkc sectloru undu llm nghway lralllc Act Chic Tuhirhari said Kim while he was In agreement with the principle oi the recommen daliun Ihcre should be provis mada theguin was sioien or talién without the ownerl per misslun He and police are handicapped because there no law requlr In the owner or the hi and run vehicle to idcnulyth glriver PR SIQN MADE Chic Arthur Cooklon of Die Regina Police Force chairman oi the resolutions committee said Wadnuday Iha CHSC is al so peaking legislation placing thn onus on the owner ni vehicle Inspected 01 hit and nm in ac ï¬ï¬nt or flu action oi um ve ce In Iplt of thaJact ha ll In Ixmemcnt with the pmposed Iegbwon Ohio an maintains the best evidence still came tram Ihs eyawllness report of tha pollen ofï¬cer who has men the Mound at the scene and again when he uppepn In court REV SCHARF l9 FINAL CITY TAX INSTALMENT IS DUE BY Tum Wnnl anlm NOTICE wm 1566 llalml AH Heran llul Mud Anna muulun ll wlll nppur In mm mm lutel mull Nrnl It It In lrrllnrd um ulnrxl rnlry lny nunMu Mnduw an it Inulh Ildt Ibo Imlldlnl II II nol often pollcc nnd hell culprfll Illlnl or them nl lhn Irtnt lhe ï¬lm bul Ihll lilo run ll mum llllnll Anna NL only lodly Town mun Ind lurk and It It hurled will hruk Mfr and the All lltlll lonud by unpler In Ihc Imlldlnl nrehouu An undumulnm nuly hm aim nrtnnflnl In Del Ell llrllnnlsl Nenlhuu mm In lnvullunllnl lho Inrldenl The noncral rain or lawnshlp purpuscs was ll milh up we or llamas and arms and 16 lnr commercial up 1mm 141 mills nnrrle Collcplau rah on V0 nma assessment worked nut to 20 mills In cumparlsnn to 179 mllls last year The current tommcrclal rule was 115 mm up from 190 mllls The breakdown Vespra mle showed 150 mil rcquind for counly purposes In campnrlson In 117 mllls ymr ago County nkeovar of nsscssmcm and welfare was actor In the 32 mm mlo Inertn51 THIHSTY PAIR WRIT AT SCENE One of the Inter munlclpnl flies to 50 tax rule Vesprn enImell lcnve this task untll Sap lumber slum an arm lax Earcu preler lo not their lax i1 durxng the All hen hnr vcsllng revenues star come In rather than In lhe spring when they need money or mm vulmeul We feel Ill be or for mas or our resident said Reeve anler Forbes Fpn COUNTY Mr Richardson massed lg urea on the mic allowing meeting oi council which up proval was given ihc general figures il was authorized in wark lhcm out for the union school arena and miller place where special rates apply Inch garbage collection urea MIDHURST 1513 Verprn Township lax raw or 1966 will b9 73 mills higher than last year ior must residential and arm taxpayers was revealed by Enrliilcharrlsun clerk Vespra Tax Rate 73 Mills Higher mind helplnx some big whoa Tod Jachnan am Now 001mm ddesnt appear to Coilegiale doesnt appear to HIGH SCHOOL Mwunlm Wu mnngn my Adm um want mh My mum IL mm 10M 19M Eu Avcrnzo wrighlrd prim whn unlu lo mail In nnr dmrn urtmm Acmn lam Mam ml Armedlum Itli MONTREAL 1C AKIIWP luvo dpmmtnl qunlallnns rrnvindnl grant of mm Ind cdrrnl mm of 13113 also but been assuml and he Inlcnllan at using $7000 nah on Imnd ml 500 In bond and Icwrlllul lrlvnla donnllan will nccounl or 113000 nnd he bnl nncu ln lo bo rnlscd by local lubitllpllum Tho plnm nnd tinnnrlnu haw been nmurnml lyy the Ontario Howllnl Smite Commlxnlon 1M nmounL lhe sum of new has bran promised 1mm Simcoc Caunly Cnuncil Illa arm urnn payabln in Is equal nnnual lnslnlmcnu th he that paymcnt in he made Dccnmbcr 1m COLLINGWOOD sum Tm dmd ml of new addition ha made to General and Maxim Hospital htm 11 $157500 Architects pins are siiii wnilcd helm decision in mud an pmposal or new municipal building Cost estimates have ristn since lite project was its suggested Against this tin coun cii can rmivo centennial grant it is proceeded with now mdhursl all by the lamp flllp naragc was suggested In he proposed new buxldlng $157500 Cost Of Collingwood Hospital Wing Mr Rlchnrdsnn sald ha spe clal rates will be announced shortly aupplomcmnry road byan providing or $2000 ex pcndllure on new culvert hrldxc an Concession was passed 11an PLANS in the township achool area Hie rate or arms and hnmcs was 155 mills slight decrease from the ma mill rule inst year Commercial taxpayers ni sa received slight reduction here too from 157 mills in 1843 STUDENTS GET READY FOR UNITED APPEAL BELL FARM PRICES ml mica Mm or the Bar rie United Amen ball to be hetd at Barrie Ammury Supt 301116 ball will be limited to T0 SWITCH FAITHE COPENHAGE Denmark ReulenlTha young French dlplomnt who will marry Prln cuss Margrelhe of Denmark wlll change his rellglan from Roman Catholic Io Lulhnrnn the llzlnn lulnre brldu and her country lnlurrncd court name said hlesday nlghl Conn mm de Labarde do Manpml has called an Arch bishop Bruno Helm apaslollc delegate to the Scandlnnvlan counlrlcs and made Imomhls lntcnllnn the source added 11x ptrlonl Your MAGAZINE ORDER In ar minll will IIer lurlher Ill mmmunlly prujcd And try mldem mud to raoprnle Ruldenll whrn ullrd upon IMM quell In lhe reprb lmducllan Ilflled by Mal Olllrrrl TM rqulymuzl will mm lheelchaln hoxplhl bedl luvHui walkrt trullhu Ind mhulllnmul Imlll equip mm and will In lullnblo to any mldml Elmmo Cuunly HIKE OF CHARGE ANNOUNCES THAT THEY ARE AGAIN SPONSORING SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING SICKROOM EQUIPMENT uuMmhmuhoolstudmm 6110mm munch cilymmrkinzmmopw $609 Them Pidumlhm ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION WING NO 44 BARRIE 7287185 DONATIONS ARE NOT TO BE SOLICITED 7265474 HERTZ SPECIAL flNNflUNCEMlINT TRUCK 43 Essa Road murrrl lo llmlnm Any mlnrrpruenhflon by nnufllnlecd RENT Phone OR ACCEPTED an Cam Am hwy St Josephs and Debbi Maw 3150 of St Josephs MMWWKW Ww=mw Clnppmon OPP Jeolfd PASTRY SHOP 2DAY SPECIAL Friday Sept Saturday Sept 10 Phone Order Taken EMERGENCY NUMBERS CHOP SUEY lOAF 39c LYNHI 723811 ï¬ery 728553 72 1284951