mid Mllhnlm mm pmvlo Hymn am ley havo puner Um Ilmc tlmk on 1an nhhl Inm mmlnx vrIX ll sirI rally and lhll mman or flu annr Minn wukcnd Imu Ue ha IUlMflL Thu mun Mxmny Sunday mum mwlmly In hho IUM mu mom Um driven rth mm to Tomnm from he ml lnuu muulry ln Corporal Hmyl pinion Mm llflnq un MI wmkemi driver and mumgm Illko nm bumd Lv be Mary and Unix oflrn mum in mlr ham he uld Squrnlmu 11 um ho mid lmllmuvu the nullth munmnu drlvlnï¬ today nnvl Mn nUNuldo ll Infloclcd in MI driving Many min uh mr my umo ul raffle In Barrie especially the downtown um Inmaer wnsldcmbly on Satur dny monllng to Cpl Derry whn NM 1M mm tcr 55 unlnyu Mavy all In Ontario thmkry conun wl to show Hahn number of accident than any other day the wuk Mo mm 1M dr hnlr down once may haw revolved Ilwlc mlnr let la easy know Mum Friday pm ha 2erwa by um squealan of lifts and 011m lymrmxm Carolus drMnu he mmrkal Continent with previous years Frldny Saturday and Sunday noddmu throughout the rov lnca have mounud or ma pomnma com mlsham In 1065 56 per rem bl Mal not dmu wm mmzd an thaw Hum daw Friday mm nue to man most molar vdflclo nc ddmta in the city bmnusm ac cording Bmdel may Ollie cr mu thww mom to the finds Motorists MoreCareless On Friday Evenings 7266474 Dmryh Dame HERTZ ROYAL VILIORIA Regional School of Nurslnz opened Tuw day with reception at Lald law lusldcnce ABOVE Dlnno Blmln Harris flan the re 43 Em Rand CAR RENTA Phone nmmmf SCHOOL 05 Nunsme arms Amatan pin mtm hlIVI born hmmlm Kmmvlow nul summ nlcn he ILHHIHnn loyal Ilnlnnknl Gardch will mklrm ho nuncunt IXI WM lo vim or kMennlnlJ LAll TIRE Barflo rm Dopnnmmt rc portcd cor Ara the corner Burma and and Hayï¬eld pm yuicnlay Flm was confined ml the hay nmo wn no mlmm of dam nur Nn ler Hm mm wml to cliy yummy MIILTINU TONIGHT Hmrlu lrnrtlmlluml Suddy hold an Mn muting pm Lust yearl Inlnl enrollment on lho lnmo dnlo wnl 3715 Ilu denll fur klnderznrlm lhrouih xrndn dam Tulnl cnrallmcnt day lchoul was nlcrl umonu mu Ichnolx Thls your thorn mo 50 chll dren rcgislerrd In klndcrznrlen an Increase of 16 am lnal yenrl tlgures Public school reglstmllom are up his year ntcnrdinl lolhz urc rclcucd lndny by he nur qu11 School Board BARBIE SCHOOLS study At left ll teacher Mn Dnvld Ladkln nmow Rob ert Allen nnavcrton ï¬rst man ever to study nurslnl In BanXe mks with ellvw Ilu 13kg nub fluted lye cl Trnmpomllon for am who Mn dwrth Hum SEPT II II 230 PM at WY CBMMUNITY HALL BURTON AVE CHURCH CflNGBEGATIllNM PICNIC Slight Increase In Registration IIOWLINU HESUAHSS LOCAL AND GENERAL EVERYONE WELCpr unitm um 3375 young nlno puhllc 10 be hold IlMHrMbm mm diam an will be held the uni 01 Sept 111mm llaapmnnd1loom in WIOMlhanwfllh wm fur palm durlnl flu well or 19mm Inlw rm knl nimmiul 1w beam wow II My MlnuuArlt um um mm In All mm AWARDED CONTRACT loony Comtmdlon ol Dublln Onlarkl hm hm awarded on lnm No mo at rmllng armnago gander bnu m1 pMnl Md mm Illn wny we St Vsz sum my down In Dorm SL Jouyhl Scpurnln Hull Schoo repuru 165 Imrnllom MI year In Inclme all 40 over the pmlam year Compleln mm at In enl Iczlltu will be ready unul lha end Ihe week becnuu expected lull ranlnlrnrlonl Enrrlu Separate School Bond regillnllonl tor and Ichool an up 77 over last yml total 759 Reublrallan Ilium lm thu colicalum urn 1m Iludenll in Conlrgl nnd MW at Nnrlh den Elluboih Amiey nl Elm vnie Participating in tha alumni school In homimil Aliklon 01 burn Collin yood mum Mi and Ind Birds Examiner Photos SWIM ClMKlZl 335 expedient medlala oonlmL mm $533 Iy wptrv an ylcmmlw lmlmlonj whldl mm mum at Canadian General Electric 1n Barrie expoMm Mumm mauso mcm mum leader The mm wfll be limited to pmklpantl and to oblabl tho mu pmpccflvo an lhe woman lo bo dlxcuxml Um Irma pmlclpatlnu will be led 1m Dupervlwu pu ulna Noamvar oouru Maury will be offend mu ha new your OBJECTIVE The hula obkdlvu in mm are lmpnm the nblllly the panic In lncrmlnl Lha prvdndlvty than rumu Lha pmdndlvky ham rumu KM organization mm Uni my nml In mum with the On Deparunem of Education the Barrie dumber ol Dom nm 13 alien1n cum Un an AM taxation and allu lec Axpcrvialm both which g1 colmum mldSepum wan vaflivlpwm restrided 00 mm and opemtm of Inca ménby kme Ihl bozimln Nuday Sept ed at the Domini Fred Gram The seminar has been pm ed by whims of Maw MawA mxmn dual Wm of labor No prior my training qulrod to tako the course which II Swim to help MM nnd mum make decisions that Mil immoch 01d mum Rn andd Minn As well us take mm Nimble oppor lunltka lu uture Invenmmu 10le COVERED Ilqph cotgod hgqlude deter mlnlng wmldnl caplul dumb your long caplul uqulummu mm you lease or buyl ullng hava In ymxr llnanclng plnnnlm or lnvulmcnll plan nlng for home Lax mvlnnl and am planning The cllocflvo Iupcrvlslm mum pmparad by lnduslrl nl manager of the dopanmcm of oduonlkn lI aliend to mlHun Rpmlam of hourly pnld cm VWWJobcihSqflJI will be mnductod under lhu Emma 01 nobcnfloclhgm ma NLWnan 1mm Arronmotorcycle colllllbn wan reported at Ecclu and Donald a1n The mowrcyclr operated by Paul Brawn 11 01 Shirley 5L luxtalned $15 damnlo whlla lhc vehicle drlven by Robert Wayna Smith 11 25 Florence EL ggqud dpmnxg Cpnsl Can involved were drivan by Bartholomew Zwun or Soulhview Rd Mineil Point Ind Barbm Ann McBride 23 of 14 Eumin St Investigating oiilcu Conn DouzJunn who ulimaicd damn $400 char aed mm with tailing to yield right of wny mishap occurred at 114 aim 7113 Air milk cumm cl 500 to 330pm AT THE Trinin Parish Hall Elva motor vehicle accident wm repomd 1n the area yu urdny mulum In damage ll ma qverï¬ooNo mloul vaguluuvmjumlned Imolhy Drunk 1m Binlo received abrasion to hll Up and 19 cheek alter the In which he was riding we Involvad In column on Bur Avqnuu at Mllbum ï¬t nm 11mm uwwufwnommv Courses Planned For Businessmen BLOOD DONOR CLINIC MONDAY SEPT 12 Five Acécidents Miner Injuries cIrYJVIWS 350 DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED 7284134 MmMr ov Burl Unmd Appul CANADIAN RED CROSS 190 to 3qu pm era nrpllcabllny of baslc principu ensum that me 0mm can make poaltlve con tmzuuél on the mama Dorm larger ï¬rm as mu as he Wmmgm mu mummies Son ol the superer nduco the walk human mamla plant and ï¬nancial WE reduce hm work and matefln meat and Improve the modvu gum cllmm of flu nrzaplu The came material dalm admowuabroaduzmemol WWILWW Elggrmgmg ldenï¬ly we lync MIdllEflSON VIN president And xmnl minu cr mm Rule Ccrnpnny Canada In nnrrle wu clcclcd compunyl board directors at rm annull Ahmholdm mum The mhhap which occurred on Highway 11 lho HUI Con cuuim of 1mm Township wax Investigated by Conn McGlymL Na charlu were lnId Thu truck owned by Wuul Clunerl wax driven by Gerald Wllkle 200 St Lawrence SL Drillln No charge were laid by grovlnclal polka cannabis nu Crawmd truck rolled out on Elih wny 11 ourtenth olxl mile south Iha an concequn 01 On Towmhip 108 pm xe minim 33W damn lacond onwahlde Accident wax reported at 1155 am Int volvlnu Tlrnck mted by in ydlgr tbmd l7 Cm drlven by Mllton John Emma 59 RE Slrwd and sum Howe Palm 45 Ram 52 mm Involved In calllslon an Wellington It Dgnuld s1 It 1025 mm Dumnn wu estimated 100 and no chnrwwara lald nccordln to hwutlmlnz ol cherCanuL Jan m1 Fromm Cam In nml oulu mu In 11 Im hm Muml Aimnil Inn Cl flu AUTO INSURANCE can Ila 0mm Inmyuuh mu DIRECTOR Show 11 sponsored by Colller United Chumh Women and future dLsplny at early Can adann 12thth by local antique deal and cullcctnrl will be Ibown First Annual Harrie Anllque nhow will be held Sept 15 from lo pm at Fellwship Hill Comer United 0mm Antique Show September 15 preview 10 the an nunl Barrie Anthue Show there la dlsplny Canadlan enllquts on vlew at the Barrln publlc library in the Adult 90 llon Shmvn he an rew lng caddy and various vases wt na books dealing wllh the Mary chlnn and an thues The thaw wlll be held at Mlle Street United lurch Fellowship Hall on Sept 15 mm 10 pm ANTIQUE DISPLAY RT BARBIE PUBLIC LIBRARY cu PASSENGER SERVICE are operating between Toronto Ont Montreal Ottawa Guelph Kitchener Strafford Hamlllon London Surnla Chlcugo Barrio Nonh Bay Sudbury Wlnnlpoq Vancouver CANADIAN NATIONAL PASSENGER TRAINS CANADIAN NATIONAI For further dolalls cnll CN Trains Information Please brlng or mail complete Tux Notice with your payment Waid Sep Business Tue September 7111 1566 Property Tnxc 1966 FINAL CITY TAX INSTALMENT IS DUE BY NOTICE of to or L1 Ward Ward Sqrtember nth Wm 4291 September um mi September 16th was City Tmmr Jam