Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1966, p. 8

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TORONTO CI Telephone lermrisls slrikn an estimated 9000 me year In Tornnla Only three were canvicled last William Pilklngton morality Inspector aim the Tammn pn llce force says the anonymous callers who make lapping or brcahlng sounds or shout ob scenltiex are among the mosl dlfllcull crimlnak In apprehend To combat the anatLTuh nnm police have nrgqnilcd Ipcclal squad policcwumen and the Bell Telephone Co has invested $300000 In cqulpmcnl and pcrsnnnel to trace calls Women are lha favorite Vlc Um nl caller and police women posing as domcsllcs nd crllsing lm wnrk have burn sucltcssful In apprchcndlng ch on Val Hartman chic soclnl Wurkcr wllh he department rclnrm lnslilulions says elm phone ycrvorsinns am symp lums larger mcnlul problems The obsconc caller right cncd and feel lnadcqunlu toyngd the oppqslle scxf la specific type however They are found among ovary ulucnllon Ian economic urnup bolh martial and unmarried PIILHCCIE Ina Wm Fucrstcn bug was escorted by herald wozmng an aid Vcncuan cos Iolico dlvmé ham Into groups Them um lhosc who Full cleanin any mu ohm dny 11ml have many hum mnkrr mm 15 lhnupn shes the last nmnlninn bum hur dm And nllrnllmu Lhcl lculll mum md ll my Specialists Trace Anonymous Calls been luszulnn hrr cleunA 1M cur ham mum In mum and low In liner mm mm rd umlrr urnlhlm cllnlhml up llHHzn Almchm and Mimi an lhcrnn lm mu Hddlnx ytmrm nu mml rmnz mu cl lhc Llrunlm sllnl Mm huh nn nuhmm hrmu bu ynu Ihuuhl hnvn mmwh 5mm MI rank up gum hlrl IHvmr Iur he nur how winx llr Awhilr re way mem Huh merry Itllwr nmlu or buy ynursbll an apron mm nunle linnl lnrurv pmkrlv nun yrnr 41ml lulh vnwr Mkl nllur llLM wruhl lnanlnn mwllr mm lmrl yml Thl will NH many rrhnm Mm Ilnnv yuu Mul luv Ilvrm lwlmvl mum ulvru llunvr run will lvr allmllnn 4m nlrllrn ml mul Ill ml lml mm llu WW lmlrhy plnl kn Inlhvrl Illll clr Tyy In lmrr ulnpllvnle xrl hwy or cumlmwm rqulp mum nu anch Hour llw lwuu vnrmmu mp Illmun mm yan mu nllllly mll Tm ran lnal llmn Inln Alumvim all nnrl lull llmu hum mum In mm Try In nil than lhu num lur dimmu clanmrn you Im ma ml ulllnupm um um mm nflwly rm Ilmxl nn flu llml Wm rnnylrm or pulllnl mm In mm ll nal lwlfl MUNMIHL 1m In mlv nllnu mlhn mrmh ul Um lulu llrn lvrcwllng nu lhn nmwml of mill ymlu Iarkllni ll all new qulrkly mul 11mm yvur wequ nhmmy ll MWMl llnll In lllln lmlnll lllnl Mnuml l5 IM ml mm and huh and um 1h mm nlnlflvmlnullnn 1h nwmr hum In Ellmlnnin 19 mm Iwmlinf mm ll auxl pnenwn IN FALL CLEANING Utility Apron Will Save Steps HERALDED RECEPTION call number at random only once and those whn call the same number repealcdly They say pcrsun who call ngnln cilhcr knows he vlcllm or ha been successful In gelling ho person In talk to him CANT TAP LINES The oneshut callers account for nbéul hall of such can and urghnlmast Impossible lo cnlclh says spokesman far he Iclcphone company but taming inns Is illegal The tracer ls he only cquly men that can used lcgnlly This is an electronic devlce lhal ls attached lam phone nnd can trace the can back ll orlginl llullz presan prob lcml Ollcn he vlcllm cant nulin he lolbphune company belong llue callnr hqng up Bell has me advice on how to cope will callers Dnnl lalk to he lcrroris an up ma can continue nallfy the com papy One Hull scrvlcc rcprnscnm live has another suggcsliun Just keep police whistle by lhe phone Itll bins hl head of Me as she arrived at Ca Rmcnigo Palace in Venice Italy The princess worded Three days nIlcr the new plan urn Inm cited lJycnruld girl received calls before they were lmccdl Zflycnruld Iaclory wrkcr cunIcsscd In wmlllnv but helm bulhl up man Kep 01 ML Ynun wuyklng mlh on slnol or somethiqu wnlsllhluh BOLUGNH PM SHOULDER mm PORK cuops 595 CHOICE FRESH FRESH DYCKS WEBBS JEWELLERY 150 Colllnr WIIOI or TIHI LOCATIONS T0 Mill YOU III IM UHNTUWN WOULWUIITIII wllh hardy lnnmlnxumz Huh upcrlly trailed Ivy llulovn lo Ill ynur budm ¢bhl curry lnruu Ielcc lkm IlnzkToSchoo pm and prurll nu lhnl Innkn wrlllnz plmurm mm 1m nut Irlmlnn all lawnHwy an mla now ll thhl Hurry down TIME TO THINK OF BACKTOSCHOOL WME plnnnlaly ln Intnuns he earlier part cl lhu day should llnd most pawns In sympathedc and congenial mood and It would be good pcrlozl ln whlch ta seek advice and favor ll ncfdcd also to accomplish 11 1mm denl through qulcrelloru Aggres lve ucllon wlll get you no whcrcl By ESIRRLLITA F0 TOMORROW li tomorrow your birthday your chart indicates that you annuid take advantage at every available opportunity to make advance in occupational inter est nnw since whiiu results will no be immediate war slur presenin stimulate good idea and the ingenuity for pulling them into client Best perinds or Job ander business gain Mid December through midFebruary next June Au gust and Septemberl Good ii nuncini cycle parnilel the above with Juna an outstanding month fur expansion But in avoid extravagance and or speculation lhrnuniiout Novem ber and during the first three Weeks oi Deccmburl for THE BIRTHDAY th romance and auclnl re lnllomhl urn concerned you can loo larwnrd happily lo most 01 lhc yearwith accent on cspeclnlly ulmulnllng exper lencc along balh llncs In Me Dmmbcr excellent pcrlud hr all Vimouml next Aprll Mny and August Accordan lo lha mm rmcl rrnlmhly wont bu an ynur ngcmn for the bull nncn nl 1966 but youre planning lunrncyospnclnlly lnnl ommmldcr early Fell rumy or my mu wch bo lwnzn May 15 am Seal 10 proplllmu Ilnrlln points the mmptim or lzha gems and amuse pmcnt or the Festival mth th burn an lhh dny cuukl excel nu lllullrnlor mar musltlan or In Ihu Innul Hold lrlnl lawyer or Inrlu THE STARS SAY SEEK F0 YELLOW Cnmbodlnm rcunrd while mm had inch and Alain lcclh with belcl Julcu or Id them wllh gold or firm FOOD MARKET 720533 393 Some mother and chlldrun are sotled together emuunnully lhal ham may miter severely on chlld 11m day or um taverndays at school When this chllda malher allempls to leave hlm at school hu cllngs 10 her crles and 5011 How hard It may alsobe at he mum Th teacher Ind other children my be smelly dLs urbed by such seems In the kindergarten or um lrnda here may seven other molhersfwllh lhelr Hllle chll dren nutwanllna to 1m Usunllynfler the molher dues leave 1h yauuzsler hp qulels down in Huh while and my mm in happy rule lha more quickly mother goes alter leaving chlld wilh tho leather lhe heller the results mother takes the advlce oi lha leather aha dou not linger but leave qulckly There are however some ex treme case when liw child L1 so upset and whun hecrics and scream so lo disturb the Philodendrons Easy To Grow Homeownm 100kan for Muse plnnls lhal an very Ihndevtplnr nut and require lllllecare should 1ry growing aden drons Harllcullurlslr wlh the Ontario Departmentbl Anrlcuh lure all us mat the phllodgn dmn grows better than most house plan under condhinm lnund in todays modern homu These plants can be purchas ed almusl anywhere Horn shops supermarkets dopm men slorcs nnd dime flares a1 handle them Thrre are many vanch bul he most cummnn lhe Philodcndron Cordnlum wIIh lls dark men hearh shaped leaves 0th form in clude variegated and spiltlea types Mos ollcn hm piaan are grown on lrcnlm or other tup ru or they are allowed to any rum brnckcu th the plant grbw lo lhe lop he supper cut the slcnu back lorco new branches AI It gmwa wind lh nzw shoot back dawn ha mm to arm dense mass All phllodcndrnn htlve In norlh window and mm rcqulru oven 1m llzhl flood Kenna polUng 3011 the host rmwlng medium or them By GARRY AC MYERS PhD 95 it wfl QuickfietxéaiJMOHPer Is Best Pbr Kindergarten Set DRISTAN Nm 0va hwy VICKS Valnmnl Nm Dmpl MURINE PHONE mow 54 numor 51 mm Jun lo take the =th hOma does not solve hl problem In stand may make him worn next Hma ha goes Sunday xchoal or day chool This child may mg uvyal dst pr olher children that the lucher Advlses Iho mother to lake the onus homo wllh her sun or emerguncle arm when Ihe little child unwashed from his mower and the mother un wconcd from hlm wisely no home mm the nunery or kln damnkn Sunday school SPECIAL mhmmo era week at xpeclnlllvililng at home Thll may also apply In the mother molher may be Hui problem Iu herself than the It llo chlld her She needs In we that lhls chlld mun lum to be happy out of her 5th and hemInn or flu and lonuer pm rlodl happy in in care capable mbslllule Md thP with other chlldren of his or her own age She needs to find ways Ichlcvlnl thls allh the lnlheforsoma cum Wily oldslcr mailing Ihln or longer periods The mother Ind father lnlcr wlll leave the child or mm periods and mm perltxl mm stranger who has first spent some Ime with the child while the mount was pmnnt This molher Ihnuld aurnct on chlld at her chlld age In the home laler more lhese chlldren She should wlth lhls chlld to home where mher children olhls Ire Sha should cultivate vexreliance this youngster having hlm do good mm 17 01mm lhl ng grit or mart peryydg SOUR DRAPE3 Mm titanan duperlu nu more uneven hem Ifirlnklue poor preulnl excunl or Milled Smu anu Rely on eruhl Cirnan erlhll Impu Farm drapery elem Inlly mnnnlud lulu Ihrlnlule llvu you bemulul decornlor nldl And nun harm and nll even relunl nu drape Can Indy ll 1m 53 um benullly your humus Immedlmly WELEfuEIfi 13° 97 55 49 on NEVER AGAIN 49 Morcnvu his child will need In hexnmnnf good number mm chi dun helm he re turm the school or Sunday school Whlla he may grow eomlom able at play Inhls ham wllh two three or our film ch11 drcn of his age he will need conllderubla experience of nature When nrrlvlnz at aclmul or Sundo school chlld may he overw elmcd by pruenco of so manf chlldren all Bl oncr Olalousy ll wlll lw helpful to lhl chlld la be wllh one or more 01 lhe chlldrun who wlll be In hla Krwp n1 xclmoll It may ro qulre lung pnllenl perlod or hl uelllng ready to ho hnpp wlllloul molher nl schan nul unleu so prepared lhu way mud or hlm Ind hL mnlhu wlll only grow harder mulemsell whatever hi Ii able logo lncludlxgg gmcn Mathew ol lhu baby and very young child take noxe Mnko aura you Are brlnzlna Mm up In be ready to enter Ichool In the Mme wluxout crylnz miter you but happllyndnpllng hlm In to Um ncw expcrlem PUT DRAMA TOGETHER HALIFAX CPD Alianilc province unlversltle have ad ur on educational drama asso cation lla member an Acn dla St Francis Xavier and Dal nu ale Universities Mount Selnl Vlncuni College Nova Seo ila Teachers College and Con venl oi jho Sacred Heart all in Nova Senna sz Dunstana Unl venily Charlottetown and Memorial Unlvenlly or New iaundland FREE COMB with BRYLCREEM ALBERIO VO HAIR SPRAY MICRIN RIGHT GUARD DIODOMNI log L10 TONI HOME PERMANENT MEIRECAL llquld FREE FILM 72 89 om nnyllcld lknly nlmnrktnu 53 Dunon Moulhwalh all II min rm nm rm ml DIM nu In Inn mm mn 7285531 Rm loo 100 Inc Toalhpanl 4109 THE MIME EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT HES SEEN 11 ALL GANDE Nfld CF Charles Bull the only man still In Gander who remembers the all when It was culjcjl lISTERINE E9 219 21 SHMSONIIE 1056 20 OFF OPEN 31 Dunlop St From Anvilpile HARDWARE TRUNKS $1425 $2350 Also Complete Line Of lAVORIS HulllnLCnmp and had pupi lntlon 15 Gander was launde 30 year ago and by came the first Icrmlnul lhc wmlme nlr route to Europe Rug ms Moulhwmh 7282431

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