Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1966, p. 5

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Some nl BriLish Prime Mix 15m Wilsons 51mm critics lprhapa lnflucmtd by 5mm whine WI drink And cer hum duvuvroxwrre unnharnc lveraUy mugnanimou about hl nuncum Inlemly 1m sinccrlty Those words were used by Mrknn lender Who have employed harshcr upra In about Wilton In Iheir up la lmlc hnd Mm nm mm In Ihu Orenan IonIon th W11 mu ol or mm the chair would bo Jaded Knpwepwn Irumdld mollon rm urnth Guyana and film Minhlrr Harlan Cnnnda mike in Iupan 1m wouldnt have been inlr lxlc nld It would hnvr bcrn lilu puuinl hlm un lrln Slmon Knpwcpwc urclxn mlnlstcr of anbln wan more ocular than angry when ha bird lnm Vmon estimahd In January Smlml day power ahnuld be numbered In mks not menu Knpwcpwe nld new In doubtlm WILAII will have In my yenrl lmldcnl Mme Obde ol Uunmla explnlmd 1n dim just would nae hive ban cricket lo Auk Wlhon ylnld tha conhrcm chllmmnsth Qurlnu the debate Ml Ilhmlcsln LONDON CF All atmos phrre ol sunny cordinllly at the opunlng the 1641 Common wnnllh conference In Marlboh ough House mnde nlnrmlfi tore rasl nl discord seem canchy you plncg lunchtime garden parly givcn Tuesday by Common wmhh Sammy Genera Ar wd Smith 01 Canadl he mood mixcd Engllsh cnumsy and the warmth renewed camara LlcrIe Atmosphere Is Cordial Bt PMs ILK Conference Jqu 14m uICKET Tho Imle poop um Ilmn lhry hnv mm In In xccmtd somehow ungra claus or uponen lo raise the under nnmxonlsm with flmembu club nations over Hrltalnl allure Io apple Ilhodcslnl nbel government In Smiih Will Visit Seaiorth For Plow Match Ideas Nollawasaun lawmth and the Vlllnga of Creemm co operate an number pro jects hraughnut ha year In order lo gaher lnlurmalian help In the promotion 01 the 1907 mnch lo be hrld In Hm county Simzun County Council membsn have bcen Invited to attend the 1966 Mcrnallunnl plowlng match Scaforlh an Oclnbcr 11 The mcmhm wIll meal at Alumn Chairman of SImcoe Coun ty con commltloe itan Efiiiillfliumiilu RENEW bHlU mu Ill mm nun mun IILVIN mm mu lwzmr Mesfick up the Queen Mary lady youre all your rockerlz MAKE PLANS FOR SCHOOL FAIR vmummwwmm ml only In he mn n1 Mum Ilov Tlpv lunvlnx or ho clamday gemml Council at Um Unlml Churrh at anchM dlmmlnn hen docu menu pl unlnn brlwcen lhu rhurthu wlll ho lho Minn III llmtouncll SAULT 5TH MARIE Onl CWTho Unlhd lmvl Angllun hurchu mva hmcly ulna lo Hlu polnl ol hohllnu mmll Irl nlonn rnznulnz In unlnm mu lmmullmo pm pmldcm ha Ulllltd lmrth lnndnn unfu tnfn lllILl Turning lho momcnl lhnt Hmdrlk Verwocrd was bclng stabbcd lo dcnh In the South Mrlcan Parl lamcnl Negro youth wnm slxn denouncing Vcrwocrd SmIHl nnd Portuguese Prime mum Antonio snlnm as brother fuels member of Rhodcslnl Ne ro Zimbabwe Mrlcnn NaUDn JUL Union zlmd mrby wilh plntnrd vroclnlmlnx that ZANU km or Irvadorn dozen earnest young AM can sod lxnx dcmandin tough ntuon uxmml Smith in an Inkmp1 to com up ban Mr held by nhilu Rhodesian calling for the Commonwmm Ind by Rhodes For sense nut hi confer ence was anything more than IrIEndly gel tngdher In ho style the old n1whHe Com monwcallh you had la lzave he gmundx cl Marlborough House and see the jostling plck cu hold reapedtu buy across he sheet by policemen In Flirting Stage 0n Union Cleric Pearsun stayed only briefly the receptionthe first of 11 panlc and dlnnars schednicd or the head or government during ha next 10 days Includ ing dinner with the queen TuCS day nigh at 5L Jamel Pal ICE DIFFERENT VIEW rwrescmauan because we want Idea for our mulch said Reeve Lloyd Prldham of Sun nldale chalrmnn the Simone Counly commmm making ar rnngemcnls Ior lhe 1961 maid which be held at the arm lowlywho to doubt that Reeve John Plierson of Orillin annship said runner wardens aiso would he Invited Kn schizol lnIr slated for the vulugu fairgrounds Sept 20 Above Arnold Vanclsc reeva among them the Noluwan rmnmr AT AND IM Tho lorlhcomlng lell lo Son lo ls twmlrd to be huklul In mum ch ar 1961 mnlck hvcry member mllzu lhh is 10an in be um and something worlthn 6r Hm cnunly snld Mr Vanrlw sla linx he rnrly comumfinn lxxu btcn rtccllcnl We calm to nerd nu LIe help we an bccauxa It will Iako much plannl Recvu Alex McAuloy or Elm Val 11 chairman of rnllic llcevc George Davis of EM chairman 0f runly oxhihlls and Drputy Reeve Caldwell of Ora in charm of dcmonslmmnx Hanqucl ummgcmcn In in rharga um Jamey John Pen is chairman of in commlltce Eugene mm snnllnllnn and Mnclmcn blllcl Dlhcr members include Sam French Cuokslnwn Dan Bell of Goldwater Russo Maw Mineslng DLlno Jnrmcy 01 Bar rie Wilmnl Chlnchnsc of Hm Huron Kclfll McIlunr Stawm Paul and MucLurcn Barrie 0m Dcpuly Itccvc Gordon CaIglweH Essa Reeve George Davis and Tecumsclh Deputy Reeve Hurry Cross are other members of the cauncil agricul tural tommluce T9 HANDLE TRAFFIC Reeve Arnald Vancisa No lnwasnga vicechalrmam whn was appninlcd publiclly chair man sald meeting wlll he nailed later his monlh Io cnn sidcr promllonal and olher ldeu Coleman counly treas urer wlll not In tho same tap nclly lot lhc plowing mulch commlllce xIlll munly clerk Fmd llunlcr secretary Reeve Prhmam said the dates or he ccnlcnnlal mulch were Ozlobcr 12 lo In addi llon lo the regular internallnnnl events lha Cunadlnn Plowmcns Assqclallon Council has agreed ln hold ils Cnnadlnn champion shlps the same mmch Innisln Reeve Joseph Conh rune Just off No 400 hlghway Wtfiujustfiflfiamflem yimwrxmwfi of lhe township and Gordan Watsnn head ha Creemore council discuss arrngemenu or the big day Examiner photo NOW SHOWING645 90 ILC HISHOI DIES WASHINGTON MP Mos Rev Frcdcrlrk Hochwnn 56 or yenn xpokumun or 115 flnmnn Calhnlk blsho on In tnllun polkch dl Mnmluy nboqrd 1qu mule Italy Masl Rev llochwnll had bun dinMar 01 ha dcpnrlmcnl of ed ucnllnn far he Nullonnl Callmllc erlnro Conltrmra Ilnca 1W until his rellumml lust Jan Ho conllnued nl exmlllvu dl mlor 01 ha anlnnnl Catholic Edutnllon Auoclnllan In lheu roles he lulfllnd lrcquenuy at onlrclllonll hearings on lu cnllnn OPERATING SURPLUS BRADFORD An opmllng sumux ol $37571 rum rov emu $41721044 15 shown in ma nudflom was slalnmnl at he own flrndrard 11111 lrmw sznnm rum Malian mu alrd nk 33 BOARDING DOGS BASE BORDEN Price of boarding dogs ha been 1mm ad 1mm 50 Lo 75 cents pm day at the Dnse Burden dug pnund located at the R08 01 hem Incrcmhmaoldozroodmd other commodIXIcs wns given the reason Im01 Muse MEMORIAL PARK SPRINGDALE memorlnl park In honor on he 1m Genrue chkalk an of the founders Huh cammunlly planned hen Illver lluad and llillsvlcw Loon lladdar has ullcml shrub bcry from hi numrlc and other have ullnred In hcln In the levelling and olhcr develop men work nmgh cm Dion and clerk Ea Richnniwn BRIDGE OPENING MIDHUHST Vesprn own hlp council has accepted an lnvflnllon ram Essa countll mend Friday afternoon was many or he opening of new brldge on Em platmad llve Reeve Walter Forbes will hand the Veser delegallon which ul sw will Include Dcpuly nmve Wellington Dohsan and Council lors figsglllmbn L90 Cgvn lurgeon Mm here has been raised considerably by recent rain lndudlng yester days downpour after having Teacher wera divided in lween the lcllopix well 15 pupils Membem at the towm ship leaching slat Included Mrs Ruth Draper Miss Pa tricia Wlnlanyk Mn Lind Mnliice Miss Lama Edwards Mrs Jean liicQuay Mr Elea nor ince lliu Nellie VnnSuden bonrgh Mn Marianin Gilmora and Mrs Phyth Lave Mn Joan Nicol who was on the leaching sum Inst arm has johfid lhe AllLston unlon school an llOGA Stall Because the new centrallzed school we not redy students Tossorontlo started lhelr 196661 classes at their old Ichooh yesterday DISTRICT BRIEFS THE MERE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT V7 Rains Raise Water Levels Of River Rt Hillsdale Mill New School Not Yét Ready For Pupils fit Tossorontio HILLSQAL sum Water Meanflma work being push DISTRICT NEWS farmer Cnldwmr resident Mr unnhury hnu rompwrll hlx mm mm in hi highwmm budnm Commenlinz on maul trip to Norlh llny he Inlll Tho hcnvy lrnmc wan In evhlcnco all he way helluva lhl um um lull have ambushed mom 11 his Dccn the hlmcsl lour lxt mason In ycau and It has been keeping up said Mr nnn bury who operates Ilmlly business wlUI tans John 194 Bob 23 and Gary along wllh lunlnlaw Brian an Hort Graham and Mrs Lorrnlnu ODrkn nro olhcr mrmbcrs at lho ml and Ms wile Inn or mcr Dorll Jermuy also help In tho buslncsx AWKESTONE sum ler busy July and August he first part September also has seen heavier lhnn usual volume mom lrafllc on mghwny ll nurlh accordan to Ernln nunbury Illknown high wayslda mcruhnnt Illghwuy Nu 90 which runs through lhls communlty had Its heaviest volume or lrnmc buy summer during Ihe hull day weekend Ruin yesterday dampened ML or me reopen lng when and some childrcn got soaking whllu walling or buses Buses were on schedule In tuklng tho youngsters to school Nearby Orr Luke had busy lummer mason having been parflculnrly pnpular wllh swim mm and mum cnlhuslasls flaksu Farmers of the ma reported the second hay crop now look good which means they will get two heavy crops thls sea son The outlook In midsum mer was or from mod for second crop but rccent rains hanged the situation complete Lale polnloc am dolnz butter and nlhcr vagatnblcs look good Tomalnes generally have been or exceptional quality but law plnnLI wm hlt by bllgm whlch wlllcd the leaves Highway Traific Through0m Close To Record The ruins filled the river to flu exlcnl that It flowed around numerous stumps behind the mllI here Eesldu Mrs Nicol nlher mambcru of Inst lerm Tossor ontlo star who let wore Mrs Ann Phillips Mrs Mlenu Falls Mrs Nurmnn Dagger Mrs Helen Irwin and Paul Han been down during tholong sum mE dry spel ed on ha new centralized school and the intention on lrnns er the pupil this School as goon possible an Helpated the changeover will take place around he first wggk In Oclober en this is donn the old Ichools willrbe abandoned The modem new cehirallzed school will provide upwdnie facilities for pupils and leachm and will improve instruction through in ving all the teachers available at lha one schunl BENGHMIWIsumtifiditimuffirilsiu mwuucn mm uommmsavms mmlMflfllHWMNEMIIEHULEWWI NOW SHOWING JUN wuwllwlmm mwmurwmwm mzlku lunar 4mm Inuit Mummowmmwm Ilvn regular nnw tenthm who ilflrltd wllh the new lnrm nl Mllsllm Unlon lnbllc Sthonl uhlrh also mm Hm Tcrum mh nml Tmsurnmm Include Mary Hullwua Xlonrywood and ME Hemhrr Clnrh MrL Snmlm Slmill Mn Jeanna Vnmnklc Mm Myer nml Mn Juan Mm MIIslon MIL Mammal hallo and Mn Dnrnllly illroy nlw Allblnn hnvo been merged as pmUme lcarhul Vcrla handy both 1mm Taran la Mn Ircnc Ilnrdlcnkn shclbumc Mrs Lorain Kerr cl llclnn Mrs Marilyn Nlclnn nnrrlc lulu Ruhy llobnrlsun Dauphln Mam nnd Mrs Wln nIIrcd Thampson use nor dcn Eight of the newcomcrs are mm and Include Claude Pelit Irarn Guelph who is leaching agriculture and science Michael Coambs mm For Luring mathematics and physics Sun iey Kelly imm Weston mnrkci ing Alexander iialaiu mm Kirkland Lako commercial de parlmcnl Grant lloldilch 1mm Dclhl machine shnp Norman Kcrr from iiclon physical edu cation and guidance Edwin Ericscn ram Catharina auto body shop and Henry Micck mm Don hillls wcidlnz cn leachmr are ALLISTON sum Flfleen new teachers helped to greet more man 1100 pupils who Ilarled dassca lhe Danllng Mcmorlnl High School today Inl lowing rcgislrallnns ycslcrday The Maurlce Catt plan ol sub divlslon on bots 23 and 24 Con cession was discussed The Veser plannlng board vhtch headed by Lorne Orscr recom mended that council give special attention to dralnage and Ill nrea proposed or the destgnab ed live per cent to the township It satlslaetory In the present hr cation it recommended that Con lennlalstrect he shitted tarthcr north nhutllng the park area and only portlon ol the plan be up proved subject to the proposed Icvislon New Teachers Greet Pupils At Alliston Reeve Forbas asked his col league to consider suitable pro Jccls or winter work alter tonn cii was informed that the ted oral and provincial guvcrnmcnu will contribute to labor costs long the same lines as Inst win ter This was gaod time in get needed projects done and it would help make jobs during the slack season mormcd the schonl board had it nwn innna out of surpluses or looking alter the nuw tworoom addition to the Mlneslng Schopl andthe change ulsa wilI Inclu switch Io electric hent Th will make sixroom school Mr McGeorguI lender was 39 cent per cubic yard while nlher tenders quoted 4043 is 41 and 70 cam Reeve Waller Forbes who presided said he felt the lowest shauld be accept ml and ho was supported by the olherrmembcrs Deputy Reeve Wellington Dobson and Cam cillora Carl Dion Leo Gavan nugh and Russell Harri Earl Richardsnn clerk rend the cot mpandcnce MLNESIyG SCHOOL MIDHURST Slnfl In lowest of six tenders Mr George Angus was awarded the calmact by Vespra Tawny sMp council yesterday to provide pitrun grnvel or Iownshlp tends Thu board recommended that Viesprqurqveli W¢r1 Given T6 Angus Man The Mightiest Warrior 1p Emperor of All Time GINGNIS IMAM Money allied um expenm WI 50 toward lha undlnrd Llonn ulcnslve community And mm xervlu program which ha been lrequcnfly cammcnd ed hcre Vlsllor will bu welcomtd by the president Jim Thompson and olher member of Ihc ccullve majar even Due club or he year lhe 51 program expccwd lo drnw vialer from miles around John Fernhonl In charge ol lhe llcku report ed large advance nlu Ind nll Indlcnllum point la Inge crowd BRADFORD 5mm Plans are well advanced or ha an nunl bullet and Cndllllc awnrd ol tho Bradford Lions Club which la be held ma Bradlurd and Dim1L1 Com munfly Ccnlru on Monday Sep lembt The pond Itself covers nbaut 111 acres and will the new prop erly the overall prolml lnnudu about ll acres There will be more Improvemenl every year or the next five before it en llrcly completed said Reev Multan almlng dready had pmvcn an asset to lmrzaslng valuu lo the communlly Reeve Macbean pralsvd the Nuunwnlagn Conservallon Au lhorily or ll Interest and mum lloned lhe chnlrmnn Sunnldnlc llccve Lloyd Prldhnm and field man Peter Gill In particular But hey have all halved WI had two succeslul day camp and numerous picnic and olhnr oullng there lhl past sea son said Reeve MncLean lug that lhe pond nlxn wasI pnpulnr swlmmlnx place II also has bun restocked with fish TUIIENHAM sum awhile much pragreu was made In the development this past mason more Improvements are planned the Tuunnham Cnnsarvallon pond and park before next xen season It was dlscluscd by Reev Fred Mnchan Reeve Mncbean said ward was revolvid Iram the Nollnwn saga Cnnscrvnllan nulhmily lhm lls paymvnls Inward the project were Just made Bradford Lions Plan Car Award TM Jlmy bulln divaan hm mllk plun cl lJ For urvlu or InformHon comm your mum nlllto Culling houn wukdlyl IIII 930 Im lot Sunday mvla plum hlunhy pin WINYERMAR ANTHONY STYLEMASTER HII duohvm Holmln mango man mllk Nun tbllv hardmllu Haw to con tr oi doisv whichf huva been worrying sheep was discussed briefly and also com plaian oi 12 ralepayer about noise item shooting gunnery an the nth concession Progress was reported in Liillau Lake dryinngg prug Council also was Manned In npplknllon Percy Frankcom to sell properly on lot Com cwlnn 190 by at was approved an lullabIsJM bulld lng Anothu Ippumm Io can vey property wnl Ipproved by the planning board for Russell 0n WM Cllflurd bnvls author ized to convey woqu on but 20 Concussion by the plan nlnmbonrd subject to than In the dcod restricting Ihe ma land to resldenunl purpose only cuunclj was ndvlsed N9ISE mMpuxm team him know um dry com dont am my mllk or milk choquu Ilvhln Thnl why man lnd moul min on mlny Av lklll lnumlnulou provon Ilvu to bulld Huh III lng produtllou lMo lholr huh Slm 1th Includu the ilrst phasa of proposed Splu er subdivision plan includint iota lo 19 be consich ilvornbiy Somo Folks Think That More Impmvgements Planned Ht Tottenham Pond Project Mr Richardson Iold éouncii he POWDERED MILK COMES FROM DRY COWS CENTRAL ONTARIO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION KINOSNURST SUPREME CLIMAX LLCol 11mm will Inspect mplhnds of Instrucllon ha brunch lnchJInz he Royal Cnnndlnn Armoured Corps Roy al Cunadlnn Inlant Royal Cnmdlan Army Sen Corps and the Canadian Forces Med lcnl lmlnlng Cenm garden party In honor plannui at the Canadlm Fm Medical Training Cum September TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7734 BASE BORDEN sum licer da la MIIDII dHonncur and holder at he Crolx Gucrre Lt Col Pierre 13mm nsslslnnl mlmlry attache Em bassy or France due to ur rlve here Ioday Wednesday ember or nutday vlsn This Is golng become more valuable an the time he rc marked Smflcd mi develop ment the pundwns plaud dcr 1h conservation authority to ma ndvanlage of the new lm provemems and Reeve Mucunn xnld Toucnhnm residents were pleased wilh the results so Mr in mm 5min he would mm In acknowlech the need work done pm council will be repre sented ho Georgian Bay Eo onnmlc Development cnnferencl at the Continenta Inn Barrie September 19 and 20 Sum this It Barrie Ind an Import ant conference think we should be represented Reeve Forbes CouncIl dIscussed prnpmd exchange nl pl yard properties wIlII the Department IlIxhwny Edmhbtobauken uptur er report an the purl pIayad by MIdhurrt In the developmenr of Slmm County to be 01 warded by Mr Richardson or puhllcnllon In the new SImcnI County hIsInry Until Barrie WI Incorporated In I854 MIdhursI was the me or III BmIrVes pra Inlr The pmvlncIal Ionstry ItaIIon was started here xx1922 and development Sprinzwaler quk oIlowcd ernch Colonel Visits Borden hndxpaken to Wayne Shunrdawn About 111 wrecking yard and WI IdvIsed 40 car had been mg mg vgguld be cleared out

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