MumI an lml ram plnlnml Iul July and again rm Mun Iv llm yrrllmlnnry hm mlltn 1w rhlml ml rllu Ilmlmn Tnnmk ulflrc all hl ynnllrnl ulpnwnl nu wrll lmhy lmnm mu or chll drm mhluyl ml hls wllnl mrl In Tnmnlo Inclnr IIII hem commuted lnr trlnl In cnnncc llnn ulm nn nlmrllrm pellnrmnl but my on Wynamid llnnlu IKIL Magiml ulll ynmlny HIM he couk nnl der mllrn In nlmn umllul pqulpllwnl urlwl uhrn Dr Gon dm wan Irmlnl gm maulhula uh In mid in mi nnlrr bermn mllher In mmunou Mm caunlol hurl lilml Iny nl John ulklu uhllvlu ll Jul prrllmlnlry hravlnu The arms In uh HIM DL nwlnr MI 1va unable In jlmnllnlls MI medic prmlrn whom IIII oqulpmml ml ml lhe MIN ndlnn In punlhmunl lnlm lrlnl Toronto Doctor TCommitted For Abortion Trial wmxm or nMéï¬m m1qu Illnrgrd Dr In low dnf thvlllu of sum WAY 1mm 3mm number Mrycm prrk L11an 1110 mnagum next hofldxy nmksmï¬ng mmmmmum rd In awry Ilmry mhool am back to studio mix1 ha on Oct Space Problem Caused By Fire At Workshop M119 trnlnm Al the Shellmd 011 AND NEW FRIENDS MEETBS SCHOOL YEAR BEGINS an lha hulldlnz locum Dunlap 5L mey 51 um um dun la Imuku and err damnm Thu Hm ormnax ed In Hm Mlic hut waler len IIEI lmknd Hannah Hm mu lhv lmLLmrnl ncrnnllnu whim dlmhr Nu Hum Hnnhln who llllxl lmlnm wlYl In ullu In nMdnL wnll pallrnlly lo mum lo work nnwrvhnn am my mlvnulng much onlqu allowing rim 1an Wu nudny mulling In 05000 hmngo We wlll not lya nMa lo mm wlm mo mnk load um wwk wt hope to contlnue nnrmnl ou mlhnl next Wï¬k mum wn will b0 llmllcd minding mace MIL llnnkln Inld SM mde It wme nmna huh lvr In all lhln wllh mulcnl Imnumml hum Kmanl Gullnu 1km oII mm er 1mm or you Me mm Ian mm the wmd yum IikL Dunlap IL Bo Swinger This Your AI School Along with mpcrvhm Mn lllyllu Juhmlnn Mn rule Slilntl nml Ml Shrry my Mn llankln 11 nlltmpilng lodcu mlllnd rxnclly Mm and much dmnnxo wnn Inlllrlnl good dcnl wmk Um lrnhms lmd 11me curmule Im horn Inmle Imt Mn Hank MM um dld not knvw In what ulrnt flu vmrdml mm Tunmm who WM mum In In Invungnle llu caun ha lire hm yrl la main mm Tln liw mnr dull wm mum in Mlnr It wm lenrnrd llml mail In hm brukm am In day Wm This In Um wnrhhtvpl lnulul hm the you according lo ho hulldlnu be In mu ngnlm The mnllrr rm In the hands ol hc Insurance mumb th MW KEENHNS MUSIC INN Iil nu Fhsi WHIIZ of Um llnxflo An My for me In 50mm mu ho hvfd Mmhy Inn in Um public Lhmry maxim Un Onlnrlo Strkly cl Artists will mm nlhyr nridrhm rl wmk Id mm mm In dunu dvlnnn Um wmmtr Mr hm Mn Im Muln mu mimry in Klidmwr uh muly mumul tln km 1m his cm nl KiLnlmm mm turnlm thL and Mmflm nu unrumd MW um ur hm umnplm ol Uwir mum vfImu In mmimb Mn llnnkln The nnrrle Ex lanlun nl hkh diqday mum up lvmhnnn mu mum pm hmm lrlrhmllï¬nl ma Just umxml Iln rmwr Art Club To Meet At City Library ADVANCE TV VACUUM SERVICE NEW mm FIFTH llll Mulrnlor 710M IS YOUR TV DRIVING YOU CRAZY Jun call six more maul to bring the maxim up to skungth 0mm Graham Dixon huh ha ofï¬cer said Oh had been good uncut cit lirsk par ade last night and Lhat training plan were almost compkéed Ngzmenm mining canton ence ls slated Ear 013 Sunday at the Barrio mm The 01mm wockmd an rrrmmmd cows mllma whom tmljan wfllbo held at mur M11 bérbcddédflnrt um camp Mm lralnlng or nntlonal ml will be camod MIL In October mgimcrrtal pat ndo will be hold at headquarter in Owen Sound and in Nomn bu an murmured mining week ranges In Mmlmd Amm Io om Dbmn them win be ï¬ve parades month end msdny and one Sunday per meh Sunday pmdes will be or old twining pi 11 5M Tho US nlnndnrd ound wright nplnllnum both ncvcr lnuchnd by human hand bgcnuso lqscwrlnl mllhl nllcr 11 Mth Good Turnout As Foresters Start Training Grgy find Simmo Form Classiï¬cation mud nmu PRESERVE llll POUND mi $154 WI lull Klmlc hm lIhry lndulll LOAF DATE and NUT lAKEVIEW mm SPECIAL Thu Ind Frl ONLYI RFMAUMNT SPECIAL Snvu 10c Alum monarle nukeauumm mm mmiooflkvdflnNmmfl Drmfoynmtmlau swaths hasbcenmswmhbuslm Agecmsedbymmnm New Gwrzelnmrmmdtha Earliv drive 11de was smuuauscdbylmanl Mumkm nn mmbm hmutlmthmumhmibmn wulian hum mlmmsmrym BMrcstumlme laced mpmlmuwm m1 84mm or so Amdml Mr 1mm IN Intmmnfly 1m mix man that perhaps We donL who it has been Una year since Mr last AmadoI The dink estkmm the 1400 these donors amid came back the other hath moved away shown 00 0141 nrd um km yoar mm 13mm EXMHNER WEDNESDAY sum 1m Inlmduclion dgpuiinn poli iicsriu high schwlx would have the snppflit of Barrie Second School Superintendent Ramany Mr Ramsay ma it would aim ply bn an extension history courses already dealing with lhd whiten and definitely help the xtndenis No Labor Shoï¬age After Students Return To School Youth organizer ol our Merv 8iqu will join hand thLI Of Partisan Politics RED CROSS it gauged bythe ï¬nch Mule um don CITY NEWS Contact Donors For Next Clinic Fold ll Ionalhwlu Put II ovm you um Tic knol In ll lull In mp0 at you neck Now youu mdv Nave combed pour In one ulnu my mm Ihm inc Cnnudlln wlnol In nnolhol lnl hlm rouvlhu me mom or compmblo mpomd wna coluno Men much or man Tuna Now whlch In Dvluhm For lull nNuomwMN V7 WW mamaM moun mm ml om dunimvlW rEngflts WW WW1 0° ObSecflvodmh $350 Vpinisothdom OllthOOpMnod Rise Mflmmmlymmflm mmmstdulaqmwm havetobemade upduinhe newdomu mumm lond evavwar mmm Ingmthaï¬m Workhxzmmhdmcwiflbe SSquncemfmmBmï¬am nmemswcrmlmnlb Mi mm mm to enlamleptwesslngmmpcr Mmmdmï¬mimw mmbemmkplmedbya theeolmvohum llll In campaign brlnu par ty mum to hllhjohwh cross themuntryu min Wm be mounted in ï¬lm Ice mm unofï¬cial ban In some regions will coincide with nuawedmenmts lg Pmuament to reduce an vot In an to IE While high school politics would need collezlnte board awrova WW not be opposed by the immendem Our wuan 1m JACKS BUOK 510m mm mm owe Buy Sell Trade ESSA ROAD Used Books cldml Chumpgm ConIn Mu chum rm my dinnu ï¬ll occuium welllly Wlddlngltnd mnium Mm lavumiu mnv cannuln um An will win at oulllwllnu maul Imllhnl mm Allthwhiu Wlnllul nu UNLWMMiIthwLWhHI mun IllldI Pmldmt Ion ammuth dam Mm Mm Imu tum um dunner mlacnl llumy Idul Wm dinnm wllh mm mm mvammt lmld nl hm Dry my dorku MM Mal Implm ondvmn lmm all who Ivy II Wu Huh mm mun 10d Wnes go==g PUBLIC I1 mm The was loundcd In May 1965 to coordinate certain youth nclel ï¬le by In our panics Each party hns thrcu representnlivn on the council which meets ev ery two mnnlhs on tho average would help the students know what its all about whm they ranch an age whem Iould be at value to lhe country Thu Canadian Political Youth Onuncll new nrganlzallon grouping 12 member at the stu dent wings of our parties Tllel day Inna uncad its whole hearted support for pnrusan llllcnlt club in he huh Ichools ihu council members Ll era Conservative New Demo cratic and Social Credit azneed at lide mm in Ottawa to alert Ournnwns pm mre to gain acceptance of the clubs The organizers plan to lobby principals lnxslncs and other school oliiclalsi Although political clubs are commnnpince at colleges and univernilins they have met oi llclni resistance and limited abu dcnt interest in high schools mm an such club barred mm the high school and Premier Joseph Smaliwood is strongly opposed In themiSome high schoni club have been harmed in Newinund land and in six oihcr provinces Nova Scnlia New Brunswick Quebec Ontarin Alberta and British Columbia In Ontario the teenage poll Uclnm nru largely conï¬ned to Metropolitan Toronto and are frowned an by school author lle elsewhere party sources say Alan SmIth chaIrmnn of the youth ceundI said In state ment teenagers are better In formed and more Interested In the paIitIcnI process than ever beIorer dcflnlta need ha been proven In It area due la the Interest demonstrated across the country by tho hIgh school stgdent themeIves exists around political activity he said SOME CLUBS FORMED =0=1 SinIn Friday Sep Iembcr WI In responsu luvnnmmn nquub lhc chlldnnl deput men the Pub hnry will hn npen nn Fridly evenlnzl lrom 100 In 900